[Toyota Owner] Save $0.06/L on Eligible Fuel & Free Coffee @ Ampol Foodary (myToyota Connect App Required)


Keen to save at the pump these school holidays? Toyota Go and Ampol Foodary have you covered.

Fill up at Ampol Foodary as a Toyota Go member and you’ll earn yourself a free coffee along with a 6c per litre discount on fuel.

Plus, you can save an additional 4c per litre – for a total of 10c per litre – when you spend $30 or more in a single transaction at any Woolworths or Woolworths Metro using your Everyday Rewards account.

And why stop there? Fill up with Toyota Go and you’ll earn yourself a free coffee to keep yourself going!

Your dollar gets you further with Ampol Foodary, Woolworths and Toyota Go.

Offer exclusive to Toyota Go members with a registered Toyota vehicle.*

How to redeem?
Simply present your Woolworths Rewards card (physically or digitally via the Woolworths Rewards app) along with your Toyota Go QR code when you fill up at any participating Ampol Foodary fuel outlets.1

Offer available until 28 February 2025 3:00 PM AET

  1. Only around 40% of Ampol Foodary service stations accept the Woolworths fuel discount offer. Participating service stations can be viewed here or via the Locator tab on the Ampol app (ensuring the Woolworths fuel discounts filter is enabled). 

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  • +3

    Found out about it and used it to fill up ytd but forgot to post, thanks OP.
    FYI the 6c + 4c (EDR) stacking is only available at select locations, otherwise its only 1 or the other.

    • +3

      Managed to find locations that stack through the NRMA app.

      • I always thought it wasn't meant to be, until last week I noticed 2 discounts on the docket, NRMA and EDR.

        Don't normally scan EDR because it's linked in the Ampol app to earn points.

        Did the additional EDR discount come about because I scanned the barcode? Or is it a new thing they started doing to allow 2 discounts, i.e. no need to scan if linked?

        • +1

          Did the additional EDR discount come about because I scanned the barcode?

          If this was in Tasmania, yes.

          If this was in mainland Australia, it would have if you had a digital fuel voucher stored on your Everyday Rewards account.

          In late 2024, Ampol again officially allowed the My NRMA discount offer to be stacked with the Woolworths fuel discount offer at participating Ampol Foodary service stations. Before then, it was a bit of a grey area because you officially could not do this, some (but not all) Ampol Foodary checkouts would block you doing this, and some (but not all) staff would stop you doing this.

          My understanding is that if you want to claim both discount offers, you need to scan the following:

          • The Ampol QR code from the My NRMA app, and

          • An Everyday Rewards card that has a digital fuel voucher stored on it (mainland Australia only), or any Everyday Rewards card regardless of whether it has a digital fuel voucher stored on it (Tasmania only), or the paper fuel voucher found on the bottom of a Woolworths receipt.

          • @WookieMonster: I just realised that linking EDR in Ampol app has no effect unless pay in app. Walk in to scan NRMA has nothing to do with Ampol app and therefore checkout doesn't know about EDR, so of course need to scan EDR in order to stack fuel voucher.

            Wasn't thinking, potentially missed a few small discounts.

    • How to find out which store can apply both vouchers?

      • +7

        I just updated the deal description with a footnote outlining how to view these participating service stations.

    • +2

      It's generally WW EDR 4c + 1 other (Toyota/APOD/NRMA+NRMA Shop) at the 200+ participating Ampol Foodary sites.

      Can't stack 2 separate partner discounts on top of the WW EDR discount as the Point of Sales registers would automatically cancel the first partner discount if attempting a 2nd Partner Discount to make it 3.

    • +1

      Same, was gonna post but I couldn't get to the t&cs because I used the fuel voucher 😂

    • tried two 2008 vehicles, says vin not correct? but it was Ok years ago on my toyota app.

    • some stores only have Barista coffee regular for $4.5, no auto coffee machine, does the code still work?

  • +2

    They are already selling fuel 20-40 cents more than other servos. Lol

    • +4

      YMMV depends where you live

        • +2

          Ampol Concord (NSW) is selling U91 at 161.9 today. The other servos nearby EG and 7-11 are at 162.9 while BP is at whooping 215.7

          • -1

            @foxes28: BP just wants to put themselves out of business it seems.

