Good Easy Cushy Job That Pays over 85k No Degree No Qualification Just Get in The Door Type Deal

So working life is going great but I always want more so I'm here to ask for advice on any jobs that don't require any degree or qualifications that I can maybe get into that pays more than 85k.. Not even making half that now..

Bonus points if the work is pretty lax labour wise but honestly I'm open to anything (no funny answers) huuurr durrr no drug dealer, hand jobs or other stupid answers for jobs.

I was thinking of getting into mining but I think all those jobs are high skill jobs and I can't drive continuously for too long at least right now because of health fatigue reasons but that will clear up once I put my health in the right direction and stop abusing and over exerting my body for no reason.

So anybody want to chime in with what they do and if it's easy to get into and does not require any barriers to entry like a degree or qualification.. I'm fine with doing short courses maybe if the payout is great but I'm not going back to uni again for 3 - 5 years if the prospects are shaky.


    • +5

      entry level web dev jobs start at like 40-45k

      • I disagree, entry level web dev jobs can easily start at 80K+. Entry level "web dev jobs" that start at 40-50k aren't actually web dev jobs… They are marketed under the disguise of a dev job but really those roles are just basic data-entry/code manipulation/legacy maintenance roles - the same roles which ask for an applicant who knows every single tech stack and technology known to man.

        In reality the barriers to entry for dev jobs are really low, but it takes time/patience/perseverance to get comfortable. Someone with the right mindset can move through career stages pretty quickly. That is my experience at least.

        • I guess I need to quit or ask for a raise then lol

        • So how did you do it? Keen to know.

  • +2

    Medical guinea pig?

  • That's so easy, if you want to earn that amount of money, just sign up for mensa, and pass the test, you'll get free qualifications everywhere, but if they kick your ass out then, just go to Western Australia, or of currently there for fifo jobs, you'll get a good paying job with crazy hours.

    • where or how do i apply?

    • +1

      As far as I am aware, becoming a Mensa member will get you nothing more than a membership card. Mentioning your membership to anyone else just makes you look stuck-up and pretentious.

  • +2

    Mortgage credit analyst./ processing. Big 4 bank. $85K start. 19 year old. No quals.

    • -1

      Honestly I might try this but then I need to get a haircut and shave but I like my hobo beard

    • How did you get the job? What criteria do you need/past experience?

  • I made an account just to say, signaller fits the bill for what you want.

    The only job I can think of where they train you up for 4 weeks and then you're out on the field earning $125k per year before tax.

    • +1

      What is a signaller

      • Next time you're on a train, have a look at lights that go from red to green.

        That is the job off the signaller.

        • +3

          wow seriously? you would think these type of jobs would've been computerised/automated long ago.

          • @FW190: Absolutely no chance of this happening.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: The unions would go nuts if you automated the operation of a button and put someone out of a $125k a year job.

              • @OzzyOzbourne: Bit more to it than that but you're on the right track.

                I'm just a lowly track gang worker but when I do get the opportunity to see these boys in action I quickly understand why they're worth every single penny.

                • @[Deactivated]: I would certainly hope it is more involved then simply pushing a few buttons :)

                  but still, from an outsider's perspective anyway, you would think that a computer/program would be probably be more efficient at doing those kind of work, ie coordinating between different trains and tracks/platforms, making split second decisions etc. but probably a good idea to have a real person there as a backup as well.

  • +1


  • +1

    tl;dr the other comments.

    Become a human guinea pig for medical research.

    "some people will do eight to 12 clinical trials in a year, making $20,000 or more." OP, just once a week will achieve your $goal


    • +1

      Oil's a bitch to remove

  • Even a Pornstar has to make a little effort. Physically….

    If your lucky get a labourers job on a Union Construction Site…

  • +2


    • +4


      • I ran out of downvotes so had to just upvote you instead of also downvoting the original commenter.

        • +2

          was meant to be satire. i support dan.

          but seriously all you need is votes to be a politician, no degree as per op.

          • @CalmLemons: It's not quite as easy as the popularity contests in primary/secondary school. You might know like 1,000 - 2,000 people that would vote for you in your circle of extended friends if you're a social butterfly, but I'd take an educated guess that it takes way more than that amount of votes to make it even half as far as Premier. Not exactly a cushy job to get those votes, nor do the job (well/satisfactorily).

  • People keep saying web developer??

    Has anyone here actually taught themselves to develop websites and found enough customers to make a living?

