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The Vegan Butcher: The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Meat (Hardcover) $17.50 (Save $32.49) + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Amazon

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Eating vegan doesn’t mean missing out on the flavour, texture and diversity of food that meat eaters love. Armed with this book, you’ll discover how to create the perfect plant-based meats – sure to sate the most dedicated carnivore.

From soybeans to seitan, konjaku to mushrooms, there is little that can’t be achieved using plant-based ingredients, and the Vegan Butcher – aka Zacchary Bird – is here to show you how.

Learn how to create meaty textures through the power of freezing tofu, transform a bag of flour into chewy seitan that will trick even the most diehard chicken fans, or play mad scientist with methylcellulose to make the perfect plant-based burgers. With step-by-step visual guides and more than 130 killer recipes, The Vegan Butcher will completely change the way you think about vegan food.

Apologies to those OzBargainers who are triggered by cookbooks. :)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

        • +11

          Have you read the book? They actually don't.

          • -4


            Have you read the book?

            I've read the ingredients in the supermarket fake meat section.

            • +20

              @jv: Well genius, this book is for home cooks and doesn't include recipes for those products.

              • -8


                Well genius, this book is for home cooks

                "The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Meat"

                Deceptive and misleading title then?

                • +8

                  @jv: You may not know this @jv. You can also get meat without going to a supermarket. You could raise chickens, go hunting, gather roadkill, etc. They would be free of the cocktails of antibiotics typically fed to livestock or chemicals.

                  Are you sure you're not a Sky News viewer? You keep bringing up their talking points.

                  • @ihfree:

                    the cocktails of antibiotics typically fed to livestock or chemicals.

                    I get my meat from an organic butcher

                    • +3


                      I get my meat from an organic butcher

                      Oh your butcher is a human, how quaint.

                      • +1


                        Oh your butcher is a human, how quaint.

                        I can confirm they are not from Vega

            • @jv: I think you meant to write chemicals

          • +3

            @stingypants: Don't expect any half intelligent discussion with jv

            • +1

              @XVX: I'll leave the half intelligent comments to you then…

    • +2

      Gotta love all those attempts at being smart!

    • The thing about eating meat is that it's rarely alone on the plate, and you generally have something with it.

      • +1

        If the meat was good enough it wouldn’t need things like a salad

        • +7

          If vegan food was good enough they wouldn't have to call it meat!

        • +1

          why¿ are against healthy lifestyle.
          becuase the inclusion of meat and plant based foods in a diet is healthy.

          feel free to look up things like:
          meditteranean diet
          viking not suffering rickets even without adequate sunlight by eating free cod,

    • +5

      MMMMM fermented protein slime. Aerated and kneaded with the addition of thickeners and glutens. Then formed into pork steaks and sausages. How can anyone turn their nose up? Its just the best!

      • +1

        Now I’m hungry.

  • +2

    Damn.. I’m looking for a book on meat-based vegetables.

    • +1

      Yeah where are our meat-based carrot and potatoes??

      • +2

        KFC tried replacing bread with chicken. Does that count?

        Otherwise, feel free come up with a recipe and publish it.

  • +3

    I just don’t get why vegans (who are often very proud to tell you they are vegan) would want to make it look like they are eating meat.

    Why not a vegan-based vegan book.

    Or (he says thinking as he writes) maybe it’s a conspiracy to convert us meat-eaters to vegan! What a cunning plan m’lord.

    • +22

      Vegans don't necessarily hate the taste or texture of meat, just where it comes from. I don't see why this is so hard for some people to understand.

      • You can't argue with vegans who don't eat meat because they dislike the taste. Vegans that do so for other reasons are usually wrong.

      • yeah. i sewed up my butt hole as i just dont like where poop comes from.
        sound logic too huh

        • No it doesn't.

          As risky as it might be, do you care to elaborate?

    • +11

      I just don't get why steak-lovers (who are often very proud to discuss their BBQ techniques and recipes) would ever want to eat eg. crappy burgers at fast food chains.

      Why not a wagyu-based BBQ books? Oh wait… they may exist. Just like non-mock meat veg books exist!

      And without mocking - perhaps because those vegos grew up eating certain things and are somewhat sentimental? Or perhaps any other reason listed above, as your concern has been addressed a couple of times already…

  • +1

    I got Aids from reading the headline!

    • +4

      Just use the Chrome Aids blocker.

      • +11

        Installed and jv's comments disappeared

        • +1

          Use Firefox

  • +9

    well considering how many small animals get killed to grow vegetables, They kind of are butchering animals still

    • +1

      Classic, loving it! Do you have more?

      • +1

        i do: most non meat eating animals supplimemt their dier by eating…wait for it… other animals.

    • +3

      Hey hey. They didn't get butchered. They got drowned and poisoned by chemicals.

      Get it right.

      • +1

        And chopped up by harvesters and tillers and so on (tilling also released stored carbon as well, another deliberately overlooked aspect of modern agriculture).