            • @netjock: Nah they know what they're doing. Some people are just not/less price sensitive and/or loyal to BP. A mate at work for example would only fill up at Shell regardless of the price. Sure they won't make the same volume of sale, but the price difference would make it up I'm guessing.

        • +3

          Nope. My local ampol is the cheapest for miles around. Thanks for playing

    • +2

      I just had a look on petrol spy and they're asking $2.39 for 98 meanwhile Metro down the road is $1.94 😂

      • Melbourne $1.849

      • +2

        Metro is king, even up here in Gold Coast, consistently cheaper than the nearest hundred petrol stations.

        • Nothing is king in QLD. We're getting ripped off blind. Step over into Northern NSW and fuel is 20-40c / l cheaper.

      • Metro near where I live has a CC surcharge so have to factor that in

    • +2

      Always the cheapest around me.

    • They are already selling fuel 20-40 cents more than other servos. Lol

      Nope… Lol


      • Nice hat.

    • Ampol is the cheapest in my area every Tuesdays, even beats Costco sometimes

  • So I guess that means the 10c power litre offer has finished :(

    • 10cpl? That finished Nov Last year 2024 mate.

      • That's news to me. I've still been getting 10c off with an old screenshot (I've always just used that instead of using the app). Stacks with WW 4c off at my local too.

        • +1

          Sorry what?!
          I thought the QR has always been the same regardless of what cpl offer is currently on, and which means everything is dependent what (how much) offer cpl is currently, server sided.
          If you dont mind Could you share a screenie of your latest 10cpl receipt pls?

          Only available at participating locations from 14 January 2025 3:00 pm AET until 28 February 2025 3:00 pm AET. Offer is limited to a discount of 6 cents per litre of eligible fuel (unless otherwise stated) purchased in one transaction. Offer is limited to one transaction per vehicle registered on myToyota Connect and Toyota Go during a 24-hour period from the time of the last transaction.

          Are you saying you screenshotted your QR when it was 10cpl offer, and using it even now still gives you 10cpl from Toyota offer? Please confirm TIA 🙏

          • @noelhoi: OK maybe I'm talking sh*t then, it could well be 6c and I didn't notice the last 2 times I filled up, apologies if so!
            Next time I fill up I'll get a copy of the receipt to double check and confirm.
            I can't seem to find a way to view Ampol receipts in the EDR app unfortunately.

            • +1

              @Pandaroo: Unfortunately neither EG or Ampol Foodary stores receipts in the EDR app. Only their Total Amount, Points Collected plus the total EDR Discount saved (if applicable).

  • +2

    No matter what the 'deal', I always use a fuel price check application before heading out to refuel. And when I'm being PARTICULARLY bright*, I even consider the costs involved in going out of my way to get petrol at a better price!

    • Not always. :-(
    • -2

      that is why you still lost in canberra

      • +1

        Funny! Original! …but I'm in Melbourne. Roundabout refugee.

    • +1

      Mate, I'm just like you.
      Time cost, engine wear and tear, just for 4c, sometimes ain't worth it.

  • +3

    My experience with the last time they ran this deal: some servos will bring it up during the transaction and gladly make you your free coffee. Others, YOU need to bring it up, and they will then do it gladly. And I had one where I had to fight tooth and nail for a free coffee out of their (profanity) automatic machine.

    • thanks for this tip. any idea how it works if the coffee is self serve? do you grab the coffee first and tell the cashier it's under toyota or pay for the fuel and coffee first?

      • +1

        I’d probably pay first. Problem is there is no specific line item on the receipt that shows the free coffee. Hence, why Busselton Ampol fought me so hard on it (when I even had a screenshot showing the deal. Which is another good idea, because after you redeem it, it disappears and you can no longer prove it came with the free coffee)

      • +1

        I grabbed the coffee first and then went to pay. The discount already includes the $2 for the coffee when I look at the receipt

  • Can I use Ampol Cash gift card to pay to get the discount (6c + 4c)?

