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Free CSB + Apologetics Study Bible for Students (Normally $39.98) @ Logos


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CSB + Apologetics Study Bible for Students was $39 now free
Add a Second Book for $0.99 - The New Testament: Its Background and Message
Add a Third Book for $1.99 - Old Testament Survey, 2nd ed.
Add a Fourth Book for $2.99 - Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology
All usually $20-40 each
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In Christ,


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closed Comments

  • +3

    "Hide deals from store Logos.com"

    • But then you'd miss all the fun of the comments that pop up!


  • Is it even a deal if you can't have printed copies delivered to your friends for free?

  • +4

    Someone post a torrent to this software. It's God's will that we should share his word at 12Mb/s

  • +1

    I'm here for the comments. Had some good LOLs from them

    • +1

      Same, some people really suck at arguing. To be fair from both sides. But I don't get the hate part

  • +19

    I don't understand why there is so much hate thrown at this deal — you're not affiliated with Christianity right? So leave the bigotry behind? If you were once affiliated and made a clear decision to exit, yet still feel the need to be hateful, then your strong emotional ties have not been thoroughly dealt with. If you were never affiliated, then learn some respect for another cultural group (same goes for all religious and cultural groups for that matter). Either shut your mouth, do the grief/emotion work, or learn respect. It's actually a very useful resource for nonbelievers wanting to learn more about the Christian religion out of interest or to develop informed arguments against it.

    • Because Christians continue to harm people in the name of their imaginary leader. Religion is discriminatory and infringes on the rights of free thinkers.

      • +1

        And these kinds of issues should be discussed in Forum ( hello moderator , where are you ? ) , and not in bargain deals post , isn’t it !

        • +1

          You have an opportunity to share your faith right here and right now. What would Jesus think if he were to hear you "crying moderator" when he sees you with a once in a life time opportunity to share the truth of the Gospel?

      • Vice versa mate. Religion was here first before all the other stuff. So all this new stuff is descriminating against religious people. Free thinkers can think what they want how does religion stop you?

      • Fair enough, although I think Christianity (like many other religions and organisations) does a lot of good work too - a lot of unsung heroes workong in remote places overseas.

        Also, Jesus of Nazareth isn't an imaginary or made up figure like Zeus, but, like Ghandi was, was a real person. Just as Buddhism has a real historical leader (a real person called Siddhartha Gautama), so does Christianity.

        "Religions can be viewed as discriminatory" — they do set strict boundaries as to who can do what based on say gender. I can't say for the other religions, but for some Christian denominations, these boundaries don't intend to be divisive, hateful or ill-spirited. The foundations were originally formed from a patriarchal male-headed ancient Jewish culture and from there a lot more was added mainly by male clerics. Many females did contribute significantly. The worth, significance and dignity of women has never been diminished but always upheld from the outset; Jesus' own mother is highly revered and respected.
        So i guess intention and rationale of the "dicriminatory" practice determines whether it truly is discriminatory.

        "Infringes on the rights of free thinkers." — this is actually very false: religious members are allowed
        and respected to think as freely as they'd like insofar as the free thoughts remain as free thoughts instead of affecting their mandated moral behaviour.

        • I was brainwashed as a child so I have many years of Christian dogma training. You don't need to educate me.

          Christianity's only saving grace is that the punishment for apostasy is not death or exile (in most sects), except for sects like JW

  • +4

    Ahh good ol' religion post… Grabs popcorn

  • +7

    No need for the disrespectful comments, remember we live in a free country and people are entitled to their own views and shouldn’t be judged negatively because of it. If you don’t like the deal move on.

    • +4

      I think we're very free to judge people on their views if we believe they are false. No different to having someone tell you they have communicated with aliens, you'd think they are looney. It's exactly the same thing here

    • +5

      Hold on I'm about to post a deal for a kkk hoodie. If you don't like it, move on

      • +1

        I hope it's a freebie. Kinda cold right now.

    • Respect there! Even if you dont agree with ones religion. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Imagine if we were ww3 confirmed!

  • +8

    Here we go again.
    You don’t need to neg this deal if it’s not for you.
    Remember the voting guidelines and commenting guidelines especially on personal attacks and hate speech.
    Have fun everyone

    • +7

      This happens all the time. People have an axe to grind for whatever reason. Imagine Christians going into a Richard Dawkins bargain post and trolling it. Why bother? People should get a life.

      • +3

        They'd have the freedom the speak their minds and it'd be a forum for a free exchange of ideas.

        • +3

          Post this idea in the forum.

          • +1

            @gto21: 100% agree, post it on a forum.

        • +2

          Free exchange of ideas like "you guys are stupid and ignorant to believe in a fantasy"…..

