• expired

Free 12 Months Amazon Prime, 3 Months Calm App, Ongoing Optus Sport + More, for Existing Optus Postpaid Customers @ Optus SubHub


Optus has just launched SubHub, which allows you to combine multiple subscription services in one simple bill - and with discounts depending on how many services you combine.

SubHub has launched with the following offers, for those without current subscriptions:

  • Optus Sport: ongoing free
  • Amazon Prime: 12 months free
  • Kindle Unlimited: 3 months free
  • Calm App: 3 months free
  • inkl news: 1 month free

Available for Optus postpaid customers with a current Optus mobile or Optus home broadband plan. Prepaid users not eligible.

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closed Comments

        • +1

          Hmmm they may be able to manually put an existing plan into this mode to e.g. keep your number connected if you move overseas

    • That is sensational!

    • Mine too :)

  • Do they automatically charge after the free period is up?

    • +1

      After the promotional period, your Optus account will include the then current Amazon Prime monthly membership costs, currently $6.99/mth.

    • +2

      Neg as in this is NOT a good deal? Or are you just personally attacked by this promotion? If you are salty about the increase, move imho. That does not stop this post being an excellent Deal in OZB

      • -6

        My Optus monthly bill increase is permanent, where as the Amazon Prime subscription is only free for the first year. How is this a deal for me?
        I believe I have the right to vote on an Ozbargain Deal based on whether I will gain or lose financially, just as anyone else here.

        • If 12 months FREE Amazon Prime alone is not a bargain then I have no more arguments worth fighting for. I got brought down to a level where I am beaten up with experience.

    • How much is it now? If after $5 increase they are still reseasonable, whats the issue? A lot of people are on the grandfathered $60 plan which dont make them money.

      • -5

        From $70 to $75/month on NBN50/20 (Internet only).

        • +1

          I came here to read the comments of the person who neg this deal. I was a bit disappointed with the reasoning. Although I agree with purple whole heartedly if the broadband cost of optus is high, the free stuff doesn't offset. For many users who already used optus tele service, this is an extra free thing they can get so nothing to lose for those who already have optus service. But I wouldn't sign up for optus service in order to get the free prime as it is not financially better for me. But for other existing users of optus, something free is better than nothing free. So still a good deal overall. (I don't use optus, so didn't up vote nor downvote)

        • +1

          I'm on the same NBN50/20 plan and from August they increased it from $60 to $70/month. I wasn't happy about that and was considering leaving.

  • +2

    Woah glad I saw this my monthly prime was about to renew today woo! Thanks OP!

  • I have an existing yearly amazon membership. From the terms and conditions, I will have to setup another new prime membership account. I do have some old prime account which has no membership subscriptions. Did you guys all setup a new prime account or there is another way around this? My prime membership fee was renewed few weeks ago. Thanks

    • read the comments. Some people are cancelling their existing membership, getting a refund so they can sign up to this

      • I mean that I prefer to use the existing prime membership as it has all my purchase records instead of using a brand new account with a brand new email. Not sure if I can do that? I can definitely ask for the refund first as it was renewed few days ago.Thanks

    • +1

      I had a yearly membership that expires June next year. Asked them if I could cancel it, they said no, asked if I could switch to monthly, they then said they can cancel it for a full refund. I then activated this free prime membership on my account.

      • I mean that I prefer to use the existing prime membership as it has all my purchase records instead of using a brand new account with a brand new email. Not sure if I can do that? I can definitely ask for the refund as it was renewed few days ago.Thanks

        • You can ask, it might take a bit of pushing but Amazon customer service can do it for you.

  • Just commenting to say the livechat rep was happy to cancel and refund my current monthly sub, and im now subbed under optus. Cheers OP!

    • How many days were you into your monthly prime?

      I got a no from them last night.

      • I was mid month. I did the scheduled cancellation through the website first then the chat rep just done it for me.

        If you get a no just disconnect and try the next person

  • +1

    Thank OP, my wife has optus nbn/fetch account so she have signed up to prime for free and I am cancelling mine. Also got the echo dot offer for $10. Great deal as we already use prime and calm app so saving us $$$

  • wheres the echo dot offer for $10? can anyone get cashback via cashrewards for signing up to this or is it only payable on non discounted purchases and plans from optus?

