• out of stock

[iOS, Android] Free 1x Hoyts Adult Restricted e-Voucher (First 10,000) by Signing up through Snackback App


Credit to @Dani2727 for this freebie.
You can also enter the giveaway for this on the App.

If you can't find it the app, @doweyy provided link
Android should be here.
iOS Here

All you need to do is download Snackback App on iOS/Android, make an account, then you go to REWARD tab to claim the free voucher.

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closed Comments

          • +11

            @easternculture: Yes, you can be my date if you want with the 2 i got?

            Whats going to happen now when they invalidate the tickets? Your spaming and complaining will only come back to bite you two fold as well.
            Browndog farmed them yet his sense of entitlement is fine because he wants to give some out?
            Who knows how many he/she got lol.

    • +7

      Grateful to the OPs who discovered the deal. Would have missed out it was shared on Facebook which only boomers use.
      Hoping the community will keep sharing awesome deals to Ozbargain.

      So I’m giving away 10 more tickets to those who PM.

      • Thank you. You are a LEGEND! Much appreciation for your generosity!

      • Thanks champ, I really appreciate the ticket you sent :-)

      • Thanks brother.

      • How generous!
        Thank you very much for the ticket 😊😊😊

      • Thank you, you are a saint

      • thank you !

    • Thanks, got one :)

  • +2

    Hope you all know how the bitcoin craz started, and the 2022 pandemic technology bot purchase, or the toilet paper craze happened.

    It happens because time waits for no one(regardless if fair or not)

    If Life's not fair blame those that run the business, not those that see it(happens almost every time on the stock market)

    • +2

      Don't think the dude who farmed 71 tickets is in any position to say this lmfao

  • +1

    That’s it, I’ve given away 30 tickets.

    Saving the rest for mates.

  • -3

    Good to see my one comment changed few hearts. :-D

  • I cant seem to enter the code in checkout. Am i doing something wrong or have they cancelled the vouchers.

    • +5

      don't do it at checkout, there's a red button that says redeem voucher above when you're picking the seats, do it then

  • +3

    Pretty wild thread.

  • +10

    Wow not sure why people are salty enough to try and harass the promoter to cancel a promotion because they missed out.

    Not defending people who got multiple (I understand some getting a couple for family etc. but this is especially aimed at those claiming they got huge amounts e.g. 50+?!?) as that's also extremely selfish.

    Sad to see our community behaving so savagely in both extremes and seems to be a growing trend e.g. this guy :(

    • +1

      Knowing how low the level of verification was, many of us knew there would be none left by morning for the people we plan to go to the movies with and it only made sense to get at least as many for who is going with us to one movie trip.

      They didn't even know this thing existed before it ceased being available, they would have missed it regardless.

      • +1

        luckily I grabbed one by 5am, however mine failed to create email account it just sent bunch of emails with empty code. maybe they changed sth. at that point of time.
        after 10minutes struggling, I registered with gmail and succeeded, hope it's safe to do so.

  • +13

    yep basically entitled Karens saying "if I don't get one, no one else can get one"

  • Cheers OP @Dani2727 and @doweyy! 🍻

  • +1

    They have taken the android app down from play store

    • hahaha

      • +1

        Good sign that the ticket offer might come back with 1 per mobile number verification

        • Was always the only sensible way

          • @King Tightarse: Someone generous gave me one, anyways its gonna be the only time ill be able to go to the movies for a while. Last time i watched a movie was 3 years ago

            • @easternculture: The last movie I saw in a cinema was Parasite at an independent - Nova in Carlton.
              Covid pretty much knocked out cinemas for me over the past two years. Grabbed a few last night so we will see if any Hoyts type movies are of interest.

            • +9

              @easternculture: Someone who farmed them*** (Not generous)

              Also because you had a whinge about it…***

              Also after the fact you told others to complain….**

            • +9

              @easternculture: You're literally the bloke who had a massive sook then claimed he didn't care, then proceeded to tell everyone to complain on their facebook page, get a grip bud.

    • 🙃 if someone asked me how life works I'd say: don't ask the question because if you do, you'll be bitter and jealous, infact those that made it big in the bitcoin era never asked"

      • +4

        Ummm ok then.

  • +10

    Pretty frustrating that people are already starting to resell these tickets.


    • predictable

    • +2

      more than 10 available, lol

    • The scourge of society.

