My Children Have Had Multiple Colds for The Last 2 Months

My 5 year old and 1 year old have had non stop colds for the last 2 months. Maybe we have a 2 days a break then bang another cold.

My 5 year old goes to a big school with over 1000 kids I don’t know if this is the problem? What can I do so they don’t pick up every cold/virus out there.


    • -1

      Spray kids twice daily with Glen 20, to be sure.

  • +2

    There is a lot of RSV going around at the moment as well so it could be that. As others have said visit you GP for advise.

    You can now get RAT tests for RSV/Flu & Covid so you can check if it is anything more nasty than a cold.

    I got RSV and it floored me for a few weeks.. it was very nasty …

    • You can now get RAT tests for RSV/Flu

      Thanks I had no idea I will go get some as I’m not convinced this 4-5 week adventure between the two kids me and the misso is just a cold…

  • +3

    your GPs advice is solid - kids been protected from every bug for the better part of 2 years are now going to childcare/school and being exposed to everything their immune system needs to catch up my children are the same tbh

    if you're in Victoria you gotta blame old Dan Andrews

    • +5

      if you're in Victoria you gotta blame old Dan Andrews

      The unofficial state motto and Herald Sun's tagline

      • The unofficial state motto and Herald Sun's tagline

        people love to rip on the Murdoch media but they still seem to 'consume it' if you read the herald sun then you kind of 'know what to expect' it will be fairly conservative there will be both opinions but it will have a right bias

        ill give it credit at least it holds ALP to account the ABC and SBS have been hands and knees gaging for Albo and Dan due to their funding being increased….

        i was watching the debate on 'the voice' on Q and A and the panel all supported the voice….good to see diversity of of opinion doesnt exist in our national broadcaster - at least in the herald sun ive read pieces on both yes and no opinions

        think about it…if your journalism is worse then Murdoch….ur standards are on the floor

        • +1

          I mean the country voted and decided ALP was preferable, and every single state except Tasmania voted and preferred ALP too. If the ABC is mean too represent the people then it should always lean towards the ALP than the Liberals because the ALP always get a lot more votes than the Liberal party.

          • @AustriaBargain:

            ALP than the Liberals because the ALP always get a lot more votes than the Liberal party

            the ALP got less votes then the LNP in recent history they almost always do….the only reason the ALP are in power is becuz the Greens preference the ALP opposed to spliting the preference between the two majors like they did when they were the democrats….

            this isnt the USA we have a preferential voting system

            by your logic the ABC and SBS should lean toward the LNP….nevertheless that isnt how media works it should be 100 percent unbias not towards ALP or LNP but to Australians

            • @Trying2SaveABuck: Well if you include the national coalition sure sometimes that group of parties gets more votes. But can you name a recent election where the Liberal party alone got more votes than the ALP?

              • -1

                @AustriaBargain: the LNP is one party the ALP and Greens are 2 separate parties……there are a number of electorates that has only a national candidate or a liberal candidate - that is what a collation is….

                Greens and ALP run in the same seats thus they 'cheat' the system by preferencing each other it is like 1 vote counts for 2 if you vote for either….the ALP also sells out to independents, teals, one nation etc

                so you dont get a pure ALP government ever…..traditional ALP is for workers and it was a 'good party' but it is not about workers or Australia it is about pleasing the minor parties that help it get into power….thus is why the media loves it every minority and their dog is supported by the ABC not the vast majority

                • +1

                  @Trying2SaveABuck: Well you are entitled to your opinion. The concept of cheating the system by preferences is laughable. Preferencing is about deciding who you want first then who you want second. The vast majority would vote in the LNP if that is who they preferred but they don’t. The current ALP government is more like a centrist Hawke Keating Government than one dominated by smaller parties. My suggestion is look up Brian Harridan if you want to see how politics can be affected by pandering to one person looks like.

                • @Trying2SaveABuck: Oh well if you want to combine the ALP and Greens into one party, then that makes the ALP even bigger, easily the single biggest party in Australia's history in terms of membership. So the ABC is absolutely doing the right thing by leaning towards the ALP and away from Liberals in representing Australia. Thanks for clearing that up.

