• expired

China Southern Return Fare from Sydney or Melbourne to 5 Chinese Cities $532 - $597 (2x 23kg Bags) @ Google Flights


Cheap fares to China - loads of dates too. May, June, September, October & November. Fares available in August too at around +$20.
All flights are on China Southern via Guangzhou. You might have to be flexible with dates to avoid a long stop on the return leg.

From Melbourne:

Melbourne to Beijing (PKX) - $574
Melbourne to Chongqing (CKG) - $532
Melbourne to Hangzhou (HGH) - $530
Melbourne to Shanghai (SHA) - $550
Melbourne to Tianjin (TSN) - $576

From Sydney:

Sydney to Beijing (PKX) - $597
Sydney to Chongqing (CKG) - $563
Sydney to Hangzhou (HGH) - $563
Sydney to Shanghai (SHA) - $569
Sydney to Tianjin (TSN) - $599

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closed Comments

  • Ty

  • Cheap as

    • +7

      I think you may be overplaying the value of your personal details. These cheap airfares were common place pre-covid..so good to see things going back to normality. As comparison, this is cheaper than Scoot and this is a full service airline with good safety record 46kg luggage and (forgetful quality) meal

    • +10

      You've been reading and watching too much anti-china news. typical trumpians.

      • -7

        You've been reading and watching too much anti-china news. typical trumpians.

        I don't watch news, but it sounds like you do. Trumpian? Is that a catchphrase they teach to use when you have no idea how to communicate like an adult?

    • +2


      • -7


        People still say this? Is it 2013?

    • +1

      Available in bulk for cheap on the dark web, if they really want your info nowadays. Whenever you use/upload to the internet, just assume it can be accessed by another

    • +1

      i thought you weren't opposed to cheap airliners who do flights to asia? or is it just sinophobia?

      • It is Sinophobia only not Asia phobia, usually exist in asians themselves.

      • -3

        i thought you weren't opposed to cheap airliners who do flights to asia

        Thanks for searching out my old posting history from nearly 2 years ago, I feel like I have a fan.
        But had you read it, you'll notice that nowhere in there do I mention China.

        or is it just sinophobia?

        Define that…

    • +1

      Lmao wear the tinfoil hat tighter

      • -1

        Lmao wear the tinfoil hat tighter

        I merely asked a question. Imagine being so fragile that you are triggered by a question…

        • +1

          Imagine being so fragile you even think about this LMAO
          Do you struggle to sleep at night?

          • -1


            Imagine being so fragile you even think about this

            Did this makes sense in your head when you wrote it? Because it makes no sense now…

    • -1

      If they break into Ci/A archives they will find your whole history. China is not in that league. But thieves point to others :(

  • +4

    Recently flew with them to Beijing and returned from Xi'an. Generally good service and can't fault them.

  • +1

    Sydney to Beijing link is incorrect

  • I recently booked with them Sydney to Hanoi (via Guangzhou) for $523 rtn. Bargain deal for a full-service airline, and way cheaper than Scoot.

  • Anyone flown CZ recently? How was it?

    • +4

      much better than QF and VA, clean aircraft, clean bathroom all the time, on-time departure, inflight entertainment, new aircraft, 2-time good quality and quantity meal service and wines, beer and soft drink included plus 2 checked baggage and English-speaking staff. The only disadvantage is that this aircraft is full so don't expect your next seat to be free, can't find fault with them.

      • Awesome. How was Guangzhou airport? Have a longish layover

        • it's a nice airport, could do a lot worse. there's an aerotel too if you have money to spend

        • +1

          How long? You might qualify for a free accommodation. https://www.csair.com/en/tourguide/transit_flow/free/

          • @dottydotdot: Wow i thought it had to be 13 hours or more per aviation law. Thank you!
            The online booking link is broken, so i guess we'll head to transit counter

    • +1

      I flew last week, London- Guanzhao- Sydney. They're fine, Dreamliners on each leg.. Not quite Singapore Airline levels but easily matches Etihad, Emirates etc.

      I dislike Guangzhao airport though- it's huge, but empty and quite confusing. Limited food choice after security, Chinese sit down restaurants only, a Starbucks and a few coffee shops that I bought the absolute worst pizza of my life. Considering the size of the place, it's bizarrely empty, no food court to pick up something fast.

      We stayed over in the Pullman airport hotel- I assumed we could walk to this, but it's actually a shuttle bus in the complete opposite direction to where the signs tell you. Less than 100m from the airport but can't walk there.

      The 24 hour Visa exemption was very slow and lots of confused looking people around. All in all, it took 3-4 hours to get through immigration to the hotel.

      I'd avoid a layover in Guangzhou again, but very happy to fly China Southern again. For the price of the flight, it's a no brainer.

  • +9

    Kinda sad how other western countries have visa free access yet we don't. CCP fear mongering aside, China would be such an incredible place to explore given its history from ancient times.

    • +2

      That's what I mainly visited in my recent trip to China, ancient structure and relics in Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai and Xi'an. So much to see.

      • +1

        Hey @edfoo, did you do your own thing while there, or were you on a tour?.

        There is a lot of negative media about China, but I am still keen to visit someday. Given the major differences in language and culture, and the scary thought of what seems like extreme government surveillance, I am a little hesitant to do my own thing in case of doing something wrong or offending the locals (obviously common sense prevails but still - you never know).
        A tour would take the stress out of it but is definitely my least preferred option. Appreciate any insights or tips you might have from your recent visit.

        • +2

          Government survelliance ?
          What exactly do you think you'll be doing there?
          Do you think chinese locals are somehow different to locals elsewhere?

