• long running

Free to Watch - Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom @ YouTube


You will need to turn on English subtitles as documentary is in Ukrainian.

Source -

Netflix has just put a full documentary on YouTube, making Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom available free to anyone interested in understanding the Russia-Ukraine war. The move came late on Friday, just as Russia announced a new fake news law meant to hinder dissent in the country. Anyone disseminating news about the war — including calling it a “war” — will face up to 15 years in jail. That includes members of the press who do not serve the authoritarian regime in the country.

Separately, Russia has blocked parts of the internet in the county. That means many people in Russia are not able to watch Winter on Fire, even though you can stream the entire documentary for free on YouTube. But everyone else in the world can watch it in full for free on YouTube. The documentary will help you understand where Ukraine’s desire for freedom comes from and what kind of people are fighting Putin’s army.

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          • @[Deactivated]: This somehow makes a Russian invasion now ok? whats the point youre trying to make

            • +3

              @bazzak: My point is the stupid double standards. Everyone's crying and changing their profile photos to support Ukraine yet barely anyone gave a shit about Western invasions. People cheer when Russian soldiers are killed, people absolutely loathe Putin, but these behaviours are extremely uncommon when the west is the aggressor.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Didn't the USA also mess with Australia and had Gough Whitlam removed?

        • Is there a reason why the Muslim world pays a lot of attention to Palestine but not to Eastern Muslims like Rohingya or Uyghurs (Xinjiang)

          • -1

            @bazzak: Maybe, just maybe, because the Muslim world sees the western propaganda and isn't buying it? use some critical thinking buddy

            • @mengqing: sure mate its all fake news - fake western footage

      • +3

        Population wise that surely has to be more than half of the world's population living in those countries.

      • +6

        Who cares about these people, they don't have blue eyes and blonde hair.

  • +12

    i just want objective news 😭

    • +7

      Not for the Ukraine invasion. Both sides are lying through their teeth to win a propaganda war, while innocent civilians suffer. Sigh.

      • +4

        But the Ukraine is defending its country from a much larger aggressor..

        • +14

          With half their army consisting of Neo Nazi's (Azov) that had put a lot of aggression on Russian people living in Eastern Ukraine for years to the degree that "Amnesty International" (lol) have even reported about it.


          They're very quiet now all of this stuff has happened and no one is bringing it up in the Western Media anymore.

          Mind you - don't get me wrong. I don't agree with Putin's invasion at all. Only innocent civilians will suffer the casualties here.

          • +7

            @bchliu: Azov has been unbanned from Facebook, because the enemy of my enemy and all that.

          • +3

            @bchliu: Its a pretty sad and disgraceful history, to put into perspective even the US introduced a bill banning funding to Ukraine going to Azov in 2018, previously the ban had been blocked in congress, so even the US is well aware of them and what they were doing..

  • +21

    If I upload a video about war to YouTube, can I make an ozbargain post too?

    • +16

      Going to start linking pornhub videos

    • +6

      Agreed. This is a video posted on YouTube.

      Putting aside whether or not you agree with the content, it is not a "bargain".

      What is the usual price for a political documentary on YouTube?

  • +31

    the same or even worse thing happens everyday on some middle eastern countries, but no one mentioned that.

    • +16

      They are not white enough for the media though.


    • +5

      The most similar event would be Yougoslavia.

    • -4

      In the middle east a fair bit of the time it is an Islamic revolution and civil war - not 1 existing country invading and occupying another.

      • +13

        What are you on… The US invaded and occupied them.

        • +8

          The US and allies, including Australia.

          • +12

            @Miss B: Russia too. Everyone always conveniently leaves Russia out when talking about imperialist powers in the middle east.

            • +6

              @subywagon: I'm just surprised everyone seems to have forgotten that Australia invaded these countries too.

              • +2

                @Miss B: We all remembered back in the day. We had massive protests about Australia's involvement. I think in general people don't know much about the world these days due to the decline in quality and centralisation of information.

              • -2

                @Miss B: Have you forgotten what Osama did in 9/11 that sparked the invasion of Afghanistan?

                • +2

                  @TheCandyMan2020: Wasn't commenting on whether the war for oil was legit, just people's collective amnesia about Australia's involvement.

    • +3

      While I do agree with you but what's the point in saying that? Are you trying to say people should also just not care?

    • It's covered on ABC24 every single night. Well when ABC24 switches to the Al Jazeera feed anyway.

