• expired

Free Calls to Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia and Romania @ Telstra


Seems like a great offer from Telstra in these times.

As distressing events unfold in the Ukraine, we know many people in Australia will be anxiously seeking news of their loved ones.
We want to help where we can, so from today we’ll be making it easier for our customers to stay in touch with friends and family by providing free calls to Ukraine.

And with many Ukrainians fleeing to neighbouring nations, we’ve followed the UN’s assessment of refugee movements to also make calls free to Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia and Romania.

We’ll be waiving charges for calls to these countries from Telstra home phones and post-paid mobiles for the next month, and we’ll continue to monitor the situation.

Things you need to know

Keep in mind that calls to these regions may not always go through, due to potential infrastructure damage in the region.
Depending on your account, some people may not see the free calls logged in their call records.

As always, stay safe.

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Slavs stronk together

      • +3

        You certainly aren't funny

    • +2

      Anyone got Putins number?

      • +1

        Yes but Telstra does not offer free calls at this time.

      • +7POOTIN

      • +2

        I can just see it, hundreds of aussies putting on fake indian accents, calling the kremlin telling them that their amazon account has been billed for things… and so on…

        • Could well be real Indian accents…

        • You guys get actual people? I only get robots :'(

  • +3

    Helpful if you want to buy anything from https://prom.ua (the Ukraine equivalent of eBay) as some sellers are small shops who will only accept credit card payment over the phone.

      • +12

        Do you need a hug, Sergei?

      • +1

        do as we say not as we do

      • -2

        I agree with you world was giving any help to other nations during their time of crisis, like Afghanistan, Iraq, African nations, Hong Kong etc.

        But now when it came to Ukraine (a European country) with like White's a majority, now the whole world is going to support Ukraine (even by going against Russia). Western world is full of Hypocrisies.

        Disclaimer:- I am not saying what is happening with Ukrainians is right, rather than World only really cares about time when like they are next to be endangered or the Whites are in danger. So much Double standards in West. May be that is the reason why China, India, and UAE are abstaining their votes, because of so much hypocrisies and double standards in the West.

    • If you view that site with translator they have a category for "bollocks" LOL must be selling Russian soldier bollocks https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/14307/94394/screenshot…

    • +3

      Helpful tip but is anyone really going to be buying anything from the Ukraine equivalent of Ebay in the middle of a war? What are the chances you will actually get anything sent out to you with all the logistics and supply chain channels being unavailable? Not to mention most of the sellers are most likely going to be suspending business? You would be better off donating your money to help the cause.

  • +46

    Do ppl also get free calls to Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Syria and other nations NATO and US lent a hand in invading and decimating with millions of civilan lives lost or just the ones that fit the western ideology of which (European) lives matter more scale ?
    Probably the latter.

    • +33

      [Wannabe political crusader has entered bargain-hunting chat]

      • +41

        He is right though - obviously because we live in a western society which aligns with NATO countries, obviously things like media and corps which relies on government handouts and such are going to bias in either not reporting, claiming it's a necessary good or just doing nothing. I condemn any abuse of power, whether from the US, China, Russia, Australia or anywhere and you should too and shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. His comment is whataboutism and all and it shouldn't take away from the situation, but he's right.

        • +5

          they also bombed Yugoslavia on behalf of few Muslims so that doesn't always work

        • As are teachers, nurses and paramedics.

      • +18

        Not really, you can point out a double standard without having to be a crusader.

        Just like I can point out that eating pizza every day is bad without being a nutritionist.

        • +3

          Wait. Eating pizza every day is bad?

    • +7

      Actually as I recall, yes they did get free calls to some of those places. Nice try though.

    • +1

      This answers your rhetorical question:

    • I got you - get straight to the point. Lets support invasion as a new norm. Let them do it because US and NATO did it. Let more children and innocents die because the US and NATO did it. Why would we stop the Russians when we let the US did it.

      Edit: Oh wait, the syrian and lybian people were killing their own people. Jeez, that chemical attack.

      • +15

        Jeez those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as well right… Also those Palestinians.. just keep killing themselves ?
        Point is invasion is shit no matter which end it's from. You look at the social media now and it's all the love for Ukraine (which is okay) but where was that love when the west was the aggressor ?

          • +8

            @payton: Mate get your head out of the gutter. Most of the "civilian" lives lost had nothing to do with war itself. Infact most of the casualties of these western wars were/are women and children.

            • -1


              most of the casualties of these western wars were/are women and children.

              Did you just assume their gender? 🤣

          • +1

            @payton: FU MAN

        • +6

          But But But when Australia invades the middle east, its just a conflict. When we kill, we are bringing with us human rights, freedom and free speech.

          This one with Russia is an invasion! So the world have to go through with sanctions!

      • +3

        It’s the product of “Arab spring” brought to you by western countries.

        • You mean people demanding a a murderous and vicious dictator quit so they could be free?

          • @CJ31: Yup that is always the argument put forward by the west. They are liberating the population from a vicious dictator/terrorist org/imaginary weapons of mass destruction etc etc. They do it by inciting an endless civilwar which decimates the countries law and order, economy and every other aspect while killing and displacing millions of ppl. But hey they got rid of the dictator so must be worth it as long as all the Europeans were evacuated in time. And everyone eats this up like candy without batting an eye.

      • +6

        Ukraine has been killing its own people for 8 years now. Over 14 000 murdered.

        • +3

          Those are the 14000 Ukrainians already killed by Russians since they started the invasion and war. So yeah…

    • +11

      Yeah, funny how the world has gathered around Ukraine - which is great and amazing - but when the US essentially invades other countries, they're liberators and the good guys.

      Someones terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

      • +2

        History is written by the victors. If Hitler won WW2 then the world will prob consider him as our lord and saviour.

