This was posted 10 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bottle-Opener-And-Other-Things Card $0.10 USD Shipped @ GearBest


Be stuck in the jungle without a bottle opener no more.

This saber card, with 420 stainless steel, both sides are flat and without flash. Forming a block of stainless steel with high hardness, high strength, sharp cutting edge. The size is similar with credit cards, so it's easy to take with in your porket or wallet. With a black leather cover, to avoid hurting.


  1. Can opener: The bottom hook used with the upper edge, can open tin cans easily.
  2. Live wrench: a hollow groove strip, you can squeeze any items with flat turnbuckle.
  3. Sawtooth: double staggered sawtooth, used to cut wood branches and to remove the scales.
  4. Keyhole: this card can be hung on the key ring.
  5. Positioning wrenches: two different types of Hexagon wrench.
  6. Direction indicator: with 16 accurate scale in different directions.
  7. Positioning wrench: four different types of Hexagon Wrench, suitable for usual sizes of bolts and nuts.
  8. Ruler: metric scale, minimum scale to mm.
  9. Bottle screwdriver: for beer, beverage bottle cap opening.
  10. Screwdrivers: in the corner of the card (in this place can increase the strength of the mechanics and more effort), can be used for usual screws.
  11. Lateral Knife: sharp blade, used to cut the rope and other things.
    Warning: This saber card is Steel sharp hard objects, Please be careful when carrying or using

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closed Comments

  • Au $0.12 thanks op

  • Good deal. I have one of these.
    Just be mindful that airport security might require you to check in your bag if you have this in your wallet. This happened to me at Sydney Domestic Airport the other day after waiting in very long queue at security. Had to then go back out and check my bag in (all for a few cents! as I didn't want to surrender my trusty tool).
    Having said that this was the first time it happened as I have gone through many times before without hassle. Seems like it was a very strict operator!

    • +7

      I'm surprised they even allow this on board.

      Prohibited items include:

      At worst you throw out 12 cents and get another one, so not too bad if you forget you're carrying it.

    • +1

      I have lost the knife and the scissors from the swiss card on two different occasions going through airport security. You are given the option to leave and post or check your bag but I have just given them up. at least this is a cheap replacement.

    • Agreed. I forgot I had one in my wallet and traveled around Asia, Europe and the US in 2012 until they they finally found it in a scan on the way back to Sydney.

  • +2

    Another one for the bug out bag :)

  • Thanks op. Good timing for me and a great deal.

  • $0.12AUD
    so worth it thanks OP

  • +15

    Still haven't receive last order for
    Ultra-slim Credit Card Size Fold-up LED Pocket Wallet/Purse Lamp Portable Light

    from them. Anyone has received ?

    • +3

      Not received yet….

    • +4

      geez I forgot all about that. Spent a lot of money on that too.

      • +2

        Tell me about it, had to take out a second loan!

    • +2

      i find it usually takes about a month to receive stuff from over there

      • Where do they ship it from ?

        • +1
        • I see… thanks…

          Probably won't need the knives and others but the bottle opener will be handy

  • havent got my iphone cable or pop up light yet but ill get this too

    • same here for both items aha

  • How reliable is the website? I'm not comfortable giving my bank details to just anyone.

    • +2

      Use Paypal then, that way you can always claim your money back if they never deliver

  • +5

    Don't forget to uncheck the insurance option… Extra $1(USD) on a 0.12 AUD item? Nup.

  • Seems like the code is expired?

    • Just worked for me.

    • +1

      Just used it, only works on first item, but I just bought 2 for $1.12, found them on eBay for $2 ea

      • edit

    • Just worked 4 me- thanx op :-)

  • seems like the code only works for 1
    so if say you want to buy 10 that means you have to make 10 separate transaction

  • -8

    "Please login before using any promo code"
    Sorry, not wasting 5min of my life for this

    • +1

      Sorry, you've just wasted 2 mins of your life

  • I duno….12cents~ such a big increase from 1-2cents

    • Think of it as an early Christmas present.

  • +6

    still didnt receive my previous 2 orders..

    Ultra-slim Credit Card Size Fold-up LED Pocket Wallet/Purse Lamp Portable Light

    1M Chromatic Universal USB 2.0 to 30-Pin Dock Connection Cable for iPhone/iPad/iPod

    • Claims they've been shipped but no eta :-(

    • I've not received my LED card either…

      Still going to try for this though. Maybe they're sending via carrier pigeon?

      • +1

        Should've paid the $1 insurance!

