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closed Comments

  • +10

    Missionary work now sold as bargain

    • +2

      Different strokes for different folks. What may be right for them, may not be right for some. Not a bargain for you, move on then.

      • -8

        New converts are more radical and missionary work a sophisticed exercise only to boost number's. Of course you would want this to be ignored

        • My personal experience: some new converts can be radical. But being radical is not a bad thing. I'm thankful for radicals like William Wilberforce who fought to rid the British Empire of the slave trade, and Martin Luther King Jr. that spoke out against racism and inspired groundbreaking changes in the US. Turns out they were both Christians.

          Boosting numbers might be your impression, but there are other explanations that take the Christian worldview into account. The Bible's perspective is that God wants to rescue people to the best life of meaning and joy on this earth, and in eternity to come. Sure, some Christians may try to persuade others of the truth in the Bible for the wrong reasons, but the vast majority just want to tell others about a God who loves them deeply, gives them meaning and purpose, and gives robust philosophical answers about life's deepest questions.

          If you are looking for serious answers to criticisms that you might have about the Christian faith, some great resources are:

          And while Christianity has some difficulties with its worldview, if any atheist or agnostic is honest, they'll also recognise they have serious problems with their own worldview (e.g. meaning and purpose to life are delusions, if we have come from a random cosmic accident). There are a lot more listed here:

          • +3

            @WalletFullOfMoths: LOL.. Who do you think the British sold slave under the guise of? How missionaries preached religion for Europeans to conquer? Or how the Christian right are the ones who persists in keeping purity of racism in America? Radical Christians speaking out against Christian agendas.. Very radical for them to do this.

            • @bchliu: Christians are not allowed to lie and steal. Modern-day slavery is based on white wickedness superior to black. And kidnapping (steal). Modern-day slavery is actually from your camp.

              • +2

                @gto21: Nonsense. All Christians lie and steal. They just go to the Church on Sunday to repent their sins and all is forgiven. As long as they contribute 10% of their earnings, of course. You are forgiven, my son..

                • @bchliu: Even if Christian steals and lie. It will still be contrary to the 10 commandments. So when a Christian does it. The actions fall in the same category as the people in your camp promoting the lies that white people are superior to black. And the kidnapping of people. Many people did not associate "slavery" with religious practice. A lot of those people are actually from your camp.

                • @bchliu: And it's not true repentance if it's habitual sin. But nice try.

                  • @gto21: Plenty of Christians who do this. Look at the Pedophile priests who continue the repent and continue to molest kids? Sure, they are human, but you can't claim these to be the leaders of your religion if that is the morality and mechanisms of Christian repent.

                    • @bchliu: Habitual sin would be a sign of a non-christian. That's your camp again. That the morality of your camp.


          • @RetroMetro: I think the only people offended by this post are Christians themselves when they lose a philosophical argument.

            • +1

              @bchliu: Great points bchliu. I agree there have been horrible things done under so-called Christianity. I guess the finger can be pointed at atheism too. Most atheists would say that murder is bad, but mass killings by atheistic regimes have caused over 70 million deaths in the 20th century (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_…).

              However, when you examine the philosophical basis for murder, atheism definitely cannot forbid it as wrong. After all, morals and meaning in life are delusional if we are the product of an explosion and a series of molecular accidents. Morality is merely a social construct to keep us all in line.

              That's why it probably isn't a good idea to only examine the history of a worldview, but take other factors into account. With all religions, it is worth examining the founder. When you look at Jesus Christ, he definitely wasn't racist and did not come with a military kingdom. He never condoned the hypocritical Christianity of the slave-traders and some of the "so-called" missionaries. In fact, the historical accounts of the Gospels quite clearly record that Jesus was most critical of the hypocritical leaders of his day!

              I agree that all Christians sin in some form every day - they are human! But the pattern of their life should not be excusing it, but striving to be more like Jesus who has forgiven their sin. If they aren't actively killing sin in their lives, Jesus said they are hypocrites, and therefore not Christian. So perhaps it's worth ignoring the hypocrites, and examining what real Christianity is about by reading the historical accounts of the Gospels for yourself. Christianity is about the good news of a relationship, not a bunch of rules.