    • i couldnt find the offer initially either (signed up 5pm yesterday) .. it only appeared on the product page this morning around 10am.
      i'd tried all sorts - diff browser, in cognito, following different login/navigaiton methods .. spoke to a chat agent last night who fussed around a bit with the validity dates and quantity of stock .. but i cant say definitively that anything he was looking in to actually triggered the offer to appear. Others seem to have had the offer show up quicker than me…
      In the end, i think it was just waiting/being patient .. now i have it ordered so all good

    • +1

      The $10 price will appear on the product link if you're logged in.

      Your price at checkout is $59 $10
      Eligible New to Prime customers only. Limit one per customer. T&Cs apply.

      • I assume that it's because I am technically not a "new" customer that I haven't got the offer (cancelled and re-subscribed yetserday)

  • Saw this from the Optus Help page:

    Can I still cancel my subscription service within the subscription platform? For example, can I log in to Amazon Prime to cancel my subscription? Or does it need to be cancelled within SubHub?

    No, you must cancel your Content Service subscriptions directly within the SubHub platform. Once a service is cancelled, you will have access to the relevant Content Service until the end of the renewal period for that service.

    Fingers crossed this will work or just schedule a time in 11 months time to cancel Amazon Prime?

    • Can someone try and confirm?

    • +1

      No exactly sure if this is what you are asking.

      But whilst the Prime is free for 12 months, it is a month-to-month thing.

      So if you cancel right now, I assume you would only get the first month free and forfeit the remaining 11 months.

      Safer to put a reminder to cancel in 11 months time.

      • its not worth getting a postpaid plan for 12 months if all you want is the prime deal

        you have to be willing to swap to Optus or already be with Optus

  • OP, thanks, how good!
    Amazon chat just refunded me this months $6.99 fee and was able to immediately re-subscribe thru Optus.

  • I am at optus prepaid. What is the best that I can do to get it? Possible to grab a postpaid plan at discounted price?

  • Thanks OP! I canceled my monthly Amazon prime through chat and asked for it to take effect immediately, then signed up through subhub. Just canโ€™t find the echo for $10

    • So you are using the same account which you have cancelled instead of signing another brand new prime membership. Is that right?

      • +1

        Hi, yes I did use the same account/email address

        • The discount is $49 of $59 so $10 final payment and $49 discount shows up at end of checkout unless you already tried that?

        • Did you end up getting the offer in the end?

  • Thanks, was 4 months into my year long Prime, cancelled through live chat and asked for part refund. The good part was I was refunded the whole amount $59. I actually paid slightly less through one of the Amex deals. Now to subscribe through Optus, great offer, thanks

  • No luck with a pro-rata refund via livechat — reason: "used benefits" (48 times for shipping, music and prime video)

    • Same here, apparently my free shipping was worth $477!

      Just cancelled and lost the last month but gained 12 months under this deal…all good!

    • I had no issues with a full refund and I've bought more than 30 items with Prime in the last 3 months and used prime video - lucky dip on what chat operator you get.

      • Yeah, I tried with 2 CS livechat reps

        Will try tomorrow

  • I cancelled my monthly prime membership online (not via chat). It last renewed 7 August and I was given the option to cancel effective immediately and refunded $6.99. Haven't watched Prime this month or used free shipping so not sure if that was a factor in being given those options.

    Edit. Wasn't given option to cancel Kindle sub effective immediately, probably because that is being used daily.

    • Did you use the same cancelled membership account when sign with Optus? I am trying to find out if I can use the same prime account after terminate membership then sign with Optus again. I try to avoid to setup another new prime account. Thanks

      • Yes I did, literally 2 minutes later. Got an email from Amazon (to the same email as I've always used) welcoming me to Amazon Prime!

  • +1

    Thanks OP! I had to chat to 3 different people but they eventually ended my monthly prime membership today (still had 10 days left) and then I was able to re-subscribe through Optus.

