WHY opinions? Women seeking "unvaxxed" sperm spikes

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NEWS HEADLINE READS in todays News -
EXCLUSIVE: Demand for 'unvaxxed' sperm spikes: Women are turning to shady Facebook groups looking for donors who refused to get the Covid shot

Why do you think are they looking for unvaxxed sperm ? ?
Good luck finding it girls, as over 90% of AU population is vaxxed.

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Daily Mail


    • +1



    • wake up wake up
      they DONT want vaxxed sperm, ONLY ACCEPTING UNVAXED sperm
      Nothing to do if they attract men, they choosing unvaxx sperM

    • I was just about to say this….the shes ain't getting a shag from anyone with a pulse,and the hes couldn't get one with a handful of pardons in a female correctional facility.

  • -5

    Makes sense. Most antivaxxer males produce more 'bodily fluid'. Mostly when alone

    EDIT: Also 'turkey baster' has now become an entirely relevant definition for this cohort.

  • +11

    Good luck finding it girls, as over 90% of AU population is vaxxed.

    the dumbest 10% of women breeding with the dumbest 10% of men? look at the USA to see the result.

    • +2


    • +2

      Sorry, too late and Australia is ahead … by a country mile … remember Victorians re-elected Dan Andrews …

      Yanks are now to fat to procreate and the fit ones are deployed to war-zones, getting killed.
      God bless the influx of illegals. Might be hope after all.

    • That's a completely unnecessary jab at pro-palestine supporters.

      • Oh dear … that is so anti-vax.
        Shame on you!!

        • +1

          I openly support giving all terrorist supporters 9 Covid boosters.

          Well, those few that haven't had them already anyway.

    • You say this as if covid vaccination status is the key indicator for intelligence

      • +2

        It's certainly a key indicator for sudden and early onset of heart attacks in healthy young people..

  • +2

    The article is basically a huge ad for that politician who wants his gene to take over the world.
    I hope op got paid for further advertising him.

    • +2

      anti vaxx & clickbait generally shows how many cellar dwellers there are out there and as members here. Bizzaro/s

  • +9

    OP's history is full of frankly hilarious (yet serious?) anti vax comments

    This post isn't an attempt at real conversation, it's a dull excuse to spread an opinion based on a thoroughly ridiculous article.

    • OP instantly destroys any possible credibility by posting a link to the Daily Mail.

  • +1

    "a dull excuse to spread an opinion based on a thoroughly ridiculous article."
    Nailed it

    Which is why every forum topic should come with an option for members to call it as clickbait, so we can see in black and white who the repeat offenders and cookers are

    • +1

      Sounds like a good idea to me. If it gets enough clickbait votes it should be closed down.

      • -1

        But anyone who uses the word 'cooker' should be banned from voting.

        • +2

          I would leave it to the crowd to vote. Frankly I don’t use the word “cooker” so I’d be free to vote. However if we ban “cooker” we also get to ban people who misuse “woke” as a pejorative.

        • +3

          Why does the word cooker upset you so much?

          • @ihfree: Princess syndrome

            EDIT and I'm happy to forgo using 'cooker' to bury their bile

          • -2

            @ihfree: It's prima-facie evidence of a persons complete inability to think for themselves and come up with their own pejorative. Such easily manipulated people should not be endowed with the power to vote. :)

          • +2

            @ihfree: Mostly because it is a concoction of the current media/zeitgeist to be used solely as a pejorative towards anyone who dares to question or challenge the establishment and it's agenda. Language engineering always precedes social engineering, seen it many many times now. Calling people names instead of addressing (or ignoring) their evidence and/or argument is purely intellectual laziness but it does have a payoff for those who buy into it. Namely is gives them the illusion that the person or viewpoint they are disagreeing with is untrue or invalid, as if you can just say your magic word 'cooker', 'conspiracy theorist' 'lefty' 'right wing extremist' etc and therefore the matter is somehow resolved. Granted some of those terms are probably OK when used as applied to ideas, but not to people. But mostly the blatant and obvious thought control.