    • +3

      Lets me add 44 to cart, yikes

    • -3


      Good on ya topnep69. Great guy AND he likes 69

    • I'll do 1$ to match that, that'll be $491 in subtotal plus eBay fees of course.

    • +1

      Such a shame people are this morally corrupt. People need to realise when they behave like a savage on deals in such a way that It deprives others of using the deal or causes companies to stop doing such deals; they are essentially no better than animals.

      We've had COVID, Putin vs Ukraine and the associated inflation… Let's not add to it with such crappy behaviour like hoarding these tickets to sell and make a small profit…

      Sadly the bulk of people on here are probably decent and the savage few who need to change will not ever understand the need to be better and change :(

      • -4

        Blame the game not the player, if the company had proper verification it wouldn't have happened, you can't rely on people only to take one per person when they could easily take more. It is simply irresponsible of the company, and unfortunately if you snooze you lose.

        • +1

          I blame the game and the player. I didn't miss out so am not salty or anything and yeah I agree the company should have done a better job at limiting the tickets.

          Just feel that people need to try and be more decent… But that's probably too much to ask

          • -6

            @Chocobros: Well not really, if I walked through a bad neighbourhood with a briefcase filled with cash and I got robbed, the police would ask me why I made that irresponsible move in the first place, as I put myself in danger. Same thing with this promotion, had the company added phone verification, then it would have been virtually impossible to farm the tickets.

            • +2

              @JonJones3214: Not sure if you are lacking in morals and trying to justify immoral behaviour or just playing devil's advocate.

              Either way your example isn't a reflection of what you are trying to say. A more appropriate analogy would be:

              If I walked through a bad neighbourhood with a briefcase filled with cash and I got robbed. THE ROBBER (the player) is a scummy piece of dung. THE VICTIM (the game) shouldn't have made a poor choice by bringing that much money to a bad neighbourhood.

              In this way we can blame both the player and the game. Irrespective of this, my point still stands that we should try and all be more decent and less selfish…

              • -2

                @Chocobros: My point is we can never completely stop these things from being taken advantage of, just like you can never completely eliminate rape or stealing, everyone knows rape and stealing it wrong, it's been ingrained in schools, the bible says so, the quran says so, but people still rape and steal. Thus, wouldn't it be more logically to teach people how to prevent rape for instance by not putting themselves in situations that are dangerous? Like getting an Uber home instead of walking home in the middle of the night? In this situation again, no matter how much you lecture people on ozbargin (people who specifically want to abuse deals), its not going to stop it. Therefore, the most logical solution would be to prevent this by having proper authentication and verification from the promoters so that farming these tickets isn't as easy, because lets face it, who wouldn't take advantage of free money? It's like if you leave a bowl of candy out on halloween and the sign says to only take one, ask yourself what percentage of people are actually going to take one? Would it be morally wrong to take 2? how about 10? What makes it immoral if you aren't hurting anyone in the process? It's not like you're actually stealing the candy from others, just like taking a couple or 50 more tickets won't harm others.

                • @JonJones3214: I agree with your point that it's difficult to stop people from behaving terribly and of course that the company should provide better authentication.

                  Having said that I think as a community we should shame people who appear to have no shame. They should be called out for the scum that they are and not celebrated. People shouldn't make excuses for selfishness. Even having an attitude of well I can't fix it so might as well join in or that I am not hurting anyone by doing it is just broken logic. It boils down to selfishness and entitlement and a lack of common care for your fellow man.

                  In this current inflationary climate there are people struggling with necessities and the luxury of a couple of free tickets might mean a lot to them. Those who farmed to sell on deprived them of this opportunity. Its indefensible to behave in such a savage way. For shame…

                  Fwiw I'm not trying to lecture anyone and I think it's almost just as bad when those who channeled their inner (and probably outer) Karen tried to get the deal cancelled. Just reading this whole thread highlighted to me how terrible we are and surprised me because I thought the ozbargain community was better than that.

                  • @Chocobros: That's a hell of a generalisation, who's to say that the person who stayed up and got 50 tickets isn't struggling financially and they viewed this as an opportunity to make a little extra money to make ends meet? Who made you the moral police? The same can be said with marked down food are coles/woolworths, except when someone takes all the clearance food and posts it online they are praised for helping their own family and no one is criticising and demonising them for not leaving any for others, where is your consistency there? A clear example of this was the fried chicken deal posted here yesterday, people commented saying they cleaned out the entire store and took all of them, yet they were all praised and not one person objecting to this action, how is that then not viewed as morally abhorrent?