          Free exchange of ideas is respectful, more like "this is what I believe and this is why I believe it, what do you believe, and why do you believe that?"

          • +4

            @Tuukmaak: But they think we're stupid and ignorant for not believing in what they believe, it seems like both sides want to enjoy the same freedom of expression, but the Christian side wants to make it unacceptable for non believers to voice their non belief. if it's that much of a sticky and intolerable issue, why don't Christians just keep it to themselves? If they are such precious snowflakes who can't handle knowing what others believe then Christians should keep their beliefs to themselves and save themselves a lot of self inflicted mental anguish. I'd encourage them to join the discussion where oh no their beliefs may be challenged, but Christianity itself is built on challenging people's ideas to convert them. It's a bit rich to hear Christians complain that others shouldn't be allowed to go around saying their god doesn't exist or that the supernatural in general doesn't exist. trying to shame others for doing exactly what their religion tells them to do at every opportunity. And they wouldn't be Christian in the first place if someone didn't challenge their beliefs in the first place. It's like pulling the ladder up after yourself, trying to shut down all discussion after you've already been converted into a certain religion.

            • -2

              @AustriaBargain: To be fair your probably more emotional than most people in the comment section. I'm enjoying the meltdown.

        • Yeah speak your mind no hate allowed! There is a difference bruh!

      • Please feel free to voice your opinions wherever you wish. We love engaging with you on these matters. Remember, you have the truth on your side, why not share it!

    • Where is the moderator to enforce the guideline ??

  • +5

    Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and should be allowed to express themselves.
    I'm a Christian but cant stand the Christians that shove the bible down non believers throats..
    It should be a personal thing…
    People should not be judged or stereotyped by what religion, colour or ethnicity they are…
    I live by this…
    I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. ;)
    Like taking Life insurance right, who knows what the future or after life holds… lol

    end of the day, just be a good person, treat everyone how you would like to be treated

    • +2

      So what you are essentially saying is that you've got your parachute, but screw everyone else, you don't care if the plane's going down, cos "I have a parachute" :)

      • +4

        haha no, saying do your own research on what parachute you want to buy if you want to, I'm not selling parachutes…
        Your choice if you want one or not…

        • +1

          I hear ya. But if you're really sure about your parachute wouldn't you warn others too?
          I only bring this up because many people in history have given up everything and even their lives for what they believe in.
          Not trying to be annoying, just genuine questions.

          • @Tuukmaak: All good, some may say I'm not a good Christian for not telling the world the way etc… I live by example and willing to share the word if anyone is interested.

          • +1

            @Tuukmaak: Said parachute and free-falling only applies to people who make that leap of faith. It's not applicable to the rest who have chose not to take the leap.

            Yet the knowledge of sky jumping and parachuting is free for all.

      • +1

        Not made in China Please !!

      • +1

        No that's not what he means, your the one in charge of your life.

        Also funny cause you dont want us to preach but then if we don't preach you think it's like telling everyone to screw themselves in a plane crash. Laughable and contradictory

  • 🍿

  • +8

    False advertising, says it encourages asking tough questions about religion and giving straight answers, but that's not true.

    One of the "tough" questions is, whether it's okay to do yoga.
    And the straight forward answer is, yes, well, maybe.

    Another: "How old is the earth?"
    Straight forward answer: "It can be seen as either old or it's not old"

    Schrödinger's earth, by the sounds of it!

    • +1

      Really, They are your tough questions! Sigh. In regards to Yoga, the common position is that the physical exercise aspect is fine, the spiritual aspect isn't. How old is the earth, it's a scientific question, not a religious one.

      Both easy straight answers, this neg is based on a straw man.

      • Not an easy answer


        Millions of evangelicals believe the Earth is 5000 years old

        • How many believe salvation depends on YEC or OEC?

        • +1

          It's possible to have a straight answer without a definitive one. There are lots of things we (the human race) are unsure of, that doesn't preclude being able to give a straight answer on any of those topics.

      • -1

        Not my tough questions and not tough questions at all, that's my point!

        • Oh, OK, where did you pull those questions from?

          • @tryagain: The actual book that's advertised here.
            I had a quick read before negging.

            • @RubenM: You can have a different possible answer from one person. It's not limited only to religion. It can happen with scientist, doctors, scholars, historian, philosopher and so on.

              • @gto21: Still fails on "tough questions" and "straight answers" very much!
                Politicians give straighter answers than this book!

                • @RubenM: I don't think you make any sense since you can get a different opinion from a differing expert in a different field, not just religion. And sometimes from the same person. You can pretty much make anything a hard question or hard answer by this standard.

  • +4

    127 upvotes, but only 11 of them commented. Interesting.

    So I’ guessing this is a tool to hunt the bible for quotes to support your existing view?
    Perfect for bigots on both sides of the religious fence.