            • @EightImmortals: Except that woke was used by the Black community to indicate someone is away of injustice particularly racial. To use it as a pejorative is deeply racist and offensive. It is turning a positive expression into a negative one. It says a lot more about the people who use this as a pejorative rather than the people they are trying to attack.

              I don’t use “cooker” but conspiracy theorist is a valid term for what we are seeing with some rightwing rhetoric. They make people immune to logic by playing on people’s fears and prejudices. They talk about “fake news” and “alt facts”. They tell people to do their own research then steer them away from scientific facts. “Vote no if you don’t know” is the ultimate in promoting ignorance and laziness. As was eloquently said by a piece of graffiti “if you don’t know then f’ing find out”.

              What is happening in America is crazy. Human rights, particularly for women and black people, is going out the window. People are being forced to conform to someone else’s religious beliefs even if they don’t believe themselves. If people want to follow a religion then I’m happy for them to do so but it shouldn’t impact on other people. Their delusions don’t usurp my rights. We even allow religions over here exemptions from discrimination laws.

              Me, I want to see cold hard facts. I want studies backed up by peer reviewed papers. I don’t want random stuff from the internet. When I do my own research I don’t start with the authorities are always trying to lie to me. I have a healthy skepticism as to what is in it for them which is why the “Covid conspiracy” theories make no sense. There is nothing in it for the Governments around the world to cause that huge a disruption for nothing. We also saw what happened to countries that thought they could “ride it out” for natural herd immunity. Have a look at the Covid inquiry in the UK. No wonder Boris scuttled off to Israel. Frankly his negligence was staggering.

              It was a world wide pandemic. Mistakes were made. Hopefully we learn lessons for next time and the biggest one is be prepared and listen to the scientists.

              • +3


                Me, I want to see cold hard facts. I want studies backed up by peer reviewed papers. I don’t want random stuff from the internet.

                You are delusional, and these self-righteous rants are gross.

                conspiracy theorist is a valid term for what we are seeing with some rightwing rhetoric

                No it's not, it's a newspeak term. You're using all the standard media phrases - I bet you call other governments "regimes" too.

                They talk about “fake news” and “alt facts”

                Before 2016 the majority of people that talked about fake news were "lefties", hippies, etc. You've fallen for a media campaign linking distrust of institutions to those horrible, mean nazis.

                • -1

                  @ssfps: Listen to your rebuttals. They are a mixture of insults and evasions. I’m not sure who you think you are trying to influence here but the vast majority of people have accepted the science and moved on. I know I won’t change your mind, and frankly I’m not trying to, I’m trying to highlight to other people to think logically about what happens in the world.

                  • +3


                    I know I won’t change your mind, and frankly I’m not trying to, I’m trying to highlight to other people to think logically about what happens in the world.

                    This is exactly what i'm trying to do. At first i tried engaging you with actual evidence, and you refused to view it. The evidence was testimony from trial participants in a pfizer safety study for kids. It also referenced the paper published from the trial. It is only one example, but it is concrete and cleanly illustrates the bias involved.

                    In response you said you would not view the trial participant's testimony. You also flatly ignore that most studies have biased data (from Pfizer et al) yet you are the first in line to point out other data can't be trusted, and you only view research from the very people who are demonstrably biased.

                    Further, my insults aren't "rebuttals", they are expressions of disgust.

                    I haven't evaded anything - you consistently "argue" by using language that reinforces yourself as a-prior correct, and when others have argued against that with evidence, you've rejected it, or flat out ignored it, while insisting you're engaging in rational discourse and using logic.
                    This hypocrisy and denial means that you can't be reasoned with, hence my expressing disgust. You seem to view science as some kind of institutionally gate-kept dogma, where truth is reached based on argument ad populum. It makes sense that when another scientist holds a different opinion, rather than look into that, you listen to authority figures who dismiss them out of hand, generally without attacking the science but instead by attacking the person.

