• expired

Tesla Model 3 - RWD $59,200, Long Range $72,200, Performance $85,200 + On-Road Costs @ Tesla


Price update/ reduction from the last deal
Tesla Model 3 - RWD $57,400, Long Range $70,400, Performance $83,400
A price reduction of $5,300 from the previous price.
Order fee: $400
Delivery fee: $1,000
State-based on-road cost & stamp duty: variable
State-based EV incentives: variable

You can check this deal : Electric Vehicle Government Subsidies, Registration, Stamp Duty Discounts @ States & Federal Governments for more details on incentives.

I always wanted to have a Tesla deal under my belt 😃

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closed Comments

      • +1

        I’m sure this loophole was closed many years ago or EVERY rego plate in Melb would be QLD.

  • -4

    Love it! We can almost pay $100k for a car but let's slap on a few fees:

    Order fee: $400
    Delivery fee: $1,000
    State-based on-road cost & stamp duty: variable

    Where's the:

    Looking for a car fee, air fee, talking fee, change of mind fee, half yearly 50% increase in electricity fee, I mean, why does it have to stop at the $100k you pay for it???

    Humans, got to love them! Bless their intelligent souls!!

    • +1

      Order fee is part of the drive-away price .. like a deposit if that's easier for you to understand

      dealer delivery fee is same as every other brand .. but probably cheaper.

      don't understand your comment at all .

      • I think you guys all missed the point. I'm saying you pay $100k for a car, just included all the BS fees in the price. Not sure people care about $400 and 10 other fees if they're spending $100,000

    • I guess you’ve never bought a new premium Euro car if you’re complaining about a $1,000 delivery fee. Try +$5k with BMW or Porsche.

  • They are getting ready for apple car I guess

  • Wow that's a Bargain!
    Any cashback? Can pay with gift cards?

  • -6

    Rubbish car
    Rubbish company
    Rubbish elon, but he thanks you for your money and your worship

    • +2

      Best daily car I’ve owned, and that’s coming from BMW M and Audi RS cars.

  • +1

    Do I get blue tick on my Twitter id? Else no deal

  • -4

    People say these are green and environmentally friendly. No more fuel burning blah blah blah…
    If only they knew how toxic the batteries are and what it takes to mine these materials. You'd change your mind pretty quick.
    Mining the lithium, cobalt, and the disposal creating toxic land fill….

    • +9

      Damn right
      I'll stick to my ICE car whose manufacturing parts are all organic, whose energy source grows on trees and is picked by volunteers, and will last for ever and have no impact to the environment when I eventually drive it into the forest and it breaks down back into mulch for the next car growing tree.

      • +2

        Take your logic out of here

      • Genuine question - which components of ICE cars come only from one country and rely on forced labor (including children) to mine/obtain it?

        • +2

          FYI, if you are genuinely concerned about such cobalt issues, you could instead look in to an EV that uses LFP batteries. These do not contain cobalt, and they are cheaper to buy. Or go for a company such as Polestar that use responsibly sourced cobalt.

          • @noz: Yes, LFP seems to solve that issue.

            On Polestar, their website is very careful with the language. My takeaway is that they are doing a 'pilot project'. There's nothing in concrete that "if you by a Polestar EV the cobalt in the batteries is sourced responsibly", in other words it's marketing fluff and wishful thinking. I would categorize their page at best as misleading - https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1660893848-polest…

            I'm not too hopeful that the cobalt situation will improve anytime with the looming explosion in EV takeup, my armchair view expectation would be that the increased demand will have worse outcomes for the people in DRC but happy to be told otherwise.

        • Wow, such obvious fake concern about cobalt.

          Australia is the third largest producer of cobalt. Most EVs don't have any cobalt. And cobalt is used to refine petrol.

          • @chuq:

            Wow, such obvious fake concern about cobalt.

            Not sure why you're thinking this, rather than providing an inflammatory comment could you engage a bit more constructively? Have a look at noz's reply for an example of good faith discussion.

            Australia is the third largest producer of cobalt.

            Last year we produced 5900 tons, DRC 130000 tons.