    I wonder if Trump uses this?

    • +1

      Trump wouldn't use it, it's not good for a photo shoot.

    • +2

      Is that an unusual statistic though, percentage-wise? I've seen other deals with many upvotes, but little commenting. What do you find interesting about it? I'm not trolling, or trying to make a point. I'm just asking what your inference from the data is?

  • +6

    Sorry but this will have to be a down vote from me due to unwarranted discrimination of the prawn farmers (Leviticus 11 9:12), other religions who either believe in more than one God or do not believe in JC (1 Corinthians 8:6), homosexuals (well known) , fans of bircher musli (Leviticus 19:19), handicapped people (Leviticus 21:18-21), men who lost a testicle (Deuteronomy 23:1) and women teachers
    Timothy 2:11. All lives matter and this stuff is just as bad as racism. Don't promote this intolerance.

    Also why would I have sex with my dead brother's wife if they had no children (Mark 12:19) or cut my wife's hand off if she defends me by punching the other guy into his junk (Deuteronomy 25:11-12). There's something seriously wrong with you if you believe in this stuff.

    PS: feel free to downvote me. It'll say more about you and your values (outlined above) than me.

    • +1

      Matthew 15:30

      "And large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them."

      I guess they all misunderstood it. God actually hate them. Even Jesus misunderstood it, why are you healing them? Don't you know you must actually hate them? This Jesus guy he ruined everything.

      Thank you for sharing your knowledge on the topic.

      • That's the err fundamental(ist) problem. Old Testament god was mean, vengeful and dictatorial. Then Jesus rocks up and says no you have it all wrong, he's really a kind and loving kind of bloke, like me!

        I find the fundamentalist Christian view quite paradoxical. Christian by (traditional) definition means Christ-like. The Old testament is often the antithesis of the New Testament (Vengeful vs Loving god). Yet fundamentalist like to quote the Old Testament to back their rather unchrist-like beliefs (which are often quite contrarian to the New Testament values/teachings). I really not sure how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can quote stuff from the OT. I would think if it isn't in the 4 gospels, then it's not a Christian thing.

        But my fav quote will always be……let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

        • +3

          Or you have idiots who misunderstood the OT.

          • @gto21: Yet but id you read both, like i have, the OT isn't a Christian text. Jesus said Love One Another As I Have Loved You. The OT is more persecute those who don't believe and those who are different.

            Funny, I read the Bible from cover to cover as a teenager and became an atheist. I have the utmost respect for true Christians, but these is so much hatred amongst so many conservative Christians, who aren't Christ-like, he didn't dispise anyone, he looked out for the poor, the marginalised, the different. Quite a good bloke.

            • @[Deactivated]: If you say so I see both in the NT and OT.

              Jesus calls people satan, hypocrite and so on.

              Now that you said you read the bible cover to cover. Jesus was tougher with those who have "knowledge".

              You want me to rebuke harshly like Jesus? Maybe that will make me christ-like.

              If I'm christ-like and call you satan or hypocrite. I will probably get a ban. Not that I care. But I can't be bothered creating another account after getting a ban.

            • @[Deactivated]: From personal experience. Those who go out of their way to tell you they are an ex-Christian or read the bible cover to cover, attend Sunday school, studied theology at university. Are usually the people that will say some of the dumbest things ever. I'm already seeing red flags right now. I got a feeling I will read something dumb very soon.

      • Pretty thin argument clinging to this one item to counter a whole raft of other clear messages.

        So what you're saying is that god is erratic, one day tells you one thing, the other day tells you something else.

        Alternatively you're telling me I can pick and choose which one applies. Great, let's skip the ten commandments.

        However thanks for sharing your careful selected knowledge. Good to know that that Matthew thinks god will reattach my wife's hand after I chopped it off following her sucker punch in my offenders' nuts.

        Now let me swing by my dead brother's wife to have a shag. After all the Bible tells me to. Any specific knowledge on this one you can share?

        • I can go in more details. But what the point when it's easy to refute.

          A punch to the balls can kill someone and stop the person to have children.

          Even now if you get attack many laws around the world say you need to use reasonable force.

          That's another nonsense objection, to be honest.

          Do you believe in using excessive force or reasonable force to defend yourself?

        • Just keep up to date what he said last. Not hard to think about it. Also I think you really misunderstood that verse.

      • +1

        A few passages of peace and love don't undo all the hate, bigotry and xenophobia of the old testament (and there's some in the new testament too)!

        • A few nice comments by atheist does not undo all the hate, bigotry and xenophobia by the atheists.

          • +1

            @gto21: Atheism does not pretend to have a monopoly on morality, in fact it's completely agnostic of it.
            However religions make those claims and their own teachings prove otherwise.