    • +2

      Yes you can

  • Also look for the 6% cash back deals on Shopback.

    • Most recent was from Prezzee:

      Swapped for AmpolCash yesterday.

      • 6.67% is nice but don't forget you need to buy it then you need to convert it for .67% additional credit which is $1 on $150.

        Sometimes you get an offer on shopback like spend $30 to get $3.

  • Any way of getting this deal without owning a Toyota?

    • I’ve seen in a past deal where someone has mentioned they signed up for an account with a random Toyota number plate you see down the road. YMMV with that, will likely depend on if the owner is already registered with the rewards?
      They may have also fixed being able to do this by matching the records with what they have in the system. Not too sure with that either. Do Toyota even capture owner details? What if it was a 30yo Camry down the road?

      • Would probably be records of new cars sold and service database starting from some date.

        If it was a stolen and rebirthed Toyota then it probably won't be on the database.

        Or just ask someone with a Toyota to send you a screen shot cut off the top and bottom of the image (time and buttons if on android). Petrol station staff are none the wiser.

  • Will the Woolworths discount still work on Australia Day? :D

    • +3

      Sir, this is a Wendy's

  • wow 6c, somehow I read 60c nice

    • +2

      should have gone to specsavers first

  • Ampol service stations in Perth are generally always more expensive than others by a fair margin.

    • +1

      Ampol south lake and eg ampol on North Lake is always the cheapest around the area on Tuesdays

  • Does this work for vehicles thats very old? It is not recognizing my VIN

    • Buy new toyota

    • Yes it does. But how old are you talking?

  • Mmm yeah no longer 10c! But still thanks OP! Last deal grabbed heaps of auto machine coffee.

  • +1

    I think the real bargain here is actually the coffee.

    The only ampol near me that stacks both is a fair trek and costs and also 6c dearer than other ampols. So I'm better off just picking an ampol closer to home, with op's discount $1.76.

    But wait!
    There's a BP nearby with $1.78 so I should be able to use the 6c discount to bring it down to $1.72.(better than this deal).

    However! Metro and Speedway are at $1.75 so not bad really.

    • +1

      Coffee is actually decent.

      I made a joke about cheap service station coffee last time, the attendant looked at me and said: this is a $5 coffee you are getting for free. :D

  • +1

    I measured my tank of premium diesel from bp the last time around. Full tank, drive it till it's e, fill up again, use litres and kms calculator. It performed the same as all the other brand fuels that I've been using over the last few years on my diesel.

    So myth busted, bp is no better than anyone else, especially the cheapos.

    • +1

      Ampol has premium diesel as well. I think premium diesel is not "premium" in the same way like premium petrol. But it's not worth driving around looking for non-premium diesel.

      • Yea, that's right. I just fill diesel, not fussed.

  • Yes buy a new toyota, but then i need to find an "honest" practical mechanic, safe parking spot to save few cents of petrol = that's great advice thanks

  • Is the 24 hour redemption of voucher fully enforced? For example if using a saved screenshot of the QR code, does the discount apply if using again within 24 hours? I know the code disappears from the app for 24 hours after being used but wonder if I can use the screenshot within this timeframe and still get the discount.

    • have you found out?

  • Thanks Op. We went for a walk around Manly Head today. The Ampol there is still at near lows and one of the lowest at any time due to the independent & BP nearby. Topped up and got a soy cap - pretty good.

  • So…

    6c Toyota
    4c EDR
    4c NRMA
    6c Ampol FuelPay
    10c Ampol Energy

    … 30c, is that the most one can stack?

    • +2


      There are two types of discounts at Ampol Foodary:

      • Woolworths fuel discount (which you called “EDR”)
      • Ampol / partner discount

      You can stack the Woolworths fuel discount with a number of Ampol / partner discounts (e.g. my Toyota, My NRMA, APOD), but I am not sure if the Woolworths fuel discount stacks with all Ampol / partner discounts (e.g. Ampol FuelPay, Lexus, Ampol Energy).