                  • @AustriaBargain: lmao you have changed your tune 3 times to make your point…..but ill stick to what im saying the Medias job isnt to be 'biased' to one party at least not a national boardcaster it is present opinions from all sides and facts - the ABC does not do this…..thus is why ppl consume Murdoch media….

                    by your logic the national boarcaster should be biased to the LNP as they get the most votes - which i do not agree with

                    by your 2nd logical if the ALP and Greens formed a colition - the ABC shoul be biased towards them which also i do not agree with

                    your clearly have a bias towards the 'left' which fine but it clearly shows the failure of the Australian education system when people think a tax payer funded media should bias….it funded by tax payers to serve tax payers not agendas the current government have broke about 15 promises from its pre-election it should be holding them to account

                    • +2

                      @Trying2SaveABuck: Reality is biased towards one party and it just happens to be a party you don't like. I think you'll find most people under the age of 18 don't like News Ltd. press and tend not to be fans of the Coalition.

                      • @AustriaBargain:

                        Reality is biased towards one party and it just happens to be a party you don't like. I think you'll find most people under the age of 18 don't like News Ltd. press and tend not to be fans of the Coalition.

                        this is true but has nothing to do with anything you have said above…you will find stastically people go from voting 'left to voting right' as they get older as they accumlate wealth

                        everyone is a 'socialist' when they have nothing to lose and everything to gain…..then when they have wealth they're a capitalist as they will be the ones losing and gaining nothing. This might shock you but most people dont just vote one party their entire life you will also probably change as your personal situation changes….

                        but i can assure you this current government is not going to survive in its current federal either Albo wont be incharge, they will form a miniority government or they will outright lose but you cant get into power on lies and expect to stay in power….even if you have bribed the national boardcaster to shill your mantra…..

                        and no youre incorrect the media should be unbiased… should give voters the facts pro/cons of policy and let ppl make up their mind…..

                        if anything the media should criticise the current government in power to 'keep the government honest' and focused on the best job as hand instead of on their hands and knees begging for more funding - thus i credit The Herald sun for at least doing that…

                        • @Trying2SaveABuck: I think you'll find the LNP become increasingly irrelevant and that the ALP will be considered the "right" in 40 years and the Greens will be the "left". It looks like the Greens are here to stay and will replace the LNP as the second most popular party, and perhaps even become the dominant party, in our lifetime. Meaning that when young people today get old the LNP will be a distant memory, the ALP will be considered "right" and the Greens will be considered the "left" party. Australia is leaning hard left as a long term trend, it isn't bouncing from left to right. Just look at the Greens rate of growth compared to the Liberals. When Rupert Murdoch dies and his children carve up his media empire for sale, that will be when people really start noticing this reality.

                          • -1

                            @AustriaBargain: Has nothing to do with the media needing to be unbiased…but sure if you believe Australia is left leaning i guess that is up to you….

                            Now lets talk facts not bullshit….
                            This is the 1st time in a decade we have had a ALP government….its popularity has declinded it has bearly met half a term… has broke more promises then one can count and just had a massivd swing against them and the Greens in the recent by election.

                            The last LNP lasted 3 terms if you think this ALP/Greens government will do the same or better then power to you….

                            From what ive seen those who are hard left are a small number and the majority of ppl cant stand them. This government got into power with right and center policies ie tax 3 cuts and returning to surpluse….

                            But you can think what you like…

                            • @Trying2SaveABuck: We'll see what happens. You can think what you like, but whatever the reality of the situation is does not depend on what you think.

    • Just traded commonwealth games for common cold games.

  • +1

    Sounds pretty normal to me. My kids are 8 and 5 and we don't have so many* colds (upper respiratory tract infections to be more accurate) now (a couple a year) but the first few years are brutal!

    [Vitamin this. Vitamin that. Meh] The symptoms you are feeling ARE your immune system going 'holy moley we need to throw everything at this so we don't get pneumonia'. Eventually your body makes antibodies and defeats the virus.

    People with actual weakened immune systems don't have symptoms. Then they get pneumonia. Then they die. It's called 'having AIDS or cancer'.