    • Probably many of them here, and spent most of their time in OzB šŸ˜‚

    • +3

      I was working in retail for awhile and in my free time did a Udemy course in Wordpress development.

      I started by making a few websites for friends businesses in exchange for beers which allowed me to build a portfolio and then started applying for entry level Wordpress dev jobs.

      Landed a job shortly after so didnā€™t really need to look for customers. Itā€™s more about the portfolio to get your foot in the door so for me making sites for next to nothing was an easy choice.

      Within 3 years, Iā€™ve moved from making $50k in retail working weekends, to $80k with flexible work arrangements.

      Having said all that, this was not a cushy journey as the OP is looking for, however, no formal qualifications were necessary for me to get here. There were initially a lot of late nights spent learning/figuring things out.

      Once you get more knowledgable about the development youā€™re involved in, you could easily stay in the same role/salary and get cushy as you naturally gain more experience and start to become more efficient.

      • I've always been curious about your line of work, so I decided to build my own portfolio site and learn along the way.

        It's certainly doable, but I can see why websites build from scratch cost as much as they do.

        Do you ever get to a point where you're not constantly googling "why wont (xyz) element centre align?"

        • Once youā€™ve encountered an issue a few times it starts to stick. Googling for a solution is pretty accepted in a professional setting.

  • +9

    Train driver at Metro Trains Melbourne. Off the street traineeship, $107,610 base per year once fully qualified and past your first six months on your own. After penalties and OT last FY I got ~$144k.

    • +2

      not a chance if OP has a history of Fatigue - they will rule out upon the medical.

    • +1

      Interesting. How challenging is the job? Do you have shifts that are fairly steady week on week or is there a lot of change?

      • Stop, go. No need to steer

      • +3

        Training is pretty intensive but day to day the job is pretty easy. Just not very forgiving of errors, something not even safety critical like missing overshooting a station or mis reading an express pattern and not stopping somewhere you should and they basically treat you like a criminal.

        Shifts are rotating one week early morning one week afternoon/night shift. Start/finish times are different every day.

        Once you finish training you an do permanent shift swaps with someone else to all early morning or all afternoon/night shift if you like.

        There is a looooot of downtime compared to any other job I have worked as well, you will also get more hours at home as shifts are anywhere from 6h30 to 8h inclusive of paid meal breaks.

        • Thanks for the information! I imagine it's a pretty isolating/solitary job but the money sounds good. Is there anything in terms of an "office culture" etc within the organisation?

          • +1

            @soan papdi: Whilst you are driving it is a pretty solitary job, but there is plenty of socialising with other drivers on breaks and standby time.

            Among drivers and other staff we deal with there isn't an "office culture", it's an extremely laid back and informal. I used to work in an office for years before, don't think i'd ever want to go back.

    • Jeez… Really puts things into perspective. 8 years of University, 3 years of training under my belt (+ a few higher degrees) and I probably didn't pull in that much last year.

      • I wouldn't feel too bad.

        Like with any high paying job that requires little to no prior qualification, competition is fierce for the spots that come up so it's not something that everyone can bank on being able to get into.

        Just one of those things, you have to be lucky/able to get through the recruitment process. They have hired larger numbers in the past few years but each intake would be for ~100-120 positions over 2 years out of 10k+ that apply.

  • garbage bin collectors. Easy money

  • +8

    I have a business opportunity for you! Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Make money from your own home with lax conditions? All you have to do is sell this product and recruit others to sell it too. The more people you recruit the more money for you!

    Now some people might say it sounds like a pyramid scheme. I can assure you it is not, it's MLM! A new business model based around a trapezoid. Our unique system means you make as much money as possible with little to NO effort!

    To start just deposit $1000 in to my PayPal.

  • +2

    As Dreamcast mentioned, it's a lot about who you know.. well, more about who wants to know you.

    When I was young, I happened across a specialist job where there was no qualifications. I was about to accept an sports editor job at a local tv station for about $75k (I really dislike sports, so I wasn't exactly thrilled with this position) when this guy I knew talked me into joining his team at a multinational. When you worked, it was grueling long days (20 hour days were common) but you had lots of days off, paid a hell of a lot, lots of $$ bonuses, was interesting, lots of variety, lots of training (I love learning new things), challenging, worked with lots of different people and involved a bit of travel if I wanted…

    You usually don't see positions like this advertised. You rarely see interesting jobs advertised.

    Get qualified, get out there and network.