                    • @JonJones3214: Whichever way you weigh it up it's wrong. If someone took 50+ tickets purely to resell they could've deprived 50+ other people of genuinely availing an offer who may have been in as much or even more need and who were going to use them and not try and turn a profit. The suggestion about depriving someone in need was a tangent and my initial point still stands that farming to resell and in the process denying others the chance to avail an offer is poor behaviour.

                      Those that farmed it and posted did so to brag. The only reason to do so was to shove it in the face of others which is kinda sad. They clearly aren't trying to "make ends meet". One guy at least gave a fraction of the excess tickets back to the community (again clearly not struggling to make ends meet).

                      No one made me the "moral police". It probably comes across that way because I have morals and the way you argue makes it seem like you are bereft of any.

                      To address your segue about marked down food I don't think people buy it all to resell at a profit. At the same time my personal opinion is one shouldn't clean out the shelf if you are being considerate and I personally never do clean out a shelf whenever I buy things. I'm only addressing this because you brought up the topic of food because maybe you want my opinion? Or you like seeking analogies and off topic points to defend selfish behaviour? Am also not sure why you ask where my consistency is on this topic… I'm not the moral police as you so name it so why would I sit here making comments on all those deals? It's not like I commented on those deals encouraging that behaviour. I didn't see the fried chicken deal but had I have seen it my opinion would be consistent in that it is wrong if it deprived many others of the opportunity to have some purely for greedy people to buy and resell.

                      I'm not replying any more because I have stated in multiple comments that essentially my point is we should be more considerate to others and not behave in a selfish animalistic way (both in being greedy to resell at the expense of others and also harassing promoters to cancel promotions when missing out) and at the same time call-out deplorable behaviour but you seem to want to argue the point that we should be selfish. The fact that you argue so vehemently to defend selfish behaviour suggests you genuinely do not care about your fellow man. Society is broken…

                      • -1

                        @Chocobros: Seems like you won't reply because you know that you have been exposed as a hypocrite. It's funny how you are happy to attack people here who want to get some extra movie tickets, but no one hears a peep out of you on the fried chicken page where people are cleaning out the shelves, which by your logic, is much worse as they are taking food as opposed to a movie ticket from others. So it seems you are quite the hypocrite, you are happy to wine about missing out on a movie ticket and call people who did morally wrong, yet you choose to ignore when people are quite literally taking food from others just so that they can have more to themselves. If you're so morally consistent, why don't you call out each of the "disgusting" people who cleaned out all of the fried chicken from woolworths today for themselves? You won't do that though because you are what people call a hypocrite, which quite frankly, is much worse than any ticket farmer.

                        • +2

                          @JonJones3214: You don't understand English very well… Read my above reply again. I clearly stated I don't see every deal on this website hence I don't comment on every deal and my opinion has been nothing but consistent.

                          Your attempt to goad me into further debate has failed and your ticket farming ways are still selfish. Good luck getting your moral compass fixed if you have one…

                          • @Chocobros: Are you a politician by any chance? Because you are great at diverging from the topic. That's a lame excuse for these hypocritical actions by making personal attacks instead of actually having an argument of substance. Again, we have agreed that taking all the stock of food is a much worse act than farming some movie tickets, yet you took the time and effort to call out people who did so in this thread, yet you won't take 10 seconds out of your day to call out the people who are by your logic, quite literally taking food off of other peoples plates, by making the same comment under the fried chicken thread to garner some response from these "morally abhorrent" individuals. So say it like it is, you are much worse than any of these people could ever be, because you are a blatant hypocrite.

                            • @JonJones3214: I make comment about ticket. You make comment about food. You call me hypocrite and say I diverge… I realise you aren't able to understand English.

                              • -3

                                @Chocobros: Exactly what I would expect from a hypocrite, these snarky comments just make you look worse. My question is simply, how could you possibly say ticket farmers are bad people that should be called out, whilst you are perfectly happy to not criticise the very people you demonise for taking food off people's plates? It's especially worse when you also assume that all ticket farmers are going to resell the tickets, what if they are going to hand them out to all their friends and family? What if they will use them for personal use? Even if they did resell them, what if they used the money for necessities? Philanthropy?

                                • +1
                                • @JonJones3214: Look Jon I didn't get any of the fried chicken OK. None. So your clucking up the wrong tree here if you're looking for a trade.

