• long running

Free to Watch - Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom @ YouTube


You will need to turn on English subtitles as documentary is in Ukrainian.

Source -

Netflix has just put a full documentary on YouTube, making Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom available free to anyone interested in understanding the Russia-Ukraine war. The move came late on Friday, just as Russia announced a new fake news law meant to hinder dissent in the country. Anyone disseminating news about the war — including calling it a “war” — will face up to 15 years in jail. That includes members of the press who do not serve the authoritarian regime in the country.

Separately, Russia has blocked parts of the internet in the county. That means many people in Russia are not able to watch Winter on Fire, even though you can stream the entire documentary for free on YouTube. But everyone else in the world can watch it in full for free on YouTube. The documentary will help you understand where Ukraine’s desire for freedom comes from and what kind of people are fighting Putin’s army.

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  • +7

    This isn’t a deal.

  • +11

    All hail the propaganda machine.

    This is forum material at best.

  • +7

    Tomorrow the USA decides to invade another country, all of you pro-USA guys will shut your mouth and say nothing. We won't also have the MSM 24/7 coverage like now.

    • When will petrol be normally priced?!?

      • +4

        This is a valid question as we are on OzBargain

  • +15

    Propaganda… just turn on your msm… it's full of Propaganda and fake news… so much has been debunked about this Ukraine war…

    I feel sorry for the Ukraines… they are just a pawn… their western installed government are using them as human shields… they are being used.

    • +6

      Look at this Russian bot. They are getting smarter, his account was created 10 years ago and he has 3000 comments.

      • +2

        Lol looks like people aren’t catching your sarcasm.

  • +16

    I had no idea OzBargain was so highly regarded among comrades of the Mother Country.
    Long live Soviet Russia hey comrades? Or is it Russian bots pushing their online rubbish in every forum they can?

    This comment section is an embarrassment, and the rubbish being typed is shameful.
    Russia is invading Ukraine. Fact. There is no "liberation", and Ukraine is not the aggressor here. Attempting to portray Russia as some kind of equal victim here is disgusting.

    No one can say the USA is innocent, but to use history as an excuse to poor behaviour is pathetic.
    The USA has waged war in the past, but I can't think of ONE example where the reasoning behind it was to subjugate the people to a dictatorship against their will.
    Have they won all the time? No. Have they done so without the prize of oil at the end of it? Of course not.

    But never have they invaded a country to take it as their own. Putin has lost the plot. He has delusions of grandeur and pines over a USSR that will never eventuate. You cannot subjugate people against their will for long. You cannot invade and expect to take a sovereign nation of 44 million people as your own.

    The world's mistake is tolerating this fool and allowing him to invade Ukraine in the first place. It sets a dangerous precedent for China going into Taiwan.

    • +8

      Re:But never have they invaded a country to take it as their own.

      How many governments had the west removed and installed?

      Lol… people here aren't justifying the invasion… they are blaming the stooges in the Ukraine government installed be the west. They poked the bear and it fought back.

      • +9


        A sovereign nation wanted to join NATO, as they should be free to choice of their own will.
        Putin doesn't want that independent nation making decisions, due to his own insecurities about an invasion that will never happen.

        The West didn't install anything. They had open and fair democratic elections and CHOSE their government.
        Putin is doing exactly what you are deriding… trying to remove an elected government by force.

        You aren't fooling anyone.

        • +7

          They had open and fair democratic elections and CHOSE their government.

          I wish I lived in your world

    • +2

      Embarrassment, rubbish, shameful? Funny how you can’t even contribute anything to the conversation without invading our opinions with insults

      • +8

        My opinion is just like yours apparently… insulting.

        The difference is only one of them is backed by facts, and here's a clue- it's not yours.

    • +1

      Lookup Ukraine opposition and you find out the dude been in house arrest for more than a year before the invasion .
      The shit coming out of the Ukraine Presidents mouth is making me sick and of course Russia is wrong invading .

      • +3

        It pisses me off how this little pip squeak is trying to start a world war for his own political gain. He is literally calling for the world to go to war. Anyone who supports him is also supporting a world war.

