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The Zuckerberg Selfie Stick $19 (Free Shipping)


Take that, Zuckerberg!

Presenting the Secret Santa present of 2013…

Warning: Kogan

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  • +18

    Mmmmm, if it was a walking stick while not being a selfie stick it could be quite close to being useful!

    "If you’ve ever been to a concert and want to get a shot of the crowd and stage, you’ll know how hard it is to get your camera high enough to capture the whole scene."

    I'm guessing as hard as it is to get a 3 foot long collapsible metal baton past security…

  • +10

    Looks uselsss

  • +24

    Without the attached pic, I'd have thought Kogan is into adult products now !

  • +2

    Is anyone giving-themselves a selfie for Christmas :P

  • +8

    Kogan can stick that up their….

      • +8

        watch out guys! Negging me like this will make jv feel jealous. :P

        • Just out of curious, how'd you know you were being negged? A sixth sense?

        • the feeling of 12+ stabs into my back…… or so I think this story goes…….
          Edit: ouch make that 13+ :P

  • I assume you posted this as a joke because the last time I checked a metal stick with a mirror is cheaper than $19.

    • +6

      "the last time I checked a metal stick with a mirror is cheaper than $19" so you look for metal sticks with mirrors often?

      • No, I look for metal sticks and mirrors. With some DIY you can probably join them.

        • -2

          you sir are a…..GENIUS!

    • +7

      cost of metal stick $4
      cost of mirror $1
      cost of adding name "Zuckerberg" priceles…. no wait, $14!

  • +5

    What an odd and superflous device, like the fing-longer.

    • +1

      Whaaaa? You dare impugn the awesome power of the fing-longer? How are you going to activate your What-If machine, or push the detonator button on your doomsday device? Hmmm? And what if you need to poke someone who's out of reach? Have you thought of that?

      • typical terrorist

  • Self timer. Use it.

  • +1

    dick pics be changed fo'eva

    • Nice implementation of Rule 34… so the Zuckerberg II will have a magnifying mirror for the Anthony "My Last Name Is So Meta" Weiner set.

  • Selfies with clothes….you're doing it wrong girls.

    • trust me on this, you'd only want to see me with my sock on ;)

  • -1

    obligatory asian selfie picture

  • Compatible with Facebook and Instagram? Wonder what that means.

    • -2

      adjective: compatible

      (of two things) able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict.
      "the careers structure here is not compatible with having a family"


      • +1

        You really are trying to be the new jv

        • I'll try my best JV-SENSEI!!!!!

  • +1

    On the plus side it's $20 cheaper than the similar (but better quality) product from GoPro (http://www.gopole.com/product/gopole-evo), and includes a sweet mirror to make sure that your duck face is adequately "ducky".

  • Kogan better follow through on this from their description:
    "you do not receive more Likes as a result of using the Zuckerberg Selfie Stick, we will personally Facebook message Mark Zuckerberg and ask him to have your friends’ profiles shut down since they are clearly not worthy of an online presence." Lol

    • +1

      probably copy and pasted.

      heres a 5 dollar voucher that expires in the next minute though! (for purchases over $100 only. Excludes Apple, Samsung Devices, Terms and conditions apply)

  • +4

    I'm buying this for my Brother-in-law. At my wedding we gave him our camera to take photos for us. He used over half of a 16GB card on selfies.


  • LOL the most amazing deal ever….

    • Thank you

  • seriously, i still can't believe people actually carry these things around to take selfies.

    Presenting the Secret Santa present of 2013…

    way too late for xmas stockings i imagine. kogan say ships in "3-4 weeks", from hong kong i assume

    • I've got that covered…

      Warning: Kogan

  • +4

    Limit of 5 per customer :(

  • Just checked my calendar, and amazed it's not the 1st of April!

    • +4

      for interest's sake was this a vistaprint calendar? :)

  • +3

    Believe or not, these things aren't quite the useless gimmick that they initially appear to be…

    I've seen a couple of vloggers on Youtube use them to good effect. Different perspective; facilitates the use of a longer focal length on the compact cams they use in order to lessen facial distortion; point cameras at things that they can't otherwise get a shot of, etc.

    Having said all that, I'd be surprised if you can't get one of these, or something very similar, someplace else, cheaper than Kogan.

    • sorta reminds me of some of the rigs people have used with gopro's for on foot chase scenes….film riot comes to mind……

  • Up skirters will be jumping with joy.

    • Um. Anything to confess, ms…?

      • Will post some pics once I have them ;)

  • So this is basically a device for avoiding having to ask somebody else to take your photo?

    • +2

      Correct. The beauty of it is you won't have to ask people to avoid you.

      • or people nicking your camera!

      • or people asking you to move back… move back… until you drop over the cliff!

        • at least they had the decency to ask…..and not point a gun at your head with same thing in mind.

  • +1

    "Act Quick! Over 3582 views in the last day."

    They're gonna be flying off the shelves soon, gotta get in there

    • Half of those from here…

    • lol views != purchases

      but act quick! nevertheless

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