          • -3

            @TightAl: Three weeks ago, I spoke to an Englishman who was jailed for six weeks in China for straying into a prohibited area. The UK Embassy was not told of his arrest. He was not allowed to communicate with the outside world. After six weeks in jail, he was given two alternatives:

            1. Confess and pay $US100 for the PLA's petrol and be released.
            2. Spend 15 to 20 years in jail.

            He chose Alternative 1

            • +1

              @klrrider1: how did he stray into a prohibited area?

              • @May4th: He wanted to climb a mountain in China.

                He was arrested by the PLA for being in a prohibited area.

                He was not handed over to the local police.

                The $US100 for petrol was for the PLA to transport him to an area of China which was not a prohibited area.

            • +2

              @klrrider1: Did you have a spy friend, or get paid for making up stories?

              There are millions of expats in China. China’s government has been criticised by the locals for being too kind to foreigners.

              The legal process for sentencing individuals, whether local or foreign, to 15 years in jail involves a thorough and lengthy trial, akin to the legal system in Australia.

              The police can only detain people for up to 24 hours. They cant put people in jail.

              • @Tranquiliser: It's easier to make up ridiculous stories online lol.
                "prohibited area' lmaoooo

                • @TightAl: What exactly was the prohibited area? Military base?

                  If it was US military base, You would be arrested and charged with a federal crime. It also depends where they find as to whether they'd kill you.

                  On some military bases shooting unauthorized persons is a real thing. A security police on a strategic air command base said his orders were to shoot and kill anyone who came into the restricted area he guarded.

        • +3

          there's not much you can do to offend locals. they mostly keep to themselves, and usually helpful if they can understand what you are saying. chinese people are fairly relaxed about eating on streets/being loud on public transport and probably guilty of similar themselves. you won't get arrested for PDA or for what you wear if that's what you worry about. even if you do something odd if you look foreign people will understand

          • @May4th: "even if you do something odd if you look foreign people will understand" - Yes thank you, this is what I was hoping to hear. Obviously, I am not going to intentionally be rude or obnoxious, but if it does happen it's nice to know that I might get a pass for being a foreigner.

            Thanks for your helpful answer.

        • +1

          I am Chinese background (not from China) and can speak so-so Mandarin. We visited there on our own (family member and relatives), quite easy once I have learnt to pay mostly with WeChat Pay app. Travel either by calling Didi (their equivalent of Uber) or with their Metro railway to visit places. Some popular tourist destinations need to pre-purchase their tickets a few days before hand, we have asked the hotel concierge to organise for us a few times. The main streets of those cities are generally clean, even cleaner than some streets in Sydney city. And yes I have noticed there are more police, security guards, soldiers and CCTVs, I feel safe most of the time wondering around the streets. I still think joining a tour is a better choice if this is your first time to China and you don't speak Mandarin.

          • @edfoo: Thaks for your reply, appreciate your insights.

            I have heard that you need to have WeChat to pay for most things. I like to use public transport in new places to travel, as you get to see the 'real' side of the city.

            Thanks for your opinion about taking a tour. I think you are right, it might just be the easier option.

    • +1

      Although it's true that China has a slot of great history. Though alot of the books were burnt and history has been over written and controlled by the CCP. Would only trust their history with a grain of salt.

      • +2

        China preserves millions of historical books and scrolls dating back thousands of years. Despite that Chinese language evolved, it remains remarkably consistent and highly readable.

        The ability to read ancient books is mandatory skill through primary school to high school. What make you think cpc overwrote the history?

        Additionally, Chinese history is documented in various archives and collections in other countries.

        • History is written by the winners.

          • +1

            @dottydotdot: Yup, but the winners can’t affect the past which had been written in books.

    • +3

      If we don't give visa free access, we don't get visa free access. It ain't complicated.

      • +1

        exactly.. how do people miss this point lmao

      • The other western countries don't give visa free to China either. It's a new thing they're starting I guess they want tourists.

  • Looks good.

  • +1

    Not too bad. Though recently booked a flight Mel-Istanbul in June for $830 return via Beijing

    • That is on Air China, right? Different airline to China Southern

  • +5

    Have been looking at a few China trips - I'd recommend to fly in one Chinese city and out through a different one. Massive country with lots of good places/food to explore and has copped far too much bad media attention. Coming from someone born in HK (now living in Aus) too.

  • Any for brisbane?

    • I did search from Brisbane, but those were around $800 return

  • -1

    How much is one way ticket? Sydney to Tianjin?

    • +2

      Imagine if there was a tool which allowed you to look up price for the route and date you want to fly…

    • +1
  • Why does it cost more tonight direct to Guang Zhou?

    • U expect to pay more if you in a hurry

    • Because the airlines know you don't have time to shop around! And if you're booking a flight for tonight, they could reasonably assume you need to get to your destination ASAP, so they can charge particularly high prices for direct flights.

    • Direct flights are always more expensive, because people put a premium on them

      • If it’s a stop over in GZ before next city

        What stopping me from getting off at GZ on the way there

        Assuming I only have carry on

        • Nothing, but the airline will most likely cancel the rest of your flights, so you might have problems getting back.

  • This is almost back to the price before COVID, hooray!

  • Any deal from BNE to HK or Canton please? I can’t forget the food there…

    • How about ~$700 to Hong Kong on Philippine Airlines? If you dont mind a full day in Manila on the way back

  • Sadly no deal for Guangzhou.

  • I paid similar price booking a few months ago to got to Rome via CAN from MEL. About $600.

    • One way though

  • Sydney to Beijing (PKX) Link routes me to Melbourne to Beijing

    • +1

      Updated. FYI you can easily change the departure airport to Sydney in Google Flights :)

  • Legend. Thanks mate. Timing perfect also.

  • Last night i looked, the price for my one way trip was 950. Now its 1500 when i tried to book. All cheaper options booked?

    • For where? From where? What dates? Where are you going?

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