  • I need more free stuff from Optus. Come on Optus. Please bring more free deals!

  • +1

    Just need to make sure that you cancel the amazon membership in Optus after 11 months then revert back to the standard annual membership which is cheaper than the monthly membership.

  • +1

    I was refunded my Amazon Prime yearly subscription (6.5 months left) they refunded $30. I was able to activate through subhub straight away.

    Such a great deal!

    • Yes. Very good deal. Hope Optus can extend the deal as long as we are with Optus.

  • What is the cheapest post paid plan from Optus to get Subhub?

  • Thanks OP!

  • Prime Annual was paid on 22nd of April (almost 4 months ago), have used Prime Video a bit and made a few free shipping orders.

    Contacted chat and was offered a $29.50 (50%) refund, cancellation was processed immediately and was able to activate via SubHub.

    • +2

      I was denied the partial refund yesterday and was told the same today as well. But I insisted and showed screenshots from here about other users getting the refunds. They finally obliged.

  • Thanks had three months left. Cancelled and signed up again.

  • what happens after 12 months, it goes to a monthly or yearly renewal?

    • Monthly.

  • I went to self cancel and it told me I've saved $1170 in shipping. I have 4 months of membership remaining. Spoke with customer service and they said there is "no chance of any refund".. Am I better off waiting a bit longer before cancel? Just do it? Maybe offer will end? Try chat with Amazon again? Or.. be an adult and just make my own decision?? (I hate making decisions)

      • Do you know how much you "saved" in shipping prior? My save amount is quite monumental. Also, how long did you have left?

    • Based on annual subs, 4 months is about $20 worth versus $59 in savings with this deal, plus you have the risk of the offer disappearing within those 4 months.

      Make your choice.

      • Thanks for the advice. I did cancel (no refund, even though I tried multiple times) and re-subbed through Optus.

  • I wanted to sign up to prime to watch 9 perfect strangers. Great timing for this offer.

  • +2

    I think I just got 12 months free prime?

    • Free?

      • Well it said $0…. and I dont see anything on my mastercard. and the confirmation email from amazong said $0

  • i have 3 data sims linked to 1 account. does this mean i can get 3 amazon prime accounts free or just one via the Optus SubHub?

    • Why do u want 3 prime accounts simultaneously?

      • i have gift cards already linked to other family ,members amazon accounts save on shippings costs

      • 1x Amazon Prime account is plenty for myself (one person) but if one is a big household/family you might want more free Prime accounts as each Prime Video and Prime Music has a limit of 2x simultaneous users at once (I think) we'll also the extra accounts one could share with close family and friends

    • +1

      I think for every 1x Subhud it's one free Amazon Prime, though I could be wrong, well I've played around with my one Amazon Prime account as I also have 3x Optus accounts within my Optus Subhud and I've managed to move my Amazon Prime billing from one Optus account to another

      To test if Subhud allows another free 12x months Amazon Prime ill have too setup a new trial Amazon Prime (I already have 2x) and try to add it to one of my 2 out of 3x Optus accounts within Subhud, maybe I'll try later tonight, I just need to use a different email and mobile number to setup a new trial Amazon Prime and maybe a new direct debit payment card

      Though to many payments setup on my debit/credit cards so yeah getting to much lolz ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ

      Edit: Spoke to Optus online chat and there response so far ….

      Ohh no worries. As per checking on our resources, only one SubHub account can be used per Optus account so only one with received the 12 months for Amazon Prime but if you added a 2 subscription you will received a 5% off on both subscription.

      But to make sure, let me contact our subhub team to check further as our access is only limited with this.

      I'm guessing one needs to separate there numerous Optus accounts from ones email login/Optus app so to create numerous Subhud accounts and each Subhud account can take the free 12x months Amazon offer

      That's a maybe,.. unless someone has tried differently well we would love too know ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

      Edit again: Further reply from Optus Online Chat,…

      Thank you for waiting, I've already communicated with our subhub team, as per him yes you can have another subscription for Amazon Prime with free 12 months subsciption as long as the it is a new account with different email that will be linked to the other subsciption.

      Also asked how long this offer is for,..

