Good price. Shows as $999.00, but drops to $899.10 once added to the cart. Free delivery.
Breville Dual Boiler Espresso Machine BES920BSS $899.10 Delivered @ David Jones

Last edited 18/04/2023 - 21:35 by 1 other user
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$2,499.00…. Please
House, always 70% off
Link please
They don't have the machine at the moment and mostly only 10 to 20% off.
Tempting, but after having seen it for $820 recently…
Still a great buy for $900. You should see what the rest of the world pays for a BDB!
Note that the corresponding bonus pack for this machine is the basically worthless one
Live Roaster Online Demonstration
+ BEANZ Member Discount – 3 months @50% off (limit of 12 x 250g bags)Edit: maybe worthless is too harsh - the beans get down to upvoteable prices at 50% off ($32-40 per kg)
Great machine. Had one for about 6 years and with an occasional service it hasn’t missed a beat. I have however moved to a Gaggia Classic Pro and am loving that machine. I was happy with the shots the breville could pull, but am preferring the quality an taste I get from the Gaggia.
What sort of occasional servicing do you need to do?
I had some gaskets give up after 1 year. It needs to maintain 9bar
Is it easy to self diagnose and repair or do you need to get it professionally serviced?
They have updated the machine and use compression fittings now.…
Think they still come with a 2 year warranty? If not, probably able to get it fixed under ACL if you wanted to push the issue.
@shutuptakemymoney101: They repaired it promptly tbh (6 days i think through a repairer), although their customer service hours are bad because its Asia Pacific (leave a message to call you back btw, aussies call you back).
They had no issues agreeing to diagnose and fix though… harvey norman were useless though.
I could never move back to a single boiler again, esp one without even a PID.
That's interesting, given the GCP is a smaller basket, smaller single boiler, etc.
Do you have a PID?
What differences in quality and taste are you finding?
Gaggia Classic Pro is an upgrade from this?
Have had one for 6 years and it is still working fine. Excellent value for money at this price point.
Fantastic machine that occupies the entire corner of the kitchen along with the smart grinder pro. Pulls great shots from a variety of beans (even some that are stale) and is easy to adjust to a different type of bean.
Mine is on its last legs.
So brought this, too good to pass off.Why buy the same machine if it failed?
I've had my machine for 7 years.
It is the best bang for your buck dual boiler on the market.
what happened to it? mine is about 8 years old… I just changed the o-rings in it because of leak as well as a teflonwasher… oh I did have a triac fail, so replaced that and its working almost perfectly.
Because everything else is 2k+ if you're lucky.
Last legs? What are you doing with it?
thanks, my last machine is failing, so i needed something in a hurry
Why buy the same machine if it failed?
It offers the functionality of machines 4 times the price and more. So if it lasts 5 years it's still good value.
The dual boiler is great value for what it is. Dual boilers with heated group heads maintain a constant temperature to allow -more- consistent expresso pulls, hard to find dual boilers at this price point that operates well. I have an oracle (basically a dual boiler with integrated grinder + auto tamper) and the only issue i've had (which was odd) was the steam wand head snapping off completely .. but the boilers itself has been great for the past 3 years.
I've been scouring reddit pages and more, most people with the Dual boilers have it going on for over 5-6 years without anything major occurring, for this price I think it'd be worth it.
Temperature has been consistent and it does what I'm looking for.
Price point of other dual boilers: is a great machine for money. With the latest updates, it should be more reliable. Although I suspect a fair few machines fail/break due to neglect and poor education in water treatment/descaling.
I had mine for 7 years (6000+ shots ) and had to replace a few parts in that time but was generally reliable during that period. In the early days of owning mine, I wasn't super attentive to descaling as regularly as I should have been. I only sold it as replacing parts became more and more common due to age/use. Now I'm down the rabbit hole of Italian/German machines…..
@Solrak: roaming the expresso reddit is a quick way to get down the rabbit hole with all the information and videos shared of their expresso pulls and the way the subtle tastes of different beans are seen with a good extraction…
The oracle I got is at my parents house and it does about 6-10 cups a day (milk based drinks); i plan on getting just a a cheaper one (barista pro in sea salt cause it's so nice lookin') since as cool as I see all the expresso pulls, I drink cappucino, flatwhites and lattes so as long as I get a decent cuppa i'll be sweet.
I would imagine for people who truly appreciates espressos and the hobby that it is, upgrading their machine + grinder is gosh darn expensive
@atimuslol: It is but I don't regret upgrading to an E61 machine. They are built like tanks and I enjoy the process of making coffee with them over the BDB. It also pulls a fantastic shot and looks great on the kitchen bench. A real statement piece that will last 20+ years if looked after. Whereas the BDB looks ok, it doesn't stand out and looks just like any other appliance-grade product to me.
Don't forget to not cheap out on the grinder. I found my coffee significantly improved with a better grinder compared to the coffee machine. IMHO If you buy a BDB, you should be spending $500+ on a grinder to pair with it.
wasn't clear, my last machine was not a BDB but a pod machine. this will be an upgrade for me
so, i got a machine with 2233 in its serial number from this deal, assuming that means it has the new fittings
@w3dge: Based on this comment, it sounds like you do! Mine hasn't arrived yet - I'm hoping for the same.
