What Would You Do if Burglars Broke into Your Home

Just want to hear what others might do. There's been some burglaries in my area, and that recent balaclava deal got me thinking on what I'd do if I'm a victim of a burglary.

If I was at home and burglars made their way inside, I'd yell "Give me my gun".

Am I allowed to have a machete or a metal baseball bat under my bed?


        • +4

          It truly is the best state.

            • +6

              @Protractor: What are you on about? I just said it was the best state, not country. It is completely different to Qld.

              • -5

                @brendanm: Just because the King Mark thought WA was a country, doesn't mean it is.

                QLD WA Same same. Or getting there.
                and FIGJAM everywhere.

                • +3


                  Just because the King Mark thought WA was a country, doesn't mean it is.

                  I have no idea what you are talking about.

                  QLD WA Same same. Or getting there.
                  and FIGJAM everywhere.

                  Have you hit your head?

                  • -5

                    @brendanm: I'm not here to translate the obvious for you. Thanks /s for the cheap 'brain damage ' inference.

                    Your walls might need Windexing,I think

                    • +1

                      @Protractor: It's only obvious to you. No one else has mentioned wa being a country. Just you. You are the only one to mention it. Only you know what is going on in your head.

                      • -1

                        @brendanm: If it's only obvious to me, how do you know that?
                        You know what's going on in everyone else's head but me?

                        Pretty sure every man and his dog knows what FIGJAM means. And King Mark of WA.
                        As for the other things, including the country comment, you have the ability to track a conversation , but chose not to.
                        Thanks for the negs. I never knew they were for the times when a reader misunderstands the obvious

                        • +1

                          @Protractor: The only comment of yours that I negged was -

                          WA is not a country. ( Despite the egotistic opinions in WA)
                          WA is a QLD wannabe

                          I also can't do multiple negs on one. Shock horrid, more than one person disagrees with you.

                          You are posting incomprehensible ramblings. Don't blame others for not following your train of thought.

                          • -1

                            @brendanm: You actually don't know who the premier of WA is (was) and that during covid WA was 'cynically considered a whole other country my ES media and some premiers? You missed all the brags about open for business? and you don't know what FIGJAM stands for ?

                            • +1

                              @Protractor: I know who the premier was. I know what figjam is. Never heard it referred to as a country. Unsure how figjam fits in with Qld and wa.

                              So many mysteries.

                              • @brendanm: But apparently all 'incomprehensible' points, for so long.

                                • +1

                                  @Protractor: Incomprehensible in the context of what you replied to.

                                  • @brendanm: Not at all, when you look at the entire string of conversation, and one in which a very parochial participant is involved

      • +2

        dont even need pepper spray strong bug spray does well pretty.

        • Extra strong fast drying spray adhesive.

          Police are looking for a suspect with clumps of flesh and hair missing

        • deep heat spray is essentially pepper spray

      • What if I grind up some birdseye or habanero chilli with water and put it in a spray bottle?

  • +4

    If I had a gun, I would fire 2 warning shots…into their head.

    They had it comin
    They had it comin
    They only had themselves to blame
    If you'd have been there
    If you had seen it
    I betcha you would have done the same

    • -6

      Breaking in to a house to steal things doesn’t deserve a death penalty.

      • Whoosh

      • +1

        Simple break in? no. Aggravated break in or even worse, break ins where a weapon was used on residents resulting in injury? Yeah, that would be a net positive to society if they no longer existed. Not even worth rehabilitating at that point.

      • Lol
        Does it deserve it.. no
        Should the onus be on the homeowner to determine (in a spur of the moment) what would constitute reasonable force? Also no

    • +1

      Nice Chicago reference.