      The 12 months offer is until further notice so there's no definite date for the promotion to be expired.

      Further replies,..

      Yes you got it right, as long as it is different emails and logins with each subsciption, the free 12 months for Amazon prime is valid.

  • Italkdigital thanks for your efforts i think its only one account per person can be linked to a subhub, it maybe easier just to open a new optus account and get the the $5 fetch deal to qualify for this.

    • +1

      What I assume there saying it's one offer of the free 12 months Amazon Prime deal per 1x Optus Subhud account, but one can create another Subhud account by separating there accounts by each account having seperate email/password logins, so basically jump onto Optus chat and get them too seperate ones accounts with different email logins, though if one does that you'll loose the ability too see all your accounts in the one Optus app and you'll also loose data sharing between the actual individual postpaid mobile/data account plans and also one could loose their special discounts like my example I get 25% of my mobile account plan since its a second account to my 1st postpaid data account, so if anyone's gonna play around with there accounts make sure to ask Optus chat if it has any effects on there current special discounts

      Edit: whoops what's this special $5 Fetch deal your mentioning, wouldn't have a web link?

      • Italkdigital https://www.optus.com.au/entertainment/tv-movies-music/fetchโ€ฆ
        someone on here mentioned you can add a Fetch Mini for $5 per month then cancel you data or mobile plan and ask them to let you keep just the Fetch Mini for $5 per month active cheap way to get amazon prime for $5 per month i guess.? not sure if they would let me add fetch to a prepaid account though.

        • +1

          If you asked they would probably say no and cancel the Fetch plan. I had two post paid mobiles, ported both out over the course of 6 months or so. As porting is automated no one even looked at my account.

          The $5 fetch plan stayed active, has been like that for a couple of years now. One day they might run a sweep in the billing system and pick it up, but until then.. I was also able to use this same account to sign up for Subhub deal even though there are no active mobile services on that account, just Fetch.

          • @Benoffie: Not saying the $5 Optus Fetch Mini is not a great deal but I went the "retail" Fetch patch with a retail Fetch Mighty box and Mini box setup at my place,. so I don't pay any rental fees for the Fetch Boxes and have had them for 3 years now so theve easily paid themselves off, look on eBay,.. Fetch eBay sells reconditioned Fetch Boxes with 2 years warranty I think $129 for Mini and $299 for Mighty and cheaper when there are sales and eBay vouchers/discounts, best part with retail Boxes is they hold there value if you decide to sell them and can be used with any internet provider

            But so do you get anything else with the $5 Optus Fetch Mini box deal?,.. like do you get any free packages like the $6 packages that Fetch offer then I might be interested

            I sorted asked on Optus chat about this $5 Fetch Mini though had no idea about it I'll have to try again

  • Tried a few reps but wasn't able to get a refund on my existing prime account (used prime + shipping). Only had 3 months left on my annual subscription, so got it cancelled and used the wife's optus account to sub again. Figured 9 free months is better than nothing, thanks for posting the deal :)

  • If I get a prepaid account with another provider for around $80/yr and pay for a Prime account for $72/yr wouldn't I be better off?

  • -2

    Hello guys….could someone please confirm me this that if we take on the optus 7.50 month to month data Sim plan and cancel it after 1 month, we still be able to keep up our other subscription services like Amazon prime till the annual renewal date or will it got cancelled the same time with the optus monthly one…..

    • it will get cancelled as per t&c's. They aren't stupid which is why they sign you up to Prime up on a monthly basis rather than annual

      • -1

        So how come is it a bargain then…..it means as per your saying it is not a bargain then….7.50 month *12 months then why are we signing up for optus plan rather than straight up signing up for Amazon prime for 1 year…..can someone please clarify on this…..

        • its a good offer for someone who already with optus

        • 5g for $7.50 at full speed then unlimited data throttled to 1.5mbs, if that's not a good deal I don't know what is AND free Amazon prime for 12 months!!!

          • +1

            @corky: My data throttled to 1.5mbs I've managed average of 300gb data download in one month, what more does one want for $7.50 lolz what what free Amazon Prime for 12 months thats crazzzzzzzzy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

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