This was posted 11 years 7 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Crazy Canon Lenses Deals at GraysOnline (Free Delivery)


Just picked up a Canon 35mm F/1.4L for $341.95!!! The lens is normally $1341.95.

They also have a 50mm F/1.2 for $369.95. Very cheap! Crazy Cheap!

There might be more unsure was rushing to pick up the Canon 35mm F1.4L. Haha

Check it out ASAP before they change prices back!

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closed Comments

  • I've refrained from any purchases. Just seems dodgy.

    I hope you all get your lenses and I'm not left kicking myself but glass never goes this cheap - even second hand!

    Best of luck to those who've dunked the credit card.


    • +1
      Me too. Just seems too dodgy.
      That and the fact that I'm not entirely comfortable with taking advantage of a situation where it is clearly an error. …but of course the bargain hunter in me would want to jump on this. LOL

      Looking forward to reading this tread in the morning. There'll either be some VERY happy or VERY unhappy people…

  • I was only game enough to buy the 28mm F1.8. No doubt we will read about this in the business news later today. I have bought many things from Grays before. No real problems apart from the odd dodgy wine and electronics that had been stored too long. I have had a reply email from grays but so far haven't received any invoice which usually arrives within 15mins in an auction.

  • They are so not going to honour this. I bought two sony lenses even though I'm a canon user. I'm just waiting for them to give me a discount voucher for their muckup.

  • As of now Grays is down, oh no I've plunked down 2k on this!

    Edit: Hmmm it went down for like 5 minutes

  • Just tried paying for a 650d 18-135 kit and it's saying "PayPal Authorisation Not Successful
    Because your authorisation with PayPal was unsuccessful we are unable to place your order."

    This is after logging in and hitting the confirm payment button on the paypal screen…

  • So what happens if it they don't honour it, will we all get complete refunds to our credit card?
    And for those who paid by Paypal, we ARE covered by Paypal right?

  • Either they will refund it with PayPal or you can just open a dispute.

    I'm hoping that some of the less ridiculous bargains go through under the radar as being part of the actual SLR sale they were meant to have on, and the super ridiculous ones get rejected as red herrings (like the x100 for 42 bucks). I'd be happy with a bit of discount too, but really what I expect to get is big fat nothing.

  • +2

    The Fuji x-Pro1 is back up at a ridiculous price:…

  • This one seems pretty cheap and available if anyone's interested!…


    $14k worth of lenses?? for sure it'll get gray's attention no doubt about it…

    i just want my 2 lenses delivered… finger crossed… lol… :D

    • That's some serious photographer.

      • +1

        or serious ebayer…

  • I was just thinking about getting the Fujifilm x pro1, but it's out of stock now. :(

  • Has anyone's credit card statement been charged when paying by credit card via Paypal?

    • I placed two orders on Friday evening using PayPal with credit card and received both invoices within 10 minutes of ordering. One transaction has been finalised on my statement, while the second is still pending… I'm still holding a little hope, no matter how small it may be…

  • My Commbank still says pending, but it does tend to take quite some time generally to finalise transactions (i.e: there are other things on there from last Thurs/Fri that are also pending).

    • I paid by credit card via Paypal and it all went through successfully, received the tax invoice by email, checked Paypal history and it's gone through there, but nothing on my credit card statement, not even a pending or anything like that.

      Any ideas?

      • Same with mine. Paypal usually takes 1-2 days with bank. (especially over the long weekend - no business day between time of ordering and today morning). Received tax invoices, paypal history shows it. Bank will probably show it later today or tomorrow :)

        • I've had instances where i've ordered something, it's shipped AND been delivered before it even shows up on my bank statement.

          As above, don't worry, there is usually a lag between paypal (because they prefer to do a debit via your bank, as opposed to a credit charge because of CC fees - bank debit is cheaper, they just have your CC on file incase the bank transfer fails for whatever reason).

        • Ah glad to know, thanks guys! :)

      • Same here it still pending but I'm not worried because so is the charge for Friday nights dinner!

        • So for credit cards, iirc the pending state is simply pre-authorization for the transaction. The creditor then has 7 days (for CBA at least) to finalize it and receive the funds. If they don't the charge simply comes off your credit card.

        • Yes they authorise the full amount immediately (i.e. check you have the credit, but don't take the money), then actually take the money (it's called capture) in the future. With Grays, I believe they've got their systems automatically taking the money in ~48 hours, based on purchases from Friday.

          NOTE: This applies to credit card purchases only, not PayPal.

  • There is only the Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro Photo Lens left now.
    It was listed about half the normal price of around $1000 which is $527. But when you click on it to buy it is $990!
    What is going on with Grays?

    • They pulled a number of items this morning, and seem to be rectifying their inventory. Sorry mate, deal seems over for new purchases.

  • +4

    A gentle reminder to all, please DO NOT CALL. The agents should hopefully be issuing invoices and releasing stock for delivery today unless they realise something is amiss. Sit tight!

    • +1

      I'm sure they are well aware that something is VERY amiss (unless their business model is based on total ignorance). Hopefully it is just too difficult for them to realise exactly HOW MUCH is amiss before they start sending some items out.