    *Our exposure has potentially built up antibodies which means our immune response doesn't include so many overt initial symptoms and/or our kids have stopped licking all the other kids or whatever happens at childcare.

  • +5

    Went to my GP having the same issue, 2 colds in 1.5 months that both lasted for EVER.
    GP responded that all his paitents he is seeing all have the same issue and there's a number of variants going around now that people are out and about.
    Advice was no advice, bound to happen :(

  • +1

    Mask up. Eat healthy & rest up.

  • +2

    My Children Have Had Multiple Colds for The Last 2 Months

    Poor diet & hygiene can do this……

  • +2

    They are kids. They're going to be sick constantly and so are you because of them.

    They are packed together for 6 hours a day. They play with each other up close and person. They don't cover their mouths when coughing, they dont wash their hands properly or at all, they pick things up from the ground, they touch every single thing, the put things in their mouth, they touch each other constantly.

    There literally nothing you can do about it, they are kids and you can bang on about not doing all of the above but 3 minutes after you tell them, they'll do just the opposite. Because they're kids

    I'm surprised you went 5 years without realising this? I'm guessing you haven't had to deal with foot and mouth disease yet.

    • +1

      HFM is the worst. My 1st child got it and passed it to me, I had so many sores in my mouth and on my hands and feet.

      • A rite of passage for parents imo

        • Somehow none of my other friends who have kids have gotten it yet.

          • +1

            @hawkers89: It's usually the amount of time spent in daycare that dictates the chances

  • +1

    Did your 5 year old ever go to any sort of daycare / kindergarten before going to the big school? If they did then I thought you'd be used to them getting constantly sick. Kids have pretty poor hygiene standards at the best of time. If they are overall healthy, just chalk it up as building their immune system. Good luck and hope everyone makes a speedy recovery.

  • At that age, it's an immune building period and given this is winter, this is more likely to happen than not. I certainly had the same experience with my kids at that age.

    The best way to go through it is to make your children as comfortable as possible including warm water drink, plenty of rest, and eat softer food (but nutricious) and certainly lay down the KFCs/Maccas/HJs/etc.

  • It happens so normally with kids at the moment. Some GP just send them away advising them to eat more water or oranges without giving any prescription. It is annoying as these kids tend to spread their illness to their aged grand parents too.what to do ?

    • +2

      Well GP's prescribing things when they shouldn't be is what's been making antibiotics less and less effective and what draws us closer and closer to annihilation by incurable superbug.

    • +2

      There's no prescription that helps with the cold.

  • daily vitamin c supplement, eat mandarins etc, childrens olive leaf drops, (anti viral), diffuser with eucalyptus oil, aloe vera tissues to protect skin around nose, vitamin supplement with zinc, ribena drink,

  • +2

    I rarely get sick thanks to annual influenza vaccinations. But when I caught COVID in winter last year I had one infection after another in the three months following that, including a nasty cough that required antibiotics to treat.

    I don't even have a family GP anymore because I see a doctor once every five years or so, but when I saw the GP for repeated infections last year one of his first questions was 'Did you have COVID recently?' There's evidence that COVID messes up the immune system for a while and makes people prone to repeated infections. Maybe the children have been exposed to it recently. But… as a child I was sick multiple times a year too. Infections would flow from one child to another in the family in a weird cycle.

  • Not a medical advice. Just like you I used to complain too, as my 5yo used to be sick all the time. Being in Childcare/Kinder makes things worse, but here is something worked for us (this is not a recommendation, just my experience) -

    1. We started giving Immunity support otc liquids (Brauer Baby & Child Immunity Support) every day.
    2. Introduced Probiotic powder and gummies
    3. The moment she enters home, I take her to bathroom, cloths directly inside the washing machine and a nice bath.

    We started this 2 terms back and she has not missed a day in her kinder. She still does catches cold but it lasts only a day now.

    The best advice I ever got from some facebook group. Good luck :)

  • I made it ny mission my whole life to fight colds and flu and the best product I discovered was Andographis and Bio C from Blackmores. Unfortunately its for adults, not children but I am so glad I found it.