              Please have a look at the links above. Your comments suggest that you are a rational thinker, which I greatly admire, and so I hope you can try to objectively consider your own worldview and that of the Bible.

              “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for these desires exists. A baby feels hunger: Well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: Well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: Well, there is such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is I was made for another world.” C.S. Lewis

            • +1

              @bchliu: Uh no the people who are giving out stupid hate on Christianity cause it upset their soft feelings are the ones offended. Wtf you talking about that didn't make any sense 😂

      • But is it right according to Jesus.

        Jesus said his apostles received freely so they should give the word of god freely… You can search for it if you dont believe me.

  • +8

    Thanks Ricky!! :)

    • +1

      Your welcome 😊

      • +13

        "You're welcome".

        You're welcome.

        • +3

          Thanks for the correction 😊

          • +1

            @rix86: I'm sure your welcome

  • DLC isn't included.

  • +2

    Free CSB

    Hey, this isn't the Community Sector Banking. What would Jesus do?!?!

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

      • The arrogance and condescension of some christians never ceases to amaze.

        Grace to you bro.

        • Yeah the whole Christianity thing lost me as soon as they claim I was born into sin. Guess the letter to ask me if I was OK with this got lost in the mail.

          • @PCAviator: I don't think science can prove babies are sinners from the moment they were born. But I remember there was a study of babies can lie after a few months. They will cry to get affection even they don't really need anything like food,drink etc. So it was a form of lie according to the study. I don't think I was a Christian when I heard about it. It was of no importance back then, so I did not save the article.

          • @PCAviator: I don't think science can prove babies are sinners from the moment they were born. But I remember there was a study of babies can lie after a few months. They will cry to get affection even they don't really need anything like food, drink etc. So it was a form of lie according to the study. I don't think I was a Christian when I heard about it. It was of no importance back then, so I did not save the article.

        • Some Christians are arrogant but scientists are the most arrogant.

          • @RetroMetro: Arrogant or speaking with the confidence of fact? Lmao

            • @[Deactivated]: They are so full of themselves because of their knowledge. Though I have met some very pleasant ones and that deserves respect.

              Also speaking with facts doesn't make you not arrogant. In fact it fuels the arrogance 😂

          • @RetroMetro: I'm just messing with them. I noticed those who mocks and attacks. Get triggered the most when you do it to them.

        • I did it on purpose. Some atheist comes to mock and attack. But they can't take it in return. That's why I'm having a little bit of fun with them. Why they even get triggered does not make sense since they don't believe in God. So my comment should have zero effect on them. However, it's clear they get triggered.

          • @gto21: Yeah like why waste your Saturday trying to make people feel bad. Not that it works cause I know my place!

            • @RetroMetro: I just find it funny. And it obviously works. I don't do it to make others feel bad. Since an atheist is usually his own standard of morality. So highly unlikely they will feel bad about it.

              I don't know why they get triggered. I won't even care for that type of comment if I was them.

          • @gto21: Lmao when they think we are arrogant but the haters are the biggest arrogant people. It's fricken ironic

    • +5

      It also really triggers us when you don’t touch children and mutilate their genitalia. Yep, we absolutely hate it when you don’t do that.

      • +7

        You also have atheist who commits same kind of stuff. If I attack all atheists because of the action of a few it will be ridiculous.

        But somehow all Christians get attack for the action of a few.

        • +23

          I don’t know man after a thousand years of slavery, colonisation and genocide it’s kinda difficult to try to wash away the whole jerking off kids thing.

          At some point you’ve gotta ask yourself “hey, maybe this book is a little messed up” and consider just taking on a Don’t Be A Dick mantra instead - no Sunday mass needed.