        • +8

          So you're blaming the guy being invaded by a superpower nation as the one 'starting a war'?

          Really? Seriously dude, who are you trying to kid?

  • +4


  • +13

    Ukraine committed one of the worst if not the worst massacres that I’ve ever heard of. Look up the Volhynia massacre it’s messed up that no one talks about it or even mentions it.

    • +9

      Not to mention they actually have neo nazis in their western installed government

      • +1

        Svoboda only has a single seat in their parliament (Rada) which consists of 450 seats. They have less "neonazis" in government than the equivalent parliament of most countries - including Russia itself.

    • +1

      The western media just totally ignored it. They have become too powerful.

    • +2

      I watched RT yesterday and there was a documentary on it. Civilians killed for years, Airports and houses bombed. No western media covered it.

    • +2

      Since you suggest that may be the worst, you obviously haven't heard of Holodomor. Look that up. It multiplies your 50000-100000 deaths to 4-10million, i.e. 10x worse. And committed by Russia against Ukraine.

      Neither of these of course relate to the present issue, so are really whataboutism, but since you seem to blame Ukraine just because of that, you can look at Russia for something worse.

    • +1

      That happened in 1943?

  • +5

    Lol free propoganda.

  • +1

    Omg free propaganda! Thanks op!

  • +8

    Ukraine should surrender to stop the waste of life and infrastructure. Running and hiding into the cities will only prolong the war and cause more civilian casualties. Can't blame Russia for firing into cities when Ukrainian troops are hiding there. They are basically using the civilians as human shields.

    • +9

      Zelenskiy is so guilty to distribute guns to civilians. And some media praises him as a hero. Disgusting.

    • +9

      Did you read that before pressing "post comment"?

      The Ukraine civilians are running and hiding in Ukraine cities, and Russia is firing into those Ukraine cities. And you're blaming the Ukraine people for the Russian bombs landing on their heads? You can't be serious.

      Ukraine should NOT surrender to stop the waste of life and infrastructure. Russia should stop attacking them to stop the waste of life and infrastructure.

      • +5

        Further, it shows the stupidity as Crimea was effectively surrendered to Russia in 2014. Which stopped all the bloodshed there. And Putin then illegally repopulated Crimea, forcing the indigenous Crimeans (Tatar) and Ukrainians out, and destroyed culture, language and stole property there.

        But did it stop the bloodshed elsewhere? No. It encouraged Putin to extend his attacks into Donetsk and Luhansk. Which has now achieved the death of 14,500 Ukrainians since. And because there was no support against him from elsewhere, it emboldened him even further to his latest attacks.

        There is already evidence that he already has his eye on at least Moldova after this, plus has already put threats against Sweden and Finland this week. "Surrendering" to a criminal just encourages them to do more crimes as they are not stopped. It is illogical, but of course Putin's supporters will advocate for it.

        • +1

          ^ this!

          If you don't confront a bully straight away, he thinks he can keep doing it. And Putin WILL keep doing it. 2014, 2022, etc etc…. every 8-10 years he'll wait for the dust to settle and attack again and again. Under the guise of "liberating" an area he installs his own populous in.

    • +2

      Probably surrendering is NOT good for a country. They should call for peace-talks which Zelensky rejected initially when he thought West will back him. He never thought West will back-stab him.

      He is using civilians as human-shield. Isn't the same thing that Hamas did in palatine? And remember what US and west did. They said its criminal and rebuked. Zelensky is still living in the "reel" life and once the comes down to the "real" life 1000s would have died. He would probably wont lose his life.

      • +5

        Apart from wanting assurances Ukraine will never join NATO, the Russians are also demanding the Ukrainians to give up their military and asking the Crimean peninsula to be recognized as Russian territory. It's basically asking the Ukrainians to hand their country over. Is this really a peace talk to you?

        • +1

          Unfair demands from an unstable leader. Putin says he wants peace… but only on his unrealistic terms about a sovereign nation doing what he wants and giving him land. The world has rightly said GET STUFFED!

