• long running

2 Documentaries Free to Stream @ Palestinian Film Festival Australia via Vimeo


The 2023 Palestinian Film Festival Australia has been postponed, and two documentaries from previous years have been made free to stream.

From their website:

The continuing crisis in Occupied Palestine is heartbreaking. Our thoughts, prayers and love are with the innocent and vulnerable people caught up in this latest war. This is not the time to hold a film festival. It is time to mourn the dead, pay our respects to those suffering and work together to bring an immediate end to the ongoing atrocities against innocent civilians. It is for these reasons, we have decided to postpone the 2023 Palestinian Film Festival Australia.

In an effort to promote an increased understanding of what is happening in Occupied Palestine, the Palestinian Film Festival Australia is making two documentaries, 1948: Creation & Catastrophe and Gaza, screened at previous Palestinian film festivals freely available for all Australians to see.

1948: Creation and Catastrophe by Andy Trimlett and Ahlam Muhtaseb.

Through moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis, 1948: Creation and Catastrophe reveals the shocking events of the most pivotal year in the most controversial conflict in the world.

Gaza by Garry Keane and Andrew McConnell.

A portrait of a people attempting to lead meaningful lives against the rubble of perennial conflict and going beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a world rich with eloquent and resilient characters.

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  • +12

    This is something for the forums.

  • +28

    its a free film festival, watch them or dont, i wont be, but geez, how is that a trigger for people..

    • +5

      Because it's not "just a free film festival" - it's activism designed to counter the narrative those "triggered" people fervently believe.

      It's something I fully support, and am sick of the lazy and apathetic throwing tantrums every time "politics" is mentioned, but it seems pretty obvious why the anti-Palestine brigade is angry that people are trying to humanise the animals (sadly, their words) they're attempting to eradicate.

  • +21

    Says a lot about ozbargain that Sound of Freedom thread went smoother

    • +20

      Hollywood is the biggest producer of propaganda

      • Not disagreeing, still no place here

      • +4

        The West's fundamentals are propaganda & self-glorification :(

    • so your down voting the deal or because of the politics ?

    • +1

      Says a front loop with a Ukraine flag in profile picture.

      • Ukrainians are white people and deserve better..
        Other people’s politics? Nah, we don’t want to hear about it..!

  • -6

    Please - no politics on OzB!!

    • +9

      Please - no Toms on OzB!!

    • correct, no propoganda, politics etc on this bargains website.

      • +2

        What if there is a political bargain up for grabs?

        • Then we OzBargain it and never speak of it again!

    • Agree

  • +58

    If OzB allowed that right wing garbage "What is a Woman" documentary to be considered a deal, then this is definitely a deal too. To say otherwise would be hypocritical.

    • +7

      That’s a very good point tbh.

      • -4

        It really is… except that it's not.

        • +9

          Well argued mate

          • -3

            @beltdrive: Palestinian propaganda, at a time of a just war of response and a documentary where a right wing commentator lets looney far left activists hang themselves by their own petard, just by talking, are equivalent in your tiny mind (and anyone else approving of your dullardry - of which it sadly appears there are a few).

            • +8

              @Bdawg: Didn’t take long for the insults to roll out 🥱 Classic fallback for someone without a substantial argument

              Implying that I’m arguing equivalence of the documentaries’ subject matter is conjecture. Nobody ever said that. I don’t see any use in making this a partisan culture wars argument. The point here is that if a documentary about one thing is acceptable, then a documentary about another is too.

              The implication that Matt Walsh approached his documentary objectively is so laughable that I take it that you made it in bad faith. Let’s be real: his documentary is also propaganda. It was made to argue his own beliefs. The footage that was included and the footage they was omitted was decided by whether or not the footage helps his argument or not

              Taking umbrage with documentaries about Palestine when Israel is at war with Hamas indicates a lack of understanding about the conflict altogether

    • +6

      And 'Sound of Freedom'.

      • -3

        SoF was about child slave trafficking which still occurs. Next you’ll have an issue with Gladiator

        • +4

          SoF was about child slave trafficking which still occurs.

          Are you suggesting that the movies in this deal are not about something? Both movies are about something, that doesn't change the fact that they are propaganda.

          • +1

            @bio: SoF didn’t seem like propaganda to me, it was a movie about child slave trade. Saving Private Ryan isn’t propaganda either

      • +21

        Way to prove the point snowflake.