    • +1

      Empty shelves ahead as ppl trip over themselves to hoard it.

      • -1

        they are not smart enough to do that

  • +2

    so..just like every other school aged kid in winter during flu season?

  • My 2nd child has been sick for the last 7 weeks so we're basically in the same boat as you. She goes to daycare and there is pretty much at least one kid always sick in the class so doesn't matter what we do she's going to come home sick.

  • +1

    hey OP, daily exposure to sunlight without sunscreen (but please be aware of the dangers of that too) will help with Vitamin D which helps with general immune system. Was told around 20min a day is enough.

  • Schools are a good breeding ground years ago my son passed onto me foot and mouth from his kindy.

  • +2

    What you are going through is what we went through last year. My daughter was sick every month for the whole entire year. She was even hospitalised and put on a ventilator. Every case was a flu variant which is actually more serious to children than covid.

    I know i will get negged for my stance but lockdowns have had the opposite effect on herd immunity and many kids born during Covid are facing immunity debt. Being exposed to all these viruses is the natural way we build one's immune system, constantly avoiding disrupts the immune response. Months of lockdown then to suddenly opening up, unleashed viruses to the herd who had lost much of their immunity, spreading like wildfire. Even worse for the kids born during lockdown whose immune system was not exposed and suddenly bombarded.

    My daughter this year knock on wood has been really good this year. She still gets the cold, sniffles and coughs but not at the same severity as last year. Her immune system is much better equipped. There's not much you can do except try manage their exposure. Over time you'll see her immune response become stronger.

    • -1

      And for the conspiratorial hordes, The actions taken were to save the old,frail immuno compromised and sick from DYING of covid.
      It worked well until the economic rationalists and cookers erupted, and despite ppl like Berejiklian et al repeatedly throwing those risk averse cohorts under a freight train. ( Ruby Princess,Newmarch House etc. )

      Natural immunity will take a while (years) to balance out again, but be warned the high level of immigration will impact us via hybridising of viruses and newly imported ones we never had here, plus those imported via returning travellers & tourism.

    • Hmm, but colds come from a family of viruses where the strain evolves every year - that's why its been impossible to develop any vaccines to produce life-long immunity & why we catch colds every year. So I doubt there is anything such as a concept of immunity "debt" in immunology.

  • -2

    Why doesn't this forum just ban asking for medical advice?
    This just seems to be more cooker baiting.
    I bet the majority of ppl in Straya, with any cold /flu symptoms, can't be arsed testing for covid, or isolating. This is probably a huge lump of the problem, too.

  • The 1 year old will get sick any time the 5 year old does, which is unavoidable, because the 1 year old hasn't has as much exposure to colds.

    Did the 5 year old go to kinder? If this school is the first time they've gone out to a room with a big group of children, yeah, they'll get sick frequently for a good 6-12 months. That's normal. It'll be better next year when they've had exposure to more of the viruses.

    Edit: P.S. I guess get them tested for asthma if you haven't already.

  • Personal anecdote - I worked in a classroom in the previous school term and kids were always sniffing and I even caught something from them. It just a petri dish. Someone gets sick and spreads it and all the students get sick. Kids magnify it because so many of them in one place.

    Colds are bad and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Just make sure to keep up to date on your vaccinations. ie. flu & Covid.

    • +1

      and stay the **ck home when you have symptoms or are in the contagious phase. Despite what egos say, nobody is indispensable. Far from it. This one habit save s a lot of misery. Donating a virus is not a favoured community service.
      RSV is rife

      • +1

        yeh, I started wearing a mask in the classroom again (and couple of other teachers did too). I can't do much when parents send their kids to school while sick either.

        • I can't do much when parents send their kids to school while sick either.

          Curious about this one, we’re only in daycare so not up to the school stage yet. Are you allowed to send a kid to sick bay and have their parents called to pick them up if they are obviously sick? (Like snotty, coughing, complaining of aches and pains)

  • +1

    My kids are barely ever sick now a days. They're pre-teen / teenage of age, but imo, ensuring they haev some fruit and veg everyday helps out their immune system. They always complain to me that they never miss a day of school and that so many of their friends and other kids in their classes are always absent from school due to illness

  • Had the same problem with our nearly 2 year old twin. Cannot recommend a Vitamin C supplement highly enough. It may not stave it off completely but for us it brought the severity down 10 fold.