  • Ahh a friend was telling me, you crazy šŸ˜¹ but if your serious, really serious, drop shipping, or learn to invest in your self on what you can do, since you like your hobo look, your better of doing mobile work, part drop shipping, and front end and back end coding, Oz bargain got you covered there it free courses, but you need to be patient, you might make $0 to 100.000 it depends how hungry you are.

    Those are not my words.

  • +4

    If sh*t posting ozbargain ever becomes a job that pays 80k you'll have your dream job….

  • +1

    Ask scotty to see if he is looking for moderators for OZB and if he will pay you 85k. or find similar elsewhere.

  • I usually suggest garbage collector, fork lift driver or council traffic controller for ppl with little qualifications. But thatā€™s about 50k or so. Maybe overtime is available ?

    Perhaps you need two jobs; one of which is fun so doesnā€™t feel like a job.

    • +1

      My council is offering garbage collection and street sweeping jobs for 73k working 9 day fortnights.

  • Politician or Escort. Take your pick

    • +1

      You will be screwing others either way.

  • +1

    Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini here. Itā€™s fun to drive up here in the Hollywood hills.

  • +1

    You can become one of those ā€œamazing Amazon sellerā€ who seem to have cracked the code to successfully selling stuff on amazon and their adverts are all over the place on YouTube.
    They conduct ā€œtraining sessionsā€ en masse and make hundreds of thousand of dollars doing so.

  • -1

    You may become as a YouTuber. Just harass a police, record the video and post it. (Like in US) :D

    • Cycling through a fairly empty car park seems to be enough, no need to harass

  • +8

    OP you sound lost, and down, and really hemmed in by all these mental rules you've made for yourself in order to protect yourself. Rather than falling into a job that isn't in line with your values, then falling out of it again for the same reasons, I think you should take the time to see a psychologist to figure out who you are. Otherwise you're always going to be shoehorning yourself into things that aren't you, for other extrinsic reasons. You can see a psychologist for free, you need to visit your GP and ask for a mental health care plan. You deserve better than this, you deserve to be happy. An $80k+ a year in something that isn't you just wont help you.

    If that's too big of a step (and it some people don't even make in their lifetime, so I get it), grab this book and work your way through it. You may find it a bridge to seeing a psychologist, you may find it's enough to figure yourself out. The book has some evidence behind it for mental health. Psychologist works better but more commitment and this is a good start. Good luck with it all.

  • Corrections Officer. Can easily get to above 100k with overtime these days. Jobs aplenty, get extra money for when inmates need to come to hospital and all you have to do is sit in the room, often playing on your phone for hours on end.
    That's the easiest answer I have for you.

    • +2

      This. See them at work all the time. They also need to be in pairs in case one falls asleep…?

  • +5

    I think enough people have said or implied this is the literal embodiment of the phrase "the world doesn't owe you a living", but here we are.

    That aside, the best thing you can do now is make a list of your strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to narrow down what fields you should be looking at. If you're an extrovert who likes talking to people, you can put "social and outgoing" in the strengths column. If you don't want to shave off your hobo beard, put "not suited to professional corporate/client facing jobs" in the weakness column, and so forth.

    If you divide the entire strata of human experience into something like a split between Mind, Body and Soul you'll find which you're best at (Mind would be technical skills, Body is physical labour, Soul is, uh, charisma/social style jobs, I guess) and then, maybe, there's something in there for you to narrow in on*.

    Oh, and stop buying lottery tickets every week. Wait until you have the $85K job until you indulge in that sort of thing (if you really must).

    *- Or then again there might not be. I know someone who dropped out at school and got a untrained position working for a very specific type of ceramic worker and, it being such niche work with very few competitors, made a comfortable living out it. He always thought anyone who finished school (much less went to Uni) was a fool who was wasting time and money, but he never really got it when we asked him what he would have done if a few of the rest of us had dropped out of school at the same time as him and someone else had landed that job instead.

    • +4


      Well said

      If every one of us drop out of school
      Community will be full of useless hopeless and jobless people

      We need everyone to balance the society

      My observation in Australia so far is most drop outs become tradies and later earning big bucks

      I respect their skills but they are over rated and overpaid for their skill as compared to rest of the world

      Imagine ,to be a medical specialist or GP , it takes at least 8-10 years of continuous education exams and training after finishing medical graduation.

  • Shapelle Colby got paid anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000 for 9 weeks filming on how to pretend you can be a commando. They don't even mind if you have a previous criminal history - now that's more cushy.