        • +5

          Same guy up voted what is a woman 'documentary'

        • -2

          You lefties can't use snowflake against us, we're immune.

      • +4

        Don't take it personally. There are lost and confused people everywhere. It's just that most of them turn to conservative ways and it just happens those are mostly linked to the right wing shit.

      • +8

        oh far-left far-left. Please let me say far-left. The TV told me everything I disagree with is far-left far-left. Cancel all other people. It's all misinformation. My right wing views are the only ones that should be considered. Everyone is a <woke/snowflake/leftist/insert-your-favourite-deragotary-made-up-word> we should all do what the right wing governments and the right wing media tell us to do. Far-left far-left please govern me harder daddy.

        • Is that you Ana Palaszczuk? Nice to see you comrade.

        • mate your just a commonist soshalist marxist

          • +1


            mate your just a commonist soshalist marxist

            Oops, what gave me away?

        • +1

          The TV told me everything

          Have you noticed how whatever language / labels / words, ….
          the TV or newspapers use,
          it is the same language people use again ?

          We hardly deviate from their script,…which has been 'prescribed' to everyone.

          That's a very powerful way to plant words and thoughts into a population,
          if the vocabulary we use was chosen for us, rather than something we consciously come up with.

          If knowledge is power,
          then those who control your knowledge, control your power too.

          • +1

            @whyisave: Do you just use words you've never heard/read in your speech, even when you haven't heard them in context? Do you prefer to speak in Olde English?

            Of course people are going to communicate in ways/with words as they see others do. That's literally how we learned as children. To branch out too far in any direction risks you being unintelligible like someone who speaks Olde English or exclusively in TikTok memes

            If you feel your language is being controlled to influence your thoughts, consider picking up another language

            Words are not chosen for us, they are dynamic with meanings that change over time. We create them as we need and change them at a whim (like with the word "literally")

            • @SpainKing:

              If you feel your language is being controlled to influence your thoughts, consider picking up another language

              wow…so Communist is the reply.

              Words are not chosen for us

              I'm saying exactly that,
              when we consume the news
              and or other forms of curated / edited content.
              Curation = chosen for.

              Watch George Carlin's "soft language",
              and you'll get the idea of how language is used to shape thoughts.

              (Example: even the words you use can shape your own thoughts,
              eg. if you're always using positive words you can enact positive thoughts,
              and vice-versa.
              Neuro-Linguistic Programming is doing similar things too,
              and it's how motivational speakers cut through to people )

              • +1

                @whyisave: I appreciate you getting back to me, I was just voicing my own opinion because I've had similar thoughts in the past. Unfortunately there's not really much research according to this:

                "2.1 Testing the Linguistic Relativity Hypotheses

                In light of the vast literature on linguistic relativity hypotheses, one would expect that a good deal of careful experimental work had been done on the topic. It hasn't. Often the only evidence cited in favor of such hypotheses is to point to a difference between two languages and assert that it adds up to a difference in modes of thought. But this simply assumes what needs to be shown, namely that such linguistic differences give rise to cognitive differences. On the other hand, refutations of the hypothesis often target implausibly extreme versions of it or proceed as though refutations of it in one domain (e.g., color language and color cognition) show that it is false across the board.

                2.2 Many Versions of the Hypothesis have not been Tested

                A linguistic relativity hypothesis says that some particular aspect of language influences some particular aspect of cognition. Many different aspects of language could, for all we know, influence many different aspects of cognition. This means that a study showing that some particular aspect of language (e.g., the color lexicon of a language) does (or does not) influence some particular aspect of cognition (e.g., recognition memory of colors) does not tell us whether other aspects of language (e.g., the lexicon for spatial relations) influence other aspects of cognition (e.g., spatial reasoning). It does not even tell us whether the single aspect of language we focused on affects any aspects of thought besides the one we studied, or whether other aspects of language influence the single aspect of thought we examined.

                The point here is not merely a theoretical one. When the mind is seen as all of a piece, whether it's the result of stepping through Piaget's universal stages of development, the output of universal learning mechanisms, or the operation of a general-purpose computer, confirming or disconfirming the hypothesis in one area (e.g., color) might bear on its status in other areas. But there is increasing evidence that the mind is, to at least some degree, modular, with different cognitive modules doing domain specific work (e.g., parsing syntax, recognizing faces) and processing different kinds of information in different kinds of ways. If this is right, there is less reason to expect that findings about the influence of language on one aspect of cognition will generalize to other aspects."

