• expired

75% off China 9-Night Trip - $999pp Twin Share (Departs Sydney or Melbourne) @ TripADeal via Qantas Tour


Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou & Shanghai
Operated by TripADeal

Flight, accommodation, transportation, dinners (not sure about breakfasts, lunches, and suppers)

Seems to be a great price.

Not sure why kids/teenagers are excluded

Mod: "Includes return international flights, eight nights of 4-star hotel accommodation, daily breakfast, and much more"


A tourist visa for China is a strict requirement if travelling on an Australian Passport. Please note as of today you are required to attend a Chinese Visa Application Service Centre in person to apply for a visa. China Visa Application Service Centres can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane. You must attend the China Visa Application Service Centre relevant to the state you reside in. Please visit https://www.visaforchina.cn/ for more information. You will be able to start your visa application process once you receive your final travel documentation approximately 6 weeks prior to departure.


  • Please start arranging your visa as soon as you've received your Travel Documentation to account for any delays due to consulate operating hours.
  • Visa rules may have changed since Covid-19. Some countries and airlines may require you to obtain an additional visa before arrival. Please check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering.

Please note:

  • Passengers who are not Australian citizens must also check with the respective consulate or visa agency to determine what their visa requirements are and what personal identification is required.
  • It is also important to note that some areas of employment, such as journalism, government authorities and charity organisations, may have additional restrictions in applying for Visas. This may, in turn, affect the type of application required.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    $999 check,
    female to go with, empty box :(

  • -1

    children costs the same? that kills the deal. Only good for boomers.

  • +8

    Waiting for whoever makes it back to post a review…

    • Got a laugh out of me. Winnie wouldn't like it though..

  • Got those going to the China Visa Application Service Centre…. That place is a zoo

  • +8

    Great deal, you might even see Dan Andrews there!

    • +7

      He is on the kickback list from this deal.

  • Seems vital info not fully disclosed like hotel names etc https://tours.qantas.com/deals/4721-china-discovery to exactly see where

  • +3

    I visited China for a month in 2007 and enjoyed my stay there. Lots to see and do, and very interesting country.

    Back then I just had to send my passport to Canberra and get a visa. Now I need to attend an office in person and be interviewed for it? No thanks. I can rock up any time I want to South Korea and Japan without applying for visas or having to travel long distances to get the visa. China's tourism sector has collapsed this year, and they're not making it any easier for me to visit.

    • +6

      TBH China was a great place to visit until the president xi step up in 2013
      most of these "national securities" measures only being introduced after 2017
      and same for Hong Kong having "national security law" that enforced in 2020

  • +1

    I will go this trip if there is no tour guide. Usually this kind of heavily discounted tours involved in shopping, which is the main revenue stream of the tour operators.

    • yea and it seems pretty rushed. cheap flights are starting to return. can be a little tricky without knowing any chinese though

  • +1

    where do you find trip deals for singles?

  • -2

    After seeing all the comments about the CCP and stuff, no wonder why Australia has not been making good economic/technological progress and has to be taken advantage of by the United States. I know some are simply joking but the degree of arrogance and ignorance is stunning.

    This is incredibly sad.

    • +1

      You must live in Victoria under Danistan's rule and love it.

        • +7

          How does a tankie even end up on the online cathedral to capitalism that is Ozbargain? Your recent voting record indicates you don't have much of a problem actively supporting US megacorporations (Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, eBay, Apple).

          • -2

            @Ordinance: My comment is all about developing health economic and technological cooperations, and this has nothing to do with upvoting deals. Besides, my comments do not suggest capitalism is bad, no idea how you arrived at that conclusion.

            At the very moment you replied to my comment, you end up in the same position by talking about politics on OzBargain.

            • +3

              @FOX: Simping for the CCP on OzB isn't exactly preaching to the choir…

        • +5

          plus 5 social credits for you…

        • +11

          It's great to have an authoritarian government… until it isn't. A benelovant one will be quick and efficient, cutting through red tape and being more agile than any democracy.

          But when the wrong people get in charge, and things start going bad, you can't just vote em out.

          • @Michael15286: Ohhh so it's like getting married to the wrong person? Even if you could kick them out, they'd take half of your stuffs.

    • +2

      Can you explain what you mean by Australia not making good economic progress, specifically with reference to China's atrocious economic record in recent years and months? It's fair to say that our ties with China's tanking economy put us at far greater risk than our economic relationship with the US.

      • +1

        If you look at the trade data you'll understand that the economic tie between Australia and the US is nothing compared to China.

        If you're referring to de-risking from China, that's all good but that also means Australia has to give up a lot of money that can be made from China.

        Lastly, the general hate towards China (which is weird by all means) affects diplomatic relationship, and this leads to trade disputes. You may say Australia doesn't have to trade with China, but at the same time the US has taken a lot of trade opportunities from Australia.