                    • @ssfps: So you admit you are using insults instead of logic. Perhaps if you expressed yourself more coherently and precisely then it might be possible to get to the point of your argument.

                      As I have already said I’m not going to change your mind so I will just keep reiterating to people to use logic and research from reputable sites. That is all I ask people to do. You do whatever you do mate.

                      • +1

                        @try2bhelpful: I used plenty of logic in my post above, you're just selectively ignoring it and focusing on my insult.

                        You're demonstrably a hypocrite too, so it's not an unfounded insult. You insult people too, use pejoratives, and call people "irrational" and "illogical" when they don't agree with your dogma.
                        Here is an example:

                        I do find it interesting these women are looking for sperm donors. As far down the crazy train ride they are they can’t stomach sleeping with the antivaxxer blokes either.

                        Perhaps if you expressed yourself more coherently and precisely then it might be possible to get to the point of your argument.

                        Perhaps if you were truly rational, rather than emotionally shitposting behind the thinnest veneer of rational composure, we could have a fruitful discussion.

                        Anyway, as I have already said I’m not going to change your mind so I will just keep reiterating to people to use logic and research from reputable sites. That is all I ask people to do. You do whatever you do mate.

                        I love how fair-minded you are. Your sign-off really shows how emotionally uninvested you are in this discussion and thread, those 100 comments are just you being a champion of "science".

                        • @ssfps: When you are discussing a subject based on science and logic it is best to not be “emotionally invested” in it. It leaves you prey to using insults and vague turns of phrase rather than addressing the facts.

                          • +1

                            @try2bhelpful: You are clearly emotionally invested in your beliefs, as the 78 posts you've made thus far here indicate (some of which are nothing but insults, none of which establish the veracity of your claims). You simply continue to post that you believe in facts, logic and science. Regardless of how many times you insist that those you disagree with are unscientific, that doesn't make it true.

                      • +1


                        So you admit you are using insults instead of logic.

                        Here is an example of disingenuous discussion on your part.

                        It's plainly obvious that I openly admitted to insulting you and provided tangible evidence that undermined statements you had made about safety of the covid jab in kids, and inferred (that means used logic) from that truth.

                        You completely ignored the use of my evidence and logic, and lied by stating I admitted to using insults instead of logic, rather than along side logic.
                        In an incredible irony, this example shows you making an ad-hominem attack on me, a logical fallacy, by saying all I do is make ad-hominem attacks. The irony doesn't stop there, since the theme of your recent posts is to implore people to use logic, despite yourself indulging in logical fallacies.

                        Who do you think you are deceiving here? Do you realize you are doing this, or is denial preventing you from even perceiving this?

                        • @ssfps: I refuse to get down in the gutter of trading insults. It is how rightwingers derail arguments. Trying to needle people into responding in kind then complaining they have been victimised. They then set up a false equivalency argument. I’m not falling for that one. I just brush them off as irrelevant.

                          As I keep saying people need to actually apply logic and to look for reputable sources. There was an enormous amount of scientific data collected, and studies undertaken, on Covid its effects and the effects of the Vaccine. A bit of Googling allows people to look through these sources and the conclusions that were reached. That is what I advocate people do.

                          Initially I thought Covid was not serious until the science showed me otherwise. I thought masks were pointless until shown otherwise. If the science changes its position on this I will change my stance. However, it will need to be logical and from reputable sources.

  • Good to know women nowadays have the money, time and common sense to indulge in such endeavours

    I wonder when they have their FWB and one night (profanity) and casual sexcapades - do they also ask for unvaxxed sperm as a prerequisite?

    It’s like hey handsome man gotta check you got unvaxxed sperm before we do the deed lol

    • -1

      What's the test before the fire lit cave mating ritual? A fake certificate like the antivaxxer cookers proliferated mid pandemic. Happy to pretend during a catastrophe, and then hypocrites after denying they ever did. Not false bravado, just non-testicular imagination

  • +5

    This would seem to be a good test to identify the people who shouldn’t be breeding. Idiocracy as a documentary.

