Near Accident When U-Ey at The Roundabout

I had near accident when someone making a U-Turn at the round about. In case there is a question, this is a common single-lane small round about usually found in the residential areas. Please ignore the traffic lights and the double-lane in the image.

See this image for illustrations:…

I was coming in from K, and there were cars on all lanes (A, H and F).
The car on A makes a move with the right indicator turns on. I assumed the car-from-A was heading towards L, so while the car is around D, I made my move towards G from K.
In actuality, the car-from-A is heading towards B, and honk hard on me, and gave me enough shock.

Is it even legal to make U-turn at the round about?
If accident did happen, who is at fault?

Before you say that I have to give way for any cars inside the round about, I don't think drivers (at least in NSW) do that, because if the car-from-A did go to L, I would have been waiting for nothing, and surely would never arrive at my destination.
I only give way to the car on the right or if car from H is giving a right indication.

Edit, there is so much useless comments here. They do not seem to understand my question, they seem to refer to the bigger roundabouts in the image. Please read the whole thing.

Thanks to those who were pointing the rules too, or told me I should hand in my license to them. Because we always drive in the same condition as when we took our lessons and exam. Not when the road is busy. Also every state and countries have exactly the same rules as wherever you are. (sarcasm)

Edit (2): I'm sorry, but I have been observing many cars since I posted this comment to see how many makes a right turn and give a left signal when exiting.

I must have seen over 100 cars in few different roundabouts paying careful attention to the signals, and none give left signal.

I still cannot find the difference between one that is making right turn or U-ey.

Not that I do not believe or appreciate the commenters here, but can anyone explain why not 1 car does that?

Edit (3): from this thread I found two things, one is that most ozbargainers do not care, and they just put unhelpful comments. And surprisingly these comments gets most up voted. Wft do you expect from 'hand me your license'?
For those that gives helpful comments, I thank you, I do believe that in your life you will be more successful than the other ones (not sarcasm).

Two, after checking rules on almost all states, I am shocked that those helpful comments are right. That we have to give left signal when exiting any roundabout. This solve differentiating u turn and right turn. Whomever put the word 'if practical' in the rulebook is just stupid. I am shocked that in my life, driving so many years in Vic and NSW, I have only seen maybe 1 or 2 cars that does that, and at that time I genuinely think they made a mistake. I will from now on do this religiously and hoping that others do the same.


    • No option to upload image, and my office blocked those images hosting sites

  • +1

    Is it even legal to make U-turn at the round about?
    If accident did happen, who is at fault?


    and surely would never arrive at my destination.

    HAHAHA…Or perhaps < 5 seconds later? Pretty sure if you got in a car accident you wouldn't reach your destination…

  • -6

    Before you say that I have to give way for any cars inside the round about

    Even you must realise that this sounds dumb? You simply just give way to cars on your right and enter when it is safe to do so.

    • +15

      No, this isn't true. You don't give way to vehicles on your right in a roundabout situation. You give way to vehicles already in the roundabout. They are different statements.

      Consider you driving fast, entering at the 6 o'clock position. There's a slow moving vehicle entering from 9 o'clock. You're hooning into the roundabout, but the slow moving car gets in there before you enter. You would T-bone that car from its right & normal road rules would say the other car is wrong because it didn't give way to you, on its right. The roundabout rules say that you are wrong, because that other car was in the roundabout before you & you should have given way to it.

      • +4

        but the slow moving car gets in there before you enter

        If he get's in there before I do, then I obviously need to slow down and not crash into him.

        Edit: Just googled the road rules, and you are right Drivers must slow or stop to give way to any vehicle
        already in the roundabout…

        Though my statement was different than the road rules, it can be seen as the same thing. Not crashing into the car in front of you = giving way.

        • +1

          That's one of the least well understood road rules. The vast majority of drivers seem to think it is still give way to your right. That one, and merging. If you have to cross a broken line to merge, you must give way to cars in the other lane. Just because your nose is in front means precisely nothing, you must give way. If there is no lines, then it is a zipper merge and the car with its nose in front goes first.

          But in both of these cases, if you actually drive to the road rules, you are going to be involved in a whole lot of not your fault accidents.

          • @Frashal:

            That's one of the least well understood road rules.

            Probably is, but you see even with bcarp's example, it's basically the same thing.

            If the car on my left enters into the roundabout slowly, I too can still enter, I just am not allowed to crash into him.