      You can stack the My NRMA discount with the My NRMA spend in-store discount, and these discounts are Ampol / partner discounts. However, if you try to stack any other type of Ampol / partner discount (e.g. myToyota and Ampol Energy, My NRMA and myToyota, Lexus and APOD), the Ampol Foodary checkout should automatically remove one of the Ampol / partner discounts.

      The 6c/L Ampol FuelPay discount is only available through the Ampol app when you pay via Ampol FuelPay. Most Ampol / partner discounts (e.g. My NRMA, myToyota, APOD) cannot be redeemed when paying using FuelPay on the Ampol app.

      My suggestion is to have a look at the Fuel Discounts wiki if you have not already.

      • Yeah, I just filled up at an Ampol, and couldn't get anything to scan — I tried EDR + NRMA — but Toyota's (maybe bc that's what I scanned 1st), and quickly found out there was no way to stack any of it with FuelPay. At least I got free coffees (I mentioned Toyota's free coffee, and the attendant said coffees are free anyway, so I took two, one for each of us 🤷🏼‍♂️).

        I'll have a reread of the wiki as I'm still unsure how to milk this to the max (or rather recoup the price additives).

        • Ok, reread the wiki. These are the bottom lines (literally!):

          • The Woolworths fuel discount offer can be stacked with the My NRMA discount offer, the My NRMA in-store spend offer, the myToyota discount offer and the APOD discount offer.
          • The Woolworths fuel discount offer cannot be officially stacked with any other type of Ampol / partner discount. Any attempt to redeem the two discounts in the same transaction may see the first discount presented automatically voided by the checkout system.
          • Only one Ampol / partner discount (e.g. My NRMA, myToyota) can be used in one transaction. Any attempt to use a second Ampol / partner discount will see the first partner discount automatically voided by the checkout system.
          • The Woolworths fuel discount offer or Ampol partner discount can be redeemed in conjunction with AmpolCash gift cards (unless fuel is being paid using FuelPay within the Ampol app).

          So one can either get:

          • 10c
            = 6c FuelPay + 4c EDR (with $30+ WWs purchase in last 28 days)
          • 10c + 2.5%
            = 6c Toyota + 4c EDR (with $30+ WWs purchase in last 28 days) + 2.5% (paid with SB GC)
          • 13c + 2.5%
            = 5c NRMA + 4c NRMA (with $5+ Foodary purchase) + 4c EDR (with $30+ WWs purchase in last 28 days) + 2.5% (paid with SB GC)
          • 14c + 2.5%
            = 10c Ampol Energy + 4c EDR (with $30+ WWs purchase in last 28 days) + 2.5% (paid with SB GC)

          Did I miss any optimal combination?

        • +1

          You can use the Woolworths fuel discount in conjunction with the myToyota discount, so I am unsure why you did not receive the discount.

          • Was the Ampol Foodary service station you were at one that accepts the Woolworths fuel discount? Only about 40% of Ampol Foodary service stations accept the Woolworths fuel discount.

          • Did you have a digital fuel voucher on your Everyday Rewards card? If not (and you were not at a Tasmanian Ampol Foodary service station accepting the Woolworths fuel discount), you will receive no discount unless you also surrender a paper Woolworths fuel voucher.

          The only way you can milk discounts to the max at Ampol Foodary is going to an Ampol Foodary service station accepting the Woolworths fuel discount, paying in-store, redeeming the Woolworths fuel discount with one Ampol / partner discount (or two, in the case of the two My NRMA discounts) and using a discounted gift card (e.g. AmpolCash gift card, 7-Eleven digital gift card) as a payment method.

          • @WookieMonster:

            Was the Ampol Foodary service station you were at one that accepts the Woolworths fuel discount?

            Yes, I believe so: Nambour, Qld.

            Did you have a digital fuel voucher on your Everyday Rewards card?

            Yes, it says so on the EDR app, expiring on 6 Feb. It says to redeem, simply scan your Rewards card at participating fuel outlets. I did that, but tbh, neither I nor the servo attendant were too sure what we were doing. It was the first time I tried this at Ampol.

            • +1

              @wisdomtooth: That Ampol Foodary service station does not accept the Woolworths fuel discount.