    • +1

      If Ukraine surrender then they'll NEVER get rid of Putin and Russia. They barely got rid of his puppet in 2014. Those deaths would be in vain if they give up now.

  • +9

    I am so glad to see that most ozbargainers here can see this through and not just eat the propaganda.

    I am almost alerted whenever I see the media put on the pictures of crying women and children and burning buildings. People don't need to see those to know what's going on. People should be very aware when they see the word "war".

    • +4

      Whatever you see in the msm… you know the truth is closer to the opposite narrative….

  • +6

    I am against info war designed to separate two brother/sister nations

    • +2

      So you DO acknowledge they are two separate nations then?

      Brother and Sister right? And you reckon its ok for Big Brother to hurt Little Sister then?

      • +4

        If she constantly tries to invite a street thug to their home, yes

        • +5

          She is not entitled as a grown adult independent woman to date who she likes? And its into HER home, not "their" home. There's a difference.

          What right do you have to choose her partner? It's her life. So you'll beat her up on the basis that its 'good for her'?

          Argument lost mate. Big Brother needs to understand he can't control everyone. And he certainly shouldn't hurt and control his loved ones. That's not love.

          • +1

            @UFO: When they thug constantly picking fights with you… don't be surprised when you get punched in the face …

            • +5

              @hippyhippy: I couldn't help but notice you ceased to argue in your failed analogy. You've ignored "sister" and stuck with "thug". Uhuh. When did this "thug constantly pick fights" with Russia?

              I didn't see USA picking fights with Russia. I only saw Russia invading Ukraine. Since you're the one drawing those to very different points together, can you please explain how Russia invading Ukraine has anything to do with this thug you speak of?

          • +1

            @UFO: Ok trooper.

            • +3

              @HungryRussian: What, no logical thoughtful argument based on fact? I'm guessing that's very difficult when your stance is not logical in the first place.

      • +1

        Your reply transformed his original analogy of brother/sister-like relationship to a human relationship between a brother and sister. I hope you know that the relationship between two countries is no where like two individuals? Or you just deliberately led the argument to your biased ground and beat others there. A very typical western media play and you're good at it, you must be reading a lot of BBC?

        To continue your of-the-track analogy, if you happen to have a sister, I hope you can sleep well when she decided to join a gang and stand next to your bed with a knife in her hand every single night. I am sure you have nothing to worry about since she didn't "pick up a fight" yet.

        • Umm… how else would you interpret brother/sister relationship?? Do you mean brother/sister chocolate bars, or brother/sister pencils? Of course its brother/sister humans! Two nations side by side ARE close relatives. That's the analogy he made, and I continued it. It's a pretty accurate description of two countries sharing very similar beliefs. Brother/sister IS accurate. The only problem is that analogy falls flat when Russian's try to excuse their poor behaviour with it.

          I would consider New Zealand or UK or USA to be "brothers" of Australia. Very similar beliefs and political systems, and expectations to quality of life. I would not consider China to be our brother. More like a friend or associate…. but of late it would be even less.

          However to continue…
          Because you don't like your sister's boyfriend and think he's a thug, you'll beat her up and take away her freedoms?
          News flash, you can't control your sister mate. And you certainly can't beat her and punish her just because you don't like her choice of friends.

          Putin may not like Ukraine's friends (NATO/USA) but guess what? TOUGH !!!!! It's not his place to control who Ukraine can be friends with.
          You can talk about thugs and knives and gangs and picking a fight all you like. At the end of the day, Putin is Russia's President… not Ukraine's.

          What or who Putin likes next door to him is not a reason to INVADE THEM! Get a clue. Ukraine does not belong to Russia, and Russia cannot control Ukraine anymore than China can control Australia.

          • +1

            @UFO: The relationship between these two countries is called geopolitics and it is nothing like brother/sister, it is a complex field of study for some reason.

            As for the rest, I understand your stance that nothing should be a reason for the invasion. I have friends who are pacifists and I respect their opinion. Meanwhile, I hope you would think the same about the fact that the U.S. invaded all those middle eastern countries in the last decades, then I respect your stance too. Otherwise, you may just have a double standard.