          • @Frashal: Since all vehicles already on the roundabout are mostly going to be on the right hand side of a driver approaching a roundabout, the giveway to the right misconception still has utility.

        • Roundabouts are first in, best dressed.

  • +4

    Making up the road rules based on what you think they should be based on observing other drivers' behaviour is a really stupid thing to do. Nowhere do the rules make a difference between a big and a small roundabout, nor do they magically change at busy peak-hours. This just shows you don't really have any idea of the road rules — that you have been driving in for 20 years — and are probably responsible for a number of accidents you aren't even aware of. Even if you thought you were in the right, making an assumption of what another car will do is going to end in tears. Pulling out in front of someone without leaving sufficient space and reaction time is just irresponsible and dangerous. Always treat the other cars as if they are all going to hit you at any time, and drive defensively to avoid an accident.

    I'm sure you would have no hope navigating the Magic Roundabout in Swindon UK: It's actually six roundabouts within another roundabout.

    • It's actually six roundabouts within another roundabout

      Fk that

      In 2009 it was voted the fourth scariest junction in Britain, in a poll by Britannia Rescue

      WTF are the top 3???…

      • +5

        It's pretty simple to deal with actually. You just drive normally as you approach the dashed line on the road. You are then presented with a simple 3-way Y-shaped roundabout in front of you. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH AT THIS TIME. Choose your direction of travel and apply standard rules to give way to traffic within a roundabout, then proceed a few meters to the next roundabout. Rinse and repeat. Everyone freaks out when they look at it because they are seeing the whole sausage machine in full swing.

    • I have driven on this 3 consecutive roundabouts in Moorolbark, Vic for 10 years. Many near misses.…

  • +8

    Please surrender your license you are a danger to the public

      • +10

        Doubling down on the sarcasm all over this thread and OP edits is really embarassing when you're continually proven wrong.

        Please stop and learn to accept criticism and opposing viewpoints to your own.

      • +1

        Ummm you can surrender your drivers licence at any time, so yes head in to RMS and grab a ticket, hand your licence in on the spot. (remember not to drive there yourself, as you won't be able to drive home)

  • +21

    You can see the comments get more inflamed as you continue posting opinions that are not in line with the road rules, that people think you are behaving like an arrogant fool.
    You must give way to traffic on the roundabout at all times, even if it is inconvenient. Sometimes, people breach the rules to get to their destination more swiftly. This does not change the rules, and if there is an accident, you would be judged in the wrong if you did not giveaway.

    There is no differing view, just the law. If you refuse to follow the rules, surrendering you licence makes good sense.

  • +3

    I only give way to the car on the right or if car from H is giving a right indication.

    Wrong. You need you change your road rules. Plenty of people use roundabouts to do U-turns for legitimate reasons. Plenty of people have to wait a little bit longer than normal, in peak hour.

    In actuality, the car-from-A is heading towards B, and honk hard on me, and gave me enough shock.

    If you pay attention, the driver's speed and driving line should really also give you a hint of the direction they are going.

    • +3

      Plenty of people use roundabouts to do U-turns for legitimate reasons. Plenty of people have to wait a little bit longer than normal, in peak hour.

      There is a local sign directing people not to right turn into a driveway, but to do a u-turn at the roundabout ahead.

      In peak hour it is often easier to do a u-turn at the nearest roundabout than turn right across the traffic.

  • I assumed the car-from-A was heading towards L

    Completely your fault. Another car already on the roundabout is just that.

  • +3

    Others have made the rules very clear but honestly if this possibility hasn't occured to you then you need to really practice more foresight.

    Yes it's much more likely that they will turn right than do a U turn but this is why we have indicators and why you should drive defensively rather than assuming.

    Instead of being so closed minded to the notion you could be wrong, abandon your ego. Embrace your wrongness. Love it. For it is a gift. Today you get to learn, you get to become better and more knowledgeable. That honking is sweet music if only you will let it be.

  • +1

    100% legal to do a u-ey at a round about.. And technically the safest place to do so, if everyone else follows the rule of giving way to whoever is in the round about already

    • +5

      Safest only if OP isn't at the roundabout

  • +5

    The frequency of forums on OzBargain asking about road rules is frightening to me as a road user. I dread to think the questions being asked on a road rule focused forum?

    Tip to OP, find out the rules before you go driving, dont ask about the rules after the fact, in particular, if killed in a crash, you dont get the chance to ask the question after the fact.