  • +6

    Grab your bat or crowbar, run out swinging it violently, try and get as many hits as possible in and just keep swinging it as hard as you can - they will flee.
    There are plenty of east targets out there, these people are not gonna risk serious injury when they can flee, and go next street over and try another house.
    Just never make it easy for them, if they are taking your shit which you’ve worked hard for and they pinch it and sell it for $20 to get high make sure you make them work hard for it! You might take a couple hits but your adrenaline will be so high I doubt you will feel it.

  • +7

    make them a cup of tea and a biscuit

    jokes on them I live in a rental and are poor as.f

    • +4

      Over the cup of tea you could discuss your go fund me for your desired 32" Bauhn TV (not the smart version) then they can come back in 12 months and take that.

      • +2

        I.O.U 1x 32" bauhn TV (next time on clearance sale at aldi)

    • Make the bickies Ginger Nuts. They may break a tooth or 2

  • +1

    Turn on wireless radio speaker on full blast. Call 000. Hide in closet. Don't panic and turn on party mode to activate the other speaker. On full blast, the house really reverberates, hopefully the burglar leaves.

    Instructions to fam, go hide in closet, don't confront the burglar.

    • +7

      What's your emergency?

      OP: Whaaaat?

      What's your emergency?

      OP: Let me turn the music down. Hang on a Minnie.


      OP: Sorry about that. Now where were we?

      • +7

        Omg is that Cascada- everytime we touch???!

        I love this song!

        Op and operator: start dancing to absolute vintage banger

        • +3

          Intruders think they've walked in on some freak show conference call and immediately vacate the premises empty handed.

        • Burglar joins in. Very small (temporary) conga line forms. Pray the track is an extended version , or drop off and run like shite out the nearest door squealing like a goat on youtube

        • +1

          Thanks! Now i'm listening to Cascada. It's 2005 all over again.

          • @Analytical Therapist: Take me back fams

            • +2

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: Lol. Cascada now trending top 40 on Spotify.


              • @Muzeeb: On Mobile spotify so can’t verify but if if it actually is, this is extremely aesthetic.

                Can we also get;

                DJ SAMMY HEAVEN
                DARUDE SANDSTORM
                HADDAWAY WHAT IS LOVE
                SNAP RHYTHM IS A DANCER
                EIFFEL 65 - blue

                trending again?

                • @Jimothy Wongingtons: WTF..! I've heard most of these. Scooter - isn't that with the 2 girls in the bathtub topless or naked, I can't remem now - and hair bleaching is still a thing!

  • +11

    I'm envious of all these people with closets empty enough not only to hide themselves, but their families as well.

    I need to get some Marie Kondo survivalist planning done.

  • +4

    I'll tell them to wait 5 minutes whilst I check ozbargains

  • +1

    it depends on your circumstances (eg, how many other people living in the house, your mindest (would you defend yourself or hide), your level of paranoia and how much you actually want to do.

    If you prefer to hide, create a safe room. It could be your bedroom or other room where you spend most of your time. Secure yourself inside and call the police. Anything you think is valuable should either be hidden away or bolted down. The safe room should be inaccessible from the outside but also allow you to exit to somewhere outside rather easily (to escape / avoid fire etc). After the event, find out how they got in and secure the area.

    If you do want to confront them, then be prepared for the consequences.

  • +3

    A mild alternative to pepper spray is a dry powder fire extinguisher. If you're going to be attacked, spray it at their face and they won't be able to see for a while. That should hopefully buy you time to get out of harm's way where you can call the police. That weighty metal tank could be useful to um, knock things out of your way too.

    That dry powder will be a huge pain to clean up, but better a big mess than a potentially serious injury!

  • +1

    See how they react to 2 good size rotties being very protective..

    • +1

      Wet humping?

      • +1

        One per leg?

  • +2

    Make out with them

    • +2

      That’s one way to ‘release’ the tension, I guess..

  • +6

    Keep a can of strong fly spray nearby, spray it in their face and eyes and then exit the property and call the poice, keep mobile handy

    • +1

      Not all heroes wear capes


      • +10

        Pam didn't mention the part where she ignites a lighter in front of said fly spray for maximum carnage.