    • +3

      Cool bee is blessed to get media attention and earn publicity being a criminal
      Not every criminal is lucky like her

      Itā€™s sad that current generation role models are criminals , outlaws ,substance userand ### abusers .
      These idiots are paid more
      Itā€™s sad

      Scientists , researchers , genius doctors , scholars who dedicate their life to the betterment of the society are not recognized , not paid well
      Cops , nurses , soldiers , teachers and these genius are the one who keep our community in shape . Unfortunate that they and their families are struggling .

      Ā„#<#**Ā£ Media is about business not about building country or morality . Switch on the news , you find murders , rape and drugs , accidents reported . Only negative stuff being reported. In between a 30 sec report on great stuff happening .

    • +3

      That SAS related programme is a joke
      Completely scripted , faked and dramatized .

      Real SAS is something special and highly difficult to earn and meant for mentally and physically tough who are tested to the core .

  • Australia Post you can earn over $100,000 through overtime work

    • +13

      With bonus Cartier watches !

  • +1

    No qualifications needed but you want to earn good money

    1. You need to be a absolute genius with your ideas to create something or develop an app or something like that

    2. May be invest in ideas or business that has potential to develop or start paying huge returns

    One of the most common profession I have noticed people with least qualification who earn more is
    Real estate agents . Sorry I have no direct experience in that field but the agent I have come across has only done certificate in that speciality for 6 months and invested ten years in sales or selling houses before they started earning high

  • -4

    Look at AfterPay: such a simple idea, don't pay up front and don't pay interest, now everyone is on the bandwagon but only the classic retains the gold crown it's always been the original Aftepay not Hum Hum Pay Bum BumPay Upay sayWhat_Pay LucritiaPay Pay'rUs Pay this Pay that ZippididodahPay Kerlanahtastic Zeus Pay everyone tried to imitate the original but no one can get close to the original
    Everyone tried to imitate Apple but no one is the original for touch screen phones. After 12 generations no one can beat the master - again first in the world to have phones powered by chips at 5nm and integrates 11.8 billion transistors. No one has done it all the imitators ( The Huaws Hwas and Sums Sums ) could only muster as good as 7 nm
    Likewise whilst all the Buy Now pay later are only imitating the original, the original has diversified into transaction accounts, and mortgages - coming- watch this space.
    The orginal After pay started at $1 per share when they went public to raise funds now it is $101 per share from $1.00 The 2 founders are valued at $5 Billion - not bad neither had done any PhD in Business or run any other businesses as if paper quals matter any more or at all. Many MPs in the paliament who decides legislation that run our lives never step foot in law school with some never even been to University as if paper quals matter at all. It's never prevented many from getting rich.

    And yes Royalmarker59, CEO executives who are mostly selfish people always makes millions whilst people who find a cure for cancer or teach at Universities get pittance.

  • Council job.

  • If no degree is required then there are too many people looking to do the same thing. You will have to be extremely good at it which maybe about a decade of experience to get to a marketable skill level. Nothing is easy nowadays and nothing is permanent. I was hired into a permanent job in Feb but after the covid hit I got laid off promptly, it was the highest pay I had ever gotten and it took me 12 years to get there. Now I am looking anything that I can support my family with. I don't have the answer you are looking for.

    • What was the pay and job if I can ask

  • +3

    A lot of people have mentioned Council jobs, however most of them require a degree that pay 85k+ and not all of them are easy.

    And do you really want to have not enough to do? Be careful what you wish for. My first Council job of three years was like this, wasn't enough to do. I found it exhausting and boring to sit there with literally nothing most of the time. It did nothing for personal growth, and it left me with a weak resume.

    I still work for Local Government and have found one that gives me more work - it is counterintuitive but I am less tired at the end of the day.

    Currently trying to learn Microsoft SQL in my spare time to try something different all together. It costs little to learn online. Something you could consider AlienC.

    Edit* I would also consider a Jim's mowing franchise. Pays over 100k on avg, however requires 30k or so capital investment + hard work.

    • -5

      Well I want to do other stuff in my free time.

      Are you able to self study and like pursue personal projects while at work or will work it see that you are day trying to either program a game or start a side business at work if you use their work computer.

      Alternative would be too bring your own laptop and internet data so work has no way of tracking you.

      That way ideally you can do multiple income streams while at work creating lots of income.

      That was one of my ideas of getting a cushy job.

      So I could try do a business while doing that cushy easy job as well and still be on top work wise.