    I find this type of post staggering. The amount of money spent on speed kills, towards 0 etc, should be re positioned on driver education and competency based testing. How many licensed drivers out there either A. don't know the rules, B. don't know how to drive in a a safe manner, or C - BOTH! Getting 'drivers' like OP off the road through testing, theory and practical, awarding licenses based on competency and not as a right of passage once 18 anf towards 0 could actually be a thing.

  • +2…

    This image is so confusing. Where are the cars?

    • +7

      The all did a u turn and went home because roundabouts are too hard.

  • Enough enough…. you are in the wrong. Never assume. Who ever is in the round about has right of way.

    • You will amaze how a good lawyer can overturn your assumptions :)

    • Except, that the rules apply who needs to give way, not who has right of way. The cars on the roundabout still have a level of responsibility to give way not to crash, but the cars entering the roundabout have a specific rule to give way to cars in the roundabout.

      • If car A has to give way to you, then you have _________?

  • +1

    never seen someone get so many downvotes!

  • +32

    OP: Am I in the wrong?
    Everyone: Yes.
    OP: No! You are all wrong. Have you ever driven during peak hours!

    Also OP

    OP: Is this legal?
    Everyone: Yes
    OP: No! You don't understand my question! Every state has their own laws!

    Stop living in denial. Admire you're wrong and move on. Pushing back will get you more backlash.

    • +2

      Only an evil genius would admire when they are wrong. OP is the furthest thing from a genius.

  • +8

    This goes a long way to explaining a lot of the behaviour I see on the roads

  • +3

    Okay, so ofc you can do a U-ey in a roundabout. Its crazy that you have never seen it been done before. I knew about this when I was on my Ls

    The issue in this situation was that you were too damn slow to decide when to turn. You should always look to your right and never assume that a car is going to go in any direction. I've had cars that didn't signal they were going right before (which you 100% need to signal) but luckily, I waited 1-2 extra seconds.

    I get what you mean by "They will honk at you" but thats only if you are way too slow, so lets say Car at A was near E and no other cars are present in the roundabout but you decide to wait for it to turn then theres a chance you may get a honk.

    However, only an a-hole would honk at you if the car is close to turning.

    Also, remember that the insurance at the end of the day is gonna side with what the law says and obviously same goes with the police.

  • +6

    Please surrender your license you are a danger to the public

  • +6

    Mmmm, this popcorn is delicious. Someone let me know when it is my turn to smash the OP and tell him to hand in his license. :)

    • +7

      Haha yeah wait your turn, just like at roundabouts

    • +3

      "Yes it's time for another edition of OzBargain's favourite game show - 'Clueless Drivers!' The show where a regular-Joe/Jane leaves us all wonder how he keeps his driver's licence and stays alive.

      Each round the driver will have a basic road rule explained to him over and over again, and he will tragically ignore every commonsense explanation.

      And don't forget, you can play along at home with our 'Clueless Driver Bingo' card. Just tick the box when the driver attempts to use anyone of these useless tactics:

      [ ] "You're all wrong and I'm right!"
      [ ] "I have more experience on the road than you!"
      [ ] Sarcasm
      [ ] "No! You should hand in your licence!"
      [ ] "But this time is different!"
      [ ] Hypocrisy
      [ ] Irony
      [ ] "My 4-year old knows more than you do!"
      [ ] Rhetorical questions that aren't rhetorical, but you're still not allowed to answer them (*My new favourite :)
      [ ] "Screw you all, I'm outa here!"

      So grab your mouse or screen and get ready to mash those vote buttons as we play… CLUUUUUUELESS DRIVERS!"

  • +3

    Basically with roundabouts the rule is you have to give way to all cars already in the roundabout before entering.
    It is up to the car entering the roundabout to make sure it is safe to enter the roundabout.

  • +9

    There is so much useless comments here

    The only useless thing here is your comprehension of the road rules.

    • Ahhha

  • +4

    Just be thankful there was no accident, nobody got hurt. You learnt from it and move forward

    • +8

      Doesn't seem like they have learnt anything…

    • +4

      OP should only move forward…when giving way to others in the roundabout.

  • +3

    OP is now going to drive in circles around a roundabout out of resentment

  • +3

    OP - people like you are the reason why the rest of us have to drive defensively. If I ever need to chuck a U-ey at a roundabout, I make sure that on the approach to the exit, I watch for geese like you that assume that I am just turning right. A lot of road rules are common sense which you seem to be lacking. Your interpretation of the rule is not correct, yet you insist that everyone else has it wrong.