          • +3
          • @ausmechkeyboards: A better translation would be a servant. It's not the same as modern-day slavery. Slavery is due to people who spread the lie that white people are superior to black. And believe it's ok to kidnap people. The Bible prohibits lies and stealing (kidnapping). So that kind of slavery is from your camp. :)

            Your worldview is messed up. And consider just taking on a Don’t Be A D mantra instead - instead of nonsense like everything is created from nothing. Most stupid thing someone can believe in.

            • +2

              @gto21: Science doesn't say something was created from nothing. I think the Bible says that. The Bible clearly is not a scientific document and leaves out quantum theory, evolution, magnets, dinosaurs, globe Earth, electricity, gravity, optics, other galaxies etc. So it is difficult to accept literally. Also, if polygamy is acceptable in the Bible, why is it unacceptable now?

              • @seb: You have Christian who believes in evolution, globe earth, dinosaur and so on.

                I don't know many who don't believe in electricity and gravity.

                You realise you have an atheist who believes in a flat earth. Even atheist you have different kind of belief on a different subject.

                Why do you even care if the Bible teaches polygamy or not? Does it matter for you?

                • @gto21: If we are discussing the Bible, its veracity, its relevance, its importance to humanity as a teaching tool from God, then I think these topics are relevant.

                  • @seb: I already know the argument for and against polygamy. Short answer, it's not how God designed it from the behind. However, tolerate it for a time because of the hardness of people hearts.

                    The reason I don't see it's importance. Polygamy is true or not, both ways I don't think that will make you want to become a Christian. So you're going to waste your time talking about it. And I know the arguments.

                    I would believe they misunderstood the whole context. I don't even believe it's a damnable heresy.

                    I believe someone can still be a Christian even if you get this doctrine wrong. Unless you know it's wrong.

              • @seb: I actually agree everything is created from nothing is stupid. But you have many atheist who believe in that stupidity.

          • @ausmechkeyboards: In history, most wars are not based on religion. Most genocide is from your camp as well. That's messed.

          • -3

            @ausmechkeyboards: The church is normally separate from the state. Most colonisation from your camp as well. Terrible take responsibility for all evil coming from your worldview.

          • +1

            @ausmechkeyboards: you can pretty much sum up half of the message of the bible as "don't be a dick".

        • +2

          Atheists aren't claiming to be children of god, transformed by his (holy?) spirit, walking the narrow path on the high road in the light, conduits to the almighty, hearing his small still voice…etc etc.

          You're confusing christians' silly beliefs getting attacked with the they themselves getting attacked. Hate the belief system, not those who believe.

          You should grow a thicker skin on your turned other cheek.

          • @dm01: I don't care to be honest. I found the crazy atheist having a meltdown very funny. So I have no idea what you're on about.

            • +2


              So I have no idea…

              That you have no idea is not in dispute.

              • @dm01: 100% when people don't make any sense.

      • +5

        Yes, because the actions of a few, must surely represent all. Please check your logic, for it is flawed.

        • +3

          Yeaaaaaah, The crimes of christianity isn't exactly the crimes of the few and they go back hundreds of years - Crusades, Spanish colonisation of South America etc. The chap above isn't taling about logic, he's talking about piles of evidence.

          • +3

            @Sapiens: You realise the crusade happened because non-Christians took Christians lands. The Christians defended their land.

            To bring that as objections shows you don't know the history.

            It won't happen if it was not for the invaders.

            Piles of evidence lol

            • @gto21: Cherry picking much? 😂

              • @dm01: Do you have an issue Christians defending their lands?

                • @gto21: "defending"? You must be thinking of a different crusades.

                  • @dm01: Interesting you did not answer the question.

                    If I were you. I would probably say I don't agree with your version of history. But Christians are allowed to defend their lands.

                    How you answer the question tell me a lot about you.

                    Here a short clip about history. Listen carefully on how it started.

            • @gto21: Alright mate, you're just after a bit of baiting and trolling so I'll leave you to your keyboard.

              • -2

                @Sapiens: To be honest, if I was an atheist I would thank the catholic for the crusade. Not everything they did was right. But it changes the cause of history.

