This was posted 2 years 7 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X CPU $447.00 Delivered @ Scorptec eBay


First post be nice.

Upgraded from 3600. Although only for gaming, still think this is more worth than current 5600X pricing. Is this all time low?

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Has to be an all time low.
    It's only about $50 more than 5600x

    Im sure someone will say it's not as good as Intel 12th gen in a few moments.
    But if you have an old mobo it's pretty good!

    • +3

      Perfect for my B450 haha

      • +1

        Just make sure you update the bios to support it. I had to update my bios for the 5600x.

    • +34

      it's not as good as Intel 12th gen in a few moments.

      • +2

        But if you have an old mobo it's pretty good!

        • +2

          Perfect for my B450 hahahahahahaha

    • +1

      At this price it actually competes with 12600k, at normal prices makes more sense to go Intel

      • +1

        Depends if you already have a Ryzen motherboard. If you add the price of a board onto the 12600k then it probably better to get a 5800x

        • What if you haven't got a motherboard? Currently in the process of building a gaming PC which of the 2 would you pick?

          • @[Deactivated]: Intel 12600K is a better choice, not just because it's faster in gaming, but if you do have a bit of a budget, the chipset lineup is better in today's standard.

            • Even with the cheapest B660 chipset, assuming you don't get one where the m/b maker cuts corners way too much, you should at least get 2 PCIe gen 4 m.2 slots. You might also get one PCIe gen 3 m.2 slot.
            • You generally get at least 1 USB 3.2 gen 2x2 port (some Z690 might have Thunderbolt 4 with a selected few having both).
            • 12600K does have integrated GPU. While it is no suitable for gaming, you will at least get 2 x 4K HDR support. Technically, it is capable of 4 x 4K, but Thunderbolt 4 ports will be required.
            • More likely 2.5GB LAN port being included and technically all 3 chipsets support WiFi 6E but in Australia, we cannot use 6E yet and M/B makers may cut corners and not offer the WiFi part or just WiFi 6.

            Not saying you should buy either one right now (mostly due to still unpleasant GPU prices). But, if you must, Intel 12th gen feels like a better choice. AMD really should bring out AM5 and Zen4 CPUs now. Unfortunately, Intel hasn't done enough with the 12th gen.

          • @[Deactivated]: The motherboard

        • Not really to be honest. I know a lot of people buy into the idea that with AM4, you can upgrade to a later gen CPU. If AMD didn't block PCIe gen 4 on B450 and X470, then I guess that's reasonable. For X470 or below, other than the PCIe x16 slot connected to the CPU, all the other slots are PCIe gen 2. You then have that nasty AMD BIOS microcode block so that x16 slot is restricted to PCIe gen 3. That dashes any hope to put USB 3.2 gen 2x2 expansion card or Thunderbolt 3 card on a X470 or below.

          You want at least a B550 with this CPU.

      • Intel motherboard prices are always forgotten

  • OP what was your thinking behind this upgrade vs the other candidates from AMD too? I'm only on PUBG atm but looks like a bit of a mild improvement

    • +4

      Although it performs pretty much the same as a 5600X in gaming, cost per core is better even if 5600X drop to $350. For me, the extra "$100" (350 ->447) is worth it for the 2 extra cores for god knows what I'll do, editing/streaming… I just don't want to get ripped off by the 5600X tbh

      Speaking of cost per core, 5900X on a good deal trumps both of them, but 12 cores are way too overkill for me.

      • +1

        Overkill is part of the fun. Have a 3600 too. Game a bit, lightroom a bit. Lightroom sucks on every processor though.

        • Went from the 3600 to 5600x. FPS in PUBG jumped from 100ish to 140+. Playing on 3440x1440 with medium graphics though.

          • -1

            @mimik13: That's a huge jump. I didn't look deeply into it but the cpubenchmark figures only showed a few FPS gain.

            • @aoeueoa: you mean the site that literally hates amd and change their benches to favour intel. Maybe use a diff one.

          • @mimik13: 40% is an massive jump for only a bump in architecture, and way outside of even AMD's own claims when it launched.

            I suspect something else other than just a CPU swap is at play and has affected your results.

            A search of comparisons of the same CPU in the same game title seems to show about a 4 to 8 percent improvement for just about everyone else.