            And cobalt is used to refine petrol.

            Yes. "Only a pound of cobalt for every 6.6 million gallons we refine" - https://www.quora.com/How-much-cobalt-is-used-in-refining-oi…. Apparently a typical EV battery contains about 14kg of Cobalt which equates to a lot of km for petrol engines.

            Most EVs don't have any cobalt

            Would love for this to be true. What do you mean by 'most' though? Is that most as in 6 out of 10 EV manufacturers don't use cobalt batteries, or most by volume? It's great if most manufacturers don't use it but not so great if those manufacturers make up a small portion of market sales. Telsa reported last year that half of their vehicles sold in the first quarter were cobalt free, but since they seem to be the most popular by far that's still a lot of cobalt-included sales.

  • any idea what 1,500 Tesla credit can get?

    • Probably the ability to view 10k tweets a day?

  • +1

    So, do people buy Teslas to save the dolphins (environment), save money on refills (charges), get away from the lights quickly or just to be part of the hip crowd? Serious question.

    • +2

      I bought a Tesla due to:
      a) super quiet
      b) comfortable seats with all the adjustment options
      c) awesome infotainment system
      d) awesome sound quality
      e) amazing acceleration in el-cheapo base model
      f) fbt exempt
      g) state gov cashback
      h) everytime i drive it is 100% full (compared to diesel/petrol where you watch everyday and fill when getting low)
      i) after fbt exempt and cashback, it takes about $11K from price so much better value than comparable cars like BMW 3 series and Merc C class.

      • Fbt and govt rebate cannot work together? For rebate the car cannot be novated?

        • Correct if NSW.. others states I think you can

          • @hippyhippy: In VIC I was able to stack rebate + novated leasing but that is now gone. I was a lucky one

        • depends on state.

    • +2

      For me it’s Performance and Technology.

      Not many cars out there faster in public road conditions than my Model 3 Performance.

  • Got a test drive booked today. Do I get the option of testing out the long range versions or performance at the centre? Didn't remember I was offered the option to last year when I went.

    • Enjoy .. even if you don't buy one, it is a fun experience. The sales guys are very chill. Don't know the answer to your question

  • With electricity prices rising 25% as of yesterday, and meanwhile petrol prices have dropped in recent times, wouldn't it be more economical to buy a new Toyota or Mitsubishi or Mazda 4 cyl?

    • Don’t pop the bubble. Owners get really upset.

    • +3

      So EV owners used to be paying an equivalent rate of 32c/L. Now they're paying 40c/L. Still seems to be a pretty good deal.

  • +4

    This will have a flow on effect on the new and second hand car markets….if you have been patiently waiting, you will be rewarded soon. The market always corrects itself, also the impact of people coming off sub 2% mortgage rates cannot be underestimated

  • So do you guys deal with strata of living in apartments / town houses where you have to ask someone for permission to install a charger (assuming you own). And what do you do when they say no.

    • +1

      You use a public charger.

  • +3

    Just checked, and all the saving will be paid towards insurance lol

    Nearly 5k for greenacre.

    • Nah, it’s about $1500-$2000 unless you are a bad risk.

      • Was researching and cheapest quote I could see was around 2500 with nil previous claims and a perfect driving record 25+. Still seems quite dear?

        • Local YouTuber Ludicrous Feed had a video on it recently for his Model Y. Look it up.

          It’s an expensive car so insurance should be up there,

      • +1

        Mine is $1200 for a Model 3 base model

  • Takes a while. Ordered model Y in December and still waiting for a NSW delivery.

    • Unfortunately not just a tesla issue.

  • What's the residual value like of Tesla? Resale price is something heavily overlooked by many car buyers

    • Supply is pretty good now, so it will be like any $80K car (other than a Landcruiser) .. ie it will sink like a stone.

      I'm expecting sell my $68K Model 3 in 12 months for $50K.

      • I was tempted for half a day to get an EV when I found they were fbt exempt. Then I got the electricity price rise letter!