  • +38

    Where was everyone's outcry and sanctions against the US when they invaded middle eastern countries. Innocent civilians; women and chilren were killed too. How come no one supported them.

    • +7

      Where was everyone's outcry and sanctions against the US 

      And allies, such as Australia

      • +4

        There were many protests, many doubted reasons for invading Iraq; difference is in a country like Australia, you’re typically free to protest, try that in Russia, China or Iran..

        • +4

          Sure, we can protest to our heart's content and we know the government will still go ahead and invade other countries anyway.

          • @Miss B: So what do you propose?

          • @Miss B: Or are you just complaining for the sake of complaining?

            • @sildosaggins: You seem a bit obsessed. I'll respond so you don't have to keep coming back and commenting. I just don't understand what cryptos' point is.. if people can't protest there should be sanctions against them, but not if they can protest? Either way it's up to the government if one's country invades another or not and they don't take into consideration the will of the people.

              My initial comment was just that it's not just the US, Australia was also involved in the invasions, so if they want sanctions against the US they should equally want them against Australia.

              • +1

                @Miss B: It was a simple question really, and simple to see what cryptos' comment is getting at. There were people that protested against things that the US did to show that they disapprove. We also have the option to protest Australia's involvement in foreign affairs, and we can vote. Yet you clearly think that's not good enough because "the government will still go ahead … anyway". So what do you propose then? Instead of complaining on an internet forum, what is your solution?

                No need to get offended. I just find it funny how people like you will spout opinions like you have without proposing any solutions and ignoring anyone questioning you. Hence "complaining for the sake of complaining".

                • @sildosaggins: Unless the sanctions have nothing to do with the war, then it doesn't make sense that sanctions only apply because people were not allowed to protest.

                  Sanctions because people are not allowed to protest, independent of war, sure.
                  Sanctions because of a country starting a war they shouldn't, sure.

                  But starting a war they shouldn't and people not being allowed to protest = sanctions
                  Starting a war they shouldn't despite protests = no sanctions

                  Doesn't make a lot of sense, if it was because people are not allowed to protest, why wait for a war?

                  I assumed no one is stupid enough to be saying it's because sanctions punish the people, because obviously no one thinks that people who aren't allowed to protest should be punished for it. So it's not a simple argument of people in one country protested while in the other country they didn't. If I overestimated people's intelligence, I apologise.

                  I'm sure you'll still complain about me complaining when my point was merely that cryptos' point was irrelevant.

                  • +1

                    @Miss B: How is his point irrelevant in this context? He didn't even mention anything regarding sanctions. He was responding to a specific part of the original comment which was asking "where was everyone's outcry". So in response he commented about the protests that people held against the US, to show that there was indeed an outcry…

                    Then I jumped in after you complained about our government doing whatever it wants against the "will of the people". Firstly, the "will of the people" is subjective and our country is not completely united on these issues (which is self-evident). Secondly, what do you plan to do about that besides complain?

                    Neither of us were talking about sanctions in the first place lol.

                    • @sildosaggins: Fair enough, I'd forgotten about the outcry part, as I said my original comment was only why are people banging on about the US when Australia was invading other countries too? I just don't understand how people have forgotten so quickly that Australia was invading these countries too.

                      I agree, there was plenty of outcry directed at the US, which also should have been directed at Australia and was in some small part.

                      I would stand by my comment that cryptos' comment is irrelevant though, even more so actually, what does being allowed to protest or not come into outcry in other countries? Which is probably why I assumed they must somehow think it's relevant to sanctions.

                      You might have forgotten, but it was clear that Australians did not want Australia invading Iraq. Polls showed over 90% didn't support it, even if they were out by a bit, there was never a question that the majority of Australians did not support the war. So yes, Australia invaded another country against the will of the people. This is not an opinion, it's a statement of fact.

                      Anyway, I explained my comments already and I think it's best I leave it here as I don't think this is going anywhere. I'm sorry that I've clearly hit some nerve and you can't let go of my statement of fact, I hope you can move past this. I won't be responding to you again.

                      • +1

                        @Miss B: Your reply was going so well, then it abruptly went downhill. The ability to protest was not the point, it's the fact that there were protests. This equates to an outcry. Therefore, his statement is completely relevant. As you mentioned, it was your lack of comprehension that led to this misunderstanding.

                        Now you're quoting percentages with no legitimate sources (which makes it irrelevant) and claiming it as fact. Even if it is true, you're associating these percentages from the Iraq war with every single decision the Australian government will ever make relating to foreign affairs. Which is utterly ridiculous. Public opinion changes, and it's very clearly divided on the subject of Ukraine. Moreover, the question still remains. What are you gonna do about it? Complain some more lol? People like you are all bark no bite.