                The freedom atheist has in the west would be different if the crusaders failed.

                I like what he said at the end.

      • Lol hilarious you been reading too much media! Look at the good the church has given throughout covid-19. So much given to those poor and in need. I don't remember seeing the good deeds in the media.

        • Media doesn't cover it. And you have many Christians who does not want it to be public knowledge.

          Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
          Matthew 6:2

        • Lol.. Look how much good deeds the government has handed out to people during Covid-19. So much given to those poor and in need..

          • @bchliu: You realise Australian will repay everything back with Tax. Don't think it's free money and people won't pay it back. It's good what the government is doing in the short term. In the long term, a lot of people will not be happy. They got criticise by a financial expert to ask people to take money from their superannuation. Probably providing bad advice to reduce the burden on the government.

          • @bchliu: No one is putting the government down here what are you talking about 😂

    • Signed by Donald Trump.

    • I understand this sentence but I don't follow the logic.

  • +13

    Thank you for posting the deal! To everyone here spouting hate. Have you actually read the bible? I mean READ it. If not, please excuse yourself from the conversation. Don't know why people who hate religion so much, feel the need to let EVERY human and their dog know about it. We get it, you're extremely intellectual and have transcended religion. You are woke. Wow, impressive. Did you ever stop to consider YOU might be the one missing something? The fact many of you think its about something as trivial as certainty and comfort, tells me how little you really know about true christianity. Jesus never preached of comfort. In fact, he often discussed suffering and sacrifice as a part of life. How uninformed you are. At least have the decency to read up, and study a topic, before openly criticising it. I love Ozbargain, and the supportive community we have, but some of the comments here are shameful, spiteful, and discriminatory. We can do better.

    • +9

      The biggest issue with religion is that it takes away one's ability to think for themselves.

      • +14

        That statement is one of ignorance. If you even read the first BOOK of the bible, you would know humans have been free to make their own poor choices from the beginning. Religion and free will can and should coexist.

        • +16

          Didn’t the gods (plural, read the verse) get jealous at that point, destroy everything and made everyone speak different languages so that we stop cooperating with each other?

          Is that the first chapter story you’re referring to?

          • +2

            @ausmechkeyboards: Much more to it than that, and you know it. Either way, you are free to feel/believe what you choose, I am not here attempting to convert anyone. I really am not very good at the whole internet comment argument thing. Just asking that people keep an open mind, and not criticise something they do not know or understand. Respect should go both ways.

            • +17

              @thaesus: There is literally no more to it than that. Go read it right now.

              The reason why you think there is more is because it’s a stupid, divisive start to progressively more ridiculous book.

              • +1

                @ausmechkeyboards: Most ridiculous books teach people that everything is created from nothing. And dumb people believe that crap 💩. It's a miracle which requires a lot of faith. I don't have enough faith to believe in that kind of crap .

              • +1

                @ausmechkeyboards: I see we are not doing the whole 'mutual respect' thing then :p

        • +12

          Right, so following someone's decision encompassing every aspect of life which was made some 2000 years ago is not ignorance? But questioning it, is ignorance?

          • +2

            @nadan: Hey, not at all! Questioning should be the normal. Without questioning there is no accountability. I myself have questioned and grappled with many things, and reached my own conclusion, but every individual is unique! I suppose the issue is when you question something as though you already know the answer. Does that make sense? As I said above, I am not very good at expressing myself, I'm sorry!

          • +5

            @nadan: It's always healthy to question everything — that's what the front brain is literally for. The early ancient Christians did this, and especially the middle ages Christians since classical liberal arts studies at the time by clergy required studies in formal logic

            In case you don't know, across 2000 years there have been many "peer reviews," commentaries, interpretations and extensions to the propositions made by the historical figure Jesus. A lot of these are historical documents, but they contain remarkable content…a lot of poetry, logical theses, biographies, recounts, sermons, etc. Most if not all of the authors of the major historical Christian documents (e.g., early church fathers, Paul's letters, disciples' recounts, Augustine) had little incentive (little to no financial, social or political gain) and therefore motivation to deceive its readers during their respective cultural times. Some of these authors seemed to have genuine "conversion" experiences e.g. Paul, Augustine, Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, etc. These were highly intelligent and educated men. They questioned a lot of things. And whether they had psychosis I don't know. But they certianly believed the historical Jesus and his propositions, and not without reason of course (they reasoned in length).