        Back to rav4 hybrid plan A. Those things just hold value like crazy.. If I ever even wanted to sell it. Could become a family heirloom

        Does Tesla do any guaranteed buy back rates?
        Anyone buying a Chinese car like byd needs to assume the car is worth $0 after 5 years

        • The great resale of Toyota is under the old paradigm.

          You buy a RAV4 Hybrid now for $50k how much will it be worth in 2028 when EVs have most of the market and petrol stations are starting to close and motor mechanics are leaving the business? When ICE cars are being banned from city centres?

          The automotive world is going to look very very different in five years. In ten years a RAV4 will be a pariah.

          • +3

            @Grok: May be in EU. But I bet this is not going to happen in next 5 years or for that matter in next 10 years, especially in Australia.

            • @BargainBuddy: I don’t own a Tesla just so you know.

              I’m keeping my current small efficient ICE car until I do, if I do, I will never buy another ICE car.

              The production of EVs especially by Tesla is really ramping up. They will flood the market in the next five years. They will get cheaper than ICE cars, you will be crazy to buy ICE.

          • @Grok: Great plan, except for the 12-18 month wait on the rav4

        • If you cannot tax claim the vehicle it's useless to buy a brand new car. If you are buying toyota go for a 4+ years old model. And for your budget allocated for RAV4 Hybrid, you can easily upgrade your search to LC150 2018 with less than 150k milage. And these cars lasts forever.

          • -1

            @BargainBuddy: Why? You pay a high price for a used older model that will depreciate faster. Besides skipping the 12-18 month waiting period why would anyone want to do this?

            • @choofa: Older cars don't depreciate faster. New ones does.

              • @BargainBuddy: Depends on the car. People are buying used rav4s for more than new price. Some claiming their 2019 is still worth more than they paid.

                Prices seem to drop after 4-5 years significantly

                • @choofa: I sold 2015 my corolla this year for more than what I paid 5 years back when I bought it. Im not talking about this crazy market after COVID where you can make profit out of old cars.

                  What I meant is in general economic conditions, brand new cars depreciate much faster than second hand ones. You will get a massive drop of value as soon as you register it and when you complete your first 10k kms. If it's a Toyota, Lexus or for that matter any overbuilt car, people don't care if it's 100k or 150k. Because most of us knows they will last at least half a million kms given that you take care of it. For example if you buy a 150k driven corolla, drive it for an year until 170k and sell it, you won't make as much loss as you would if you bought a brand new corolla and drove for 20k kms.

                  • +1

                    @BargainBuddy: what you said actually counters your argument.. if you buy second hand you are paying significantly inflated prices, and this will not last as the supply shortage ease. many Toyota models cost a few thousand dollars more used <a few KMs or demo than new, the cost saving of buying second hand is much more diminished in this market

                • @choofa: Since the Covid stupidity, yes. Traditionally new cars lose the highest % in the first 3 years. Things are going back to normal, however slowly.
                  Why so many are still queuing up for new Toyotas I'll never know. They're only good for people who don't turn their cars over and want at least 5-10yrs out of them. Rarely class leaders. In 10 years, the only ICE cars produced will be enthusiast (performance) cars and diesels. You'll be selling Toyotas to week to week earners who can't afford an EV, no one else will want them.

                  • @FXx: Exactly, what should happen traditionally and what is happening don't line up. The 2+ year wait on a RAV4 hybrd cruiser is ridiculous and the EV momentum will have shifted significantly in that time. By the time they arrive those RAV4s will be being planned to be phased out for BEV models… if Toyota gets its act together and really is planning to build them and is not just appeasing shareholders saying they have a plan.

        • +1

          Back to rav4 hybrid plan A. Those things just hold value like crazy.. If I ever even wanted to sell it. Could become a family heirloom

          @Lolrick if you're concerned about depreciation then why are you even looking at a new car at all ?
          Buy a used car that has already lost most of its residual value.

          Resale price is something heavily overlooked by many car buyers

          That's because the people who care about resale and residuals, are buying used cars. New cars don't make any sense if you're trying to reduce the total ownership cost.