    Same for yourself, are you run down and are you harboring the virus with out many symptoms and then contributing to a reinfection again…it does seem to be a battle at this time of year.

  • Ya! The earth is flat.

  • "My 5 year old goes to a big school with over 1000 kids I don’t know if this is the problem?"

    Yes, one going to big school is most probably the source.

    Get ready for you, adult parents, to start getting unwell "often" too.

    Rejoice, big school attendance will end … one day … in the future … but it WILL END :]

    • +1

      Forgot to mention the most obvious benefit: children going thru these are developing their own NATURAL defenses/immunity, so a mild cold/something could be positive and constructive.

  • I think it is important to note that we now have an EXTRA virus that we just didn't have before. People don't seem to appreciate that the mix of viruses was pretty shitty before, and adding another one kind of tips it all over. RSV season pre-covid was usually pretty bad, and we'd have bad flu years as well. I'm sure immunity debt doesn't help but I'm a bit tired of people blaming public policy when that immunity debt happened all over the world as human movement changed. In the mix right now is flu A, covid, RSV, rhinovirus and adenovirus. Little kids are going to get all of them from school and bring them home. Best thing you can do is vaccinate against the flu and covid as both torch your immune system a bit. We've had them all too and it's sucked. Hopefully next year will be better but now that we've got 5 winter viruses (it's actually more than that but that's this years main culprits) to contend with, I expect it will be shite for a long time now.

    • +1

      What's with the doomer routine? There's more viruses in existence than planets in the universe.

      Every cold and sniffle you get as a kid makes your immune system stronger and more fortified for your adult years. The more of these your kids get, the better it is for them.

  • +1

    we just went through years of covid and you're still not sure?

  • +3

    Have they had the jab?

    • +1

      good question, not asked enough.

  • -1

    This is normal. My kids had the same thing.

    All you can do is keep their vaccinations up to date, make sure they eat well and get plenty of sleep and wash their hands properly.

    It does seem to build up their immunity eventually.

  • +1

    GP shop around until you find one that will blindy prescribe you antibiotics.

    Don't forget to post back with how you go!

  • +1

    Teach them to wash their hands properly, stop touching their faces/mouths, and perhaps even normalise wearing masks when sick or during cold/flu season like in many Asian countries. A "chin diaper" is surely a lot better than weeks of moaning about being sick, and it at least prevents you from touching your face with infected hands.

    • +1

      Chin diapers are almost useless against protection from that stuff and just lead to dermatitis related conditions. It's much better to just let your body naturally deal with colds and sniffles, fortifying your immune system against even more viruses in the process.

      • Sounds like OP would rather not her and her kids spend months on end dealing with it naturally.

        • +1

          OP doesn't understand health or viruses at all then, because from the moment you are born to the moment you die, your body literally fights thousands of viruses non-stop. There is never a single moment in any humans life where they won't be dealing with a virus.

          The only difference is sometimes you get some sniffles form them, most of the time you don't. Every time you get a sniffle it's a win, because your overcoming it in a mere number of days and then boosting your ability to deal with even more viruses.

          • @infinite: Didn't a little girl just die from the flu in Queensland recently? Was that a win?

            • +1

              @AustriaBargain: In the context of there being 152,000 cases of it so far this year, absolutely.

              Less than 7% of all cases for any age group have ended up needing hospital care of any level. Young children aged between 0-10 have caught it more than anyone else, they've also been the least impacted in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.

              The GP tracking system ASPREN is reporting 0.5 consults per every 1000 are related to any type of the flu, so as such the Australian Dept of Health have classified influenza "as having a low impact on society for 2023 to date".

              The Proportion of fever and cough among those tracked with the flu are currently at the lowest recorded levels ever, too, indicating kids now are stronger than ever against the flu (

              Also, before you go even more doomer than what you have, there has been no confirmation by any medical authority or a coroners report that the child you are referring too even died of the flu. They could have been terminally ill with cancer for all you know and just got the flu in their last dying days. Just like what the media were doing over the last three years with their disaster-porn claims of Covid killing kids, when it turned out in reality to just be terminally ill children who caught Covid in their dying hours while stuck in a hospital.