        • +1

          Adobe Lightroom: It's not unoptimised, it's been built for next-next-next gen hardware.

  • +1

    Inb4 hold till 3dcache

    • +2

      What's your guess on price for this? $800 or something stupid

    • Holding isn't really a smart choice unless you specifically need the cache.
      I suspect the reasons these have been dropping in price is to clear stock in preparation for 3Dcache, which once they launch will send prices up again.

  • Decent deal. I just got a message from amazon that my 5900X for $569 is going to be posted soon from this deal-

    • Worth it for $120 more?

    • That's an early contender for deal of the year. I would have bought for sure to upgrade my 2700x.

  • +1

    Agree with OP, 2 extra cores for $48, why not? Normally 5600X (especially just for gaming) but it's so cheap to go for the 8, just do it.

  • +1

    Keep in mind these don't come with a cooler and need a pretty beefy one to keep them cool

    • Yeah I can't remember the reasoning, but it needs a bigger cooler than even the 5900X right?

      • Probably. They run HOT!

      • +5

        Reasoning is the 5800x has 8 chiplets adjacent to each other on the one CCX. 5900x has 12 chiplets spread across 2 CCX, so 6+6. Less heat in the one spot.

        • +1

          Accurate explanation.
          From a purely performance / thermal perspective the 5900x has the advantage of not having such a concentrated heat spot.

          A 5900X under an Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280 is an economical screamer.

        • Thanks for the explanation, even I keep wondering why my 5900X runs as hot as it does.

          Under some games it is ridiculous (like ARK:Survival Evolved, runs at 92 deg)

          In Lost Ark it runs at about 72 though (underneath a Noctua C15)

          • +1

            @KnifeEnthusiastBoi: The 5900x that I got from the Amazon deal last week runs cooler than the 3600xt that I replaced. The 3600 would hit 90+ with synthetic benchmarks while the 5900 has never been over 75c no matter what I hit it with (overclocked as well).

    • 5900x runs fine with Deepcool as500 plus

    • Is the NZXT X63 beefy enough? I am thinking about upgrading to this 5800x from my current 3600. I am worry about the X63's cooling given the numbers I get from NZXT CAM. My 3600 reaches 60-63 celsius once I log in to Windows, then slowly drop to around 50 idle or web browsing. For gaming it runs at 58-70 depending on load. Do these numbers look normaln on 3600+x63? Do I need a better cooler for the 5800x?

  • +3

    I get tempted to upgrade from my 3700x but feel this is not worth the upgrade for just some gaming and the occasional video editing. Am I correct in that I will not see any noticeable upgrade? Have a RTX 3070 and so not fully sure if the existing CPU is some sort of bottleneck.

    The other good thing is the 65W TDP for my CPU which is so awesome.

    • +1

      Not worth it imo, you good for a few more years I reckon , especially if you game at 1440p and above

      • Same, I have a 3700X. I should really spend on a new graphics card. The 6GB 1060 I have is not that great these days.

    • agreed.. I have 3700x and an x570 motherboard for the 4X PCI-E slots (I have 2x PCI-E 4X nvme drives) and not really finding much to incentivize me to update (new system 3 years ago) .. the 5800X has a higher TDP and maybe 10-20% CPU speed improvement. So hanging out until the next AMD CPU specs and prices announced

      • If you have an RTX 3080/3090 it will be a big jump in average frame rate, otherwise no point doing that upgrade.

  • Thanks to this, I just bought a 5900X for $ 680, because I couldn't wait for the price to go back to the $629 from the other deal again. Happy to pay the extra 50, rather than wait I don't know how long.

    Cheers, OP!

    • -2
      • +1

        I know, mate, but it went down in flames in a few mins after it was posted and it was a pricing error, apparently.
        Some were honored, but they were super quick to put the order in.

  • 5600G for $312 delivered after coupon code:

    • +5

      $287 (319 with 10% off) + Shipping ($9.90 For NSW 2000) from Shopping Express…

      • Oh nice! Cheers.