        • @phoenixpan Troll all you want but leave the bbc out of it. That's the last straw!

  • +17

    Even Russian trolls and sympathisers have invaded ozb comments, what a world we live in

    • +7

      Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a troll and sympathiser. What a world you live in.

      • +13

        Nope, just the ones making up propaganda that supports Putin's invasion of a sovereign nation. Putin's the real victim here right? Hahahaha… good one.

        • +10

          There’s two sides to every story. Only wanting to hear your own side is kind of messed up tbh.

          • +19

            @enwar: This isn't a 'story'.

            There are indisputable facts at play here, and posters here are trying to cloud the truth with 'alternative facts' to diminish Putin's crimes.

  • +10

    Putin's the real victim here right?

    The Poor Bugger won't open his stock exchange with estimates its gone down 98% .

    • +3

      Sounds like the real bargains are on their stock exchange ><
      Buy the dip, boiz :D

    • +2

      Putin is going to Putin… zalensky poked the bear thinking the west would help him… now he's begging the world to stay WW3 for him….

      • +11

        There won't be a WW3 if Putin stops attacking a sovereign nation. But you're blaming the nation being attacked for stoking a world war? Really?

  • Do they point out how NATO was essentially bullying Russia by incorporating every ex USSR state step by step. Probably forgot to mention that because bullying from West is always justified while everything else is terrorism.
    They should make one on how US and NATO launched operation "enduring freedom" on Afghanistan for 20 years and had their asses handed to them. Probably won't be seeing that on Netflix soon tho.
    Or how Geroge W Bush received the nobel peace prize for liberating the middle east.
    Just another propoganda riddled puff piece.

    • +11


      If they want to join NATO, they should be allowed to. It gives them equal footing being such a small nation next to a superpower aggressor.

      Russia's invasion of Ukraine has proved that fear to be true. Russia won't touch Poland or Romania or Lithuania. If Ukraine was part of NATO this would never have happened. Russia is a gutless bully. Took on Ukraine but will never touch the others.

      Putin is weak like all bullies are.

      • +4

        In an ideal world yes they should be allowed to do as they wish. However there are always geographic pressures. They knew if they did so it would create more pressure in the zone and do more harm than good. They still did it because they know they can bully anyone anytime. Russia would not have stepped up if the the pressure didn't keep on mounting up at their doorstep. But who knows, maybe Putin is just an ahole and wanted a war.

        • +6



          They are independent nations free to do as they please mate. They didn't declare war on Russia, they just want to join a club that protects themselves as a group. They aren't bullying anyone, they want to stop the bully bullying them!

          Russia isn't being bullied here. THEY are the aggressors the little guys are afraid of… and rightly so!

          • +5

            @UFO: Yes a group that poses threat to other powers in the region, this causes destabilization.

            You would be kidding yourself if you think the west wouldn't have done the same if the roles were reversed. The NATO has done worse for slimmer reasons.

      • +4


        not to mention that most of those countries never wanted to join the USSR in the first place, so first chance they got, "I AM OUTTA HERE!".

        but like a typical crazy ex, Russia can't handle that it is over and are constantly salty about it.

        • +1

          YEP 100%!!

  • +2

    Beware the $oros zombies

    • Are you one of those "Putin good anti-NWO" people?

    • Greta is that you?

  • +22

    Wow. This thread is the sewer, so many people supporitng an evil dictator at war with a European democratic sovereign nation.

    • +17

      Either a lot of Russian's love OzBargain, or its a clever and dedicated group of people trying to control the narrative of Putin being nothing but a liberator or savior. Very disappointing to read regardless of the reason, because it's certainly not based on facts.

      • It's a whole lot of lefties who have lost their moral compass me thinks.

        • +1

          Both the far left and far right love authoritarian leaders and will defend Putin on that basis. If you think that's only limited to one side of politics, I'd wager a guess you fall into the political extremist bucket too - or you're just ignorant. Difficult to tell these days.