  • Bought one..Thanks Op

  • Cheers OP. Got one to add to my collection as I've bought a few in the past through Meritline etc. Nothing amazing but handy purely as a Bottle Opener as they're stamped from extremely strong & rigid stainless plate. Have reached for it a couple of times in the workshop to use it for things it wasn't designed to be used for too :) For 12c you can't go wrong… assuming it arrives of course :|

  • +1

    would you go dispute this transaction if they dont deliver?
    For $0.10 ??
    If 2000 people ordered….that's $200 dollars. and only 5% of people who actually track them down for not delivering the item…they still make $190…..pretty good profit margin to me!!

    afterall, who would go into all that trouble for 10cents.

    • -2

      Yea, something doesn't sit comfortably with me when you just give details to a random website - bargain or no bargain…

    • i would. because it's not about the 10cents, i actually want the item i bought. i didn't receive a memory card reader from tmart after 2 months and contacted their customer service. they asked if i wanted a refund or replacement and i got the replacement in 3 weeks.

      you can pretty much count on ozbargainers to chase things up

  • +3

    This is the 3rd item I've ordered from them in the last 3 weeks. Still haven't received anything…

    Maybe this is their business model???

    Sell stuff for 10 cents and don't deliver anything? Most people won't bother following it up, those that do get a 10 cent refund ???

    • Has anyone ever reported receiving their orders from this site's deals?

    • +4

      Anything from typical Chinese budget sites like Tmart and Banggood are typically going to take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

    • +7

      And it is very reassuring that their store rep is in the penalty box

      • +6

        That's only until Scotty receives his LED pocket Lamp.

        • and i expect that only the Expiry: 20/03/2014 - 20:26 will disappear if he doesnt

  • Forgot to put the code in usd $0.97 awk well still cheap :)

  • I have one of these from another promotion (I think another website). I find it too thick/heavy to even put in my wallet so it sits near the beer fridge as a bottle opener. Oh well.

  • I messed up, somehow insurance got included so costing me $1.10, but guess it is still cheap enough as something to chuck in the bottom of the bag for emergencies.

    I'm also waiting on the fold up LED light. Fascinated by that and can't wait to see it. If I can read my account right, says it was shipped 5 March, so probably another week or more away - if in fact it has been shipped!

    • +1

      Don't get too excited about the folding 'light bulb' lamp. They are cool and worth every cent of what you paid but they're very much just a cheap gimmick to be honest. Hey… I'm just managing your expectations!

      • It's ok, I am not getting overly excited about it! I just figure it might be something useful to have in my pocket on days I get home late and need a bit of light to get the key in the door. Cheaper than installing a movement activated light on the front doorstep!

  • Removing my comment as I found the place to enter the code.

  • legend, thanks op

  • dammit, last night i ordered something on ebay and they offered a choice of 8 free gifts
    i chose this thing, and only saved 10 cents
    the other gifts would have been at least double that!

  • Did anyone see that the Paypal details changed?

    It's no longer to but rather li pengzhen and its email is now [email protected]

  • Still waiting for my other useless Thing card

  • +2

    lol'd at '420 stainless steel'

  • burgenland?

    edit: the good ol' Austria mix up.

  • AUD $0.12

    …soo good! Cheers :D

  • Worked the first time…
    The code you entered is expired.

  • Is anyone else having issues activating their account…? I have a gearbest account from when I bought this… I am apparently still not activated though….. Anyone else having similar issues?

  • Just added the code and ended up with Your subtotal:after discounts $0.97
    save:- $0.19

    Since when was it ever 10c?

    • I got one for 10c USD (12c AUD) earlier…

      it's probably expired ?

    • Weird. I the discount code seemed to work, but just when I finalized my order it claimed my cart is empty. So I went back and tried again. Second time it said the code had expired. So to code is now valid only until you try to actually use it?

      • OK, I got a confirmation for my order at 10c though.

  • such an interesting design and yeah got it for 12c :) Thanks OP!

  • Didn't need one, but for 12c how can anyone resist ? Thanks OP !

  • Got one, Thanks OP

  • Ordered one. Thanks OP. Hope it'll turn up.

  • bought, thanks OP! really don't need one, but it's just too good to pass up for a toy at this price!

  • Expired, pls mark the OP.

    The code you entered is expired.

  • expired.

    I still have not received the USB Cable for iPhone/iPad/iPod

  • +1

    Now it is 97 cents. Way out of my budget :(

  • I think I am the lucky last. Thanks OP :)

  • Hi
    I'm just interested I can't activate my gearbest account - anyone else having issues? I have a iCloud email if that helps…
    I tried contacting customer support who have told me to keep pressing resend activation email. I am waiting for them to respond to my last message which is me bitching about missing out on this deal… Who knows maybe they'll give me a decent voucher code.

    I also ordered a led light from them , I doubt it'll ever turn up.

  • +3

    I've received mine

  • received today, thanks

  • My card arrived today and I got my pop up light last week.

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