        • +2

          That's really based on your assumption that China's growth will continue. A pivot would have to happen anyway toward other emerging economies. That's the nature of growth and decline of nations. Diversification is good.
          Bear in mind, Australia's never initiated any trade sanctions, it was China throwing it's economic weight to bully Australia for questioning the covid origins. That was in the interest of the global community to understand a novel threat.
          To deal with a belligerent childlike diplomacy with their silly "wolf warrior" tactics actually poses more risk to Australia as China doesn't respect the rule of law or international agreements.
          Abbott said it best when he said China only has customers but no friends.

        • -2

          China only recently dropped the heavy trade tariffs on barley imports from Australia. Now why do you think that is? Is it cause China wanted to be nice to reset the diplomatic relations with Australia? Far from it actually.

          There has been massive floods in China which has wiped out a lot of their crops which puts their populace at risk of starvation. The CCP knows that when they have starving people who are very unhappy, they will turn against the government.

          China would totally attempt to walk all over other countries if given the chance. They are very self serving and could care less about fostering good relations with the global community.

          • @Zev: I work on the WA harvest. The lifting of the Chinese ban on imports of barley from Australia will increase the price received by Australian barley growers by $30.

            China could have imported barley from Ukraine. However, China can no longer lift barley from Black Sea ports due to the war.

            China recognizes that China and Australia have complementary economies. China can import from other suppliers, but Australia is closer and politically more stable.

    • +9

      Because the CCP is one of the most opaque governments in the world that wants to cling to power by crushing every freedom of its people.

  • +6

    Does this come with organ harveting and political concentration camp internment?

    • +1

      No, but you are guaranteed patient zero status, which comes with perks on its own. Like mandatory 14 day quarantine, free anti-depressant meds for life, free psychologist sessions, and a guaranteed spot to test a experimental vaccine with a golden chance of getting side effects that will intefere with your daily life.

  • +1

    Anything this cheap has to have been made in China.

  • Does the twin share offer 2x single beds?

    • I was considering going with a friend and sawing the double bed in half if they don't

  • +5

    Went for the $99 trip many years ago (kids were allowed back then), and it's true, they shuffle you through all the shopping places (the usual jade, silk, tea etc).

    They even ripped some of the tour members off with the old tea trick, they bring out the good stuff, and then, when they vacuum seal it, they put in the cheap and nasty tea.

    Also, if you don't spend much at the shopping places, you get a crap dinner. If you spend a lot, you get a really nice dinner. Most of your time will be spent wasted in these places, they literally leave you there for hours on end.

    • Yes, I had the same experience, SCAM shopping for tea, silk, jade, painting, quilts, medicine.
      They will leave you there for hours until they sell enough.
      Apparently they said that we will not never conceive if we didnt take their medicine. Its a scam.
      Dinner was ok but didnt see many tourists sights. A waste of time.

      Hope this tour isn't the same.

    • Oh wow, I knew it was a shopping trip and likely overpriced with what they try to sell you, but didn't know they do the old bait and switch and give you B-grade stuff despite showing you A-grade stuff. I believe when they allowed kids it was just an additional amount though (think it was close to double, but at $200 back then, that's still cheap).

  • +2

    I did this exact deal 4 months before covid. Best Asian holiday i've been on. Tripadal guides were like comedians on the bus. The only downside was getting the Visa and they want to know everything, like do you have family working in the government and stupid questions like that. You will be patted and scanned down about 10 times while at their airports. Don't bring anything dodgy as they will find it. Cigarette lighters are also a big no no, and if you bring any medication like codine, you will end up with a cell mate named Fookyou (chinese for Bubba)

    • They asked you if you have any family working in government? What else did they ask? Curious to know.

      I don't like these intrusive questions and quite frankly, it's none of their government's business. I feel the same way about the USA and applying for an ESTA. They wanted all usernames for any social media I use. Get funked. None of your business.

      • +4

        Yeah and they ask for your parents occupation, what your education/degrees are, what countries you’ve been to in the last x years. It’s honestly insane

      • I can't remember too much more than that, just seemed like intrusive bullshit. There are so many video cameras there , you will be filmed from 3 different angles anytime you are walking down the street. In front of the Panda zoo, i counted about 9 video cameras in 1 location. If you dont do anything wrong, you will be ok.

    • When did these questions start being asked? When I Iast went - admittedly was about 8 years ago now - I didn't have to answer to be quizzed.

  • Off peak time!

  • +5

    Huge floods including Beijing. Watch out for falling buildings or sink holes. Then have your mystery meat fried up with gutter oil. And if you are really lucky get detained and arrested on trumped up spying charges and join that Australian journalist in jail. Also seems there are incidents of open hostility towards the limited number of foreigners in China now as their economy seriously tanks. Tourist numbers are way way down as well. I imagine the hotels are desperate to fill rooms at any rate. I was keen on doing a tour like this, now I wouldn’t go if it was half this price. Absolutely zero interest in stepping foot in China now Xi Jinping is in charge, especially after the WuHu flu and the way they bullied us with trade embargoes.