  • +1

    I'd try to get them into sports, build their immune system that way.

    i always played weekend sports when i was 6 and barely ever got sick.
    Schools/preschools are a melting pot of viruses.

    Unfortunately kid's immune systems don't develop like they used to with the amount of antibacterial cleaners etc out there.

  • I've now got the first cold I've had in many years.

    I know where I got it. From my GP when I went to her for a minor procedure last week..

    Thanks a lot to all the parents who when their kids get a cold at school, they immediately take them to their GP, even though everyone should know that there's absolutely nothing a GP can do for a cold. And they pass it on to the GP. Who passes it on to other patients like me.

    And to add insult to injury after she passed the cold on to me, because I have cold/flu symptoms my GP now won't let me back in the door for the follow up procedure - getting the stitches out - until I recover.

    If your child gets a cold, do NOT take them to the doctor, that just spreads it to people who wouldn't otherwise have gotten it.

    • That's interesting to hear because I thought all health care settings including GP would have worn masks and that's supposed to stop the spread.

      When I went to GP last week, we all had to wear masks to prevent the spread so clearly, that's not the case based on your experience.

      • +1

        I haven't seen a GP practice that required masks for almost two years now. I'm actually surprised you found one that still does them.

  • try echinacea ?

  • Snort some heparin to keep the germs away

  • It might be worth seeing an allergist or immunologist to see if there is anything there that is causing making their immune system sensitive to colds/flu etc. If your GP isn't helpful time to see another one but at least a referral to an allergist or immunologist at your local hospital may give you some answers.

  • first - you are correct to doubt the doctor's advice, the sterile hypothesis works for bacteria, not viruses. having a viral infection may give your immune system some info - but they wont be better off.

    second - covid reduces our white bloodcell count, for a significant period. unclear if damage is permanent at this stage.

    third - ask their school teacher about ventilation in the classroom. having a minimum of air exchanges helps a great deal - both for learning (co2 concentration) and health (viral load)

    fouth - get an air filter for your home. this will reduce the viral load and prevent kids infecting each other. this with ventilation is your best bet imo (as a dad of kids) Daikin is a good brand- for $250 or so you can get a HEPA filter, try their ebay shop

    • +2

      it's quite criminal that governments put up blanket mask mandates but doesn't want to invest in covid safe measures like encouraging outdoor entertaining/dining, and air filtration for public areas / schools / medical centres

  • Yeah, three kids here. We go through the same thing every winter and it's usually one of the kids introducing it to the rest of the family. It can circulate between us for weeks.
    One thing we do which we think helps is limit exposure to one another. Ie try not to play too closely, don't hug or kiss goodnight etc. Especially with the youngest 3 year old because you know, when toddlers get sick everything is 100x harder lol we can handle other two older kids being sick.

  • +1

    sorry to hear OP, my daughter was in the same situation last year, she was out of school nearly for the whole winter. in the end she was hospitalized with RSV.

  • +1

    Under 7 rate of contracting viral infection is about 2x viruses per month.


    This is why people who don't have their kids in kindergarten and mixing with other children, end up missing a lot of time in primary school.

    Children are literally catching up to everyone else, building an immunity to what's commonly going around.

    • This is true and consistent to my experience.

  • Not a medical expert but
    - build their immune system stronger. Vit C & Iron Supplements
    - Hygiene. Sanitise your home.
    — Wear a mask at home if possible to avoid the virus
    - Flu Vaccination will not protect you from every flu, but it can help.
    - Drink plenty of Water and Rest.

  • +1

    I have 3 kids, aged 15 (twins) and 16. Primary school was a freaking nightmare with colds and the like.

    I read that on average a 10 year old has 12 colds a year… ick

    Keep feeding them plenty of fruit and veggies and buckle down OP. You've got years of this shit to go.