        • If you are after integrated GPU, I would suggest holding out for next gen ZEN4 chip. Looks like the RDNA2 is doubling GPU performance even in the just released mobile chips.. I imagine it will be even better in a desktop chip

          • +1

            @OzViper: For a new build I would agree but if you already own an AM4 motherboard I think the Zen4/RDNA2 will need a AM5 mobo + DDR5 RAM.

            For AM4 5600G is decent. That $287 now is awfully tempting versus double that for a Zen4 chip when it finally is released.

            • +1

              @amaslam: Yeh true, depends how much of rush you are in. Saying that, I recently built a 5600G rig for my daughter. As its the best bang for buck CPU/GPU combo you can get for moderate/light gaming.

              • @OzViper: I just got the 5600G too for a second system and the existing 3200G will go to a A320 Mobo I have laying around from an older system. I don't think I'll be building any more AM4 systems (I have 4: 5900X, 2x 5600G, 1x 3200G). Systems spread around the family and kids (they play mainly Roblox/Minecraft sorts of things so none of the CPUs are stressed).

                If and when I get around to upgrading in a few years it'll likely be some sort of AM5 and Ryzen 8000 desktop CPUs or later (2024 or later).

                I'm hoping for some sort of predictability in the GPU market once Intel starts pumping out their GPUs.

      • Thank you. also added Crucial 16GB 3200MHz RAM and got free delivery. just had to pay for the surcharge ($3.71).

  • So is it worth pulling the trigger or holding out for the 5800X3D?

    • Depends if you want to spend more than 5800X RRP and wait for it.

    • I'm on 2700x atm and waiting for 5800x3d. If I miss out on stock then I'm going to wait for 7000 series. It depends what you have now really.

      • Jumping into 7000 series will definitely cost more than buying 5800x3d.

        You also need a new motherboard, and new RAM kits (DDR5). Have you seen how much DDR5 costs?

        Not to mention its an entirely new platform which may have quirks and whatnot.

      • Wait for Zen4 / 7000 series. If you have 2700X now, have you actually upgraded to a GPU where 5800x3d would make enough difference? The chance of you have X470 or older chipset based motherboard is high too. AMD did cripple X470 and B450 in BIOS microcode, basically killing motherboard makers' attempt to enable PCIe gen 4 on those.

        Great marketing brainwash that you can just get a later gen AM4 compatible CPU later on. Yes, you can do that, but AMD will still cripple older chipsets to block you from taking full benefit of the CPU. Once again a nice trick to entice you to get at least a B550.

        I support 3 camps: Intel, AMD and Apple. They are all more or less the same (wanting you to upgrade regularly). Just buy whichever is the best at the time you want to buy a new system. Forget about CPU upgrades.

        • Luckily decent B550 boards are pretty cheap then..

        • Great marketing brainwash that you can just get a later gen AM4 compatible CPU later on. Yes, you can do that, but AMD will still cripple older chipsets to block you from taking full benefit of the CPU. Once again a nice trick to entice you to get at least a B550.

          I believe Zen4 / 7000 series will use a new platform, AM5 (which is rumoured to be LGA rather than PGA).

        • +3

          PCIE 3 vs 4 makes almost 0% difference even on top end GPUs
          I'm using a riser and looked at buying a Gen 4 riser - but the difference in performance was almost nothing. 1-2 FPS at 1440p.
          Definitely not worth paying $100 for a gen 4 riser right now.

          In this case if you have an older mobo - upgrading to a 5600x or higher if compatible will be a cheap and easy way to get a great boost from a 2700x (paired with a good GPU)
          I run a B550 at PCI3 and it makes no difference at all on 6700xt/6800xt

          • @badonde: That's because you have a B550. If you have B450 or X470, you ended up having PCIe Gen 2 support from the chipset and the only reason you get some PCIe gen 3 support for B450/X470 is from the CPU, but instead of open up the proper CPU support, AMD blocked PCIe Gen 4 support on B450 / X570.

            The issue is basically whether it is worthwhile just to do a CPU upgrade if the chipset only offers PCIe gen 2. B550 gets PCIe gen 4 support so it is not convincing to state PCIe gen 3 is good enough if you have a system that does PCIe gen 4. With B450 for example, if you put 2 m.2 SSDs in it, the second one is PCIe gen 2 x4 at best.

  • thats cheap I remember playing about 550 for it a year ago

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