      • Even if Grays don't pick it up which is highly unlikely, surely their HK warehouse would contact Grays to ask why the sudden tsunami surge of orders.

      • I deal with facts, not speculation or assumption. So, as of today, I have this to go on so far:…


        • Interesting to see how this plays out.

        • Hahha, this guy looks like a serious photographer with the gear he currently own. However, his photos on his website is just average. Looks like he is more of a gear junky.

        • Yup but he also bought the whole stock of Canon 65mm Macro lenses. What for? To put in his display cabinet? Just wants to flog this off ebay..

  • Anyone actually got their orders shipped or confirmed except that lucky guy who bought 14K worth of lenses? :)

    • His goods aren't shipped yet - they just confirmed charging him.

      • +1

        This is just not right on both sides. Obviously the guy bought $14k worth with the intention of selling them all on ebay and now Grays has gone and happily charged him $14k. Even on Ozbargain, many have bought multiple lenses even though they dont own that system. They will now sit on this cash pile for a while before refunding everyone with a nice apology.

        • I don't know that they will actually sit on the cash. If they did, and made interest off it over the short term, then there would well and truly be a case to answer for the ACCC. I think they'll confirm the orders, but not actually take $ off the credit cards of buyers, and then slowly but surely track back through the transactions to weed out the one or two legit orders that came through amongst hundreds of people snapping up the mistake prices.

        • I think they'll confirm the orders, but not actually take $ off the credit cards of buyers

          Except that they have already taken money off my credit card, and many others here have reported the same.

        • I haven't received my invoice yet I've received an SMS and call from my credit card company saying the charges have been made. Is my state a bit iffy?

        • Why did your credit card company call you? Did they suspect any fraud activity? Normally your purchase online and within 2-3 business days it reflects on the CC statement although money is put on hold immediately. Doesnt seem to be anything iffy if your CC account shows the charges.

        • Ah, ok I didn't know that - my card still has the transaction as "pending" - the transaction is there but they money is still in theory sitting with me (despite being earmarked against this transaction).

        • Money has already been taken out of credit cards and paypal accounts. This is why when you purchase online, items are shipped next day.

        • Not necessarily. They can put a hold on the funds on the card while they make sure everything's correct. It'll look like they've taken the money when in fact they've only done a preauthorization.


          Refers to a recent purchase made on your NAB Credit Card. When a purchase is placed on to the credit card, the system sends an approval to the bank and a hold is placed on the amount of funds required to complete the transaction. This will reduce the amount of credit available on your account. Once the merchant has completely processed the transaction, the purchase authorisation will be removed and the correct description, merchant name and final transaction amount will appear on all electronic banking systems and on any future credit card statements.

          Paypal probably has their own T&Cs for this sort of thing.

        • Not necessarily. They can put a hold on the funds on the card while they make sure everything's correct. It'll look like they've taken the money when in fact they've only done a preauthorization.

          Amex's online banking system doesn't show authorisations, only complete charges. Not sure about other banks/issuers.

        • You'll see your credit limit has lowered however. This covers the pre-auths.

        • Amex charge cards don't have a credit limit though, so you can't infer that there's been an authorisation on your card when you see your available credit is out of sync with the list of charges.

    • lucky or greedy? Multiple copies for ebay?

      Think that's known as brodening

  • i have my invoice. and have been charged. fingers crossed and waiting haha.

  • Just checked my order (via MyGrays) and the items are 'out of stock' but they seem to have changed the prices to the average price.

    Tokina 11-16 (Nikon) - $667

    Sigma 70-200 f2.8 - $1033

  • -2

    Dumb or lazy liquidators sell stuff for cheap on Grays all the time, if this deal is honored then it still won't be the best deal I've ever got from them.

    If you're going to scream "PRICING ERROR" every time a great deal pops up then you may as well just give up now. Grays are a respectable business who I've always enjoyed dealing with. Most of sales are probably business to business transactions and they know how to treat their customers with respect.

    • Don't liquidator sales usually get put up in a lot as a bunch of auctions?

      These lenses were all buy it now type sales.

    • Don't get your hopes up mate, quality lenses never get discounted at this magnitude, that's why people feel it's a pricing error…

  • +2

    Yep - definitely updating prices on the items I bought:
    (was $341.95, now $1,359)
    (was $369.95, now $1,434)
    (was $123.95, now $369)
    (was $451.95, now $1,371)
    (was $116.95, now $522)

  • Assuming this deal goes through, if anyone has a spare 85mm f1.2 or 50mm f1.2 I'd be happy to work out a reasonable deal to take it off their hands. Cheers!

  • I remember something similar (not such a large scale screw up though) happening on Telstras online store where some crud mobiles were selling by mistake for $1.00.
    They sat on their hands for a while hoping people would ring up and cancel or realize on their own that it was a mistake, but the patient (and silent) few who waited it out were rewarded. They must have went to their legal department and they came back a month or so later, they only honored one of the sales and if the order consisted of more than one handset the rest was refunded. Then again they were on product lines that were going to be removed so most of the orders failed in the end and were refunded simply because there wasn't enough stock. Probably not the same case here though.
    Good luck to those who got an order through though :-)

  • Definitely a pricing error as it looks like my new lens is back at market value :(…

    • I take it no one has heard from grays?