    While on the topic of roundabouts, there was at some point a push for people to signal right when approaching the roundabout to enter, then signal left to exit. Whomever decided that signalling right to enter the roundabout was a good idea needs to have their pen license revoked too. Only signal right to turn right or doing a U-turn. /rant

    • That indicating right from the left hand lane shit needs to die

  • +4

    Jeez just stop driving now please. Probably stop a lot other things too, like commenting for starters.

  • How the hell did you get a license if you don't know how a roundabout works and what is and isn't legal at one?

    Don't drive until you have a better grasp of the rules. You are going to get someone killed.

    And the fact that you argue based on the size of the roundabout means you are the worst kind of dangerous. Road rules don't work if everyone decides to interpret them as they believe they should be. Your made up rules are dangerous. If I could report you and have your license taken away from you I would, and not out of spite.

  • In NZ you are also supposed to signal Left when leaving the roundabout, I haven't seen it being done in Australia - VIC. Is it not a rule here? I am still in the habit of hitting the Left indicator just before I exit the roundabout even if going straight. If everyone did that it would solve a lot of these issues.

    • +1

      It is a rule in NSW. You are suppose to signal when exiting, unless it's dangerous to do so. I rarely see it but try to always do it. Unfortunately I imagine people think I can't drive or just got off my P's because I do.…

      Emphasis is mine.

      "Approaching a roundabout: Vehicles entering a roundabout must give way to any vehicle already in the roundabout.
      Giving way at a roundabout: The driver must slow down and if necessary, stop to avoid a collision.
      Turning left: On your approach to a roundabout you must select the left lane, signal left, stay in the left lane to exit.
      Going straight ahead: Do not signal when approaching the roundabout but always signal left before exiting a roundabout. You may approach the roundabout from either left or right lanes (unless there are road markings with other instructions), drive in the same lane through the roundabout and exit in the same lane.
      Turning right: On your approach, to a roundabout you must select the right lane, signal right, stay in the right lane and signal left before exiting into the right lane.
      Making a U-turn: When you use the roundabout to make a U-turn on your approach signal right from the right lane, stay in the right lane, but signal left before exiting into the right lane.
      Exiting a roundabout: If practical, you must always signal left when exiting a roundabout."

      OP is a menace. This didn't take much effort to find at all. There needs to be no discussion let alone argument. He could have looked up the rules. I only wish I believed it was a troll.

      • I'd estimate I indicate left on exit 85% of the time. There are 4 suburban roundabouts in my street alone.

    • -2

      It's not a rule in Vic.

  • Is it even legal to make U-turn at the round about?


    If accident did happen, who is at fault?

    Based on your scenario, you, because you didn't give way to a car already in a roundabout. You should never assume where cars in the roundabout will exit.

  • +2

    You must give way to vehicles already on the roundabout. You would have been at fault. End of story.

    The rest of everything you have written is effectively, "well I reckon the law should be something else". That's great, but the law is clear. If you are unwilling to obey the laws, you probably should hand your licence back. Or not. Eventually the courts will take it from you.

  • +3

    Well I'll never get the time back it took to read this useless thread. You can't be serious OP.

    • +3

      Come on dude! You laughed just as hard as the rest of us!!

      5 minutes well spent …

      • +1

        Not gonna deny that!

  • +3

    Because we always drive in the same condition as when we took our lessons and exam. Not when the road is busy. Also every state and countries have exactly the same rules as wherever you are. (sarcasm)

    Reign in your sarcasm buddy.

    It is absolutely YOUR responsibility to be aware of local road rules BEFORE driving.

    People are laughing and digging at you because YOU broke the law by not giving way, and you should have been aware of this (rather basic) road rule before getting on the road.

    You created a forum post searching for validation, and instead people are calling you out. They aren’t misunderstanding you. You were wrong. Accept it and move on.

    • +7

      Nah, the funny bit is that he's so defensive about being in the right.

      If only they would be as defensive when driving…

  • Hey OP, brave post. This one is pretty clear cut given your description. The authorities would find you at fault.

  • Car from A was coming to your right, which means you have to give way .You’re either not looking at right or enter roundabout too slow…..

  • Can't wait to see op at the roundabout to honk him XD

  • Thanks OP. This thread has given me more LOLs than I've had here in a long while.

    I sincerely hope that you're trolling, but alas, I suspect that you seriously believe much of what you've posted here.

    As the replies you've prompted made abundantly clear, your sense of entitlement and ignorance/disregard for the rules of the road are nothing short of terrifying.