                                  Despite your selfish ways and all of your name calling I'm happy to help. I suggest maybe you make a new post offering your farmed hoyts tickets for someone else's fried chicken and I'm sure you'll be able to drum up some trade.

                                  Honestly I'd give you the fried chicken but I wasn't even (c)lucky enough to see the deal… Let alone get one ova on others by cleaning the shelves. Even if I did see it I'd be too chicken to clean the shelves but that's just the way I roll…

                                  • -2

                                    @Chocobros: I don't want any chicken, unlike you who clearly missed out on these movie tickets and is quite upset. Again, stop diverting from the topic and answer the question, you're just making yourself look worse when you've been clearly called out for being a hypocrite because you don't have a leg to stand on. You'll spend hours complaining on this thread, yet won't take seconds out of your hypocritical life to advise others to abuse much more serious promotions with actual consequences of missing out.

                                    • @JonJones3214: I attempted to offer you a way out with humour despite your questionable morals and failing arguments.

                                      The only thing more embarrassing than being schooled so severely is not realising you have been. You initially intrigued me (despite your account only being made to comment on this deal… Are ya a troll?) but because your viewpoint was clearly flawed you then went on tangents and this has now just become sad.

                                      To clarify I think farming tickets to resell causing others to miss out on claiming is poor form. I think being a sore loser because you didn't get any so you contact the promoter to cancel a promotion is poor form. As I said earlier I actually got a ticket… But again English clearly isn't your strong point…

                                      You have:
                                      Talked about robbers and victims
                                      The bible, quran, schools and uber
                                      Taking more halloween sweets from the Halloween sweet bowl
                                      Suggested if something doesn't hurt others it can't be wrong
                                      Called me the moral police, a hypocrite, a politician
                                      Talked about food and how taking food off someone's plate is worse than ticket farming
                                      Something about a fried chicken fetish and how you missed out on getting a fried chicken deal
                                      How I don't post on every deal and therefore I am inconsistent.
                                      Turned down my olive branch which was a suggestion of you setting up a trade with other members of the community. Straight swap. Tickets for chicken.

                                      I'll be honest if you are after even more schooling from me I'm not sure you can afford the fees and lord knows there aren't enough tickets in the world for you to farm to try and afford it. Maybe it's best you just give it a rest now? I'm genuinely starting to feel sorry for you :(

                                      • -3

                                        @Chocobros: Seems like you again have failed to answer the question that everyone here is thinking, you made it clear that you think ticket farming is worse, and you took time out of your day to attack ticket farmers. Yet you also admitted that cleaning out food deals such as the chicken deal is MUCH worse because that is a necessity for others, unlike some movie tickets. So with that being said, why is it that you won't confront these people? Using the lame excuse of "I don't comment on every thread" is preposterous because you've taken so much time to comment here. Just admit you are a hypocrite and we can move on, or else we may need to resolve this another way.

                                        • @JonJones3214: Where did I admit this or state this? Quote it…

                                          Seems like you have realised what a weak argument you made against ticket farming for reselling being bad. You lost. Don't sook. Don't invent topics like comparing ticket farming to other things. Sad troll. Just go kfc and drown your saltiness in the chicken they have.

                                          I take time out of my day to educate you kinda like how volunteer workers do other good deeds. Eradicating stupidity 1 post at a time.

                                          Ps you are just highlighting now how thick you are. I'm feeling generous so am still providing you that schooling that you clearly so desperately need.

                                          • @Chocobros: Oh so now you're a liar as well as a hypocrite and a politician, I quote "I didn't see the fried chicken deal but had I have seen it my opinion would be consistent in that it is wrong if it deprived many others of the opportunity to have some purely for greedy people to buy and resell".

                                            So there it is, clear as mud, you stating that your logic would be consistent with these types of people too, are you going to deny that too? Just admit your morals aren't consistent and that you're a hypocrite, or again, we can take this argument outside of this words.

                                            • @JonJones3214: From you "you made it clear that you think ticket farming is worse".

                                              You are unable to quote anything I said to link to your made up nonsense that you accuse me of saying.

                                              Where is the quote supporting this jon. You need to start reading books and having English lessons.

                                              Jon you're either a really dumb person with no morals failing to argue a point. Or your a troll that likes fried chicken or you are chicken and hates others eating fried chicken

                                              • @Chocobros: Since you don't care about morals and you think i'm a chicken, why don't we meet in person to discuss this issue? Or are you too hypocritical to do that too?