      • Can't find any Canon stuff on website?

    • Yeah. Prices are back to normal. Really hope that they will honour it. I'm dying to know.
      Any updates?

  • Ordered the lens i wanted, went thru everything, got the invoices and everything at the same time, paypal has taken the money, money is missing from my account, have the invoice in my email.

    Just eagerly awaiting to see if they ship it, or if I get a call or something. So not too sure what the deal is, probably they are in ground zero at the moment trying to see what happens.

    Hopefully I get a nice lens for a nice price, or a refund, hoping the lens option to be a better outcome for me.

    I really don't know if they know its a mistake, whats taking them so long.

    It did say it will take 4 to 14 days or something to ship my item due to sourcing them from asian countries.

  • 3 Laptops i won after i bought the lenses have been shipped…

    • Auction items could be handled differently from buy it now items though…

    • Probably from a different location. Lenses should come from Asia - I'm not even expecting a tracking # to be honest.

    • in my experience buy it now items in aus shipped next day as well. Never done any grey imports on grays so not sure.

      • +1

        Never done any grey imports on grays so not sure.

        Wouldn't they be "gray" imports? ;)

        • If everything is "automated", surely someone should have got their goods shipped by now from HK. It wasn't a public holiday in HK yesterday, so almost two full working days and still no shipment out…

        • We don't know if everything is automated or not. It is possible that their Australian office consolidates customer orders and manually places bulk orders with their overseas suppliers every a few days.

      • I have just purchased another lens from eglobal ( also from HK) and tracking says they should be delivered tomorrow. Hopefully i get two lenses!

  • +5

    Game over.

    Dear Customer,

    Due to a processing error some goods listed via Buy Now on GraysOnline over the long weekend were subject to incorrect pricing, unfortunately due to the public holiday this error was only identified today. We are currently identifying the transactions affected and if you are identified as having ordered goods at the incorrect price we will be in further contact with you. You can expect to receive a full refund and, in recognition of the inconvenience caused, we will also be offering a $50 voucher for use with the next purchase made on GraysOnline or GraysOutlet.

    We will be in further contact in the next couple of days with specific details of refunds due and voucher information.


    GraysOnline Customer Service

    • Received the same email but no sure whether it's for the camera or the Samsung S3.

      • Hard to tell what order it refers to, since I placed 4 separate orders over the course of the weekend, but only received one of these emails.

        • Probably referring specifically to your account, regardless of how many orders you have in the system.

    • $50 off. Not bad anyway.

  • +3

    Just received this email:

    Dear Customer,

    Due to a processing error some goods listed via Buy Now on GraysOnline over the long weekend were subject to incorrect pricing, unfortunately due to the public holiday this error was only identified today. We are currently identifying the transactions affected and if you are identified as having ordered goods at the incorrect price we will be in further contact with you. You can expect to receive a full refund and, in recognition of the inconvenience caused, we will also be offering a $50 voucher for use with the next purchase made on GraysOnline or GraysOutlet.

    We will be in further contact in the next couple of days with specific details of refunds due and voucher information.


    GraysOnline Customer Service

    • +1

      Same here, well it was fun while it lasted.

    • Same here :(

  • Not bad, $50. I wonder if the vouchers can stack.

    edit: 23 seconds too late!

  • and worst words were never spoken :(

  • +1

    Is it $50 voucher per cancelled item or per customer?

    • Unknown yet, but I suspect it'll be per customer. Hopefully no minimum spend restrictions.

    • I am guessing only $50 voucher per customer, otherwise that person who ordered $14,000 worth of stuffs would receive $5000 worth of free vouchers XD

  • I'm still hoping the 70-200 f2.8 isnt a price error.. :P

    Nice of them to offer something.

    • +1

      LOL, I'm still holding out the slimmest of hopes that they'll overlook one of my orders as being a pricing error. Either that or it got shipped before they noticed. #clutchingatstraws #delusional #tellhimhesdreamin

      • Come on 50mm f1.2 and 85mm f1.2
        Slight chance =D

  • .

  • Love the thrill of the chase, but its all over now. Hey $50 for doing nothing is easy money. Brings a used Sony HX20V down to about $150 delivered (refurb) still not as good as my X-Pro1 was going to be, but did we really think it was going to anything else other than this response. At least I can sleep now!!!!

  • $50 voucher for the inconvenience..yeah i can live with that :)

    This deal is now getting a plus from me :)

    • The only shady thing GraysOnline can do now is increase the price of every item by $50. So an item normally sells for $1, now selling for $51 XD

      • Pretty unlikely however to protect against any mysterious sudden price rises i've added the item i'm after to my cart and taken a screenshot so should be all good.

  • Yeah $50 is better than nothing. Can't complain really.

    • I just hope Grays don't put any caveats around the $50 voucher…

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