            • @RubenM: Atheism can't have a standard of morality. I agree your worldview is flawed. That's why I'm not an atheist since it's a dumb position to take.

              • @gto21: I have a standard of morality. Therefore you are wrong. How presumptuous of you to tell me how I think. Are you sure you are not just a troll? Next, you'll be telling me that any 'Christian' who does not agree with you is not a 'true' Christian.

                • @Rayve: Ok, tell me what's your standard of morality? I don't even think you understand my comment based on how you replied.

      • +1

        On Sunday, when you are sitting in Church and the worship music is starting and you are soon to stand and give praise to your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, does it affect your worship to think of countless thousands of toddlers and infants he has drowned in the great flood?

        The waters are rising, panic sets in. Along with their parents, small children, toddlers and infants are struggling to stay afloat as their little arms get weaker as they struggle to maintain hold on any floating debris. As they weaken and their heads fall beneath the waves, their little lungs fill with water as they slowly die in agony and fear and panic and terror.

        Remembering this, how does it affect your worship of the one whom through all things were made; the one that without him nothing was made that has been made?

        • I agree, but extend it to the unborn as well. How sad it must be to think that a being who loves you would build a torture chamber in the basement and condemn you to it without the possibility of reprieve. I wouldn't call that being good by any meaningful standard.

    • PS: feel free to downvote me. It'll say more about you and your values (outlined above) than me.

      I didn't, but I yes, it will likely show they value context and not straw man arguments.

    • A lot of what has happened in the past seem crazy to us now. If those offend you, I suggest you stay away from all books that contain some history.

  • +2

    132 ozbargainers believe that an imaginary bearded man controls everything in our lives

  • +1

    There's only one true God :- https://m.facebook.com/TheGoodLordAbove/

  • +2

    Thanks for posting. Great resource. Christain Standard Bible is a good translation except I'd like a way of turning off the cross references while reading the scriptures.

    • +1

      khowjon - In Logos you can; just hit the button above the text with the three circles. There's heaps of different options to turn on and off.

  • -5

    jesus christ was a schizophrenic carpenter

  • +3

    Upvote just for having the guts to post the deal. I find Christians are the most pleasant and trustworthy people to deal with.

    • Very trustworthy, things they did to all the children in their care.

      • Catholics aren't Christian. Maybe you should take this deal and study it?

        • +1

          LOL! Considering Catholics are the single biggest group of Christians around I think you need to study more about Christianity itself. If you're talking about the group of people that call themselves Christians in regards to their religion/faith, then you're talking about Protestants and you should be clear about which particular group of Protestants you are talking about.

          Maybe people should actually look up the origins of their church and how it came to be instead of blindly believing what they're told.


          • +1

            @Cousin IT: "Lalala, not listening!"

          • -1

            @Cousin IT: Ok then: Most protestants I know are great people. Catholics I know seem to think they can do what they want and be forgiven on the weekend. I was told by a catholic on Wednesday this week 'I'm not Christian. The Christian God hates his followers. I can do whatever I want and be forgiven on the weekend. My God loves me.'

            Protestants or 'Christians' I know think that their God hates sin so much that they try their best not to. I think this is why they behave better overall.

            I don't qualify as Christian because I don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus, but I look at the fundamental beliefs of different faiths and how they affect the outcome for societies as a whole. Judeo Christian values combined with Greek reasoning and with the separation of Church and state (thanks to the fighting between the Catholics and Protestants) have given us the basic moral framework that has lead to the societies with the highest standards of living and longest life expectancies in the history of humanity.

      • +4

        Atheists and sexual abuse


        I don't think you make any sense. So we should not trust any atheist as well?

      • LOL, what? A few wayward individuals abused children now all Christians are guilty of it. Talk about stereotyping

      • As a Christian don't know what you are talking about 🤔. I'm guessing you haven't actually met good Christians. There are really good ones and I admit there are some real shit ones
        But don't take that all are bad cause of a bad experience or some media reports.

        • +1

          In other words, Christianity does not determine one's decency? Just like atheists and Republicans and Muslims and most other groups. People are people, flaws and good points.

          • -1

            @Rayve: Islam is a work salvation religion. Most protestant believe they are saved by grace not deeds. Even Catholic and Orthodox have a different salvation doctrine from Islam. To my knowledge, most Muslims believe in work salvation. So I don't know why you see it the same as Islam.

            Atheism doesn't have a standard of morality. So no idea how they can determine flaws and good in their worldview.

          • @Rayve: People are still people in the end. It's their nature and palming it off onto their religion is quite convenient. I don't treat all atheists bad cause some are really nice people.

  • -2

    It would very unfortunate if people still turn to or associate themselves with this institution. One of the most corrupt out there. "children asexual abuse"

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