                Sorry it's so long, it said it better than I could though

                wow…so Communist is the reply.

                I wasn't at all implying you were a Communist. I was saying you should learn a new language because a large part of linguistic relativity is about how different cultures speak different languages, which may influence the way they think/culture. Learning's also just good for you

                I'm saying exactly that,
                when we consume the news
                and or other forms of curated / edited content.
                Curation = chosen for.

                With some stories I'm sure you're right, the editor gets involved and changes words that would be too inflammatory. The words chosen/not chosen still had an organic creation/evolution of meaning, and choosing one doesn't mean the other doesn't exist any more. It still exists to ponder ideas with

                New meanings can be prescribed to words and new words can be created for concepts so it would be very difficult to limit thinking. Some just fall out of favour or change over time (hence me bringing up Olde English before). Before Isaac Newton theorised gravity he had no word for it, he still managed to form it in to an idea though

      • +1

        Papa trump told me so!

        • Didn't know he was an anarchist.

          • +6

            @FiveFingerDiscount: They guy who tried to overthrow the government while it certified the next democratically-elected president?

    • +1

      What is a Woman doesn't preach hate and violence.

      • +1

        Which part(s) in these documentaries do that? Please be specific

  • +1

    where is the bargain

  • Imo the mods should delete this before the comments get ugly. I wish that wasn’t needed, but my expectations are low.

    Edit: or just disable comments??

  • +1

    Keep here quiet and peaceful at least, It's a bargain place. We've already heard enough of those!!!

    • +2

      It is a bargain to get something free to watch, whether one likes it or not is a different story

  • News coming in today that Hamas bombs intended for Israel hit one of their own hospitals. With Israel’s help, let us hope the Palestinian Gazans defeat the oppressive Hamas once and for all. Pray for the 200 kidnapped Israelis and the innocent Palestinians used by Hamas as shields.

    • -1

      News coming in today that Hamas bombs intended for Israel

      Wouldn't surprise me if they did it deliberately so they could just blame it on Israel.

      • +8

        Check the history of Israel doing this so many times before. They denied it in the first place and quietly accept the responsibility at the end. Happened with journalist killing as well.

        • Check the history of Israel doing this so many times before.

          The discussion is about what has caused this conflict and all the deaths.
          It was clearly a terrorist action by Hamas.
          The rest is just the consequences of that.

          • +6

            @jv: Death of 1000 children in retaliation is a justifiable consequence to you? It wasn’t an accident there was an Israeli behind the button that dropped them bombs on those children. Wake up to ur self.

            • +4


              Death of 1000 children in retaliation is a justifiable consequence to you?

              No, but they have little choice when their people are being held hostage and being murdered and Hamas posting videos of it happening.

              Do you support terrorists?

              • +7

                @jv: They have the choice not to bomb hospitals, evacuation convoys, women and children. They made that choice to commit these war crimes intentionally and deliberately. Israel are just as guilty as Hamas if not more as they were in the offensive to start for 70 years in this occupation.

                • +4


                  They have the choice not to bomb hospitals

                  That was from a Hamas rocket.

                  You seriously think that Israel are targetting hospitals???

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: " Israel are just as guilty as Hamas if not more…" and people thumbsed this up? Wwp, that's some disgraceful lack of humanity.

                  • +1

                    @Bdawg: I know right!

                    These palestinians supporters lack any sort of humanity, how dare they care about these dirty gazan children getting bombed, they arent even human!

                    Remember, there are no innocent civilians in Gaza! Massacre the children!

              • +1

                @jv: You obviously support terrorists. I condemned action on both sides but u would only aim at one. Ur an idiot terrorist supporter.

              • +4


                No, but they have little choice

                Get a grip! Of course they have a choice. Nothing, and I mean nothing, including a terrorist attack can justify bombing of civilians.

                Hamas is a terrorist organisation, and Israel government is no better.

                • +6


                  Of course they have a choice.

                  Yes, I guess that can ''choose' not to try and rescue the hostages and just watch them getting beheaded by Hamas and their supporters.

                  Not going to happen though…

                  • +3

                    @jv: Collective punishment is a war crime prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II.