                        The irony here is that you thought you had "overestimated people's intelligence" when you clearly overestimated your own. And judging from the way you weave insults into every comment and got so defensive over a question, you're also clearly lacking emotional intelligence too. I agree with your decision, it's time for you to take a break.

        • +2

          Doesn't matter. Our Govt's action is at the collective level our action as well. Australia's hands are covered with those innocent's blood - still dripping. It was a good chance for US and so called Samaritan West to get involved and initiate the peace talks, stop expanding NATO. It was all that needed to stop this bloody war that we see now. This was avoidable and we could have saved lives. :(

    • +2


    • +2


    • +3

      Tens of millions of people protested against the Iraq war globally and there was massive outcry, just not from out politicians.

      You're right though, there should have been sanctions. IMO all the stuff happening to Russia right now should be standard for any invading country. You want to attack someone, your populace goes without banking services, tech services and the like for a while. Might make some countries think twice about this kind of rubbish "freedom" they're delivering.

      • That's just all talks and no actions. How about all these sanctions be placed on US and NATO right now for the atrocities they've done for the past years? Cutting off USA from SWIFT would be a good start

        • If you cut off everyone who committed any kind of past atrocity you may as well just turn SWIFT off permanently.

          I'm fine with starting with Russia's bullshit war, applying it to everyone funding/involved in the Tigray war then going forward from there.

    • I was walking down the street yesterday and heard some screams in the distance. I ran as fast as I could towards the noise to see what was happening and was shocked to see a man assaulting a woman in broad daylight. I ran up to him and told him to stop what he was doing, but was met with a reply I had no response to. He said "So what? Thousands of people are assaulted every day! Why don't you say anything about those, you hypocrite!" and at that moment I knew I had overstepped my boundaries by trying to interlope and promptly apologized and left him to his business.

      • False analogy.

        The difference is that those thousands of assaults happen without you witnessing them.

        If you do see two identical assaults by two different people and decide to criticise one of them only and turn a blind eye to the other, then yes you are a hypocrite.

        • -1

          What analogy? I am just recalling a story from yesterday.

  • +27

    Free propaganda, cool!

    • +2

      Never paid for my propaganda before… Hope you didn't either! Loll

  • +1

    Russia limiting the threat of Ukraine joining NATO and taking her oil, using her gas pipelines to supply Europe. Another military ploy for monetary gains, like USA wars and China agreements with foreign nations.

  • +24

    Waiting for the documentary Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Kashmir, Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki on fire

    • +8

      It doesn't fit the US/western narrative/propaganda.

    • +1

      the memorial museum in hiroshima was a good visit in japan. catalogues the human suffering without much political spin.
      wars suck but some more than others depending on whether it fits with the dominant narrative

      • +2

        Only problem is - they never talk about the millions of Chinese, Koreans and other Asians that suffered / died under the Japanese Imperialism expansion either. Go to Nanjing and see the memorials there for another perspective.

        • +2

          i've been to that one also, isn't it interesting no one knows about nanjing when the casualities are significantly more than hiroshima, i guess there's no netflix documentaries on that because it's politically sensitive

          • +5

            @May4th: Respect man. You've been to both and always good to see both sides of the war. We all can agree there's no winners in any wars (other than those military supplier contracts).

          • +1

            @May4th: It's a difficult history… Nanjing was a site of experimental atrocity but it's never been officially recognised. When the US occupied Japan, they helped decide what Japan would recognise and go on trial for. There's also a narrative about the US benefiting from scientific progress at the expense of a piece of history being recognised, guess none of that history will ever be official so it's down to what side recognises what.

            • @D3m3ntia: Nanjing wasn't only just about the Japanese exploitation/experimentation of Chinese people, but was definitely war crimes and atrocity on par with the holocaust. Just look at these soldiers doing a scoreboard tally to see how many Chinese they can kill by the sword to see it goes beyond just experimentation:

              But absolutely agree with you about the US being the biggest benefactors from the human experimentation done by both the Nazis and Japanese during WW2. Being the biggest recruiter of German and Japanese war criminals and giving them amnesty from the Hague conventions.

    • +3

      Did you miss out on the opium wars, the various western trading companies and Japanese occupation of Manchuria? Why no love for China and what has shaped it into the state it's in

      • +2

        arent all chinese people brainwashed backward villagers or corrupt rich despots, at least that's what the movies tell me..

