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eBay Money Back Guarantee Vs PayPal - Which Is Easier to Deal with

I believe I may have to submit a claim for an item which I purchased from ebay using paypal. Its not expensive, however seller is not responding to messages and item has not been sent. I was just …

Cosmetic Surgery - getting rid of bags under eyes - Melbourne

Hi, I am toying with the idea of getting something done about the bags under my eyes. I'm sick of constantly being told I look tired and getting depressed when looking in the mirror. I'm …

Has anyone tried Kopi Luwak or Civet Coffee - what was it like?

The idea of how this coffee achieves its 'unique flavour' is not that appealing but I'm curious if anyone here has tried it and what their impressions of it were. For those not sure …

PC Advice - Is this a good deal

I am looking at buying a general all rounder. I'm not really a gamer and am after a PC which will last me a while.

LimitlessLED Sale - Wi-Fi Controllable LED Light Bulbs on Sale

expired LimitlessLED Sale - Wi-Fi Controllable LED Light Bulbs on Sale

LED WiFi lights on sale (not sure when sale started or when it finishes)