        • And displaced when their habitat is destroyed to grow functional deserts of monocultured crops

    • +7

      Only the uneducated vegans believe they are not contributing to any suffering/death of animals by eating vegan, but the point/aim is a marked reduction of all death and elimination of unnecessary suffering. Vegans (usually) understand they have to step on ants to get places and have to eat food that inevitably causes the death of "small animals" during farming.

      • +1

        nah.. so much confirmation biases with many vegans tbh

    • did you know that it takes more crops to grow a cow for beef or a chicken for its body than it does to make a vegan meal with the same nutrients? This means that going vegan, while still not perfect, is still a reduction in suffering compared to eating a non-vegan diet?

      • -3

        yes I did know that. Doesn't negate the fact that a vegans diet still leads to the death of animals.

        • +1

          I agree, we should blame them for not reaching or maintaining an impossible standard of diet.

          Bunch of hypocrites, making decisions to reduce animal suffering but not (somehow) eliminating it entirely.

          • +3

            @CrowReally: No, they're a bunch of hypocrites for "caring" about big animals and not giving a rats about small ones.

            • +1

              @mickeyjuiceman: I know what you mean, I remember someone in the city a few years back was trying to do some sort of humanitarian aid collection thing for starving kids in Africa and I was like "yeah what about the kids in the Middle East, I guess we're just ignoring them aren't we"

              Really gave it to them with both barrels on how shallow and performative their "we're trying to stop some suffering in Africa" nonsense. Made me feel pretty good because I got to show them up (plus I obviously saved a bit of effort/cash at the same time, because obviously I'm not funding hypocrites).

              What's the point of trying to help out X if you're not also doing exactly the same thing for Y as well (or if it turns out they are concerned about Y, that's when you wheel out Z).

              • @CrowReally: But after you got off your high horse, you didn’t help anyone did you?

                • @smartazz104: Why should I have to get off my high horse when the real problem is there's people on even higher horses elsewhere?

                  Shouldn't your discussion really be about them and their quadruped-based altitude?

      • +3

        did you kniw it takes more vakuable water to grow tofu than breed lifestock

        did you know that there isnt enough crop viable land worldwide to sustain everyone being vegan

        did you know that animals provide other resources than just the meat we eat..

        shall i go on.

        • +3

          I understand why they don't understand : Is not eating meat bad for your brain?
          Later in life, the amount of B12 in a person's blood has been directly correlated with their IQ. In the elderly, one study found that the brains of those with lower B12 were six times. Even so, low B12 is widespread in vegans. One British study found that half of the vegans in their sample were deficient.

          • @lostgoat: sadly its worse in their offspring.

          • @lostgoat: low B12 is widespread among everyone. It's super easy to take a supplement or eat supplemented food. Meat is often supplemented with B12 these days anyways as it is not as abundant in modern day farming practices.

        • did you know that if the world went fully plant based, we could reduce the required farmland by 75%? Also, Tofu uses significantly less water

          • @Kholtien: nah. it wouldnt.
            tell em they must be dreamin

            tofu: somis this like the 'you dont need meat for protein, you can get it from brocolli' faux debate¿

      • Did you know that in Australia most beef cattle spend most of their lives eating grass. Most Australian cattle are "free range" and "grass fed" as the yanks call it - in Australia we just call it beef!!! But vegans parrot US based information as if the entire world is america. Especially the anerican ones.

        • Australia produces a very small amount of the world's beef. Eating beef is still environmentally taxing on the planet as a whole. Some small areas of course can sustain small cattle populations, but why bother when we can do it with much less suffering?

    • +14

      Lol. Honestly, these arguments just seem like cope from people who eat meat. I say this as someone who eats meat.

      The vast majority of society is so removed from the process they haven't given any thought as to where meat comes from. The thing is you've clearly given thought to it.

      Eat meat or don't eat meat, but don't come up with these flimsy justifications to feel better about yourself. Even the fact that you're commenting about this on a post which is clearly irrelevant to you could be seen as a sign of guilt.

      • +1

        Lol… I don't feel guilty eating meat at all, we are animals and nothing more than that, I've been on enough safari's to understand its just a part of life and death. I just find it funny you need to write out an entire diatribe against someone because they made a small joke.. I guess you are what people refer to as 'triggered'.

        • +2

          Oh, it's a joke. In that case

          Wow. So funny. How original. Much laugh. 1/7.

          • +1

            @ihfree: seek help.

            • +3

              @George2021: I think I'll be ok.

              You should take your own advice. Cognitive dissonance can be a difficult one to work through and having a professional would greatly help you.

        • +2

          More cope. Your reasoning is flawed George2021. You could present a rational argument, but instead you just blanket statement which is essentionally, humans can do what they want because they're the "top of the food chain" which justifies literally any act of violence to another animal/being because "we can" or "we want to". What happens on a safari is vastly different to your option to either pay, or not pay for an animal to be intentionally slaughtered because you like the taste and you know it.

          • @waxtens: Actually, I said. " I don't feel guilty eating meat at all, we are animals and nothing more than that".

            I never said anything about being on top of the food chain, in fact if anything the opposite.

            I also never said I've been hunting. I was referring to the fact that when you go on a safari, you will see animals slaughtering each other for survival.

