This was posted 5 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EVGA RTX 2080ti XC2 Ultra with ICX2 ~AU$1910 (US $1371) Shipped via EVGA eBay US Store


probably cheaper with the 10% discount code that starts in 3 days.

This model has ICX sensors , non ICX version is $2400 in Australia so big savings..

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closed Comments

  • GST Impact?

    • gst is included, they charge u $153us instead of $120us though.

  • +9

    2000 for a graphics card… holy ****

    • -5

      when AMD's top card is 80% slower..this is what happens.

      • so u mean vega 64 only has 20% speed of 2080ti?

        • Vega 64 has 60% the speed of a 2080ti, and the 2080ti is 60% faster.

          • +6

            @TrulyUnicorn: Vega 64 has 60% the speed of a 2080ti does not equal 2080ti is 60% faster.
            Which is it? :S

            • +4

              @croseks: It's actually pretty close.
              60% of 100 = 60
              60% of 60 = 36
              60 + 36 = 96

              So within 4%

          • +4

            @TrulyUnicorn: Bruh u needa math better

            • @Ghosteye: I was just rounding off for both instances. If you want to be specific Vega 64 is 62% the speed of the 2080ti and the 2080ti is 61% faster. Happy?

    • crazy

  • +1

    It's a sad day when $2k is considered a bargain for an imported video card. What are NVIDIA thinking? It wasnt long ago I got a 1080 from the US for $700-$800, then got a 1080ti locally for the same a year later. This is just ridiculous, surely they will tank hard.

    • +1

      calm down Lisa Su

      • Totally calm :) I'll be sticking with my 1080ti, which is chugging along nicely. At least until these things come down to a sane price level (under $1000 AUD)

        • With you man. Even with me buying a 1080ti at the height of video card obsurdity is better than this

    • Nvidia is thinking the market will bear it, and they look to be correct!

      • I thought I read their shares are diving

  • +2

    I've got 2 Voodoo 3s in SLI. Is this worth an upgrade?

    • I recently chucked out my Voodoo2 so yeh, worth upgrading.

  • Will this run minesweeper on 4k res?

    • +1

      I dunno. Ray tracing those flags takes a lot of processing power

    • +1

      No, you need a 3080Ti

    • +1

      Only if you sli it.

  • +1

    Drink the coolaid Nvidia boys!! 2k for a high-end video card is fkn nuts!!! The only thing it really does well is pretty reflections in one game.…

    Just wait a while these things will be cheaper.

    • +1

      Hurr durr AMD will make a comeback!1

      And yet we're still waiting..

  • Man when I said the same thing about a 2k iPhone I got flamed to heck..(over priced). could have something to do with my language as well though I guess… lol.

    • 2k iphone or 2k video card?

      Porque no los dos?

      • Both seem to be over priced to me…

  • Isn't this code for the Ebay Australia store, not the US?

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