• expired

nbn 25/10 Unlimited $29.70/Month for 3 Months (CG-NAT IP, $49.50/Month Ongoing) + $2.20/Month for Static IP @ Siptalk


NBN 25/10 Unlimited

$29.70 $41.80 per month for 3 months, then;
$49.50 $52.80 per month after that

Suitable for light usage homes or businesses, probably not suitable for multiple HD streams or heavy downloads.

— — —
A discounted price is still available to anyone coming through this offer, and we'll still offer the static IP at $2.20.
— — —

Our NBN services are CGNAT IP only, we don't have an option for free dynamic public IP addresses.

However, we can offer a static IP for $2.20 per month, normally $5.50

Our only POP is in Melbourne, all traffic will route through Victoria. ACT, NSW, TAS and SA are unlikely to notice any difference, but QLD, WA and NT might notice the difference.

BYO Modem/Router only. We don't provide any hardware with this offer.

Authentication is DHCP/Auto, if your current service uses PPOE (username/password), you'll need to update your router, or reset it.

Our system is prepaid and you'll need to maintain a positive balance, if the account balance drops to minus the service will be suspended.

Billing is daily and deducted from your account balance, as long as you maintain a positive balance the service will remain active.

You can just add small top up amounts every few days if you prefer.

We don't advertise our NBN services publicly, only within our portal to existing customers.

Provisioning is a manual process, signup here and register as a user, then reply to the system emails you receive and request this offer, and we'll walk through the process with you.

There's no contract, you can cancel any time and you'll only be charged for the days the service is active.

If you want to schedule the transfer for a future date, just go through the signup process and let us know in the email you send through, let us know the date.

If you're looking for a phone service as well, check out our Voip offer here:

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    • +6

      Yep, it's suitable for light internet usage homes mostly, not for multiple hd streaming or heavy downloads.

      • +1

        not for multiple hd streaming or heavy downloads.

        Is that because of some "fair use" policy? HD streams are usually 2-4Mbps so it should easily handle multiple, even 2 FHD streams should be fine.

        • +1

          Depends what/where you're watching. Netflix 4 is 16Mbps, YouTube 4k is 40-45Mbps, 25Mbps won't even cover two of those or one 4k YouTube stream!

          • +1

            @Alzori: Youtube 4k should be 20Mbps

          • @Alzori: I guess if you are paying for 4K services then this supplier is below your radar / price point. For holiday home / security ring camera usage with 3MPS of Netflix or Foxtel and a splash of Emails and facebook this will be fine. The most difficult is finding a decent / economic supplier willing to service this end of the food chain.

            • @Ade99: Holiday home security camera will require more bandwidth since it is uploading, not downloading, so 10mbpd is applicable for this usage.

        • +1

          No FUP, just that a 25m connection will struggle with multiple 4k streams, you might get some buffering.

        • It's just a recommendation, if you can stream multiple hd streams off of 25, then have at it :)

    • +6

      I'm still on FTTN, my max connection is 40/10. A plan like this does have a market.

      • +5

        We also think there's a market for it, we'll give it a try anyway. Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated, cheers.

        • I'm currently on 25mps, and having very little issues. It's really not that bad. This is a great deal. I'm highly considering it.

          What kind of expiry does this deal have? Id need to find out the dates for my current plan and start it there.

          Also I don't know anything about what cgnat is, will this interfere with port forwarding? I have a server with port forwarding on my modem. Will this affect it?

          • +1

            @amrdeus: CGNAT will most definitely break port forwarding, yes. You would need the static ip.

            Currently we're only running the offer this week, it's a bit of a tester to see how it goes, but you can signup this week and schedule the transfer for a later date.

      • +7

        same, approx. 38/12. 6 people in the house sharing 25/10 plan without any issues, although not many playing 4k streams here…

      • +35

        This should go up on the OzBargain dumbest comments wall.

        • +30

          This is your dog, posting this from a 25/10 connection.

          • +1

            @drfuzzy: Aww hello little guy, you’re coming in so clear on the 25/10

      • +1

        What kind of dog do you have?

      • +1

        I wouldn't give my dog 25/10

        What does your partner normally use the internet for?

      • +1

        What about your cat, they could watch bird or mouse videos. Or if you want to rile them up, put on cat fights.