    • They'd play the 'persecution' card.

    • -1

      The unvaccinated are breeding just fine, thank you.
      Its the vaccinated women who have issues with periods, fertility and miscarriages.

      • +4

        What unbelievable tosh. The conspiracy theorists will listen to whatever misinformation campaign is out there. However, please explain your theories to your boss and workmates. It will save them a lot of time coming to a decision.

        Me, I’m sticking to the medical scientists. Ya know, the people with the learnin’ and stuff.

        • +1

          There are several studies showing spike protein accumulation with the highest concentration in the ovaries. Do you think having spike proteins whizzing around in your ovaries is a good thing or a bad thing?

          • +4

            @bigticket: There's also several studies showing negative impact of covid on the ovaries, how convenient if you to ignore everything that doesn't support your beliefs. Bias much?

            • +2

              @Ughhh: Thank you for parroting the findings from these studies that are purely opinion based, that is, their conclusions use words such as suggest, indicates etc.
              The studies I referred to actually found the spike protein in the ovaries and therefore I was quoting fact. Pardon the inconvenience.

              • @bigticket:

                their conclusions use words such as suggest, indicates

                We've gone through this before. 🤦‍♀️

                Science isn't always 1+1, the results can only demonstrate/indicate/suggest. Common layman misunderstanding.

                Even your best Buds source uses "suggest". I am certain your other sources uses those words too, but your skill for Cherry picking is too strong.

                • +1

                  @Ughhh: I "suggest" you reread my comment. It should be apparent to most that my comment was not quoting the conclusions of the studies, as most commentators do on these forums blindly and claim to be following the science, but I was in fact quoting their experimental results. Its a subtle difference you may be able to grasp.

                  There is only one layman between us and Im sure you can figure it out if the clue is… its not me.

                  • @bigticket: I suggest you actually read and think without prejudice . I never mentioned the conclusion, it should be apparent I was taking about the entire literature. Youre definitely the layman, maybe worse because most layman acknowledge when they don't know stuff. Keep patting yourself on the back.

                    • +1

                      @Ughhh: Just finished a session; patting myself on the back. Thank you.

                      I suggest you actually read and think without prejudice . I never mentioned the conclusion

                      Really? Let me quote you.

                      There's also several studies showing negative impact of covid on the ovaries.

                      Is that conclusive for you.

                      • @bigticket: Are you deliberately being obtuse for the lols? It was what their results showed.

                        I think you'd get a heart attack if you look up the word "suggest" on scientific journal articles like pubmed and see how common and unusual that word is it. Big shocker to Facebook, blog and YouTube experts like you.

                        • +2


                          There's also several studies showing negative impact of covid on the ovaries.
                          It was what their results showed.

                          Why are you not quoting direct objective results, like virus particles found in ovaries or virus DNA found in the ovaries or RCT with vaccinated/unvaccinated cohort showing a statistical significance. Instead you are presenting what seems as subjective. If I am mistaken, I apologize.

                          • +1


                            Why are you not quoting direct objective results

                            Not sure if youre being serious. You think I feel there are studies on this matter? Didn't even check, just a gut feeling? Like I've never knew if or used scientific journal websites in my BSc and career?

                            …… I wasn't quoting or referencing any particular articles, I was merely stating the fact that such studies exist, and you have convieniently ignored them.

                            As I said before. Please search for the word "suggest" in pubmed, science direct etc.

          • +3

            @bigticket: Please cite the peer reviewed studies showing the spikes in the ovaries is the case and that the vaccine has put them there. I’ve found nothing that shows the vaccination has a negative effect on fertility, however, there are studies that show the negative effect on the ovaries and testes of having Covid. The main effects of Covid was the respiratory system but the damage wasn’t exclusive to there.