    All I can say is that I hope that if you're ever in the same situation again, you get off equally unscathed.

  • I would have been waiting for nothing, and surely would never arrive at my destination.

    Better late than having an accident. You aren't more important than others.

  • +3

    Is it even legal to make U-turn at the round about?
    If accident did happen, who is at fault?

  • +1

    How did you pass your drivers if you even think a U-Turn is they're illegal at a roundabout? Omg lol

      • +4

        I bet his IQ is considerably higher than yours.

      • +2

        Triggered much? 🙄 Do us all a favour and hand in your license before you think something else is "wrong/illegal" because the test didn't state it.

        • "The speed limit is 50km/h! Why should I have to stop just because some kid ran onto the road?!?!?!"

  • +4

    Retard alert people, retard alert.

  • +3

    From what I understand, OP was coming in from K, and all lanes (A,H and F) were full. The car-from-A was heading towards L, and while the car was around D, OP moved towards G from K. But car-from-A headed towards B and nearly collided with OP.

    Clearly, K precedes A,H, and F. Also, A precedes L, D preceeds G and K, and A precedes B.

    Quite clearly OP should have moved towards F before the U and OP would have been just fine :)

  • +6

    Op, are you a foreigner or australian?

    I feel like the way your sentences are structured would indicate that you are a foreign national but I could and have been wrong before.

  • OP is a disgrace to all of the good Honda drivers out there

  • You would be at fault braveheart. I read the NSW rule book just to be sure.

  • +1

    If you're on OzBargain, drive a car and don't have a Dashcam - it's your fault by default.

  • +1

    Retarded post /closethread

  • +4

    Seems like OP might have transferred his/her driver licence from some overseas country, where there is less regard for the road rules. Or continued advice from the community about his mistakes. Or common sense really.

    Since when do you make driving decisions based on your assumptions about other drivers' possible course of action?! Seriously, it is a scary thought that there are drivers like that on the roads in NSW.

  • Learn the rules.

    The rules don't give you an exception based on your particular circumstances.

    Learn the rules.

    Give way. He may also technically not be doing a 'U-turn', he is merely going through the roundabout and can take any exit.

    I say technically not going a U-turn as if you were doing a u-turn at an intersection or any other road junction, the person doing the U-turn needs to give way.

    This is contrary in roundabouts where all other vehicles not in the roundabout need to give way (including people unless marked) to vehicles already inside the roundabout - this is to prevent the roundabout being clogged. This is for VIC. I am not a traffic cop, go google the rules.

    You should not be on the road if you don't know how to drive when it is busy, the road is small, or if it is raining.

    Get Grammarly.

  • Your fault
    Of course some one can do a u turn, how the hell would anyone go home when they forgot their phone etc.
    U give way until a car indicates left that they r departing
    How would you even know they were doing a u turn r u like the terminator recalling every cars starting point
    Good explanation

  • +2

    I think the OP is missing another letter B in their username.

  • +3

    Look at page 1 of this document from the Centre of Road Safety from Transport NSW.

    Top 10 misunderstood road rules in NSW

    Entering a roundabout
    Drivers must slow or stop to give way to any vehicle already in the roundabout.

    Driver's can make U-turns

    Making a U-turn
    When using a roundabout to make a U-turn, drivers must approach in the right lane and signal right.

    You can also change lanes in a roundabout as long as its safe and you signal your intentions.

    Changing lanes in a roundabout
    Drivers may change lanes in a roundabout if they wish. The usual road rules for changing lanes apply.
    Drivers must use their indicator and give way to any vehicle in the lane they are entering.

    • -1

      Thanks, question:
      Has the rule ever changed? If it does how was it communicated?

      Are the rules the same across all states? If not, how do these drivers know?

      Finally, are the rules communicated to foreigner on international license? Why not?

      • +3

        Ignorantia juris non excusat This is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because one was unaware of its content.

        If your going to be driving the onus is on you to know the laws even when they change. the laws regarding roundabouts are over a decade old and were heavily advertised when they were brought in on TV, with any renewed registration and in print.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Never claimed to be a lawyer, (although I have finished half a law degree and successfully challenged some driving offences in court)

            Actually the in this case rules and laws are the same, if you get a fine for failure to indicate then go to court and claim ignorance you still get the penalty.

            "Just like exiting any road, drivers must signal left when leaving
            a roundabout, if it is practical to do so, and stop indicating as
            soon as they have exited the roundabout."


          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Have you tried being less obnoxious?

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