                    • +1

                      @Creamsoda: That's good to know…

                      Hopefully the Hamas terrorists go to trial for this…

                      • +1

                        @jv: Hamas is a terrorist organization no doubt about that but it doesn't give the right for Israel to cut off Food, Water and Electricity to 2.5mil people use white phosphorus on a densely populated area. This is clear text book war crime and genocide.

                  • +1

                    @jv: rescue hostages by bombing the (profanity) out of them?

                    or are they rescuing hostages by shooting palestinians with hostages, killing their own civs in the crossfire?

          • +1

            @jv: Err what caused that in the first place is occupation of Palestine following WWII.

        • -2

          Always Hamas(muhammadans) breaking the peace, striking first. #ReligionOfPeace

          • @Webbo: #ChosenPeople #IgnoreTheOccupation #LetUsTakeYourLand

            • -1

              @abjsdhasehasee: deflection…. Is that you Dan?

              • @jv: Deflection? deflecting dead children and innocents, is that you Israel?

                Shooting hamas and killing civs in the crossfire, is that you Israel?

                Lying and contorting stories that put Israel into a bad light and blaming others every chance they can, is that you Israel?

                • -1


                  Deflection? deflecting dead children

                  The ones decapitated by Hamas?

                  • +2

                    @jv: When Israel is accused - "We must investigate it, biased claims, IDF claims it is untrue, we must believe Israel"

                    When Hamas is accused - "We must carpet bomb the gaza strip, there are no innocents in gaza"

                    I ask however, can you provide me the evidence of the decapitated babies? a source please? or did the news just believe the israelis like you believed the news? Blindly

                    • -1


                      When Hamas is accused

                      Hamas admitted to capturing hostages and killing children in the videos they posted…

                      • +1

                        @jv: killing children in the videos they posted

                        what happened to decapitation??

                    • -2


                      evidence of the decapitated babies? a source please?

                      Cannot post the links here, it is against he posting rules.

                      Look them up yourself…

                      If you want to post them here and get banned… Go for it…

                      • @jv: You can send them to me personally, it should take a minute tops, considering there's so much evidence

      • +1

        IDF claims the rockets were fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
        I take all claims with a pinch of salt, and it was most likely an accident, but if any of those groups would deliberately bomb a hospital, it is PIJ.


        • +1

          but if any of those groups would deliberately bomb a hospital

          More likely to be the group that kill innocent people at a music festival, take and kill hostages and then gloat about it by posting the videos….

          • +1

            @jv: PIJ are jealous that they were left out of the fun, due to OPSEC.

    • +4

      Ahh the old "freedom" and "liberation" of the oppressed line. where have we heard that one….

    • +2

      Please don't spread misinformation. There's no certainty yet as both sides are blaming each other.

    • +1

      Wow so many negging this? Who knew we had so many terrorist sympathisers in Australia? It's actually shocking imo anyone taking the side of either the Zionist or the Terrorist should be deported from Australia as a threat to national security. Simple as that.

      • +6

        The Australian government should be deported as a threat to national security? What on earth are you going on about?

    • +3

      The Anglican Church running the hospital confirmed it was an air strike. An IDF account confirmed they hit a hospital that they suspected Hamas to be near in a tweet (x). That tweet was quickly deleted but not before it was saved.

      It was an Israeli air strike.

      If you still don't believe me, there is video of it watch it, it is very very clear from the video it's an air strike.

      Don't believe the lies on CNN. Do you own research.

      • The supposed "IDF Account" you're referring to is "Hananya Naftali". He is not an IDF Spokesman despite what has been spread around, he is a journalist. He has since retracted his tweet. He isn’t an official source for confirmation of attacks. He literally based his very preemptive post on a Reuters news article and jumped to conclusions.

        And yes, there are videos. They show the rocket being fired from Palestinian territory and striking the hospital. Not sure how you've deduced that Israel has somehow fired a rocket from deep within Palestine.

        • +1

          How do you explain the Anglican Church confirming it was an airstrike? The organization that ran the hospital….

          Were you there? They were.

        • +2

          Also that video you saw was time stamped BEFORE the attack took place. Watch the actual correct video….

          Stop watching CNN ffs.

  • oh dear, here we go…

  • +3

    also worth watching 'gaza fights for freedom' on means tv

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