            Your terminology does not indicate you have a handle on scientific methodology. Can you please indicate that, even if the spike is accumulated there, that this is having any detrimental effect on a woman’s ovaries? I’m not aware of the scientific nature of the term “whizzing around”.

            • +1

              @try2bhelpful: Why do you keep linking to studies you have clearly never read?

              Here's what your linked study actually stated about Covid and it's effect on the reproductive system of women:

              A review examining the influence of COVID-19 on the reproductive system stated that psychological distress had both direct and indirect effects on the female reproductive system and that the panic and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to traumatic dysfunction in women, negatively affecting oocyte quality and reproductive results. The common opinion of the studies that investigated the effect of antioxidants on female reproductive health and fertility was that reactive oxygen species (ROS) in ovaries increase due to stress.

              The study literally concludes that hysterical leftists and agoraphobics getting their panties in a twist about Covid misinformation they were fed by public servants pushing an ideological agenda is the worst part of Covid, not the actual virus itself. The result was that THINKING they'll catch Covid triggered them so hard, their physiological response to the stress reduced their reproductive system's efficiency.


              • @infinite: It is hardly surprising that stress due to a pandemic like Covid would have a negative effect on people. It has been shown to affect a lot of people’s physiology. However you then extrapolate to a ludicrous conclusion and a bunch of insults.

                We can keep doing this dance and I can keep finding studies and you can keep trying to refute them. What you aren’t producing is your own peer reviewed studies. You seem to keep trying to wilfully misrepresent what others have said.

                I can only repeat that the vaccine has been giving to over a billion people and thousands of scientists and doctors around the world have concluded it is safe and effective. Me, I’m going with the science and the results. I’ll leave you to the misinterpretation and the insults.

                You seem to have got stuck in a loop for an issue that was proven to be pointless. Any issues with the vaccines have been dwarfed by the issues that were caused by people getting Covid. The science, the statistics, the reactions in society indicate the vaccine was the way to go.

                I’m not sure what you think you are achieving but we’ve moved on. There are people on the fringes who seem to be influenced by misinformation, and that is concerning and sad, but vaccination and the associated herd immunity is allowing us to get back to normal.

                I’m sure you will make some other unsubstantiated wild assertions, and another bunch of insults and I can’t stop you doing that. However, I don’t need to prove my point it already has been many times over.

                • +2


                  surprising that stress due to a pandemic like Covid

                  Covid did not cause the hysteria, media reporting did, often based on flimsy extrapolations and weasel words.

                  • @ssfps: No people dying in corridors because there weren’t enough hospital beds for them did. Bodies being stored in vans because they couldn’t be buried quickly enough. At the peak the US was losing more people, per day, to Covid than the death tolls of 911 and Pearl Harbour combined. Health systems were overwhelmed. The world pre and post vaccination is very different.

                    I’m talking about the realities of a world wide pandemic. The science, the statistics, the medical advice. The flimsy extrapolations are the people dealing in rumour and paranoia. Who take information out of context and try to make it fit their narrative. Who use emotive terms and insults because they don’t have the facts to back them up.

                • @try2bhelpful: Were you one of the people that got stressed into poorly functioning ovaries because you believed the NPC's on the ABC ?

                  • +1

                    @infinite: What stresses my ovaries is dealing with entrenched ignorance from people who refuse to be logical.

              • @infinite:

                The common opinion of the studies

                You're mate big ticket won't like this!

              • @infinite: Don't pretend you read the article either. If you read the article you would know that following your cherry-picked paragraph, the authors make a valid point that as stress reduces ovarian reserve, having a vaccine may reduce stress and increase ovarian reserve.

                The same study also points out that COVID-19 infection will decrease sperm quality and quality temporarily - only time will tell what happens if you keep getting infected?

  • So before covid, the number was 0.
    Now, it's non 0. Maybe it's 1, maybe it's 10.
    It's infinity % increase, a spike, whatever you want to call it.

    It's bs.

  • If you are a woman of child bearing age or a pregnant woman and weighing the pros and cons of vaccination, then common sense suggests the following deserve consideration.

