Be kind, first time post, long time lurker :))
These meals are 1/2 price today only at 7-11. Variety will probably vary from store to store. Cheapest I’ve seen, not sure how they taste but I’ll give a couple a go.
Be kind, first time post, long time lurker :))
These meals are 1/2 price today only at 7-11. Variety will probably vary from store to store. Cheapest I’ve seen, not sure how they taste but I’ll give a couple a go.
So are these already made ready to eat or do I have to buy it and microwave it?
…… Microwave.
You can eat then cold. I've had hundreds cold. They taste delicious.
@MickyJ87: Cold , washed down with 5 raw egg yolk and a large monster energy drink is my serving suggestion
The Youfoodz deal at 4.25 ea delivered is a much better deal imo
can you get 1 delivered? or you need to join a plan saying 12 meals for $119 + delivery
Youfoodz was decent when it first started last time I got it it was ordinary.
@Spamazon: My take on Youfoodz is you definitely don’t want it every night because you will get sick of it real quick. After trying many of their meals I personally would avoid the curries as well. Go for the meals with vegetables, which you can then bulk up with rice or bread if necessary.
Good deal!
My 7-Eleven app is required.
one muscle meal per transaction.
Only redeemable twice in the period up to midnight tonight.
Full conditions:
Offer expires 23:59 5th April 2023
Offer entitles you to one My Muscle
Chef meal for $6 per transaction
Redeemable twice in a 24 hour period in seperate transactions
Offer available for one day only
Not valid with any other promotions
Range may vary by store
While stocks last
Offer may be revoked for any reason in
7-Eleven's discretion.
Only one?
one per transaction or 2 per 24 hrs
One per transaction is really rough…
Do all 7/11 stock these?
Not sure but my local has a few varieties in stock.
All the ones I have been to in Sydney recently have had them (Parra, City, Alexandria, Liverpool skrrt)
I've tried a few of these when they're on sale at the supermarket. Pretty decent and slightly more filling when compared to other pre-packaged meals.
Ya reckon? I was still pretty hungry after I had one. I guess that's kind of the point though.
I would say its exactly opposite of the point if the aim is trying to put on muscle
Unless you're very active, or have a fair bit of muscle you're probably used to overeating.
These won't fill up anyone who goes to gym regularly.
@Lucidium: Depends on how many meals you eat during the day. If this is one of 2, definitely not. If it is 1 of 4 (plus snacks) then it should be plenty.
At $6 they’re really good, although I find the total quantity a little lacking when they’re at RRP.
Try the Chipotle Chicken, very filling
yeah, chipotle chicken is really good
hot tip, Aldi has ready to eat chicken burrito bowls for $6.99. They're fantastic as well. 45g protein, 625 calories. hidden treasure for the macro bros!
Good deal! Shame I'm in SA atm. Most of the MMC meals I've found to be ok, personal fave would be the BBQ brisket.
They use to be one of the better (best?) tasting ready made macro-friendly meal providers out there. Now their meals are just all the food in a mush. definitely not fresh.
For people trying to control body composition, I recommend Food4Fitness. it tastes much better than these guys and they actually taste and look fresh. Also ability to order "bulk" is even better.
is it cheaper than muscle chef ? the 99 dollar one, you cant customise it , can you ?
Ah honestly not sure per meal, but I order "bulk" protein and add my own carb and veg as that way 1-) it's fresher and 2-) it keeps the cost down so you can try that maybe? That $99 is more meant to be like an introductory plan so I think you can't alter it.
But yeah if you are eating this so often, if you are trying to meet macro's, honestly price per meal is not too important as long as it's in the ball park. being able to eat the food becomes more important I think.
i will change this to them if they give me free delivery. as I got free delivery from Muscle Chef
I can see their menu is better than muscle chef and willing to try it
@HolyCr4p: I mean there is no real "free" delivery is there? it's just cheaper service over all.
also look online "food4fitness discount code". There are plenty out there to reduce the cost to half or none depending on your order size and what you can find.
Agrees. F4F is big step above MMC, you pay a bit more but the quality is much high. Sucks it's delivery only in Brisbane
Thanks for the recommendation. I might give them a try as I've been looking for something more quality over budget.
I rotate around a few different pre-packaged meal providers - MMC is my favourite by far - usually max out the order discount when buying directly from them which drops price to around $9/meal - so $6 is great
Yep same here. They also freeze really well and don't go watery when microwaved like others do when frozen (Youfoodz - Yuck!). Will definetely pick one up today.
Give Food4Fitness a try. I have been around eating these for a while now, F4F is by far the best/highest quality right now.