        • +1

          Not really, i dont see the vietnamese writing the global narrative after the vietnam war. I think the saying only applies to empires consuming other countries.

          However the saying that still holds true is that when a war starts the first casualty is the truth.

      • -1

        Need to protect the [Russian wife market] (https://www.ukrainedate.com/en)

        You've never heard of Syriandate.com I bet.

        Edit: well actually I have, but it's a wholesale date and date related produce sales site.

    • +3

      Only white lives matter.

      • +3


        It does seem like escaping war is a white privilege. The article is suggesting Africans and Indians in Ukraine are being turned away from the Poland border while their white counterparts are being welcomed with open arms.

        • +1

          Nigerian medical student Rachel Onyegbule told CNN that she and other Black students were forcefully removed from an evacuation bus in favour of Ukrainian nationals and told to walk instead.

          “My body was numb from the cold and we haven’t slept in about 4 days now,” she said.

          “Ukrainians have been prioritized over Africans — men and women — at every point. There’s no need for us to ask why. We know why. I just want to get home.”

  • +1

    No free calls to Sokovia?

  • +4

    I’m happy to say FaceTime is now free worldwide.

    • Not if Putin hit their internet infrastructure

      • -1


      • -2

        He has intentionally been very careful and not damaged infrastructure, like their internet and phones. Please realize that not everything on Free to air TV is true, nor

  • -3

    OK I am now selling some priced Rubels. I will xchange 1 rubel for 1 bit coin. HODL or sell?

  • +2


  • +1

    Dziękuję Telstra! Why not to include pre paid services as well?

    • +1

      Czemu nie

  • +18

    While I disagree completely with what Putin is doing, I feel like Russia should also be on this list. The people of Russia could benefit from hearing more from those outside Russia as to what is really going on.

    • +12

      You're right of course but its about PR not actually helping people and they can't be seen helping Russians.

      • Ironically, the real PR would be extremely favourable. People would see the fairness in their neutrality. Unfortunately no listed company is brave enough to win the hearts of the people. Yes, instead standard marxist ideology PR wins out again, which keeps this toxic cycle and division going.

        • +1

          What exactly do you mean by marxist ideology PR?

    • +1

      If they perceived what they heard, putin wouldn't have been reigning for decades.

      • 1 decade ?

        • almost 18 years so indeed 1 decade and change.

          • @Nitr0: He hasn't been in power for 18 years continuously.
            His current "reign" has been since 2012, so 9 years, which is less than one decade.

            • +1

              @Tiggrrrrr: He's been "reigning" since 2000. He was briefly demoted to Prime minister because the constitution didn't allow him to get a 3rd consecutive term. If you don't think he was actually the one in power while Medvedev was President, you're delusional. Then he "accepted" Medvedev's proposal for him to stand at the next election. And since then he's been President almost 10 years.
              And now he's changed the constitution to allow him to potentially to run for another two additional six-year terms.

              Reigning for decades is a fair statement.

  • Telstra makes seemingly compassionate play for eyeballs - some lowly worker points out to an executive its a nice thought that clearly misses the mark.

  • -6

    dont believe the propaganda you see on the news …. as always just fake news… and its in overdrive now with the invasion.

    • +1

      Which part is fake news?

      • most of it… from both sides… but especially the west.

        • +3

          compared to what… pravda?

        • +2

          And where is your source?

          • +3

            @John: While I knowledge problems in media, I've found it easy enough to take the measure of a situation without an editorial. The problem with Russian media sources is Putin's penchant for assassinating journalists that don't tow the line.

            • +2

              @shroomish: I'm sure Assange would rather be assassinated then be slowly tortured to death for leaking war crimes of a nation that market it self as Saint Saviour of the world.

          • @John: Where is the source? I assume it's in the fridge with all the other sources.

  • +7

    How come there were no free calls to Afghanistan for the last 20 yrs 2001 to 2021 @ Telstra ?

  • +5

    What about 🇷🇺?

    There are plenty of Russo in Australia that is against this conflict and is worried for their loved ones.

    • +13

      no ones invading russia,

      • +7

        Did someone miss what the sanctions are doing to the civilians in 🇷🇺?

        • +4

          I believe the service is to help connect refugees, theres no mass displacement in russia. If free phonecalls help the conversation goes like this "hows russia?" - "not fun"

          • +1

            @shroomish: So why add Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia and Romania to the list?

            Is it not reasonable to think that there are Russo living in Ukraine fleeing to Russia?

            • +9

              @rektrading: because P,H,M,S,R are accepting refugees?

              • @shroomish: Russia is taking their fair of refugees from the donbass region too and for many years too.

                But dont let that get in the way of a good sanction.

                • +3

                  @AcoustiK: Refugees from an invasion and attacks they have sponsored.

              • +1

                @shroomish: Russia WAS and IS accepting refugees. I know some people whose relatives had to escape Ukraine and found refuge in Russia.

        • +2

          Yes that's what sanctions are for. Do you think sanctions would only affect putin himself?

          • +4

            @baldur: Having structured the economy to endure sanctions prior to invasion Putin has decided to accept further suffering of a nation he has already plundered. The sole responsibility lies with Putin, not sanctions. Handing over Ukraine just adds to the number of people he causes suffering to, including the immediate neighbors taking on the welfare of refugees. What about Donbas? exporting further suffering is no cure, nor is expanding the russian borders which Putin has actively seeded with dissent and conflict.

  • +3

    Telstra and Optus jumping to be the good guys LOL

    • +18

      They will never ever be The Good Guys if they dont sell washing machines.

      Ok i'll see myself out.

      • +2

        Stay here, we need you :-)

    • "Are we the baddies?"

  • +1

    Nice deal for those that need it

  • +2


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