• expired

Bowden's Own Orange Agent 770ml $13.99 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ Supercheap Auto


I've tried this before and this is a really good product for cleaning stubborn dirt around the car and great for engine bays.

This is the 770ml bottle, not the 500ml you find elsewhere. Normal price is $21.99, so effectively 36% off.

Some ideas to spend your $10 SCA credit as well.

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  • +5

    "Orange Agent" - ♫ Fortunate Son ♫ intensifies…

    • Edit: get it now. I hope it's not that potent!

      • +1

        I think it was a reference to Napalm - AKA Agent Orange ………….

        • +3

          Agent Orange is a defoliant.

          Napalm is a defoliant for other reasons.

        • +13

          Not the same thing.

          Agent Orange was a herbicide used to kill off crops and reduce jungle cover in Vietnam during the war, but the exposure to civilians led to disabilities, miscarriages, birth defects and illnesses for over 3 million Vietnamese. The primary use was to reduce crops, despite most of those crops being found to support civilians and not the guerrillas. It was later suggested that this was the intended purpose, with the US wanting to force the civilian population to move to US controlled cities.

          The US also told their own soldiers it was perfectly safe, with almost 4000 veterans lodging claims but less than 500 being approved due to strict qualification rules.

          The use of Agent Orange was absolutely horrific, so I'm shocked to see it used in this way for a product.

      • +1

        Agent Orange was a chemical the US used to strip jungle of its foliage in Vietnam. However it's carcinogenic, and causes horrific birth deformities

        • Maybe some truth in Roundup cancer claims …. I've made a huge mistake!

    • +1

      The song is called "It Ain't Me"

  • Memories of high school any time graffiti needed to be cleaned off the bathroom walls

  • +16

    Holy f#*! that's a distasteful product name

    For those who don't know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJaJbq9aRFI

    • +2

      Was just going to say the same thing.

    • +12

      Seems like 'edgy' names is part of their branding looking at their other products.

      Still, it's a pretty big leap to go from having a laugh at crude product names, to naming a product after something that caused death and suffering for millions of people.

      What are they going to call their next product, Zyklon B?

    • Did you see the names of the rest of Bowden's line of products ?

      • +6

        Yeah, and to be honest, chuckled at a few. But there's a big difference between offensive to some because it's crude, to making light of death and suffering. Pretty disgusting to be honest.

        • Until today, I'd no idea what it referred to.

          I always got a chuckle as I always imagined Trump.

    • +2

      This used to be called "Agent Orange" and was changed to "Orange Agent" to be less offensive

      • +6

        Don't know how they think that makes it any better. It's still a reference to the same thing

  • +1

    It is a good product. However, any water-based degreaser concentrate will do the same job for a lot less.

  • -5

    The name..seriously

    • +2

      And the "issues with the deal, merchant or product" is?

  • Bowden's Own Orange Agent - AU $10.36 delivered on ebay


    via https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/661245

    • That is for 500mL. This deal effectively works out to $9.08/500mL.
      I've found this to be the best cleaner I've ever used.

      • Good point!

  • -1

    My last girlfriend was Vietnamese background. Plus I know a few guys that served there as well.

    The name of this product is just plain offensive.

    • +4

      water based citrus formula

      What did you want them to call it?

      • I guess they couldn't use the name Orange Power because that one is already taken by a shower cleaner, lol.

        • It might be a discriminatory phrase against all those fake tanned bimbos

    • +1

      Did she whisper you die now, GI as you sleep?

  • +2

    I’ve been looking all day to find something to be offended by.

    • +4

      Nah. I am not that type, just this one annoyed me. Probably should have kept my thoughts to myself.

      • +1

        its just ozbargain discourse - dont feel bad about writing it

        • Cheers man appreciate your comment.

  • I need something to clean bird poop on car. Will this work best or is there something cheaper?

    • +1

      I find that soaking some paper towel with water, place over the bird poop & leave for 15 mins.
      Typically it then comes straight off, no chemicals needed.
      You just need to be careful if the poop contains any grit, etc.

      • Thanks will definately try.

  • My $10 loyalty credit is going to expire tomorrow… so $3.99 to C&C if use the credit. better check if you have the credit :)

    • Thanks for the reminder, I just checked…mine expires 05/12

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