            The safari's I have been on have been part of preservation, the only shooting done was with camera's and the money spend went to preserving rhino's.

            You do realise that the vast majority of safaris in Africa you go on aren't about hunting?

            So don't put words into my mouth or try to twist them to make a point.

            • +1


              you will see animals slaughtering each other for survival

              Funnily enough, this is my point. You've equated and justified your own choice of paying for other animals to be killed, by comparing it to other animal's needs to kill for survival, where they have no alternatives or moral choices to make.

              If you don't pay for animals to be slaughtered, you won't suffer physically (or emotionally if you buy this book lol). I wasn't talking about hunting, don't worry, no words have been put in your mouth.

              • +1

                @waxtens: I'm not justifying my choices, because I don't have to justify my choices to anyone, especially an internet stranger. I eat meat and feel absolutely zero guilt about it.

                You claim my comments equate to saying humans can do whatever they want because they are at the top of the food chain. That IS putting words into my mouth. All I said was we are no better/different to other animals and they kill for 'survival'. I didn't say that gives humans the right to 'do what they want'.. you are either intentionally twisting what I'm saying to serve your own boredom and give you a chance to vent or you're just as 'triggered' as the other guy.

                remember this all started because I pointed out in a tongue and cheek way that vegans are effectively killing animals as well… and of course the internet warriors became instantly triggered…

                Anyway, I have a life to live and some meat to eat… have a nice day.

                • @George2021: Hopefully at least this gave you some food for thought (pun not intended).

                  Have a good day George!

          • @waxtens: nah, their logic isnt flawed tbh

      • Can Vegans not use meat . Like for OP tile Plant-Based Stuff or Meal .

        Meat : Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food. Humans have hunted, farmed, and scavenged animals for meat since prehistoric times .

        I know it's hard for youse to understand .

        Add Butcher : A butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat, or participate within any combination of these three tasks.

        • It's deliberately designed to confuse/blur the lines. That's the entire intent.

          • @mickeyjuiceman: IIRC a LNP senator said that and the view was repeated in the news.

            The packaging is easy to recognise and if it was really designed to confuse it would hide the product from the target market. The accidental purchases would not be repeat purchases.

            It's just manufactured outrage in a long line of things for a certain audience to be angry at.

        • youse

          Haha. Oh, the irony. Thanks for the English lesson.

          • +2

            @ihfree: "ha ha, really 'butchered' the english language with that one, h-"

            (alarm sounds)


        • youse

      • guilt.. wow.. what a stretch

    • +1

      Irrelevant. Of course eating meat kills more animals. The point I was making that clearing land and using pesticides/herbicides kills small animals and insects as well. Unless every vegan is growing there own produce in their backyard chemical free.

      • +3

        Agriculture probably kills more animals per serving of food. Staggering numbers of rodents and birds are killed by grain and rice farmers.…

        • +1

          I wonder what would happen to those hypothetical numbers if you fed grain to the cattle

        • +1

          Agriculture kills far more animals, there is no comparison.

          • @trapper:

            Agriculture kills far more animals, there is no comparison.


            This page is properly referenced with multiple data sources and paints an entirely different picture to your bold and un-referenced statement. Might be worth a squizz

            • @waxtens: It doesn't seem to disagree with my statement at all?

              I do agree though that we shouldn't be using human editable crops to feed animals.

              Grazing animals should be primarily eating grass.

            • @waxtens: and could be counter athued with many other peer reviewed articles that dismiss yours.

              atbthe end of the day, unfortunately vegan logic is flawed logic.
              ipso facto

      • -1

        83 per cent of all global agricultural land is used for animal farming

        • becuase it doesnt sustain crop growing.

          • @FredAstair: Vegans have no idea about farming. You should see the average one when they try to grow some veg in pots on their balcony and realise to their absolute SHOCK that they have to choose between fertiliser that is synthetic chemicals, or organic fertiliser that is either poo from farmed animals, or ground up animals.

          • +1

            @FredAstair: 26% of the worlds (ice-free) surface is used for livestock grazing, industrialized livestock production is directly responsible for 85% of all soil erosion. I grew up on a farm, studied agriculture and still currently work on a farm. Animal agriculture is my family's livelihood, but is absolutely ruining the soil. Please, tell me more about your balcony plants…

            • @Alejandro: do you mean all agriculture, or the mega farms that even meat eaters hate

        • -1

          83 per cent of all global agricultural land is used for animal farming

          First they want the hens out of the cages… then they complain about all the agricultural land the hens are now using!

          You can't win.

          • @trapper: It's simple, animal agriculture destroys the soil and environment. If we didnt raise and slaughter 80 billion animals each year the soil and environment could be slowly regenerated.

  • +4

    Nothing like a book on vegan recipes to bring out all the animals.

    • so you just tried to insult anyone that isnt a vegan.
      hmmm. novel

      • +1

        My comment was diet-agnostic actually; if anyone felt personally attacked, I’d advise them to clutch their pearls harder.

  • +6

    Seitanic cult :P

  • +3

    There is no such thing as plant based meat.

    Meat is the flesh of an animal.

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