nbn 25/10 $50.99/M, 50/20 $60.99/M, 100/20 $65.99/M, 100/40 $75.99/M, 250/25 $80.99/M for 6-Months (New Customers) @ Exetel

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Exetel is offering a Back to School sale until 3 March.

Here’s what you get:

  • Unlimited data.
  • Five Speed Boosts per month (not available on the 25/10 plan).
  • No lock-in contract, but you must provide 30 days’ notice.

You’ll be considered a new customer if you haven’t been with them for six months.

I currently use Exetel and am very satisfied with their service. I consistently get 105 Mbps on my 100/40 plan.

Referral Links

Referral: random (598)

Referrer gets 10% off per referral (up to $10/month per referral) for 6 months.

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  • +12

    I just finished a six month churn with Exetel. When I called them to give 30 days notice that I was leaving they offered me $53.99 for a further 12 months with no lock in contract. If it wasn't for the potential of getting cashback when signing up with a different company I would have stayed with them.

    • +3

      $53.99 for what speed?

      • Sounds like it would’ve been the 25/10

      • 12/5

    • -2

      When I called them to give 30 days notice

      Why did you need to call them?

      • +1

        On a month to month plan one has to give 30 days notice to cancel the plan. Else the provider will charge you exit fees.
        Especially when you're on a special 6 months discounted offer then its better to call them on 5th month to avoid charges and find another provider with special offers.
        Me doing to it on opticomm service as they hardly get any special deals and are expensive too as compared to NBN.

        • -2

          one has to give 30 days notice

          Why does it need to be by phone?

        • I just started the Churn, when is the best time to transfer?

          Give the 30 day notice and sign up to a new provider at the end of the month?

          • @OzbJ: Yep, that's my plan. Probably 48 hours before the end of my current month I will churn to Superloop via TopCashback.

    • +1

      Thanks for this. I called and they offered me to keep my current offer for another 12 months. $10 a month saving!

      I'm really happy with the speeds and ping and their on going price is pretty competitive so wasn't planning on changing anyway

  • +13

    Remember to click through Topcashback for additional cash back. Exetel 100/20 plan has the highest cashback of $100, which bring the plan down from $65.99 to $49.33 per month.

    • That’s exactly what I did. I joined mid January. The only asterix is the cash back takes 20 weeks to be payable.

    • Still waiting for my $70.00 Exetel cash back after two months. Hopefully will be paid soon. Offer was change to $100 cash back just after I joined

    • Great info. Just signed up to them to start 1 Mar from reading this comment for while finishing up Tangerine. The $100 CB has tracked already too.

  • Sweet cash back of $100 with TopCashback

  • +16

    Whilst they're a great ISP dont get me wrong, the whole 30 day notice thing is really annoying. For that reason alone I won't use them again.

    • Tangerine has a 100/20 for $60 a month for 6 months without the 30 days notice. I moved from Kogan internet after 7 months. They also introduced the 30 days notice.

      • Good one.

      • about to sign up to Tangerine based on your comment, any feedback on the service?

        • I've used tangerine in the past and it's always been decent. No issues. I just moved house so if they're available at my address I'm probably gonna go with them again too.

          • @Jayblesz: thanks for that, just started my billing cycle on exetel so going to sign up now for Tangerine, they will credit my account (charge now) but will connect next month

        • Lol I had a terrible experience with Tangerine when I tried to churn (to Exetel funny enough). Had to call and speak to multiple people. Then they ended up sending me a bill for the month I didn't use. Then I had to call, talk to more people and actually have the rep confirm that I didn't in fact lapse even one day into the new billing period before they cancelled the bill. I won't be going back to Tangerine for that reason…

          • @OzMeow13: Same experience, they charged for a month I didn't use and I churned well before next billing period.

        • So far so good. No problem at all. Been downloading at around 12MBps. So around 102mbps.

    • +2

      I was able to fool Exetel a few times that I was moving out into a new home who already uses Exetel as their internet provider. They offered to disconnect the plan immediately without the 30-day notice lol.

    • plenty of discussion it's not legally enforceable there's an email template someone posted on here you can use to get out of it

      • What is not legally enforceable?

        • 30 day notice period

    • +1

      Say that you are leaving because of unsatisfactory speeds and they will immediately cancel the plan no 30 days notice.

  • does this stack with the referral 10% off?

  • I probably can't churn from Superloop right?

    • I had no issues churning between Exetel and Superloop.

      • Ah good. Do they both consider you a “new” customer after 6 months? It was my plan to simply flip between the two.