  • i would become bedridden when i would get the flu so this is me a few years ago until i got the flu shot, and now i get it every 12 months and has been pretty good..

  • +1

    Move overseas. I think our population isn’t dense enough to achieve a true herd immunity.

  • -3

    OP, the general advice by the Ozbargain community, although genuine, does not address the underlying cause.
    Advice like taking supplements (produced from synthesized chemicals in commercialised plants), flu vaccines, washing hands and isolating your children are basically useless. These remedies have probably been exercised by most including you and failed, hence your post.
    The reason your children are sick, other things been equal, is solely due nutrition. The modern western diet is atrocious. Highly processed food, takeaway food etc. is leading to a epidemic of obesity and a population of unhealthy individuals.
    Think critically about it. If your children are lacking supplements, what does that mean? They are not getting the necessary nutrients from their diet. Treatment of a symptom will not solve the problem.
    Vaccines? Useless. Enough said.
    And isolating them from the big bad virus is nonsensical. Micro-organisms are freaking everywhere. I refer you to Seinfield's show, "bubble boy". This is by no means a solution.
    What can you do? Feed them only natural unprocessed food like meat, fish and eggs. Limit processed carbohydrates like pasta, rice, bread etc. and especially sugar in all forms, including fruits that are high in sugar.
    I can not over stress the importance of avoiding processed food. This includes a common overlooked consumable, vegetable oils. Know the source of the food and how its processed and make good choices.
    Having a child that is metabolically healthy due to a good nutrient diet is be a step in the right direction.

    • +1

      Whilst you make some good points, kids eating fruit is good for them. No need for synthetic vitamin C when they’ve had a banana and some strawberries or whatever they are into.

      • +2

        He said fruits that are high in sugar, not just all fruit.

        Heaps of fruits are low in sugar, some a really high in sugar though and absolutely should be consumed only in limited amounts.

        Lemons, limes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, watermelon, avacado, oranges, peaches - those are all great and low sugar (around 5%). On the other hand, grapes, pears, cherries and mangoes can be between 25% to 45% pure sugar.

        • +1

          Two ways to read this but they did say all sugar.

          Regardless I would not remove grapes, pears, cherries and mangoes from kids diets. Cherries in particular have wonderful antioxidants. Cherries and mangoes are out of season, but I’ll be eating them come summer. Grapes in some parts of the year are an affordable source of fruit for many and also have great antioxidants. Pears are an excellent source of fibre, particularly good if ever a kid gets constipated. Bananas are pretty high in sugar and great for kids to eat.

          My kid eats a tonne of fruit and has done better than me and my husband for colds this year, he’ll be sick for half a day and then clear it. To the point where I said to my husband that I’m going to start eating as much fruit as the kid. I eat way more veggies and less fruit (and less carbs in general) than my fruit monster kid, yet I’m the one getting sick for longer with colds.

          Obviously if someone is overweight or diabetic they should choose their fruit wisely, but for everyone else, fruit is an important part of the diet. And I still think most people would do better eating a cup of strawberries or a banana than some ‘low sugar’, protein bar or something. The problem with telling people to limit fruit is that they will replace it with something else - highly likely it won’t be celery sticks.

          • +1


            did say all sugar

            Pardon the ambiguity, not only have you taken it out of context, but also have not given a direct quote.

            "especially sugar in all forms" is the direct quote.

            To clear the ambiguity, sugar is a molecule, and whether its derived from raw sugar or fruit the body's insulin response is the same. Believing that the sugar from fruit is healthier than raw sugar is a misconception.

            • +1

              @bigticket: It’s not the sugar in fruit that is good it’s the other nutrients. I truely believe eating fresh fruit is good for kids and helps them fight colds. I also believe it’s perfectly acceptable for kids to eat high sugar fresh fruits such as grapes. It’s pretty fringe to recommend non diabetic healthy weight kids don’t eat fruit. I would argue eating a pice of fruit versus a biscuit with the same amount of total sugar is better - not because of the sugar, but the other nutrients.