    • +1

      a person i know who was raped at young age has a a few cans oven cleaner hidden in draws and under bed etc - not taking into account if attacker grabs it off you or you spraying yourself when under stress (maybe attach those little plastic straws so you know where outlet is in heat of moment) , uncertain of the legal aspect of potentially blinding someone who breaks into your house. If someone broke into my house and threatened my daughter, i would have no issues using oven cleaner but if its just grab and run, then meh, not going to fight and potentially getting hurt.

  • +4

    Cut off their hands and feet, then forgive them

    • +1

      Hahaha 🤣

  • +12

    I have had burglars break in while I was home, so I know what I did.

    I got up and put a pair of pants on. By which time they were gone.

    I lived in a 2nd floor home unit. I thought that made it safe to leave the balcony doors open. The little buggers climbed up the balconies in full view of the street to get to mine where they could see the balcony doors were open. And woke me up. And cleared out back out the balcony windows, leaving behind the pile of the stuff they'd gathered up ready to take.

    Unless they know the occupant, and know there's something valuable to take, like drugs, that's by far the most likely scenario when burglars break in while the occupants are at home. They just clear out as fast as they can, and find another target. Burglars are there to burgle. To take stuff. They aren't there to attack the occupants. They aren't armed. Anyone who thinks they are likely to be attacked by a burglar has been watching too many American TV programs.

    • +5

      Keeping pants off might have scared them off quicker…

      • Or for some of us, the burglar might laugh so hard they fall and hit their head…

  • Keep a very bright strong flashlight near your bed, the old school security guard style and a pole or bat.

    a strong flashlight at night will disorientate them.

    Make sure you put socks or cloth around the bat or pole so if they cant grab on to it .

    You can use reasonable force to defend yourself, you cant use it as an excuse to beat them bloody or kill them if they no longer pose a threat.

    • +2

      a strong flashlight at night will disorientate them

      A BRIGHT flashlight at night will disorient them. A STRONG flashlight can be used to hit them with. So make sure yours is both.

      • yeah hence the old metal security type ones and the pole .

        Dual wielding bro

    • +3

      Make sure you put socks or cloth around the bat or pole so if they cant grab on to it

      Burglars Hate Him! Prevent Your Bat or Pole Being Grabbed With This One Weird Trick

    • +1

      "If they no longer pose a threat"

      The key is to do as much damage in the first hit ;)

  • Are home invasions even happening much nowadays?

    It is too high risk low reward.

    • +1

      Cost of living is getting worse so I'd expect there to be more break-ins.

    • yes. Everybody on OzB' loves their bikies, but they are the scum that do home invasions.

    • +4

      More than likely if someone is going to break in its for the car keys they can see through the front door window sitting on the table.

      They'll use the car for a quick joyride and dump it somewhere.

      No one has cash anymore, jewelry is hard to move, TVs are too big, tablets are useless with a pin on them.

    • It is pretty hard to steal a TV nowadays.

      • +1

        You wouldn't download a car…

    • High risk low reward?!
      Most home invasions in qld are done by children. Its NO risk ALL reward for them.
      If they get away with it, they get cool stuff and cash. If they get caught and arrested they can try again tomorrow night.

    • Home invasions are gonna be targeted at occupants that have tax avoiding businesses (that may have mega $$$ stashed somewhere), drug dealers (that may have mega $$$ stashed somewhere), personal vendettas, and people rorting the 'victims of crime' pay outs (especially if the whole extended family is home).

  • -2

    Am I allowed to have a machete or a metal baseball bat under my bed?

    No for the purpose of using as a weapon, even in self-defense.

    You can still use something as defensive weapon in the moment, you just can't plan to do it.

    So a baseball bat under your bed could be ok, especially if you have other baseball related gear, but a machete is almost certainly going to get you in trouble.