    1. Is it safe and effective in my situation.
    2. Is the vaccine going to effect my fertility and/or my pregnancy.
    3. What are the long term health effects for myself and my child.
    4. Do the vaccine developers stand by their product.

    The answer to all the above questions is a resounding NO.
    The vaccine trials did not include pregnant women in the cohort of participants. Therefore the claim from vaccine developers of a safe and effective vaccine is a blatant lie. The pharma claim that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women is another blatant lie. The same applies to long term effects, another blatant lie. Yet, vaccine developers recommended these vaccines for pregnant women. The developers were also granted immunity from prosecution. Ironic isn't it, pharma are the only ones who actually received any form of immunity from the vaccines.
    These are all blatant lies because the answers to these questions are UNKNOWN.

    But wait there's more. There is a large cohort of ozbargainers who consider the above to be the norm. They are unable to muster any coherent or rational assessment to realise the dangers that can result from these basic facts.
    Finally, is a unspiked sperm cell more valuable. The answer would be a resounding YES.

    • +7

      Has this vaccine been injected into billions of people around the world and scientific studies are showing it is safe and effective? Well that would be a YES. This is the rational argument. You want to show me the peer reviewed medical studies that show your point of view. Because I’m pretty sure I could outweigh them with the counter studies.

      Watch Dr Strangelove. You seem to be caught up in “Purity of Essence” nonsense.

      You are coming up with the same resistance every new vaccine or medical procedure encounters. When vaccination stops, and herd immunity drops, you tend to see outbreaks of disease. You combat these issues by listening to the science not some theory from some random on the internet.

      • +2

        scientific studies are showing it is safe and effective

        Every last one of those were debunked by the manufacturers of the drug, who openly and publicly advise the Covid shot & boosters have no efficacy against Covid, spreading it, or protection for any period of time against it.


        "The duration or protection against COVID-19 is currently unknown."

        Multiple pages-long list of health conditions, severe reactions, life-impairing disabilities and different ways it could end your life……

        Covid jab/booster manufacturers now are only allowed to state that their drugs "may offer protection", as that is the allowable marketing terminology.

      • +2

        @ try2bhelpful
        Pre-vaccine rollout, when a woman is making the decision to take the covid vaccine all the 4 points made are true. That means she is volunteering herself and her child as lab rats. If you believe otherwise, please explain which of the 4 points are false. Don't give me the hindsight BS.

        You are coming up with the same resistance every new vaccine or medical procedure encounters. When vaccination stops, and herd immunity drops, you tend to see outbreaks of disease. You combat these issues by listening to the science not some theory from some random on the internet.

        Again, pre-vaccine rollout, there is NO science to follow. Were there drug trials to assure the safe and effective mantra for pregnant women, NO. Were there drug trials to assure the safe and effective mantra for the developing fetus, NO. Were there drug trials to assure the safe and effective mantra for fertility, NO.
        There was NO science to follow at the time. What you believe was science was actually opinion pieces coming from individuals on the payroll wearing a lab coat.

        • -1

          Pregnant women weren’t part of the original people getting vaccines. Once it had been tried on the general population they were brought into the fold. Frankly this is a better way to do it because you have seen the effect on other people before you try it on pregnant women.

          However, women who were pregnant and got Covid were certainly more likely to have complications and still births. There have been many studies that show that the vaccination is safe and effective for both the mother and the foetus. You may think she is a lab rat but, frankly, she is making a decision on whether the vaccine that is being taken, safely, by the vast majority of the population is better than getting the disease and have an increased risk of complications or a still birth.

          You guys seem to get awfully het up about something that has proven to be safe and effective. You still seem to be going on about this when we have moved on. What we aren’t seeing is mass deaths and a global catastrophe. We aren’t seeing the disaster that was occurring prior to the vaccination rollout.

          I would much prefer to trust the people in the lab coats with the degrees and the years of medical experience than the random you tube comments of someone who has no background in what they are talking about.

