• long running

Free to Watch - Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom @ YouTube


You will need to turn on English subtitles as documentary is in Ukrainian.

Source -

Netflix has just put a full documentary on YouTube, making Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom available free to anyone interested in understanding the Russia-Ukraine war. The move came late on Friday, just as Russia announced a new fake news law meant to hinder dissent in the country. Anyone disseminating news about the war — including calling it a “war” — will face up to 15 years in jail. That includes members of the press who do not serve the authoritarian regime in the country.

Separately, Russia has blocked parts of the internet in the county. That means many people in Russia are not able to watch Winter on Fire, even though you can stream the entire documentary for free on YouTube. But everyone else in the world can watch it in full for free on YouTube. The documentary will help you understand where Ukraine’s desire for freedom comes from and what kind of people are fighting Putin’s army.

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    • +2

      It's good to meet you, Mr Sasha Gillies-Lekakis.

  • +3

    Putin is a war monger clown like Biden and Trump.
    But Ukrainians are terribly racist by the looks of it.


    Actually, these international students contribute a lot to their economy or rather were. Most pay out of state tuition fees. But their treatment has been abhorrent and deliberately racist.

    • How to hell is Trump, the only US president to not attack a country in like 50 years a "war monger"? Get off the MSM coolaid.

      • +2

        Wow here come the Trump supporters. He almost started a war with Iran by killing a general.

        However terrible he was, extra judicial killings is crossing a step and many US soldiers know that first hand suffering from life long ill effects of Iranian missiles slamming into their bases in retaliation. Meanwhile, the general's deputies are carrying on as if nothing happened.

        Trump also supports Putin and called him a genius for this illegal invasion. Thats being a war monger. Cheers.

        • +1

          Biden can't even stay awake.

          Trump the greatest US president ever.

        • +3

          Well then he's the most peaceful warmonger president in recent history.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Fair enough. Yes and surely better than Biden (And I hate Trump and his GOP).

  • +1


    Why Ukraine is West's fault….interesting lecture 6 years ago.

  • +4

    Seems like Netflix wants audiences to believe that it’s the Russian who wants to put the nukes in Ukraine instead of NATO.
    The war would never happen once Ukraine agrees on not try to be a member of NATO. It is that simple.

  • -1

    Great neg ratio on this.

    • +2

      Roughly 1:4 all along

    • A short documentary on how the citizens of a sovereign nation rose up to oust one of Putin's puppets sure brought the 50 ruble Krembots out of the woodwork.

  • +4

    don't know how to break it to you guys but Russia is winning and they will have the Ukraine. Nato will not send in backup unless the Ukraine is part of Nato. Of which they are not. No one will defend the Ukraine with fear of a nuclear attack from Russia. And Russians aren't pussies they will do what ever it takes to win. No matter the cost of lives. So no amount of Sancation's in the world will ever stop them. The only way to stop them is through force.

    • +1

      Where did Ukraine nuclear weapons go?

      Upon Ukraine's 1991 independence, over 1,700 Soviet nuclear weapons were left on its territory. Ukraine never possessed operational control of the weapons, and all were removed to Russia under a 1994 agreement in exchange for security assurances.

      Nice dealings by them .

      • +1

        Yeah, Ukraine probably shouldn't have pushed for NATO membership if they wanted security assurances.

      • You realize part of that agreement was that Ukraine would never join Nato or any organisation like it, right………. right ?

  • +1

    Gm fam,

    Breaking News 🇷🇺 can soon pay for things using a payment network provided by their close ally 🇨🇳.

    NEW - VISA, Mastercard ban: Russian banks rush to switch to the Chinese card system #Unionpay, the second-largest and fastest-growing global credit card network.

    https://t.co/peBIaCajhE https://t.co/tJJYceFT3d

    Visa and MC just lost 140M. More users will follow when they see the duopoly's blunder.

    • +2

      Thats a good move. India already moving to RuPay. Happy to see anything that reduces $ dominance and US big brother attitude.

      • I recall India removing notes and a lot of people got caught with them especially the poor.
        I wouldn't go near any of the current dictator's crap .

        • +2

          People who use government-issued fiat money have no choice.

          Trudeau froze people's bank accounts without due process just like his father did back in the day. If that can happen in a Commonwealth then it can happen anywhere.

        • +2

          Y3s, govt did that but it actually helped the electronic payment revolution there, that too with in-house developed solution.

      • Is RuPay the official currency of RuPaul?

  • +1

    The sanctions are working.

    nah it's a wrap for biden in 2024 https://t.co/G558IdC6qQ

  • The United States said Tuesday it was working with Ukraine to prevent invading Russian forces from seizing biological research material amid concern governments or unscrupulous actors might try to use such items to create bioweapons.
    “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of,” senior State Department official Victoria Nuland told US lawmakers at a hearing when asked directly whether Ukraine has bioweapons.


    saw this today.. the irony when bio weapons was one of the reasons for the Iraq war that the US are now looking to help Ukraine protect

    • The ironic part is when Iraq dictator used biological weapons on the Kurds. True story.

      • The only chemical weapons used in Iraq were by the American's against the Iraqi's.


        Actual true story.

        • You obviously didn't get the memo. Saddam used mustard gas and nerve agents on innocent civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halabja_massacre

          5,000 dead. 10,000 casualties.

          Also, can you stop being a mouth piece for murderous tyranny? Do you understand that Russia is firing bombs and mortars at residential buildings in Ukraine and thousands of innocent civilians have already died? Do you get that women and children are being killed in the hundreds if not thousands by Russian soldiers?

          Do you even comprehend that Putin is threatening Australia and the rest of the world with nuclear weapons right now? How far gone are you, really?

  • Community on ozb is a lot more toxic than I thought.

  • +3

    I don't like how modern media virtue signals at the drop of a hat like this. I don't see outrage at the USA continually bombing in far away countries. On average, the US has dropped 46 bombs PER DAY on other countries over the last 10 years. Amazing when put in perspective… https://progressive.org/latest/usa-bombs-drop-benjamin-davie…

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