    • -1

      Just in regards to flooding
      China rainy seasons are usually in July to September
      The current deal (March to June) are actually the better months to visit China
      as temperature wont be too hot / cold, some showers in the spring seasons but not too much
      air quality are also better in these months (air pollution in winters are usually really bad)

  • +6

    okie for all those who haven't read all the previous comments about this deal, what is holiday about ? Having a good time.

    if you don't like Tea, Jades or Silks… you're not going to have a good time.
    if you don't like extra charges, you're gonna have a bad time
    if you're a vegan or on a strict diet, you're gonna to have a bad time
    if you don't like strict schedule, you're gonna have a bad time
    make sure you don't French fried when you should be pizza'd… (follow the instructions) or you're gonna have a bad time.

    • True that.

  • +7

    I have been on this exact trip, back in 2018. I think it was the same provider too (I can double check).

    Every day they take you to a special sales place and I believe this is how the trip is so cheap. This includes:
    * Trip to a Jade factory to buy Jade
    * Trip to a Green Tea farm to buy Tea
    * Trip to a Silk factory to buy Silk
    * Trip to a Chinese Medicine hospital to buy herbs

    They also tried to get us to ride the maglev train in Shanghai for 2 times the cost of a regular ticket, and when some of us said no, they made us sit in the bus and wait for everyone else… And they also take your passports each day during travel.

    • WTF? They took your passports while you're there? So you're at the mercy of these tour operators?

      • Yep, they held onto our passports during each day trip and returned them at night for the hotel. Only on one day when we pretended to be sick did they give us our passport to be able to return to the hotel by taxi (we didn't, we explored Shanghai).

  • +1

    Given all the comments and they seem to be valid, I wonder why the deal has some many upvotes.

    • -3

      Full of negative comments from people who've never been to china

    • +4

      CCP bots

    • Your'e unlikely to get a better deal for the price - take it for what it is.

  • -3

    Seems good for the price. Don't listen to most people here as they've clearly never been to China. Personally I avoid tours but good for those who want to see the great wall

  • +1

    Awesome booooked!

  • -2

    Sounds like Bali 30 years ago.

  • +1

    China … Hard pass

  • lol i wouldn't be jumping on any tour bus in China atm, unless you want to be sold as slaves to Myanmar

  • +1

    There is also a China Visa Application Service in Canberra (the city in which the China Embassy is located!)

    • Applicants accepted by the [Canberra] Visa Centre: The Visa Centre accepts visa applications from Australia citizens or citizens of other countries staying in ACT, Northern Territory of Australia with appropriate legal status


      You must attend the China Visa Application Service Centre relevant to the state you reside in. Please visit https://www.visaforchina.cn/ for more information.



      Service options provided by the Visa Centre (in the case of all the required documents are provided)…
      4. Postal service: The processing time is usually 10 working days.

      What is this about the need to "attend in person"? Do NT residents really need to go to Canberra for a Visa?

  • +1

    I note many ppl dissing China. In my experience I feel safer there than in Australia (esp Qld with youth crime), certainly have more freedom there than here in many respects.
    Just know that here, if you don't like what the government's doing, you have the freedom to protest, and nothing will happen to you or your issue. China is more efficient, as there is no wasteful protests to deal with.
    In both cases, the government will do as they want.

    • Sure, so freedom that the government blocked google and facebook so that people cant be scammed online. They even control the media tightly just for the good sake of the public. And sometimes they make some people disappear because they are a threat to CCP society

    • +4

      Australia is not too far from that, both Labor and LNP have been quietly passing various authoritarian laws that would make eventually us a totalitarian state rivalling China. A new ACMA Bill 2023 to stop what the Labor/LNP government think is misinformation online is the latest example. Look at what happened to fellow Australian Julian Assange who gave his freedom to reveal US war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan. Assange's Wikileaks revelation of US global war crimes would have been labelled misinformation by the US and our pliant government and this new law will stop all future Julian Assanges from ever reaching the masses.


      Before the LNP's Scomo/Dutton pack lost power, they also managed to push through with Labor's help the Identify and Disrupt Act 2020 to increase monitoring and surveillance on everyday Aussies (state media ABC news barely reported it). I'm not by any means pro-China but the Labor/LNP government is increasingly the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

      New surveillance law Identify and Disrupt Act 2020 Put Nail in the Coffin of Democracy

  • +1

    Regarding visa application, I found it very quick. My recent application was processed in 5 day. You need to personally attend the cvasc these days for fingerprint collection. Also you'll need to make a health dec either before boarding or after disembarking.

