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JB Hi-Fi

Receiving JB Hi-Fi Catalogue before Sale Begins

I used to get a stack of catalogues delivered in my mailbox - this hasn't happened for a few months now, possibly COVD-19 related. What I did like about receiving the junk mail, was that the JB …

Minimum 25% off Storewide at Autobarn

expired Minimum 25% off Storewide at Autobarn

30% off engine oils and batteries. *% Off regular ticketed price. Store stock only. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes gift cards, GoPro, portable navigation units with …

The Good Guys

The Good Guys price guarantee now no longer offering cash, only store credit

I noticed today that the Good Guys price guarantee page has been updated to say that they will now only offer the 120% difference as store credit. Before it used to say that you could get the …