          Anyone buying a Chinese car like byd needs to assume the car is worth $0 after 5 years

          The five year old Chinese car at $0 is exactly the car you should be purchasing…

          • @Nom: Because since the GFC, they "don't build cars like they used to"
            If you are buying a quality car with high resale value and have access to good finance/cash, it is often best to buy a new/demo car. I ran these numbers for my Dads Mazda6

            Used cars - Tyres, brakes, timing belts. These service items eat into capital savings quickly. And those are SERVICE items, not BREAKDOWN items which are becoming more expensive. They aren't even building wiring looms to last longer than 20 years.

            That said, the Rav4 has a huge waiting list (like most desirable cars) and I sense a recession is coming, so I'm just making do with my current fleet. We have a baby on the way so need something practical sooner rather than later. Also, our roads are disgustingly pothole filled, so something with larger wheels and long travel suspension will be welcome.

            Don't forget, with our massive immigration numbers and shrinking middle class, the demand for cheap cars is higher than ever, coupled with LESS older cars on the road (because they don't last as long) means "cheap" cars are no longer as cheap. A 5 year old Haval or MG3 in 2023 is NOT the same value proposition as a 5 year old Civic or Accord in 2003. Allegedly some of these Chinese dealers are unable to identify parts numbers, let alone order spares, for components such as diffs which fail at higher rates than Japanese counterparts.

            @Musky - France went all in on the Diesel paradigm not long ago, and had to back out of it. The EU Parliament has already stopped talking about EV and is talking about hydrogen (which also faces fundamental pragmatic issues). I wouldn't be so sure about this "paradigm shift" to EV. You are right that the Government can oppressively push citizens into EVs, but it WILL NOT be market driven, and if commercial sectors can't keep petrol/diesel, the country WILL collapse. Don't forget how many people don't have access to a garage for charging (many can't even get shelter right now in the rental crisis). It would be more ecological and economical for EV users to get into car sharing in urban areas

            • -1

              @gfjh567gh3: The ultimate paradigm shift is when Musk perfects FSD and Robotaxis become a thing, then governments will BAN human drivers from the roads,

              They will do this! They are that authoritarian now.

              Anyone who opposes it will be called a far right conspiracy theorist that needs to be deplatformed and debanked. I am only slightly exaggerating.

              • +1


                The ultimate paradigm shift is when Musk perfects FSD and Robotaxis become a thing, then governments will BAN human drivers from the roads,

                Yes, obviously that's the end game that we're trying to get to.

                It's a looooooong way away, but once every car is fully automated and we can remove speed limits, traffic lights, then clearly human drivers aren't going to be able to take part in that system. The automated cars won't need to stop for each other, or slow down to navigate an intersection etc etc

                But again, it's at least decades away. We can't even make one automated car, never mind replace almost every car in existence with full automation.

                • @Nom: I agree, I think useable FSD Is at least a decade away, reliable fully autonomous Robotaxis even further out.

                  But Elon thinks it will happen starting this year …… 🤯

                  Almost certainly he is closer to the real date than me.

            • @gfjh567gh3: Hydrogen is only a consideration for heavy industry. It will never be viable for general road usage.
              BEVs will get cheaper and infrastructure will get better. Car parks will be filled with chargers. Roadside charging will be on every power pole and street light.

              • @choofa:

                Hydrogen is only a consideration for heavy industry. It will never be viable for general road usage.


                BEVs will get cheaper and infrastructure will get better. Car parks will be filled with chargers.

                agreed, though 'filled' may be a stretch

                Roadside charging will be on every power pole and street light.

                doubt you'll get this far any time in the foreseeable future. We dont live in such a utopian dream :)

                • @SBOB:

                  doubt you'll get this far any time in the foreseeable future. We dont live in such a utopian dream :)

                  Sydney already has a few street light chargers and there are plenty in European cities

      • Well they are $55k new now with rebates so $50k is actually pretty good.

        They still hold their value much better than ANY European premium car.

    • EVs are not good to own - just lease.

  • Too much American sheep behaviour, Taylor swift being recent
    blm protests almost took of here once, sad.