      • +8

        Here lies your answer you may not realise it, or want to accept it.
        But you wanting something else to completely line up before you create your dream job is procrastination, and being affraid.
        Afraid of failure, afraid of not being any good at it, afraid of not being able to succeed at it, this is why we all choke right when the decision needs to be made, or right before the task has to be finished.

        You need to take a look at your self and work out what's making your self afraid of commitment to your actual desired position, stop wasting time trying to make the stars align. I was exactly the same before I started my own business. Lots of excuses, which I said were reasons, oh once I've got less debt, once I've established my career a bit more, once I got experience working in x field a bit more, etc etc. They were half truths but they were underlyingly excuses.

      • +2

        Are you serious? Do you actually want to be gainfully employed or not?

  • +1

    Move to the country or a mining town and earn 80k+. Drive trucks on a 7 day on 7 day off little bit boring but easy work

  • +3

    No quick way to do it, you have to climb the ladder from the very bottom, not join it half way to the top.

    I left school in year 10 and went straight into study (Cert I in IT), at the same time I picked up a full time job as a storeperson at a Perth hospital. My young and dumb mind said "one costs me money and is boring, one makes me money ($38k) and uses my brain somewhat.." and quit study to focus on work. I stayed in that dead end job for 8 years before leaving to join another healthcare organisation..

    Upon joining the new place, my previously learnt talents helped immensely and I did 1 day as a storeperson before moving into head office in a somewhat data oriented job ($62k) - learnt a ton there about excel and reporting and then 3 years later during a restructure of our team, I picked up a very data heavy reporting role ($93k). 1 year into that role my immediate manager left and I applied for his role ($115k) and am working in that capacity until part way through January.

    I have no qualifications in data science but a ton of experience I learnt along the way. I guess with study I would have been able to just join but experience in the org goes a LONG way as you can 'hit the ground running' instead of needing to learn the structure and who's who.

    • That was the smart way to do it, you were earning money since year 10, avoided a HECs debt and it ended well.

      • This.

        I feel like not earning debt is the way to go.

        Net positive journey.

        Obviously there are some exceptions to the rule like studying something highly lucrative in medical or engineering or commerce but usually just doing the hard work is better than any other way of getting your foot in the door I feel.

    • -1

      Well done what kind of skill set is required to do what you are doing now.

      I have thought about getting into data science but honestly I have no idea what they do.

      Is it mostly Java and c++ and maybe some reporting magic.

      What else is required in the job that we might not know about or assume by thinking of the job second hand?

      • +3

        I don't do any programming in my role - primarily I use a series of tools to extract information from various databases, things like

        • SAP Business Objects
        • Business Intelligence
        • Oracle inventory module
        • SQL script
        • Web based spend cube

        And then use a few other tools to present that information to the clients

        • Excel
        • Power Bi
        • Tableau

        Honestly the best advice I can give is understand what it is your client needs and you can wow them that way.
        I had our finance department ask for some spend analytics for medical and surgical goods - knowing they're finance and the primary audience will be Directors Of Finance and hospital CEO's and the trailing audience is accountants and that it'll be used for assessing budgets, it's fairly easy to foresee what they will need to achieve their goals
        We ended up with a dashboard that summarises spend (all 3 avenues + accruals, accounting adjustments, and department values) to a very high level (ticks off DOFs and CEOs), reconciles with the GL and has drillthrough functionality for the accountants who want to understand the transactions at great detail.

        Other than that it's helpful to have an understanding the different databases, how to bring them together and how to make things look pretty

  • +1

    I remember this guy… How you going with your health ambitions and controlling your (very preventable through diet) T2 Diabetes? Did you make any life changes?

    • +1

      A few but nothing major.

      I eat healthier these days and less binging and don't over eat.

      I still need to cut out soft drinks completely but drink a lot of water but yeah I don't snack on sugary food as much as I used to.

      Been controlling the ice cream and dessert also.

      Overall doing much better but still room for improvement.

      Work keeps me fit just gotta control diet.

  • +1

    I agree with the general consensus of IT. A contractor working for the government is very very lucrative with less effort.

    Another idea is Dental Assisting? Good pay, minimal to no training and extremely high demand. There are more dental assistant positions open atm than dentists in Australia.

    • I was under the impression you needed to go to uni or TAFE for that.

      I have very little attention span for study any more I just want to jump into a job right now and do it guns blazing.

      • +1

        Cert 3 is recommended. But clinics are so desperate atm, that they will train anyone. So nothing needed.

        • As long as you're comfortable with looking into peoples mouths. I know I would be fired on the first few days, for either making eww faces or barfing.

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