        • Dang… now that I have a closer look… I don't have a dog, I have cat… should've gone to supersavers

    • +8

      Alcohol deal: "Sorry, I don't drink"
      Shoes deal: "I don't like the colour"
      Android phone deal: "I prefer iPhone"

  • +6

    Why no HD streaming? Netflix says 5Mbps minimum for HD. 25Mbps should be able to handle 4K streaming, just.

    or heavy downloads.

    25Mb = 10GB/hr , enough for a whole offline-wikipedia overnight!
    When I were a lad, we had 2400 baud, and saw Miss January download one line at a time.

    • +2

      I've clarified that in the details now, probably won't support multiple HD streams.

      It will depend really on the devices too, if a few people are streaming onto tablets it might be ok.

    • +2

      It's a guide for people expecting to run this and have a family of 5 such in front of steaming services.
      I'm on the Felix unlimited 20Mbps mobile service and I can stream 4k Netflix (albeit there's only one TV we use for video and the rest is internet browsing)

      • I can do the same with Fubar who are pitching at the same price point / client footprint

      • Do you hotspot it from a dedicated phone?

        • +1

          Nope I use a dedicated 4g Huawei router and have done for the past few years

          • @DannyBoy: I'm following your footsteps; have already ordered the Felix SIM. Reckon I need a 4g router, or an old phone will do just as well?

            • @wisdomtooth: Excellent good work πŸ˜€. I would recommend a modem at least. I'm in search of a Nokia mesh 5g router now as we have moved onto a new place and the older 4g Huawei just doesn't cut it.

              • @DannyBoy: Not enough reach? I'll try with an old phone, and if it doesn't reach the whole house, I'll bridge it with the routers I have lying around.

                • @wisdomtooth: Yeah the new place is bigger so need something with some decent reach.

                  Definitely worth a shot first

    • Despite my efforts, my in-laws still only have a Telstra 25Mbps plan.
      It will handle one Dolby Vision 4K Netflix stream, however if anyone else tries to download anything it drops back down to potato quality.
      So if you're in a household with only one stream you can make it work, but most families in 2025 need at least 50Mbps down.

      • most families


        • I found Malcolm Turnbull

      • +1

        Sounds like you need a better router.

  • +2

    Why does CG Nat mean for the everyday user? Any specific hardware required

    • +7

      It just means the IP address allocated to the customer router isn't a public IP, and it's not reachable directly from the internet.

      The service provider routers map the internal customer ip addresses with an external public ip to allow browsing and downloads etc.

      If you have cameras or servers on your local network you need to connect to remotely, CGNAT will break that.

      It's also sometimes problematic with some gaming servers.

      • I have a Google Doorbell. Does this mean I cannot access its camera and recordings when on this service?

        • +2

          It depends, I'm not exactly sure how Google doorbell works. If the device streams video out to Google servers, and you login to Google somewhere to view it, it probably won't be affected.

          If you need to browse into the doorbell directly across your internet connection from outside, then it would.

          • +1

            @siptalk: Google being Google, i.e. NSA front company, of course they upload it all to their servers πŸ˜„

        • My Ring 4K door bell streams just fine on a 25/10 NBN service (via itsFubar) plus some Netflix , You tube and a splash of face book / thick tok dances.

      • +1

        That’s fine I don’t require that. Is there any hardware config required?

        I’m assuming CGNAT is in place due to running out of IP addresses?

        • +2

          No hardware config required, it's just a configuration on the service provider network.

          And yes, it's because IPv4 addresses are scarce.

          • @siptalk: any / publicly routable ipv6 available or supported - instead of (or together with) static v4?

            • +3

              @z0idbargain: Not currently, no. I'm not sure when it might be available, probably not for 6 months or so minimum I would expect.

    • +1

      Means you share an IP address with multiple other users.
      Non issue for most situations, but if you're wanting to connect to your network from outside, run a server, game server etc it's not ideal.

      • Doesn't it mean its more secure and harder to hack aswell?

        • +15

          Potentially, yes, although it's commonly recognised that security by obscurity isn't necessarily a reliable strategy.

        • +5

          It also means you can get banned from various services due to other people doing malicious activity on the same public ip as you.

    • +4

      Generally, if you don't know what CGNat is, then it is unlikely to affect you. And if then you find it does affect you, you have the option to pay the extra $2.20/month to fix the problem.

  • +1

    Might jump on this wish it was for min 6 months

    • +41

      Anyone who reads this and sends a request through before midnight tonight can have 6 months @ $29.70

      • Yes, please.

      • Great… provided email and send 'support' message.