    • Wow your comments are interesting.

      And your thoughts on Apple? Or do you have an iPhone?

    • Ozbargain always delivers

  • -2

    I am still waiting for the comment on this deal where someone has combined shopback and multiple gift card to get a better deal

  • +1

    Cheers, bought 3.

  • Can I use this to control a submarine?

    • +1

      No, but apparently a Logitech F710 wireless gamepad could.

      • Can I use that to control a Telsa?

  • -3

    Tesla sh1tting bricks they don't have market share after their monopoly is disrupted by Chinese brands offering a quality product at a cheaper price.

    • +1

      They've just smashed their sales records, have the worlds best selling car, and are about to being production of the updated model 3 and soon they will have the model 2 and cybertruck… Yeah they are really worried!

      It's a growing market and they have a massive share, with only BYD currently challenging them

      • +2

        BYD just overtook Tesla in annualised sales.
        Tesla wouldn't be dropping prices with inflation running rife unless they had oversupply issues - which they do. Meanwhile BYD has been jacking up their pricing.

        Tesla going the way of Nokia whilst cheaper Korean/Chinese brands overtake them.

        • Tesla can drop prices because they are making huge profits, they have no issues.

          Tesla going the way of Nokia is laughable - the others are losing money and cannot keep up.

          Hyundai loses a huge amount of money on every EV they sell and the Japanese ICEV industry is the real new Nokia

          • +2


            Tesla can drop prices because they are making huge profits, they have no issues.

            Said no business ever. They've commited to huge gigafactories that need to churn out massive numbers of cars each year, demand is dropping and they know it. Hence the price cuts to try and steal market share from BYD.

            • @Drakesy: Demand is dropping? Tesla has literally just put out their Q2 numbers this morning and are massively up! They are selling more cars than ever!

              They are the only car company in the world that is profitable and are reducing prices because they are selling so many cars and reducing costs all the time.

              Other car companies like Toyota cannot produce enough cars, are losing money, have massive debts and are increasing prices.

              • +2

                @choofa: You don't drop prices if demand is high ;) Rolex never has and never will

                They're reducing costs because they're becoming less competitive, undermining existing customers and increasing depreciation. Double whammy

                Simple economics.

            • +1

              @Drakesy: The key is to fight lowering demand with lower production, make people believe it's supply issues and take any buying power out of their hands, push prices up = more profitable. Even selling less cars. Toyota's new marketing strategy.

              • +1

                @FXx: Sounds like a great way to undermine your customer loyalty.
                Increase the cost of the car they want so its no longer great value, and make them wait 18 months to get it.
                This is why people are buying Teslas in droves.
                A cheaper Model Y and the new Model 2 are going to decimate the likes of Toyota with those strategies

            • +1

              @Drakesy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USJnreagxSU
              Tesla 2nd quarter results just released, best quarter ever of sales.

        • Half BYD sales are hybrid. Tesla margins shit all over BYD.

  • +1

    Went to test drive it today-

    Apparently Autopilot doesn't work in Australia properly and autoparking can only be private properties? Why would you pay for full self-driving capability then?

    He claimed that it would take 3 years for the model to even be in Australia? (tesla highland)

    • +1

      Full self driving doesn’t work. May never
      Basic autopilot does work and is pretty good

      Highland will be out late 2023/early 2024

  • 6 pages of comments, no one noticed the price reduction from the previous price is $3500 and not $5300 as stated by OP?

    • +2

      No one reads descriptions. Once they see the word Tesla a flame war starts.

  • +1

    I like the fuss people make over how environmentally unfriendly the Tesla is. Think of those minerals! Think of all that mining!

    It reminds me of when the Prius became popular around 2002/2003. Endless online posts about how bad nickel mining is. And now? Not a peep. People have moved on from hating hybrids to hating EVs. And ICE cars don't just pop out of the ground, ready made either.

  • I ordered my Model 3 after seeing the previous deal in April, and collected it 10 days ago. Was pretty happy until decided to check Ozbargain today….
    Should i order another one or unsubscribe from OB??

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