Possibly targeted:
Resume saving & investing today for a $10 bonus from Raiz!
"To be eligible for the $10 credit investment, you must make a minimum $5 investment into your Raiz account within 10 days of receiving the offer.
The $10.00 credit investment will be deposited into eligible Raiz Investment accounts within 30 days.
If you close your Raiz Invest account or withdraw your Raiz account balance to $0 within 30 days you will not qualify for the promotion.
An active Raiz Invest Account must be held (account balance greater than $5). Raiz account holders hold valid accounts as set out in the product disclosure statements found on the website: raizinvest.com.au."
Given that Raiz has a monthly fee if your balance is above zero, you may want to bring it to zero after 30 days once you have received your bonus.
This is definitely not a deal for $5.50 gain.
You have to keep the $5 in the account for 30 days so you’ll be charged $4.50 monthly account keeping fee.
Good for those already planning on using raiz.