oSkizzled » posts


GeekBuying and slow processing?

Has anyone had any issues with GeekBuying and their slow processing times? I bought a 5 port USB charger and its been 6 business days and still processing. I bought it with TNT shipping which was 3-5 …

Amazon Echo - Timezones for Australia

Does anyone know how to change the time zones for the Amazon Echo in Australia (Sydney)? Ive followed multiple guides online and cant seem to get it working. Asking "Alexa, what is the …

Cheap Shorts/T-Shirts?

Does anyone know where to get cheap shorts or tshirts? Maybe from 20$ or cheaper? Just something to wear casually around the house. Thanks

Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolorence, Anyone Here?

Does anyone here have Celiac Disease or any other intolerance/allergy? Staying Gluten Free is so much of a hassle.. I wish I could just eat any foods I wanted. :( Anyways enough of me ranting on, am …

Need help for a spec list for a $650 Gaming PC

Hey all, I pretty much have three questions. 1) I'm currently looking into building a new gaming machine at a tight budget (obviously being a ozbargainer). I need opinions and thoughts on what …

Sennheiser HD451 $55 @ HN Auburn NSW Carpark Sale

expired Sennheiser HD451 $55 @ HN Auburn NSW Carpark Sale

Sennheiser HD451, good bargain for sennheisers. Not much stock only about 15 available. EDIT: I am not associated with the store, moderator please change, Thanks.

Chinos for $30

Pretty much title says it all, preferably cuffed chinos, colour not that big off a issue. Thanks

eBay Australia

Buying Bulk and Selling on eBay, Tips?

Has anyone had experience with buying items bulk from sites like AliExpress or AliBaba and selling them on eBay? Would like some tips as I'm just starting out.