        • You forget there is a large population of Kung Fu fighting triads

          • @D3m3ntia: my mistake, how can I have forgotten. aren't they all born kung fu fighters anyway

    • Kashmir is not a country. It's India.
      And it was destroyed by Muslims

      • +3

        Yea I heard about the atrocities Indians commit in Kashmir. Rape and murder of civilians is a everyday norm there. Awful stuff. But not much different to what is happening in Palestine or China. Systemic genocide.

        • +1

          Then you have surely heard of the genocide commited by Muslims towards Hindus in Kashmir.
          How Muslims massacred the Hindu families and drove them out of Kashmir.

          • +3

            @Shazam1: Are you high mate ?
            The old israeli defence.
            The Palestinians deserve genocide because Jews came to the land first. Pathetic.
            Genocide past or present is wrong and you are a pos for supporting it.
            Just another fool blinded by nationalistic jingoism and propoganda.

            • +1

              @pompompom: Why?. I was just imparting some ground knowledge about my country to ignorant bots.

              Here let me help you understand it more from a cinematic view. https://youtu.be/Ohvkjd3kulo
              Do watch the movie when it is released, so that you are better equipped to comment on this topic.

              • @Shazam1: You do know that this video is created and published by an Indian channel ?
                Can you give me independent sources which are not riddled with propoganda.
                Either way even if there were atrocities committed by past generations, that does not mean that a nation has the grounds to commit genocide.
                There is a broad stroke here.
                Genocide = Bad

            • +1

              @pompompom: Civilians are being killed by Muslim terrorists in Kashmir.

              Simply parroting stuff that you hear form western corporate media, without knowing from the locals, speaks volumes of your smartness.

              • +2

                @Shazam1: Atleast I'm not parroting stuff from links posted by the aggressor nations patriotic channels that publish propoganda riddled content for support of their cause. It's like saying I post a link from a Russian patriotic website and support the war on Ukraine as legitimate excuse for the war. Which is what you are doing here.

                • +1

                  @pompompom: Do you see a war in India?
                  Do you see genocide in India?
                  Has India declared war on any nation?

                  What are you talking about.
                  I need to ask you the same question
                  Are you high mate?

                  • @Shazam1: Wow. The ignorance. I am guessing you are indian and your jingoism is evident.

                    Doesn't India have one of the biggest armes in the world. Isn't India nuclear capable ? What are they building all this power up for ? For cake parties and sunday barbeques ?

                    There is genocide in Kashmir as I already posted. This is acknowledged by the UN. You go on about some Muslim debate because it seems like you are racist and hate them for some reason.

                    Civilians, white or black, Muslim or not do not deserve systemic genocide in Kashmir, Middle east or any other place on the world.
                    Get your head out of your ass.

                  • -1

                    @Shazam1: Also here is the list of wars/conflicts India has been involved it. Around 30 or so since 1950. Just looked it up for you.


                    Just saw this aswell. Looks like you are all racist against Muslims as a national policy and as recent as 2020. Real eye opener. Another Israel in the making.


                    • +1

                      @pompompom: Racist much!!
                      It is futile to debate with an ignorant fool.
                      Before copy pasting Wikipedia links please have the common sense to read and go through the list.
                      The list of wars India is involved in was it defending itself.

                      And for your ignorant sorry ass.
                      The first Wikipedia link that comes up when you Google "Kashmir Genocide"

                      How conveniently you missed it.

                      • -1

                        @Shazam1: Because the result is displacement, not genocide compared to the thousands you support killing every year for racial biased cleansing. Do I need to look up the definitions of words for you as well you piece of shit racist.

                        And I quote "
                        Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus,[note 2] who are also called "Kashmiri Pandits", is the migration, especially en masse,". Happened in 1990 fyi incase you missed that too.

                        Maybe read the wars one again as well. Selective blindness is a miracle of the racists.

                    • +1

                      @pompompom: By your thought process all the countries who have achieved Nuclear capability are doing so to invade other countries.
                      India is the most populous country, and it is but natural that they have one of the largest armies. Where are you talking from? Use your pea sized brain before typing

                      • +1

                        @Shazam1: There is no correlation between population and army expenditure for a nation. A prime example is Russia, UK and Saudi Arabia. Get educated racist.

    • Um, Japan was invading much of the pacific; Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the consequences of that.. as terrible as they were, it was what they call a “World War”, Japan bombed Darwin..