      • +2

        Can we delay the connection till start of Feb?

        • I would like to know too

        • +6

          Yep, go through the signup and reply to the system email, let us know what you need and we'll be able to schedule a start date for you.

      • Can i opt in today but have to be at later date (10th feb) for activation if that's ok? Thanks

        • +3

          Yep, go through the signup and reply to the system email, let us know what you need and we'll be able to schedule a start date for you.

          • @siptalk: Done,. Waiting for the email now πŸ™

          • @siptalk: I need to check with my current provider if I can cancel by the end of this month. Can I sign up now and confirm the start date tomorrow?

            • +1

              @cosjav: Yep, that's fine, we can schedule a transfer date for when your current contract period ends, just let us know in the email.

      • Sounds awesome!
        If I already have a Siptalk account for VoIP, is it still possible to take you up on this offer?

        • +1

          Yep for sure, if you're still on the old platform, go through the signup and create a new account, then reply to the system email and I'll be able to migrate your voip service across and sort this nbn connection out for you too.

      • Perfect, I have sent an email to support regarding the 6 months @ $29.70 and a delayed starting date for the 12th Feb. Looking forward to hearing back.

      • nice to see this reply of further 6-month discount price.
        registered, and but cannot find where to request new NBN service. so just sent a message to "support", hope this would work….

        • Yep, all good .. you're a bit late but that's ok. ;-)

          • @siptalk: I just came across this. Would this possibly be able to be extended to me as well, pretty please?

            • +1

              @tangcla: I can do 4 months for you if you sign up by midday and are ready to transfer this week.

          • @siptalk: haha, it's good to know the Ozb is on DST, which is not applicable in QLD :) so physically I was still on 12/01 when the reply was made…
            but anyway, I got the flash deal :) and booked the transfer date.
            P.S. The response from the support team is rapid… like real-time chat for email or website support, even here. Probably, the most prompt customer service response I have ever seen…

            • @sanrs: my new service is activated today, the sign-up process is different from other providers.
              but the activation day is smooth, old service stops, and Siptalk one kicked in. no drama….

      • +1

        Any chance of extending this 6 month offer for today also? Only just saw it this morning..

        • I can do 4 months for you if you sign up by midday and are ready to transfer this week.

          • @siptalk: I still need to call Exetel to give them their stupid 30 days notice. :(

            • +1

              @tangcla: If you signup and send the email through to us, we can schedule the transfer to whenever the Exetel cancellation is.

  • +2

    John, could you just remind me what was the other brand you had selling NBN services a few years back and why was it closed?

    Not being vindictive or anything, I genuinely can't remember even though I was a customer πŸ˜…

    • It was Telecube and the worst nbn I have ever had ,

    • +3

      It was Telecube back in 2018.

  • Can you go on and off static IP? For example, I request static IP in March, then off in June? Will the price still be $2.20 per month?

    • +2

      Yes, you won't be committed to the static ip, you can have it on for a month at a time.

  • Seems like a good deal, how do I port in from AussieBB with a landline number? My parents are using AussieBB with a SIP line they had ported from the copper telephone service.

    • +1

      If you go through the signup process then reply to the system email and ask the question we can work through it with you.

      Normally we'll request the porting of the number across first and then on the cutover day we'll transfer the NBN.

      • Perfect! I was worried that if the NBN services gets moved first, AussieBB might cancel the VOIP service.

        • +1

          Yep, definitely important to get the number moved first, number porting normally takes a week or more, NBN transfer happens in a few minutes.

          • @siptalk: Thanks for your help, I have sent through a message with the details.

  • Who are the backhaul and upstream providers?

    Also, this offers expires next week? It would be better if it had a longer expiration date.

    • +1

      Superloop provide the CVC backhaul to our network in Melbourne, IP addresses and transit is our own IP network.

      Depending on how the offer goes, we might extend it.

      • Thanks, appreciate the quick response. Does this mean all traffic will go through Melbourne?

        • +1

          It does, yes. I had meant to add that in the details .. will do now.

          • +2

            @siptalk: This is the only real catch I can see to this offer (but understandable) otherwise I'd sign up instantly. However, I appreciate the value provided.

            To others 25/10 is plenty fine for general web browsing and video consumption. Fine also for online gaming (I would say latency is more important which is influenced by POP)

            • +1

              @nahi11: Yep, understood.

          • -1

            @siptalk: Is latency higher in Sydney than Melbourne?

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