• expired

nbn Unlimited 100/20 $89/M, 100/40 $89/M, 250/25 $99/M, 1000/50 $119/M for 6 Months (New/Existing Customers) @ Aussie Broadband


I found this on whirlpool.

Existing customers use https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/lp/freakinfast/customer

100/20 $89/month (Was $99)
100/40 $89/month (Was $109)
250/25 $99/month (Was $129)
1000/50 $119/month (Was $149)

Due to the recent HFC technology shortages and the potential demand on our call centre, we feel it is important to manage demand and as such, we have decided to put our existing customer Focus on Fast promotions on hold.

If customers decided to upgrade their plans now via MyAussie, the system is ready and will apply the promotion (provided the service is eligible), but we will be holding off our communications of Focus on Fast to existing customers until later this week.

Plans not available at all premises. Only redeemable with an existing active Aussie Broadband nbn™ service. Current nbn™ plan must be held for a minimum of 3-months prior to the upgrade to be eligible to receive the discount.

Customers are eligible to upgrade to any supported plan above/faster than their existing active plan

Update. Thanks to kain0rer

They've scrapped the need for being on the same plan for 3 months, it's now as long as you haven't been on the same plan you're upgrading to in the last 3 months.

Focus on Fast Terms & Conditions

New customers for 100/20, 250/25 and 1000/50 use https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/lp/freakinfast

100/20 $89/month (Was $99)

FAST10 $10 off for first 6 Months 100/20 plans only (DIRECT MAIL)

250/25 $99/month (Was $129)
1000/50 $119/month (Was $149)

Please note: your promo code fast30 will be applied automatically on the final step of the signup process.

New customers for 100/40 use https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/nbn-plans/

100/40 $89/month (Was $109)

FAST20 Direct Mail offer $20 off for 6 months (100/40 PLANS ONLY)

Terms & Conditions

Referral Links

Referral: random (315)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

    • I don't think your eligible.

      Customers are eligible to upgrade to any supported plan above/faster than their existing active plan

      • +1

        Damn, this sucks a bit. Guess it doesn't pay to be an early adopter and pay full price from the start!
        Might switch over to the superloop Gigabit plan with the 6 month discount. Even though it is limited to 3tb of data I don't think I'll be using that much.

        • Yeah if you ever hit 3TB Superloop slows you down to 100/50 for the remainder of the month.

    • Not eligible at all. It's not really a deal for existing customers, it's a deal for customers to upgrade and that's it.

  • it's like one maccas meal a month, not worth being a tight ass and switching away from Aussie

    • +8

      Bro, if maccas offered a free meal every month, the deal would crash ozbargain lol.

  • Does anyone know if I switch mid cycle of I effectively pay for the month of my old provider and then for my new provider?

    I am with internode right now.

  • +1

    The site crashed with the extra traffic, lol

  • +1

    Please note: your promo code FAST30 will be applied automatically on the final step of the signup process.

  • I am not sure if going from 100/40 500GB to 100/40 unlimited will trigger this discount. Does anyone know?

    • +1

      It won't, you are not upgrading your speed.

  • +1

    Should i still be seeing $109/month instead of $89/month when i try to change my plan?

  • +2

    Finding it hard to stay with ABB when they offer these "deals"… Although with WFH in Perth this week probably isn't the time to switch

    • +2

      It's probably the best time - if it's FttP then it can be done within a few minutes

      • Yes it is FTTP. Superloop looks best bang, paying $79 for 50/20 currently. This "deal" is an upgrade on speed I don't need for even more money lol

        • +1

          Exactly, and then if you don't like them, go back to whoever. No contracts.

  • +1

    Can I upgrade from 100/20 to 100/40 and still get the discounted $89/month? ABB Portal is showing $109

    • I was just trying to do the same thing.

      • Just did the live chat thing with ABB . I'm on 100/20 500g for $95. They confirmed ( and I have the transcript) that if I schedule to change to 100/40 Unlimited on next bill cycle it will be at $89.

        • Did you happen to record the name of the rep you spoke with? I just got off the phone as was told 100/20 to 100/40 did not qualify as an upgrade because the download speed did not change

        • Just scheduled my 100/20 500GB plan change to 100/40 unlimited on 15th Feb.
          Will wait and see which price the next bill will be

    • Do they provision enough CVC for users?

      • Mate don't publicly post their CVC.

      • Can't speak to their NBN product but was with them for ADSL, was experiencing very high latency and 5-10% packet loss during peak time most days.

    • Was with Mate recently and ported out to Superloop. Was getting around 35mbit on Mate on their 50/20 plan, now with Superloop I'm getting consistently 50mbit on the same plan.

  • With the removal of the free daytime data I am thinking more about swapping to 12/1. Price increased during the year more than 10% for me.
    From a price perspective, I want my DSL back … less money and faster than the current 12/1 deal. And there we thought Internet gets cheaper over time. Amazing how everyone accepts these massive price tags for speed. Not me.

    • +2

      Yeah and paying for line rental…..

    • +1

      No one accepts it, we just tolerate it as we have no other option.