              • +1

                @morse: I don't wish to enter into a "fruit" opinion debate. That should be another separate forum topic all together, but a factual debate, absolutely. There is a general belief that over-inflates the dietary health benefits of fresh fruit.
                1. There is no dispute about the nutrients in fruit, the question boils down to the fruits very low bio-availability. For example, only ~1% of iron is bio-available from spinach, whereas its ~25% from red meat (heme iron). This is a generally the case for most fruits. Good luck if your a woman with low iron and thinking that 200g of spinach is the same as a 200g steak. Eating 5kg of spinach doesn't do it for me.
                2. GMO foods are not required to be labelled as such and hence as part of the production process are sprayed with pesticides and "roundup". These chemicals in a sickly developing child should be avoided.
                3. Considering 1.+ 2. above and the negative effects of sugar, the overall benefits cancel out.
                Hence my statement, not to eliminate, but to limit fruits especially those high in sugar.

                • @bigticket:

                  I don't wish to enter into a "fruit" opinion debate.

                  Also @bigticket writes three paragraphs of fruit opinion. And was the one to recommended not eating fruit (amongst a flurry of other opinions, anti vac no less) in the first instance. This is all sounding rather fruity 🍌 🍎 🍒 🍐 🍍 to me.

                  Here you go

                  In this study fruit is protective of influenza and pneumonia and vegetables protective for COVID. Meat not so good, red meat no good for influenza, processed meat no good for COVID.

                  In summary, consumption of coffee, tea, oily fish, and fruit were favorably associated with incident pneumonia/influenza and red meat was adversely associated in the UKB.

                  Some more reading for you since you don’t like opinions

                  No one is suggesting eating only fruit (re your iron comment, fish/shellfish and chicken are probably the pick for haem iron if worried about other health factors - personally I eat meat some days of the week). Wash your fruit and veggies. No evidence that GMO produce is harmful. I’m going to keep eating fruit as part of my diet and giving it to my kid. In answer to OPs question, I think a full balanced diet including fresh fruit, vegetables, proteins and wholegrains is one protective factor (amongst many others), childhood vaccination where available, being physically active and riding out that first year of school/daycare are probably the most important if there’s not individual factors relating to the child or home.

                  • @morse:

                    And was the one to recommended not eating fruit (amongst a flurry of other opinions, anti vac no less)

                    See, I like facts. Does

                    "recommended not eating fruit" factually represent my comment

                    "Limit processed carbohydrates like pasta, rice, bread etc. and especially sugar in all forms, including fruits that are high in sugar."

                    Clearly misrepresenting someone, where anyone can scroll up and verify, obviously discredits your argument.
                    Also, it would be apparent that the OP has tried most options. It is also apparent that vaccinating their children is not the answer. Hence my assessment of flu vaccines: useless.

                    I truely believe eating fresh fruit is good for kids and helps them fight colds. I also believe…

                    Also @bigticket writes three paragraphs of fruit opinion.

                    I hope you do understand the difference between opinion and a factual argument and will give the the benefit of doubt even though its contrary to what you write.
                    I have represented facts and have advised the OP based on those facts and shied away from anecdotal and opinionated comments.

                    Your 2 references are noted. They do not address my main argument, that is, bio-availability.

                    The first from the "National Institute on Aging" a prospective cohort study of participants of average age 57 years with the oldest at 73. Thats a great source reference for this posting on children.
                    These "questionnaire" studies are no gold standard. There are many confounding factors in this study like assessing smoking, coffee, tea etc. These types of studies rank the lowest. And do not apply to the OP.

                    The second is basically a meta-analysis. These studies rank low and are basically opinionated studies whose outcome is predetermined by selective sourcing that depends one where the funding for the study is derived. The exact opposite could be presented by filtering studies to the outcome desired.

                    Please take a read on the use of glyphosates(round up) and pesticides in GMO foods.
                    Google for more references if you're interested.

                    Note that I basically agree with you in the most part. Its all about the fact that bio-availability, carbohydrate and sugar content that is not taken into account when consuming fruits and vegetables. And yes a balanced diet is important, but scrutiny should be employed as well, when armed to good information.

                    • @bigticket:

                      I have represented facts and have advised the OP based on those facts and shied away from anecdotal and opinionated comments

                      Joke of the day!

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