  • +1

    They don't want to hurt you, they just want your stuff. So less likely to have a knife or something so just remember to plant one on them!

  • +4

    I'd walk out naked and they'd die of laughter.

  • +5

    5yo me already had this figured out:

    1. Grab my Legolas bow from my LotR show bag
    2. Get knives from the kitchen
    3. Shoot knives using the bow
    4. Burglar’s dead, I’m a hero
    • Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.

      What about side by side with a friend?

      Aye. I could do that.

  • I heard QLD has a youth crime epidemic because the laws were watered down to protect juveniles from harsh punishment, because they have no capacity to know what is right or what is wrong.

    So they’re free to burgle and hurt people with little in the way of repercussions

    I wonder what brains behind the government and lawbringers decided this

    For example would the juveniles know it’s wrong to defecate on their parents’ bed?

    If young burglars don’t have capacity, does that mean when they take your stuff and rape you, that it’s neither right or wrong?

    It’s a modern day brain twister for sure

    Maybe burglaries in Australia should be legal

    • I heard….

      "becomes yoof B& E and rape in one magical storyline.
      Mmm hmm.

      Pretty sure the cops have swept the streets revcently because of the spike and the arrest rate was enormous

      "A summary of a report from the Queensland Government Statistician's Office shows the proportion of both youth and adult offenders in 2021-22 is the lowest since records began in 2012-13.

      The rate of unique youth offenders fell by 31 per cent — to 1,926.4 per 100,000 people in 2021/22, compared with 2,792.8 per 100,000 people in 2012-13"


      Dig around here>

    • Yes in rockhampton (plus surrounding areas like yeppoon and gracemere) youth crime is a big problem.

      But they are mainly stealing cars and going on joy rides then dumping them.

      Problem is theres only 1x 24hr cop shop in the district, the other ones are only open during the day 8am to 4pm north rocky, 8.30am to 3.30am gracemere, 8am to 4pm yeppoon (which is a good 20min+ from rocky)

      Qld gov needs to spend some money in one of the two major coal towns in regional qld with all the royalties instead of funnelling it to brisbane or the olympics

      • +2

        Maybe instead of having a whinge about having more money spent in your already overfunded town, the adults should take a good hard look at themselves and consider why their kids are little shits.

        Maybe if their parents weren't more interested in being meth-heads and beating the crap out of each other instead of being parents, their little shits wouldn't be out stealing cars.

        • or go back a step further and be the person who has kids for the right reason in the first place, rather than for bling,cos everyone else does or if not now when, mentality.
          If a fairly noticeable % of kids who aren't committing crime , are spoilt disrespectful AHs. Genetics

          And maybe Mr Plod could start going after drug distribution a teeny weeny bit more?

  • 4D Maglite under the bed.

    "Turned it on at night to see what the noise was, and was surprised by someone standing next to me in the dark- so I struck out to defend myself"

    If burglar dies due to blows to the head or falling over, I haven't armed myself (ie baseball bat or machete).

    DO NOT ARM YOURSELF WITH A WEAPON… if things turn bad and you are charged because THEY got hurt, your defence in court is weak if you're swinging a blade or bat around.

    • +2

      ….Slip over in your urine mid battle and the weapon swinger becomes the target. Hell hath no fury than a petty crim , or anyone else,who suddenly fights for his life….
      Make your place harder to break into than your neighbours. Prevention is the key.
      Desperate ppl do desperate things.

      • +1

        100% agreed. Make it so they think too hard. I'll go elsewhere!

  • +1

    If you’re worried at least look into barring up your windows first.

  • Machete? Definite No. Baseball bat? No. this Is Australia, should be a cricket bat.

    If someone brakes in, lights on make some noise and they’ll most likely run. (Yes, i types brakes deliberately to offset some of the automotive incorrect spellings)

  • Deploy the smoke cloak.

    Then deploy the toddlers.

    Wish them good luck surviving your home.

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