  • -2

    wheres the 50/20 with 1TB, i don't need unlimited lol even with alot of netflix i prob reach 500GB per month
    just want a plan thats more affordable like $60 a month you know what i mean?

  • +1
    • Was previously on 100/20 @ $99 mth
    • Changed over to 250/25 for the same price

    I can easily change back to 100/20 after 6 months and if the price ever increases it's a pretty simple churn to another provider as it's all non-contract.

    It's a no brainer for me! Thanks OP!

  • +4

    OK, so, I was on the phone with Aussie broadband.


    You can't request a speed slowest and ask to upgrade because you need to be at least 3 months with the speed before request an upgrade.

    so, if you have the highest speed, no discount for you.

    • +1

      Thanks - Time for me to shop around :'(

    • +1

      Yep, I told them specifically that Superloop has the same deal. They didn't care. Only catch is that SL has a 3TB limit, but I doubt I'll ever reach it

      • -1

        ouch, I'm working from home so this 3TB limit is a problem, guess will stay with aussie :(

        • +1

          FWIW, I'm working from home and download video games, movies, stream, etc. This month I only used 571GB and that includes downloading Cyberpunk twice, red dead redemption, and my partner at home all day streaming 4k movies constantly. It might be worth it to check your usage in the ABB portal.

          I think the only people who will hit the 3TB limit are people constantly uploading massive files to the cloud (e.g. video producers, computer animators, etc.)

          • @theresnorevolution: I'm a graphic designer, so yes, Im connect to the server at my work the whole day uploading and downloading files + I download the same games you do xD

            • +2

              @luizmarin: 100/50 for the remainder of the month if over the 3TB.

            • @luizmarin: Ah yea, then I could see 3TB being an issue. Either way, the portal will tell you your usage, might still be worth it.

              It sucks that people on the highest tier get screwed over

              • @theresnorevolution: I'm looking my usage for the past few months and is between 1Tb - 2Tb… in the end, I can't be bothered to change

              • @theresnorevolution: Apparently I use roughly 1500gb a month so superloop would be fine, but as I was looking at Superloop I noticed they don't have a voip connection, which my partner needs for work.

  • The same offer is available for new customers too (I literally just got the flyer in the mail), can I close my account and get my wife to create a new one whilst retaining the underlying connection and equipment?

    • Can you post a picture of the flyer?

      If she has a different last name you may get away with it.

  • so if im on a 100/20 plan will my next months bill be $89 or do i need to switch?

    • Nah, that's not how it works. I thought of going down the same route but I had a chat with them on the phone and was given the low down.

      Switch to the 100/40 plan which is the same price as the 1000/20 but with higher uploads. That will net you the $10 savings each month (for 6 months).

      • Do you have to put in the code? I cant see anywhere to enter it when changing plans

        • I just called them up and did it over the phone. Spent a total of 15 mins on the phone (including hold time) and changes were implemented within about 30 minutes or so.

          • @KangaDrew: You’d think you can do it online… like their links say you can

  • Do you guys often change every 6 months? Provider to provider? If you are one of those then I applaud you for going that distance because it's such a hassle and can be a pretty tedious process.

    • Sign up process literally takes about 10 min.

      • Yeah but some providers are really bad, you'll only realise that after being with them

        • Consider these, they offer good service, reasonable pricing and don’t have a contract - Superloop, Mate

    • Churning is a pretty seamless process nowadays compared to before.

    • +1

      It’s a 5 min process with FTTP + a phone call each time to cancel as they make you ring them to do that.

      Not much hassle really.

  • +2

    Anyone feel like the 100/40 is bit of a rip off? Paid $90 for 100/40 back in 14/15 before I moved residential. These prices are ment to go down.

    • +3

      blame nbnco not the telco

      • Not blaming anyone, it's just odd and I'm curious about the price hike.
        Looking at you "scomo n co" 🙄

    • +1

      It's why I left Aussie for Superloop. I still pay $89.

      It's true that increased bandwidth use post-COVID greatly increasing CVC charges is the main reason for the increase. But there are still multiple RSPs with 100/40 under the $109 that Aussie want pre-discount.

      But hey, a deal's a deal, if you qualify then Aussie are still great, and when you discount runs out, churn.

  • upgraded mine for 6 months - why not

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I upgraded from 50/20 at $79 to 100/40 for an extra ten bucks.

  • Not much for existing customers on FTTC 100/40 which cannot upgrade. I think it is time to switch

    • Why downvote the deal just because NBN Co haven't given you the technology to have higher speeds? smh

      • -2

        Why only give a discount to new customers or a select subset of your existing customers based on factors that other loyal customers cannot control? smh

        • +2

          You do realise that this is an NBN initiated promo, right? ABB are matching the discount NBN Co are offering. If you can't get more than 100/40, that's on NBN Co, not ABB.

    • +1

      Good luck finding anything faster than 100/40 on FTTC NBN :-)

  • Current nbn™ plan must be held for a minimum of 3-months prior to the upgrade to be eligible to receive the discount.

    with this are they talking about me switching plans or having a nbn service with them? i switched from gigabit to 100mbit a month ago

    • +1

      You'll need to wait another 2 months now then

  • +2

    Just adding in that I'm on the ABB 1000/50 tier and have been since they rolled it out. They told me that I can't get the discount. I clearly told them Superloop will give me the same price, they didn't care.