              • If you look on the Ampol store locator on either the Ampol website or via the Ampol app and you make sure the Woolworths fuel discounts filter is enabled, the Nambour Ampol Foodary does not appear as a search result on the store locator.

              • I had a look on Google, and pictures of the price board out the front of the service station does not say Save 4c per litre with Everyday Rewards card.

              On the other hand, if you look at the nearest Ampol Foodary that accepts the Woolworths fuel discount (Maroochydore):

              • The Ampol store locator says that service station accepts the Woolworths fuel discounts (under the Services section).

              • I had a look on Google and the price board has the sign that says Save 4c per litre with Everyday Rewards card.

              The reason the Ampol Foodary in Nambour is listed on the Ampol store locator as accepting Everyday Rewards and (probably) had Everyday Rewards on the price board was that you would receive Everyday Rewards points on purchases of fuel (capped at 150 points per transaction) and most convenience store items.

              You can probably now understand the reason I have been talking about the Woolworths fuel discount, not the Everyday Rewards discount

              • +1

                @WookieMonster: Right! I see. Thanks for taking the time explain it all in such detail. Cheers.

                • +1

                  @wisdomtooth: Btw, thank you for pointing out the Hyundai Ampol discount was discontinued on 01 December 2024. I received no notification whatsoever of myHyundai being shut down and the associated Ampol discount being terminated, even though I have had a myHyundai account…

                  • @WookieMonster: No prob. My wife does ;)

                    You seem very well informed about Ampol's biz — you in the industry?

                    • +1

                      @wisdomtooth: Nope, not at all!

                      It’s just that I am a regular Ampol customer (well, EG Ampol, more specifically), but I try to keep up with what generally happens with the industry more widely, especially if it impacts our ability to save money when buying fuel. For example, the fact that Viva Energy is hoping to rebrand 80% of Shell Coles/Reddy Express to Shell OTR by 2028 is currently bad, because at Shell OTR, you currently cannot redeem Flybuys Dollars, earn Flybuys points, redeem Coles Group & Myer gift cards or redeem any Viva Energy or Coles fuel discounts, yet you are still paying more-or-less the same as at Shell Coles/Reddy Express…

                      I also live in an area with no fuel cycle and lacklustre competition from independent service stations, so fuel discount offers have a bit more value to me.

              • @WookieMonster: Interestingly enough, the Ampol Foodary Nambour was previously a franchised site. Per Google Maps search, Ampol Nambour was operated by Fresh Trading Co from 2021 until 2023. I'd assume it was bought by Ampol, became a company-owned site and was rebranded to Ampol Foodary Nambour in mid 2024.

                Gotta have to wonder why Ampol was quick on putting the Foodary signs up at that particular Nambour site shortly after they took that over, whereas Ampol kept Ampol Exmouth non-Foodary branded when they took that site over just under 2 years ago.

                • @abr83: When I was looking at the Nambour site and saw the lack of Foodary signage in older photos, I was wondering whether it was a previously a franchisee site or it was one of those CORO (Company Owned Retailer Operated) sites mentioned in Ampol's various presentations (e.g. 2024 Half Year Presentation Results).

                  With the Exmouth site, you are right, you have to wonder why it is the odd one out. Maybe it is a COCO site, yet Ampol thinks it is not worth shipping new signs to a far-flung corner of Australia? Maybe Ampol believe they cannot offer the full range of Foodary products and services at that site? Maybe that site is a CORO site (rather than a COCO site) and Ampol has struck some sort of agreement with the site operator that sees the Foodary branding remaining missing from that site? Who knows…

      • Fuelpay can't use GCs, right? So only good with direct Amex incentive.

        If there are none, better to not use and use Ampol GCs (luckily still got the Amex 10-20% discount). Also, can't use all of the Fulepay incentives at any one or at most 2 or 3 times.

        • +1

          You cannot use AmpolCash gift cards on Ampol FuelPay, but you should be okay to use prepaid Visa / Mastercard gift cards (e.g. Coles Mastercard gift card, 7-Eleven digital gift card, Zip Visa Fuel gift card).

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