      You would be driving reliable cars and eating sushi if the won!

  • +3

    Blonde hair and blue eyes get a lot of sympathy

    • "Look at these eyes, baby blue, baby just like yourself
      If they were brown, Shady'd lose, Shady sits on the shelf
      But Shady's cute, Shady knew Shady's dimples would help
      Make ladies swoon, baby (ooh, baby)
      Look at my sales"

  • -4

    The hell is with all the Russian bots commenting?

    • +3

      You sure the are all Russians? :)

      • -1

        I mean, I'm sure you're all also covid corspiracy nuts and into crypto as well.

    • +17

      Someone voicing their opinion, which might be different to yours, is automatically a bot?

      • +6

        No, people spouting Russian propaganda generally are though.

        • -1

          what russian propaganda?

          • +20

            @May4th: Russia are the real victims. It's all the wests fault. Putin is a hero trying to free an oppressed country from literal Nazis. Whataboutism etc etc.

            • +4
              • +9

                @Clear: There is so, so much more to this than a 2D map. There needs to be consideration that a map is flat, but the earth is not.

                One needs to consider the actual topography of Europe, specifically Russia and Ukraine (and since you brought it up from the reddit thread, the baltic countries), as well as how easy it is to defend against an attack from each country from the Russian point of view, to assess the validity of the 'National Security' argument put forth by Russia - and it's pretty darn compelling.

                In short:
                1) Sweden and Finland (who are 'neutral' between NATO and Russia) are the geographical buffer between Norway and Russia. It seems reasonable for Russia to ask the same of Ukraine (we can disagree on the merit or value of the point, but the logic is sound);
                2) It is possible for Russia to cut off and isolate the smaller Baltic countries should they be used as a staging ground for attack by controlling the Suwalki gap, which is sandwiched between Belarus and Russian controlled Kaliningrad. Therefore, those countries such as Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, even if they are NATO, pose a MUCH smaller military threat to Russia (and conversely, a big concern for NATO);
                3) On the other hand, Ukraine lies right in the European Plains (with the Carpathian mountains in the East). If Ukraine joins NATO, the theoretical line of defence for Russia (with no natural geographic protection) is very very large - around 2300 km. This video describes the geography much better than I can; and
                4) There are other political issues that Russia has with Ukraine which 'makes sense' for Russia to occupy (whether you or I agree or not - it makes sense from their perspective). The above video (one of the least biased piece I have come across) also goes into some of these issues

                One thing with these geographical features is that they are nothing new. Their relative benefits and weaknesses have been known to military strategists for centuries. Maybe their importance has declined slightly over time with the change in the way that warfare is conducted but sadly, Russia is proving that it still matters.

                I believe that Russia was the aggressor in this war, and for that I find their actions disagreeable. War is horrible. I also believe that NATO ('The West') has a large portion of the responsibility for pushing things to this state. In fact, I believe the US has been doing nothing but pour fuel on the fire. In my opinion, the US are happy for the Ukrainians to fight and die for their benefit and advance their cause (US has always been telling NATO partners to spend more on military - and US companies are more than happy to sell them arms and equipment), but for the rest of Europe, this is happening in their backyard and they are just trying not to get burnt too badly.

                TL:DR, this whole thing sucks, even if we can understand how we ended up here. I feel horrible for people who are suffering for the power plays of a few, from ALL sides of the political spectrum.

                • @Fiximol: Fiximol - Couldn't agree more.

                  I watched in disbelief that before the war started Biden adminstration keep saying "oh Putin is going to start a war, oh no he's undecided, wait he IS going to start a war" . If that's not putting fuel on fire I don't know what it is.

                  Take a step back we can see that the beneficiary is clearly USA:
                  - Sell more weapon to NATO country
                  - "Donate" weapon to Ukraine so Ukrainian can have all the casualty against Russia
                  - Weakens the Euro (and strengthen USD world dominance)
                  - And much much more (many people forget USA is also an oil exporter)

                  If people keep their mind open and consider the other side of argument they will realise it is not West = All good vs Putin = All evil.

                  Disclaimer: War is always bad, unnecessary life lost and broken families. My heart goes out to anyone that's affected.

            • +3

              @BigTime: i only see one or two putin apologists, most comments are quite balanced in seeing the media angles used to control the narrative. bottom line is all wars suck but some lives matter more than others, if you let it.

            • +11

              @BigTime: Can we just ban the people who don’t share my views on a particular topic.

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