            An example of the positive result of questioning is a middle ages philosopher named Thomas Aquinas who came to write a long philosophical book about Jesus and his propositions and basically all Christian propositions themselves. The impressive thing about this book is that, unlike many other Christian documents like the books in the Old and New Testament or sermons by key historical figures, it contained only purely deductive reasoning (on the same level as mathematical proofs [truths] due to containing no formal or informal logical fallacies/errors) about almost every single Christian topic. Many Christians as a result consider him to be the "father of Christian apolgetics (defending one's beliefs)" because of its strict reliance on logical deduction as the backbone to every sentence/paragraph written.

      • That is a big wtf moment. Great religious people are robots! I don't think so

    • +9

      Francesca Stavrakopoulou has studied the bible.
      She says it was written by men with daddy issues & for some reason people like to think it's true.

      • +5

        You will also realize very quickly, that no other self respecting theologian supports her theories, which are largely based on anecdotal evidence, and her own research endeavours. Of course, it does make for compelling TV :)

        • +14

          Are you saying the bible isn't anecdotal?

      • Hahaha … yet anyone can believe In this person and not “ other person “”” ironic

    • +1

      Yes, repeatedly and for many years. KJV, NSV and ESV. I've spent years studying them and I'm now smart enough to realise they are works of fiction. Perhaps that's simply what god wants me to believe. If so, who am I to question his will.

      …and we go round in circles. Moronic when you have the ability to stand back and consider things.

      • Nobody

      • +3

        Where do you stop and think its fiction? I know even as believers I have many questions about the stories in Old Testament. But at the end of the day, the important question was whether Jesus fictional or not? You will find majority of scholars, Christians or not, do not deny the existence of Jesus Christ as human.

        Keep in mind, the copy of the gospel we have now is by far the most authentic copy among all the historical books out there, which has been tested by scholars. The only debatable topic is whether Jesus rose from death, now believing in that, I would agree is a matter of faith.

        I have personally struggle with believing that. However, eventually I found enough reasons to believe that the disciple testimonies on Jesus ressurection was not made up as things just dont add up. First, the writer would not have written that it was female who first saw Jesus (because female has no voice at that time), it would be a terrible start to convince a lie. Second, I see no reason why so many of the disciples would die a terrible death just to cover a lie that does not benefit them whatsoever. Third, Jesus has to be either a liar, lunatic, or who he claimed he is to want to die horribly on the cross; I believe in the later because the first two are just not substantiated enough (liar always seek for personal benefit, while a lunatic would never be able to display such amount of wisdom/love).

        However, I do implore anyone to follow Jesus teaching regardless whether they believe him as God or not. He has taught love, kindness and justice.. and I don't see how that would be bad for anyone.

        Anyway, that's me. :)

        • Then you are lucky god wants you to believe in him. I’m not so lucky as you I guess, as he doesn’t seem to want me to believe. He’s given me reason and understanding. He works in mysterious ways

    • Agreed with you but at the same time since this bargain deal has become a forum allowed by moderator , why not have them anyway . Dialog is better than war and at least there is a forum here For non believers and believers to have the conversation

    • -1

      I've read the Bible in its entirety multiple times. I was forced to by my parents.

      My favorite verse is Ezekiel 23:20.

      There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

      • +1

        The irony when an unbeliever quote this verse when you look at the context.

      • +1

        Even the parents knew their son was lost. Damn

  • +7

    Only acceptable if Trump has taken a photo with it.

  • Citation required for scholars loving this.

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