Wonder if we can price beat with jb. got some gift cards laying around
Jbhifi don't sell it anymore.
Ah right. Thanks
Just bought one. Now I’ll need a decent grinder. Seen lots of comments here previously but none that address one of my main issues - the mess! Had a delonghi that threw more grounds on the surrounding table than into the portafilter (slight exaggeration but it was very messy). Any suggestions for a decent grinder that doesn’t make a huge mess?
if you can stretch to a touch under $500 and are OK with single dosing, consider the timemore 064s on kickstarter. the risk with a well-established company like Timemore is very low imo, and it sounds like it'll blow everything remotely close to it in price out of the water.
Get a funnel. I started using one a few years ago, and the mess has reduced considerably
^ This, all videos I watch just for my enjoyment, I see everyone with dosing funnels to minimize/remove the mess altogether.
As for grinders, everyone recommends the niche zero grinder as one of the end game grinders - or for beginners they say entry level breville smart grinder pro can still do the job - just need better puck prep
This one also gets a good mention ->
Can confirm the funnel works a treat with minimising mess.
If you want a budget grinder then the Breville SGP is a good start. You can pick them up new for around $300 or used for half that price. Now if you're budget allows you can step up to a Eureka Mignon range of grinders (Silenzio, Specialita etc) from ECS for around $450-$650. Also, other great options include the Timemore Sculptor 64S or 78S on Kickstarter for approx $500-$750 range. Also worth considering is the DF64 for the $700-$800 mark. I'd also pick up a dosing funnel (if you grind directly into the portafilter) to help with stray grinds. You can find them on Amazon, eBay or Alixpress for $20-$30
This from last week is expired but the Black currently works out to $650 delivered. Either that or look for a second hand Macap M4D which will be $400-500. You can try the Breville smart grinder but ultimately you'll want/need to upgrade to get the best results. Buy once cry once Updated ECS had a chrome ex-demo knocking around for a good price last time I looked.
Try the app? Surely you will get one 😁
Great machine for a good price - just make sure to buy an extended warranty as these machines are not built to last. All that I’ve seen will need some kind of repair after a time.
I highly recommend this coffee machine, bought one for parents couple of years ago and it is still going strong, I bought it for around $750 from Harvey Norman (prices have gone up significantly since).
I just wish I had the bench space for this… Sticking with my lowly 5 year old dedica for the time being.
I have one that's about 7 years old now but I find the "steam" part just lacks power.
It's hard to get a good microfoam and I have to hold it there for a good 30-60 seconds to get close to 75c with a good texture.
It could just be mine is worn out or even faulty, but for anyone who's purchased in the last year, how do you find the steam pressure? How long does it take to get the milk up to temp?
Purchased a new BDB around January this year, no issues with the steam pressure at default settings. The steam pressure on the BDB is adjustable, have you tried to adjust it? What was the result?…
Thanks for that, I set it to max, still takes about 2 minute to reach temp and I'm using a milk jug that's got like 150ml of milk so it really shouldn't be more than like 30 seconds. I guess it's just faulty which is fine given how old it is and how much use it's had.
I'll use it as an excuse to buy the oracle.
DJ's just cancelled my order for this - I suspect they don't actually have stock
"We’re sorry to let you know that unfortunately, we are unable to fulfil this order. On the rare occasion an item at our Fulfilment Centre is damaged or missing we will only find out when we go to pick your order."
That sucks. I hope I don't receive that emailGood Luck!
They may have run out of stock and that might be why your order got cancelled. I've beed told from sources at Harvey Norman & TGG that Breville are no longer supplying the dual boiler as a stand alone unit and only have remain (very limited) stock available. I believe it is now only supplied and sold as the Duo with the Smart Grinder Pro. From my quick search across stockist such as TGG, HN, JB hi-fi etc, this could check out. While most stores still have this for sale on the website, it seems like very limited stock if any nation wide of the BDB.
Going on two years now. If it breaks Im buying a new one. Bless this machine xx
wow, wish i saw this when jb-hi-fi had the 15% off coupon, wonder if they would have price matched this + 15% discount, I definitely would have bit the bullet if that was the case
Just a heads up. I spoke to JB a few weeks about this machine. It has now been discontinued which is why you arent seeing stock. New model is coming out towards the end of the year. Will be no doubtly more expensive
this has been the rumour for years now, did they provide any more specifics?
I'm curious what new additions will be added. It's been out for over 10 years and it's still one of the best machines for at home baristas. Maybe an automated steam wand where you can select different types of milk (oat, almond) would be a nice improvement but I reckon would cost a lot more.
I spoke to JB online chat. I was trying to get them to price match Bing lee price. When i was questioning why delivery would take 2 weeks they mentioned th why can only get interstate stock from other stores. I asked if it was discontinued and they checked and it was marked discontinued new model coming.
That is all the information i got sorry.I'm betting that any 'new' model machine will be better for Breville's bottom line and not the consumer. For the price point the current model can't be beaten.
That's not actually true, they say it's out of stock meaning they aren't being sold it from their supplier only.
I think it's some weird push to make people buy the BEP920, which is usually 500 bucks more expensive if they don't stock it for 6 months of the year.
If you look around it is still being soldEdit - I should qualify that is what was told to me by a JB Hifi salesman last year, so there actually may be a new model afterall
They are running an extra 10% discount for two days