        • +2

          Yep, they do consider you as a new customer. Although, they won't be able to use your email address as your username to sign into Exetel or Superloop portal because the email address already exists in the system. As a workaround to provision you as a new customer, they'll add some symbols to your email address to use as your username sign in

          • @Tekkky:

            they won't be able to use your email address as your username to sign into

            Same thing happened to me with Tangerine after leaving for at least 12 months

        • Even Mate does as well, I’m moving back to them after Tangerine and they said you will be considered as a new customer.

      • Do you know if eero supplied by Superloop will work with Exetel?

        • I haven't used Eero before, but it should be no different to any other routers and will work with any providers.

          Both Superloop and Exetel use Dynamic IP so once you churn between the two, you will establish a new connection automatically without messing around with the router configuration.

          • @Tekkky: if i do switch i might request for a static IP again like what i did with SL. Being in a CGNAT configuration blocks a lot of port forwarding networks in my house.

            • +1

              @angelkulit025: Yeah, I think it's an extra $5 a month for a static IP.
              You can contact Exetel to disable CGNAT

    • +1

      Just bear in mind, Superloop also have a 30 day notice period but from the comments it may not be enforceable.

  • How quick does it churn from one provider to the other?

    • About 15 mins for me from Launtel

    • Depends on tech

  • +1

    You’ll be considered a new customer if you haven’t been with them for six months.

    wow, talk about screwing over "loyal" customers!

    • +1

      They decimated their customer base 8 months ago when they over charged everyone on their grandfathered plans which was not a small amount.

      To be fair Exetel died a year earlier, this is very much just Superloop with a different badge.

  • I was with them once before, but now I can't get my address to show on their site. Guess I could sign up over the phone but then I miss out on cashback. Eh.

    • just tell them on the phone you want the discount they can apply it

    • +2

      I was in the same situation, the guy over the phone just asked my address and handed over a location ID (belonged to my address), putting that locaiton id will show your address in the search and you can proceed from there.

  • Are you qualified as new customer if you come back within a year?

    • Apparently as long as you haven't been with them for 6 months. Worked for me, haven't been with em for 2 years tho ish

    • Yes, even with the same login details, email and phone number while signing up

  • looking to churn from superloop, how straightforward is the port in terms of router config? For superloop I needed to set up the static IP thingy but not sure if that;s across all ISPs.

    • Exetel have moved away from PPPOE and use IP for new connections now so should be simple.

  • +1

    Assuming you have good hardware/wires connecting you from your modem to your local exchange and you are tech savvy enough to fix your own issues, Exetel is the best RSP imo.
    They have little to no congestion, competitive prices, free static IP (CG-NAT opt out) and speed boosts.

    Just pray you never have to deal with their support.

    • Just pray you never have to deal with their support.

      They never acknowledge when you send your 30-Day notice via email.
      You have to call them up, and confirm. When you do call them, they ask you a thousand questions about why you want to leave.

      • +2

        Don't email, call. First answer should be your experience has been that you have not been able to achieve the advertised speeds. They are now legislated to immediately let you go.

      • I actually enjoyed the process of explaining to them on the phone why their best discount offer wasn't good enough for me! At one point I thought I was going to get lucky and have their next offer be to pay me to stay on as a customer.

        • Hello Fellow Doc!

          When it comes to contract termination, I like to do so in writing so that there is an audit trail.
          At first they pretended they never received my email, and when I asked to speak to their team leader they came back and magically found the email.

          Yes, some people get lucky and can continue on the same pricing tier for another 12 months.

  • God dammit my purchase didn't track. Support says to cancel the service and try again but it's already active and I am using it lmao, what a shit show. Probably would not have churned if the cashback wasn't going to work

    Turned pihole off, turned ublock origin off, did not refresh or navigate away…what else could I have done? Never used topcashback before, clearly it's absolute dogshit

    • TCB isn't dog shit. I've never had an issue. I usually use the iOS TCB app.

    • TopCashBack failed to track 2 out of 3 times i’ve used them

      its bad

  • Signed up for the 100/20 for $65.99 via the last promo (and through TopCashback). Certainly no issues with connection/speeds, however having churned them before, I'd echo others that the 30 day notice rule is a bit archaic and clunky if this is included in your regular churns.

  • Just signed up and the transfer happened within 30 minutes, quite quick.

    Called up Kogan just to double check if I needed to manually cancel, and they said my plan was already inactive so I didn't need to do anything extra.