          • @Tyrx: I say that because there's a whole lot of typical anti-imperialist rhetoric going around (which I can wholly agree with, not to the point of getting twisted beyond "understanding both perspectives" in this conflict), and OzB are historically left-leaning. But yes the RWNJs are out in force on this one, spouting Tucker Carlson talking points.

            Edit: thanks for your edit. No I'm not an extremist nor an irritating so-called enlightened centrist. See my reasoning above for my remark. I just recognise when democratic values need defending instead of going off the deep end.

    • +2

      apparently Russia also has their own version of the 50 cents army, supposedly called "20 Rubles", although others reckons the going rate is actually 35 rubles.

      • the 50 cent army in China is also pushing the Russian narrative.

        • yeah, apparently the word has gotten back to Ukraine as well, and that has put the Chinese ex-pats there in a really awkward position……….

  • +4

    Calling it now - dealbot for most controversial deal of 2022.

  • Anyway I think Putin ahs lost his marbles not cutting off the western flanks flooding NATO weapons and Ukrainian fighters coming in . I think this is kindergarten battle tactics cutting off supplies.
    The Ukrainian President has a nerve to keep asking for a no fly zone that he knows will never happen as if enforced there will be NATO jets vs Russian that no reasonable person is prepared to see the consequences .

    • +4

      The president of a country "has a nerve" trying to defend it from a more powerful invader?

      Wow, the attacker/criminal apologism reaches new heights!

  • +3

    Let's get this deal to 100 upvotes

  • +9

    This war began in 2014. Since then, Azov Battallion, which is part of the Ukrainian National Guard, has been massacring Russian people in the Donbass region. But yes, Russian man bad 🤡🌎

    • +4

      all people have been killed in that region. Not just Russian.

      Donbas is after all, IN the Ukraine.

      Russia has no right to enter and start a war in the name of peace.

      Russian man VERY bad and you VERY ignorant

      • +5

        Did you miss the part where I said this war began in 2014? This year may have been a new development but it's not "starting a war".

        You get all your information from the TV. You have no place calling anyone ignorant.

        • +2

          I fail to see how ongoing localised conflict in one region can be seen as remotely equivalent to a full-scale invasion of a country - the ultimate goal of which may be to install a puppet state.

        • +1

          Donbas is still in Ukraine. Doesn't give
          Putin any right to invade and go to war.

          You're deflecting and avoiding the atrocities caused by Putin.

          Also I was referring to 2014, it's not only Russians that have died in Donbas.

    • +2

      Yes, the war began in 2014. There was absolutely no issue, no discrimination, and definitely no deaths, injuries and destruction in Eastern Ukraine until then.

      So what happened then? Oh, that's right - that's when Putin invaded Ukraine. (Azov was one of many groups formed to defend and repel that attack.)

      It's pretty obvious who's at fault.

  • no comments

  • +3

    This is BS. Propaganda.

    Outsiders don’t even know what is really going on. The west did nothing but providing weapons.

  • +22

    First i was surprised by the number of anti vaxxers on my favourite website. Now I'm doubly saddened by the number of war mongers here

    • +3

      People are waking up

    • +1

      Now I'm doubly saddened by the number of war mongers here

      It's often coming from the same propaganda forces, so not particularly surprising. It's a useful tool to divide and weaken the West. This is why you have the Far Left (tankies) agreeing with the Far Right on many issues now.

      • +2

        this deal made me realise that the people saying that covid is fake and the vaccine is 'untested' are probably the same people saying that there's nothing wrong with russia invading ukraine

  • +10

    This should be a forum post, not the top deal on my home page…

    • +2

      It's not your homepage. It's the communities homepage and they voted for it to be on top. Democracy vs a dictatorship, pretty familiar right?

      • +1

        Ozbargain home/front page actually has a great deal of settings you can customise, fantastic features, that's what I mean by my home page.
        Actually @mods maybe a setting where you can adjust a slider for down votes for deals shown on the front page. I'd happily set it to like -5 as a cap, to remove questionable deals. Would be greatly appreciated 🙏

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