                                                • @JonJones3214: Mate you're dumb. I've tried explaining it. Go meet with a teacher at a school to discuss this further and get an education

                                                  Ps maybe look up the definition of hypocrite and morals before you try using those big words

                                                  • @Chocobros: Ah yes, more personal attacks because you have no substance to your argument. If you're so pissed off about missing on a movie ticket I will literally give you one of mine to make you stop whining and complaining.

                                                    • @JonJones3214: I have one already…

                                                      English is still not your strong point. They are factual statements but you also will see them as personal attacks

                                                      • @Chocobros: again another An ad hominem attack on my character. In the case that this was done unconsciously, your mind tends to feel the necessity to defend yourself from the accusation of being hypocritical, it's noted that it is so powerful an argument that it is employed in many political debates, which is why you are constantly making personal attacks instead of actually rebutting my arguments.

                                                        We've already proven that you live a morally inconsistent life and that you are a hypocrite, if you think ticket farming is so bad that it requires back-and-forth attacks and as you call them, "no better than animals" and even compared it to " COVID, Putin vs Ukraine and the associated inflation", then why won't you stay morally consistent? I guarantee you that if you witnessed someone hoarding all the clearance food from a store no one would hear a peep out of you, and we know exactly why, because you are terrified of confrontation, yet you will be happy to do it behind a computer screen on a Saturday afternoon because in your mind that's what makes you feel safe. Again, I am happy to be the bigger man, because I am, and I honestly will send you a movie ticket if that will make you feel less anger towards the people that took advantage of a good promotion because we are smart individuals who take action instead of sooking online.

                                                        • @JonJones3214: Oh dear jon… Oh dear.

                                                          You're aware of ad hominem yet you're in angry troll mode so you call me a liar, a politician, a hypocrite

                                                          Oh the irony….

                                                          Keep the tickets and sell em on. You need the money for a better education

                                                          If you actually read through the most recent messages you'll see I'm not actually engaging in your nonsense tangents. I'm just trying to get you to read the above and see where you have gone wrong so you stop writing more and looking even more stupid (or as you probably know it as dumberer)

                                                          • -1

                                                            @Chocobros: I will sell them, in fact, I already have a few of them listed. Please enlighten me as to "where I have gone wrong"? I also notice that through your anger of missing out on a free movie ticket, you are still resorting to personal attacks, so I have some tips for you on how to bottle up this anger instead of unleashing on others who quite frankly, have done nothing wrong but talk some sense into you.
                                                            Try to avoid personalising the assaults. Recognize that the assault is more about the attacker's emotional needs and communication abilities than it is about you. Try to distance yourself from the situation.
                                                            Recognize anger. What you do with your anger matters, and it is anger that will give you the motivation to act and advance.

                                                            Consider Your Values. You can start to doubt your morals if someone calls out your hypocrisy.  You could experience unsettling rejection, grief, and embarrassment. Reacting in this manner might lead you to behave against your moral principles and affirm the other point of view. Instead, make the most of this opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to your principles and strengthen your commitment to your beliefs. In the end, it will be far less probable to depart from your principles as a result.

                                                            On top of that, it may help to see a therapist, because getting so worked up over a movie ticket is unusual, and I can't imagine what you would do in a much more serious situation.

                                                            • +1

                                                              @JonJones3214: Still not getting it are you. I got a ticket. I have morals. You don't understand English. You made bad argument. Now you sook. Bad times for troll Jon

                                                              • -1

                                                                @Chocobros: Seems like you're not getting it, and you clearly didn't get a ticket or else you wouldn't be so agitated. You have morals, but the issue is that you are morally inconsistent, which makes you a hypocrite. Since you are struggling to grasp the concept of this word, I am happy to link you to some websites that can dumb it down for you:



                                                                And as a former English tutor, I understand the English language quite well, unlike you who can't understand a simple definition. The argument stands, you have repeatedly admitted to being a hypocrite in definition but won't attach yourself to the word itself. So clearly we both agree, but you're just playing a semantics game at the moment in fear of losing the argument. Finally, again you resort to personal attacks and call me a troll for calling out the truth, and it's clear you are the sook because you slept early to wake up on time for your 9-5 at Maccas so you missed out on getting a ticket, so now you're trolling and attacking people who were more dedicated than you.