    Really poor form IMO and I'm off to Superloop.

    • -1

      im not familiar with superloop but i like aussie bb for their aussie speaking support who actually know what theyre talking about and their service never dropping & i get more than the advertised speeds most of the time and rest of the time its bang on, never under.

      • Superloop have Australian support + sales staff as well.

    • +4

      I did the same as well mate 4-5months ago, they become like Telstra with a fancier call local center.
      You tell them you are leaving , they simply say goodbye!!!

      I switched to SL and suggest you do as well.

      • +1

        Just did and was surprised at how fast it was. I think I'll be churning new customer promotions from here on out

    • It's an UPGRADE discount with half of it being paid for by NBN Co. If you have nothing to upgrade to, why would you expect a discount?

      • If it's sponsored by NBN Co, why shouldn't that savings be passed along to me? I also have nowhere to upgrade to. I'm being penalised for being on their best service for so long, so I've left.

        • The savings are provided for lower-tier plans only. It's HALF paid for by NBN Co and the other half by ABB - they are both coming to the table to provide the 6 month discounted plans.

          The promotion (which, to note, is primarily an NBN Co promo) is targeted at getting lower value users on to higher plans to increase their revenue. So if you're already on the max plan, there is no additional revenue to capitalise on. Ergo, no savings to pass on since you're already on the highest you can get and can't upgrade your plan.

          NBN Co don't care about loyalty as they know you'll use the NBN in one way or another, which is why their promo is targeting those on plans that can be upgraded. And since they aren't offering RSP's a discount on max level plans, RSP's like ABB have no discount to pass on and/or match.

          • @KangaDrew: Just because they're not being subsidised doesn't mean they can't choose their pricing. They should also know what promotions their competitors are running.

            It's just a really silly decision on their part. If they would have said, "Upgrading customers get the promo, and if you're on our top tier we'll automatically apply the discount" they would have 0 people leave and there wouldn't have been an effect on the number of upgrades. They even could've just given the discount to the people who could be bothered calling, because they're the most likely to switch, and minimised the discounts they gave out.

            I'm sure not everyone will jump ship, but for each customer that leaves for a competitor ABB are now out at least $120/m for at least 6 months, probably more.

            Essentially, for people in my situation, ABB could've chosen a 20% loss over 6 months but instead chose a 100% loss for an indeterminate amount of time. Also, one of the basics of business is that retention is easier than attracting new customers. Thanks to ABB I now know that changing providers is much easier and I know that quite a number of other providers provide a similar service for the same price, or less.

            So, yea, poor form. It's a bunch of silly business decisions rolled into one.

  • +1

    What's the deal here? I have been with Mate NBN's 100/20 plan for $79 per month with no lock in contract and don't really have any complaints.

  • +14

    ABB gives zero f's if you port out for a better deal with another isp. They have a mentality that their service is so fantastic and are swimming in cash that the don't care about 1 person porting out. Well it's been 6 months since I had a chat to some stuck up guy at ABB and ported out. Those customers leaving sure add up quickly don't they ABB? This is what you deserve.

    • +4

      The Johnny I spoke to told me I should leave ABB, so I've already churned elsewhere.

    • +1

      Yeah their customer service might be good when you need assistance (which is hardly ever (if at all!)), but their sales team is pretty average.

    • +4

      Couldn't agree more with you mate , that's why i switched out to SL 4-5months ago for a better 100/40 price!

    • +1

      Mine gave me assurances during signup, all recorded. Not honored.
      Even the CEO got involved, and admitted "you're right, we promised it, we still won't honor it" (it was just a free modem I signed up 6 hours before the deal went active).

      So I moved to Exetel.
      ABB apparently wouldn't release my voip, because it had been less than 24 hours (Exetel said "give us 4 hours, we can bruteforce the lock code").

      And while we chatted, said "that's horrible, I'll make your first 3 months free"

      I pointed out they didn't do anything wrong; but insisted we deserved it for this mess around.

      Also, they phoned my elderly parents 3 times, over 3 weeks, to make sure they were happy with the service, and conduct a speed test client side.

      Exetel are not a good price right now :(
      But the "foreign service" was world's more honest and caring than the "Aussie" one I'd dealt with.

  • +1

    Reminder for anyone in Geelong/Ballarat/Mldura/etc - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/589730 . I only stumbled across it by chance and cancelled NBN order to get this.

    $39.99/month - top speed has been https://www.speedtest.net/result/10679715708

  • +1

    I'm on fttc 100/20 which was recently bumped to $99/month.

    Can I switch to the 100/40 $89/month deal?

    • Looking for the same answer, please let me know if you find out. I'll do the same.

    • Yes, as you are upgrading the upload speed/plan. You will then get the $10 discount. I spoke with them about this scenario specifically.

      • There is no option to enter code when I try to do this. It reinforces the fact that I will be paying an extra $10 per month!!

        • Pick up the phone and call them then lol

      • Thanks kanga, much appreciated

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