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SPC Ardmona Factory Sale - Melbourne Showgrounds May 18-27: FREE ENTRY


SPC Ardmona Factory Sales event comes to Melbourne for the very first time!

For 10 days only, Factory Sales will set up shop at the Melbourne Showgrounds slashing prices on hundreds of grocery items.

The event is FREE and open to everyone offering huge savings of up to 90% on popular items such as Ardmona Pizza Sauce base, SPC/Ardmona Canned fruit varieties, Ardmona chopped tomatoes, IXL jam - and so much more.

Melbourne Showgrounds entry via Langs Road, Gate 4.

From: Friday 18th of May 2012 To Sunday 27th of May 2012
Time: 9AM/5PM


Melbourne Showgrounds
Epsom Road Ascot Vale Victoria 3032 Australia

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closed Comments

  • +1

    SPC are owned by Coca-Cola…

    Best to support an aussie owned company IMO…

    • Thanks for the info jv but telling us who is would be even better.

    • Yeah but… Bargains.

    • I support Coca-Cola Amatil the most out of pretty much every company. Only a few of their products are suspect, and it's pretty darn obvious when you look at the ingredients.

      They own a hell of a lot of things. Attempting to not buy their products are laughable and I counter by looking for their products.

  • +2

    Goodness me!!!

  • Sounds like it is either a closing down sale, or CCA trying to break the iron grip of Coles and Woolworths

  • Not a bad idea from SPC, if you've ever travelled to their factory in country Vic you'll know how cheap it is to buy direct from them.

    If you're not sure what to get there visit http://www.ardmonafactorysales.com.au/ you can get product details and prices.
    (turn your sound down)

  • +1

    I'll be loading up the wagon. There's some very good value there, especially on products we usually buy.

    They employ a lot of people in rural Victoria, so I'm happy to support them.

    • They do employ a lot of people, but one of the problems with this outlet store in its current form is how much food sold by them comes from overseas. I grew up near Shepparton and the model for the factory sales was dented tins of local produce. I was in there again last weekend, and the local produce is quite hard to find among the Polish beetroot, Hungarian pickles, etc.

      I acknowledge a lot of our food comes from overseas, but the sale of imported food under the banner of SPC/Ardmona Factory Sales is deceitful, in my opinion. Further, I suspect it leads some people to believe that brands they find in the factory outlet are local Aussie products so they may seek them out next time, believing themselves to be supporting local producers when they're actually not.

      Go there & get some bargains because there certainly are some (last weekend there were 1kg of local plums in Goulburn Valley plastic square jars for $1 each compared to $5.47 (http://www2.woolworthsonline.com.au/Shop/ProductDetails?Stoc…)), but if you have the choice between two products and one is supporting local producers whilst the other is imported from distant shores, I hope you select the local.


  • +2

    LOL at "FREE ENTRY" in the title

    I received free entry at the Woolworths sale this week too! Bargain!

    • Nothing to LOL about as the Showgrounds themselves usually charge to park at this parking area.
      The last few events I've been to in this very location have had parking fees.
      You won't get those prices at a supermarket either.

      • plenty of street parking around there…

        it will also be less of a walk than using the showgrounds car park…

  • +1

    I support anybody who works regardless of what country they are in or what nationality the company. Nationalism sucks anywhere.

    Enviromental issues and food safety are other matters and reason enough to consider buying Australia.

  • +1

    Cheap? Haha i find it funny how people make a day trip to shepp to try & save some $$$ but waste $100 in petrol in the process.

    The place i would say is not super cheap. A fair bit of stock is close to out of bb date most stock is available in those "supermarket clearance centres" found around melbourne.

    • Agreed. I can get them at NQR for really cheap prices by the carton load.

  • Went today and they had some awesome prices. Buying buy the carton would make things slightly cheaper again.
    In our case it was well worth it as we usually buy a lot of tinned tomato and fruit related items.

    Great opportunity to stock up the preps for the coming zombie apocalypse too.

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