                                                                • @JonJones3214: He's back and he's angryyyyyy. Hahaha as if you were an English tutor… You can barely read and digest the English words I wrote let alone teach it!! Hahaha

                                                                  Jonjones3214 member since 27/10/22.
                                                                  Attempted to argue and got wrecked

                                                                  • @Chocobros: Again your political qualities are creeping back, avoiding the argument and making more personal attacks. If you're such a moral person who never breaks his ethics, how is it that you attack others who expose you for being a hypocrite when you don't get what you want (missed out on a movie ticket because he slept in)? Seems like childish behaviour if I'm honest.

                                                                    • @JonJones3214: Still you don't understand English… Read the replies above. I've not been arguing with you. I told you my position and you went off on tangents about food and fried chicken. You're such a joker Jon…

                                                                      • -2

                                                                        @Chocobros: More personal attacks, as stated before, your arguments are flimsy and you know it, that's why you are going into hiding, but that's exactly what we expect from a hypocrite. Your political tendencies are reappearing as you dodge the topic at hand and continue to make personal jabs. How can you blame people who call you out for being a hypocrite when you don't get what you want if you're such a decent guy who never compromises his principles? And again you will avoid this question as you know you've shot yourself in the foot.

                                                                        • @JonJones3214: Of late I keep trying to reiterate you just need to read the messages above. You being thick and not understanding English are just factual statements as proven by all of your above posts. Sorry you feel they are personal attacks…

                                                                          I made initial comments and you were looking for an argument. Unfortunately for you, you got wrecked. Now you ask lots of different "questions" that I am and have been ignoring since you got wrecked earlier on.

                                                                          The one good thing to come out of this (other than the laugh you have me when you said you were an English teacher!!) was that I noticed there's a hide button and I can mute you…. WIN

                                                                          • -3

                                                                            @Chocobros: Exactly what I would expect from a coward, either you're a habitual liar or your memory has declined because I never said I was an English teacher, maybe you should take on some of your own advice and look back on my previous comments. Unlike you, I have a perfectly good memory thankfully and I know all the previous messages and you never made your point, how about you care to summarise for everyone instead of whining about missing out on a ticket, which by the way, si entirely your fault, as the saying goes; you snoose you lose.

  • Just tried to book a movie with the two tickets I got through this deal, one from my phone and the other from my wife's phone. Both of my vouchers seem revoked, as they only have $0 value and give no discount. GG to all the Karens, "if I don't get it, no one gets it".

    • +9

      Book for today? The voucher only works mon-thurs

      • @lexical there’s your answer :)

      • Yea I tried to book for monday-thursday, still doesn’t work. Should’ve mentioned that.

        • +4

          Works for me for monday session. I added the voucher on the ticket selection (Adult/Child/Concession/etc) there's a Redeem vouchers button. It charged Adult Voucher $0 + Booking Fee $1.65. When I tried for today, it said 'Voucher cannot be redeemed at this Location and time'

          Maybe someone's already redeemed your vouchers…

          • @blurn: Is it necessary to book a seat at the cinema these days?

            I have a voucher from this promo; was planning to just rock up on a Wednesday night whenever the next Christopher Nolan film is released.

            • @Charlie Dont Surf: Always good to book your tickets prior to going. From the comments I've been seeing here, it's a possibility that some or all tickets may get nullified. Best to book beforehand and avoid the potential embarrassment of rocking up to a cinema and finding out your ticket is invalid at the counter.

              • +2

                @lexical: There's not chance it will get nullified because some karens on ozbargin are having a sook because they are jealous they missed out, the promoter has more integrity than nullifying 10,000 tickets because a couple of people missed out.

            • +1

              @Charlie Dont Surf: yeah these can be redeemed in person so you can avoid paying the online booking fee.

          • +3

            @blurn: Hahaha, my bad. I thought u had to select an adult ticket and then scan the voucher to get the "discount". Stupid little me didn't notice the change in price and thought I got bamboozled.

            • +1

              @lexical: Lol made me worried for a sec, i know Karens had power but not this much power

  • Deals been pulled from the app

  • -1


  • -1

    SnackBack App not even any more on iOS App Store

  • +1

    Has anyone tried redeeming these? I can’t get my voucher to work, I’m entering it in the gift card section

    • +1

      Valid Mon to Thursday

    • Yes. Redeemed in person, no issue.

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