          I hear the US has bits on a UFO with Alien remains. Maybe you can report back on that.

          • +2


            Once it had been tried on the general population they were brought into the fold.

            What utter rubbish. Pregnant women were queuing for the jab from the start.

            However, women who were pregnant and got Covid were certainly more likely to have complications and still births.

            Is there a robust study with an unvaccinated and a proper control group to back up your claim. Its more likely the jab will cause these effects.

            There have been many studies that show that the vaccination is safe and effective for both the mother and the foetus.

            Again NOT a robust study, NOT a RCT which amounts to nothing more than opinion pieces.

            You may think she is a lab rat but, frankly, she is making a decision on whether the vaccine that is being taken, safely, by the vast majority of the population is better than getting the disease and have an increased risk of complications or a still birth.

            She is a lab rat. You have not invalidated the said 4 points in my first comment nor will you attempt to do so. Women went in blind and its a hard truth for you to swallow.

            I hear the US has bits on a UFO with Alien remains. Maybe you can report back on that.

            lmao. I report the facts. It does not seem to align with your ideology and stooping to a low level comment is funny.

            • @bigticket: If you look at the actual scientific studies you will see that for the vast majority of pregnant women being vaccinated has been beneficial to pregnant woman especially compared to getting Covid.
              The vaccinations started in December 2020 and this study was April 2021, which is relatively speaking shortly after the vaccinations commenced.

              Give me your peer group studies. So I can look at the source and see how robust they are. I’m coming from the perspective of thousands of scientists from around the world and billions of people who have been vaccinated. We haven’t seen mass numbers of people unable to fall pregnant or a massive increase in heart attack or cancer patients.

              • +1


                If you look at the actual scientific studies you will see that for the vast majority of pregnant women being vaccinated has been beneficial to pregnant woman especially compared to getting Covid. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2104983

                The report seems to be a sham article written by mentally ill people.

                They keep using the term "Pregnant Persons" as if there is anyone other than women who have the capacity to give birth.

                How could any reasonable person ever regard information coming from science deniers like that as valid ?

                • @infinite: And yet again we see an overly emotional reaction. You have not provided any peer reviewed studies. I’m following the science you are not refuting it.

              • +2

                @try2bhelpful: Thank you for your strawman argument. Getting back to my original comment, do you agree or disagree with the 4 points raised, regarding pregnant women deciding to take the jabs at that point in time.

                1. Is it safe and effective in my situation.
                2. Is the vaccine going to effect my fertility and/or my pregnancy.
                3. What are the long term health effects for myself and my child.
                4. Do the vaccine developers stand by their product.

                Common sense suggests if the above is true, pregnant women were essentially used as lab rats. Are you able to muster a response to the above points or continue to avoid the matter. If so, I'll gladly respond to yours.

                • @bigticket: So you think you get to set the questions that pregnant women should’ve asked rather than them going to a qualified medical professionals and finding out the effects of Covid on themselves and their unborn child and then making the choice to get vaccinated?

                  Mine isn’t a strawman argument but yours is. What qualifications do you have in medicine and epidemiology to determine what the most appropriate questions and cause of actions are in this case? This is what really annoys me with the antivaxxers. You watch a couple of online websites and think you know better than the people who have spent their working life studying this sort of stuff.

                  You keep using emotive terms rather than undertaking a rational clinical discussion.

                  • +2


                    So you think you get to set the questions that pregnant women should’ve asked rather than them going to a qualified medical professionals and finding out the effects of Covid on themselves and their unborn child and then making the choice to get vaccinated?

                    I thought so. No response. Just to be clear, the 4 points are not questions, but rather the known facts at the time of vaccine rollout that any reasonable individual should consider prior to consent.

                    Your inability to comment on these facts is noted.