  • Would upgrading from 100 to 250mb after activation be termed as a change as TopCashback offers $100 for 100mb plan and $60 for 250mb plan

  • do they provide public IP not they are NAT?

  • Just signed up, switched over from MATE after their 6 month deal finished for me today.

  • -1

    I find this isp a lot more laggy than superloop…… I have 100/40 connection on FTTP in Adelaide. although the speeds are generally fine, I get some crazy ping spikes during gaming. Plex uploads tend to buffer more. Work wise Overseas vpns to the UK are more laggy than superloop. I have turned of cg nat. Qos my connection and fixed some buffer bloat issues on my network. But still webpages just don’t load up as fast…. Router wise I’m using pfsense. So it ain’t the home network…. Thus if you care about the qty of the connection I would look elsewhere…. I thought being owned by superloop the network would be better

  • -1

    I find this isp a lot more laggy than superloop…… I have 100/40 connection on FTTP in Adelaide. although the speeds are generally fine, I get some crazy ping spikes during gaming. Plex uploads tend to buffer more. Work wise Overseas vpns to the UK are more laggy than superloop. I have turned of cg nat. Qos my connection and fixed some buffer bloat issues on my network. But still webpages just don’t load up as fast…. Router wise I’m using pfsense. So it ain’t the home network…. Thus if you care about the qty of the connection I would look elsewhere…. I thought being owned by superloop the network would be better

    • +7

      it's quite evident that you have a laggy internet

  • Thanks OP. My place uses opticomm so not eligible for the back to school sale but even their normal prices are better than uniti. Sick of uniti.

    I have decided to leave them even if I need a new modem. Bad enough I suffered from alot of disruptions when I needed the internet during Olympics period which amazingly or frustratingly cleared up after Olympics were over. But I just found out their prices are higher than Exeter. That's it I'm done with them.

    Now I just need to find out if the modem that came with the apartment is locked in to uniti or not.

    • Fubar do 25/10 on Opticomm for $49.95/month, if you're interested in that speed. They have higher speeds too, but only their 25/10 speed has a good price.

      Here's the deal where it's mentioned in the comments, I'm on Opticomm and I signed up to this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/866782

  • I used 50/20 for more than 3 years, and they kept increasing the price. The QoS was OK, and customer support was OK as well. I paid $80 and asked them if they could offer anything for a long-term customer, and they said no. Switch to Voda 100/20 for the same price.

  • Asked them to put it on port 1, idiots took over superloop on port 2. Lost the Black Friday discount with superloop.

    • I had to put in a tio complaint with exetel to get my money back then recently tried to sign up to Superloop not knowing owned by the same company so was denied service. So that might be why they did what they wanted in your case too. Glad they denied me in the end.

      • Didnt know they're the same company, this should be fun…

      • Did you have a different ISP inbetween?

        I've gone from Tangerine (free FTTP upgrade) —> Superloop —> Exetel —> Tangerine —> Exetel —> Superloop —> Swoop (only 3 months) —> Going back to Exetel

        All at the same address

  • I want to switch after my 'honeymoon' discount period has ended with Flip Connect.
    Hoping to get the 100/20 plan even though my max download is only 40Mbps but our area is getitng FTTP next month. Hoping Exetel will still allow me stay on th eplan until the upgrade.

    Also, does anyone, or @gotyourback, know if TopCashback will pay the cashback if a referral is used?

    And thanks OP.

    • +1

      I believe they are, but best double check with @tightarse

      • +1

        Oops, think i got my store reps mixed up.

  • A silly question: I've been with TPG for 10+ years, now want to move to Exetel in this deal. Just called TPG and was told I need to give them 30 days notice, so how do I initiate the move in this scenario? Do I sign up Exetel via TCB and tell Exetel to wait for 30 days, then call TPG back to inform I'm leaving in 30 days? Or what?
    Huge thank to everyone in advance!

    • Yes, give them notice and signup with exetel with start date after 30 days.

  • I've been with Optus from 20+ years. Out of contract for the last 10. I asked them to match this deal and they agreed but said they'll need to send me a new modem as my current one (Optus Sagemcom Fast 5366 is not compatible with 250/20 plan) if I leave after 6 months i'll have to pay for the modem otherwise it free after 36 months.

    What I wanted to know was what modem are people using with the NBN churn. I have a Netgear R7000 router connected to Optus

    • I'm using TP-Link AX5400. Was using TPG before this and I'm using it after moving out of contract. Works well with Exetel.

  • Thanks, signed up today using Topcashback link. Transfer from Telstra, done in 15mins.

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