Just want to clarify I have nothing to do with the company. Just a gym enthusiast who use to count macros and hates cooking.
Used to love MMC and the brisket is still great but honestly with the price increases, size reductions, and lesser quality meat being used, I'm moving away from them.
This is still a great deal to try them though.
Which service do you use now?
I actually don't use any at the moment, just buying groceries as normal and trying to meal prep as I can. I think its gone back to being more cost effective for me that way.
Any vego options?
Can you microwave them instore if you eat it straightaway?
No, you can't microwave it once you've eaten it.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
You can, but you'd die.
Tbh, these are still expensive. Will get them if they were $5 or below. Having said that, these meals do contain more meat than most other frozen meals.
I have seen MMC meals sell for less than $6 when on special at Wollies.
I've never seen them less than $6 unless they're short dated. These sort of things don't go half price at Woolies.
But only for one meal so you can't get a few to stack up a few days in fridge
May be thats the idea? so more people can get their hands on it than that one person who buys 100 of them.
Exactly! A good initiative if you ask me, my local still had 5 or 6 available an hour ago
My 2 local 7/11s had a choice of 1 variety..
do 7-11 have microwaves for heating these?
Yes they do.
So we just need to bring a spoon and … a chair maybe haha dinner sorted
It's a date bro.
Honestly considering these ready to eat meals. I've been prepping my own meal for awhile and cost of groceries keep creeping up. Serve of chicken breast with some vegs and sweet potato would cost $25-$30 for 5 meal portions.
DIY meal prep would result in more actual meat in yours than in theirs, also if you don't like a particular vegetable or something you can't customise MMC.
I kinda look at it as if buying as you point out is already $5-6/meal then buying these prepacked ones at $9-10/meal is "costing" $5 per meal and saving all the prep and clean up time - which to me is a worthy trade.
Yeah. I also can't be fussed trying to make Beef Stroganoff or whatever else these boxed meal offers. Usually simple grill, steam or fry. May need to start consider the option and give it a try.
$6 great price … arrive then errr grab this and that … ended spend more per meal
Just buy the ALDI bloke size chicken kiev/bangers and mash for $6.49, bigger serving size and fills you up. Or just buy the smaller $2.99 butter chicken/satay chicken meals (was on these for a while but grew tired of small serving size).
Thanks OP, having one right now
Used to be good like 5 years back before they downsized meals and kept the same pricing. I’ve bought some when I’ve had grocery vouchers in ubereats and the quality is poor and they’re very unfilling unless you’re used to eating child sized portions.
They need to rebrand, definitely shouldn’t be anything muscle/gym related..
They have larger meals for if you're bulking. Otherwise, their standard selection has a large enough range in terms of calories to cover maintaining or cutting.
Yeah I only bought their large meals. Maybe I was used to the portion sizes I'd eat when I'd cook for myself.. which were more than their ~400-450g largest size. I buy my meals now from another service here in the ACT, their meals actually taste like homemade meals instead of a fake microwave meal.. and they're filling (
I just assume when people say meals aren't big enough they normally eat too much. Given 2/3 of Australians were overweight prior to even COVID happening and could be reaching 3/4 now it's usually a safe bet.
Gotta hussle (to 7-11) to get the mussel
Only 1 isn't even worth walking in the door for unfortunately.
I've got them for less than $1 each at the supermarket during markdown time. Not a fan personally.
Which supermarkets are these?
Markdown time and prices vary from store to store
Got a whole chicken for $1-2 at Coles last time
Just checked out, the meals look small…
I've been subscribed to a my muscle chef meal plan for a while. It is good to have food already prepped, especially with a decent variety. So far with the subscription ive lost about 20kgs. Obviously you still need to work out and have your own diet under control. This just helps. It also helps a lot that muscle chef tastes quite good, it doesnt taste like a freezer. Ive had youfoodz and other "healthy" pre made meals and they were awful compared to this.
Having said this, muscle chef have increased their prices and reduced some of the food quantities. Not all of them, but its noticeable in the ones that I liked. So for 6$ its not a bad deal, its a good pre made meal for someone who wants to be more calorie accountable.
Check USE BY DATE! 3/4/23!!
Only discovered that when about to heat.
Rang store to let them know. They knew already. Offered refund or exchange next time I visit.
Grabbed 2 and 14/4
As it should be.
New Manager confirmed all were past UBD at that store.
"Staff hadn't restocked them in days."
If UBD should have been like yours (14/4) seems they haven't restocked for at least a week! Makes me wonder about other stock.
love the chicken risotto
These used to be my go to, but I jumped ship to Bcm Eats. Much better variety and taste.
Not bad, new kid.