                    • +1

                      @bigticket: Your inability to realise that the people in the best position to decide if the vaccine was appropriate was the doctors, scientists and epidemiologists is noted. It isn’t up to me to decide on the suitability of your questions. That is noted as well. Any reasonable individual would consult the experts not some random person on the internet.

                      People should look at information from reliable sources and scientific peer reviewed studies. That is all I ask.

                      • +2

                        @try2bhelpful: You mean the doctors and scientists who parroted the advice from the health authorities, or face disciplinary action. You do realise that the advice is not from your doctor, but rather from the state. There is only ONE and ONLY ONE message from practically every single doctor, get vaxxed. Great system.

                        How can these scientists give out advice without the studies without the supporting science.

                        • +1

                          @bigticket: Whatever mate. As I keep saying most if us have accepted the science and moved on. All I ask is people apply logic and facts when they make decisions. They look for reputable sources and not some random of the internet.

                          • +2


                            All I ask is people apply logic and facts

                            This is meant for others to note when reading a discourse, as in this case, when facts and questions are presented which one party fails to acknowledge or answer, but uses strawman arguments or completely goes off topic instead, it is clear their ideology, logical reasoning skills and perception of reality is flawed and skewed.

                            • +2

                              @bigticket: All I ask is people use logic and reputable sites for information. Not sure how that is a strawman argument but you do seem to like to obscure the discussion.

      • +2

        Spreading misinformation again, how unscientific.

        scientific studies are showing it is safe and effective

        The VAERS disagrees.

    • +1


    • +2

      Which facebook group did you copy and paste that from?

  • +2

    Vaccination will likely not fully recover its social licence for a long time after the hysteria & moral hectoring of covid

    The hysteria & overreaction to covid created a great deal of backlash & doubt that will no doubt encompass other vaccination programs that were developed with much more level headed & strenuous implementation programs.

    I see a lot of the hysteric finger waging in the replies here too, still doing more damage.

    Cant wait for the next moral panic to take hold, the backlash is going to be drastic as the nutjobs trying to dictate to people step up their pressure.

    • +3

      Actually we aren’t the ones in the moral panic. We’ve accepted the science and moved on. The conspiracy theorists are the ones who seem to be stuck and can’t move forward.

      • +1

        The conspiracy theorists are the ones who seem to be stuck and can’t move forward.

        Seeing them masked up while driving alone is always an easy indicator of who they are.

  • +1

    Anti vax people, almost every restriction everywhere has been removed, there is an inquiry here and in the UK: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/evidence-trail-inqui…
    You won. It’s over. You can relax and ignore YouTube and go back to your families and communities who miss you.

    • Herein lies the problem - no one misses them.

  • +1

    Who cares what they choose to do? The truth is that if most of 3rd world society is mandated to take the vaccine if there happens to be any long-term genetic impact, there will be sets of alternative genes in existence to help the survival of humans. On the other hand if Covid future variants attack the unvaccinated more aggressively, then they have sealed their bastard kid's fate if they choose to not get vaccinated later in life.. (assuming Covid persists in future with different variants)

    I'd imagine the requirements would be that the donor would need to be over 6 feet with blue eyes as well as being not vaccinated lol..

    • -1

      "there will be sets of alternative genes in existence to help the survival of humans."

      The next pandemic will sort out the gene pool going fwd.Viruses won't get milder or easier to dodge, so cookers may regret the basket they stuck their eggs in. You think there's an Arian factor in the whole cooker movement? Interesting. It does seem to match the way the human plague is lurching.

      • +2

        The next pandemic will sort out the gene pool going fwd.

        How many boosters deep do you need to be to honestly hold an opinion like that?

      • You think there's an Arian factor in the whole cooker movement?

        No .. I actually meant 1st world, not 3rd world.

        • That guy is projecting really hard.

  • Why are we surprised? It's natural there would be as many female anti vaxxers as there are male anti vaxxers. It's natural selection at play

  • So they want low IQ meth-fueled sperm. Sounds great. lol

    • -2

      and all their offspring will be freeloaders on welfare playing the ADHD card.

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