  • The tour guide at each city will take the group to souvenir shops.

  • +1

    Ive been to China but after Cov 1d and the way they security lawed and treated so many people on the mainland and also HK + the uyghurs. I'm not going to any part of that world ever again.

  • -2

    does it include tours of local wet markets or US funded covid research facilities?

  • +1

    I dont know why there are so many complaints about this….
    Trip-a-Deal is very transparent about this, they have already stated all the shops they are going to take you.
    Pre-covid I have been taken a similar trip to Taiwan. It's no so bad. Many friends especially Retirees had taken similar trips to China and no big complaint as well.

    Considering in a 12-hour day for a 1-week tour, about 1-2 hours every 2-days, I think it's a good deal.
    I would go if not because of Hubby's health.
    If you like the education, join the Sales people and the talks.
    If not, just hang out with fellow travellers like we did.

    Have listed the shops below (as advertised) hopefully you go in with your eyes wide shut.
    - Jade Museum
    - Chinese medicine at Tongrentang
    - Tea Village at Meijiawu
    - Silk spinning factory

    Happy travels!

  • +1

    Pre covid I used to work for a travel agency who partnered with this tour operator using the same itineraries to China. It was not government subsidied, but a private company whose boss had bought couple of houses in Vaucluse! They would use some chinese airlines and even Qantas when they were offered good wholesale tickets. So many complaints from customers who are elderly and could not keep up with the pace, due to too many attractions per day with little time spent at each site

  • Qantas has just sent me an e-mail saying that this tour and the Terracotta Warriors Tour ($2,999 for two) are among their best selling tours.

  • This review was posted on the Product Review website two days ago:

    "My husband and I just returned from a 12 day China trip 4th to 25th of September with Trip a Deal. It was incredible value. $3000 for both of us and this included international airfares, internal flights, bullet train, breakfast daily, awesome tour guides and daily tours. Tipping was extra and not well received by some of the Aussie tourists. Optional tours was extra and very good. We did all of them. Our tour guides Leo, Richard , Lisa and fabulous Sunny are a wealth of knowledge and super helpful. Some of the people on our tour were ungrateful, rude and whinged about everything and would not tip even though our guides bent over backwards for them. The tour guides were excellent at navigating us through airports and tourist attractions. Our accommodation was well out of each city (at least an hours drive) so there were pros and cons with that. All up a great tour."

    I think that there is a typo in this review, it should be 4th to 15th of September.

  • Qantas has just sent me an e-mail saying that this tour amongst others. is highly rated!

    Not highly rated by the Ozbargain community though.

  • -6

    I love reading all the dumb comments made by Australians here. Keep up the good work westies 😂 we definitely want you to stay away from China though 😂

  • +1

    No, thank you.

  • Qantas/Trip A Deal are advertising this deal on the front page of the Sydney Sunday Telegraph today.

    It must be a nice little earner for Qantas/Trip A Deal and the Chinese shops that welcome Australian tourists on this deal.

    Strangely, tourists on this deal may not be flying to China on this deal, but on a cheaper airline.

  • In Saturday's paper there was a full page advertisement by Trip A Deal for the Terracotta Warriors Tour ($2,999 for two).

    This tour is the same as the $999 per person Trip A Deal tour with an add on to see the Terracotta Warriors in Xian.

  • +1

    Another review of the $999 per person Trip A Deal tour on the Product Review website. Joan E was on the 9 October 2023 tour:

    "Really bad experience. people on tour were really lovely, tour leaders were mostly great … but we had to spend hours and hours on a bus, just to get from A to B …was at least 1 hour to 1.5hrs, even from airport to hotels, (at Beijing apt it just said tour guide will meet you.. well its huge no idea where to meet at all eventually tour guide found me wandering around) then getting to hotel was a mission. The tours were very long and involved copious amount of walking, just to get to Tianamen square and forbidden city took 1.5 klms then all the walking through these places, I think we would have walked 3 klms at least in the boiling sun. I have sciatica and and walking next tour said boat trip - well I thought theyd drop us off at boat, but NO .. another 1-2 klm walk from bus to boat … everywhere there was LONG bus travel and walking long distances. There was no discussion of the communist revolution, only about long ago dynasties (boring) - I was interested in Communist revolution, Chairman Mao etc., but this didnt happen … I needed a pharmacy and an ATM, couldnt find any finally after 3 days got to the pharmacy and ATM… food was bad, nothing like I expected, very greasy and hotel breakfast.. were not what I expected from other hotels around the world, revolting - China Eastern meals were unedible…I bought a pot noodle from airport hoping to get flight attendant to fill with hot water, but NO CAN DO so I didnt eat at All for 10 hr flight …so glad to be back in Australia, China trip may be cheap but it was way too rushed and leaving hotel at 730am and not getting to destination till 8-9pm - way too exhausting , never again"

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