• expired

LogitechShop INSANE Surveillance Equipment Sale. See Description for Details


Relieve your paranoia for cheap with this stuff.

Shipping of these will start Monday 22nd March.

Logitech Master system $69.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3577

Logitech Indoor Master $69.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3576

Logitech Master System & Logitech Master addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3635

Logitech Indoor System & Logitech Indoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3636

2x Logitech Indoor addon’s $119.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3633

2x Logitech Outdoor addon’s $119.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3634

1x Logitech Indoor addon $64.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3578

1x Logitech Outdoor addon $64.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3579

Logitech Indoor System & Logitech Outdoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3637

Logitech Outdoor System & Logitech Indoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3637

Thanks again to BargainCrypt.

Also, add Logitechshop to your Twitter to get them deals even earlier than here! If twitter followers hit 500, another MASSIVE deal will be released. Or so says Lord BC.

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closed Comments

        • +4


          • +1

            @Elephant: +4….and no doubt + 100's of other people too.

            But there must be a reason why bargaincrypt has not acknowledged the z5500 as an option. Perhaps they simply can't do a deal on this piece of kit.

            • +3


              • 100’s of other people too.


              Other stores can't do it but BC can do it…he's the man :)

              • +2

                @POWERevolution: Harris Technology managed to sell them for $199 last October. I reckon BC could bring us the same deal in the near future :D

                • +1

                  @Elephant: OHH no way!…darn it.

                  BC…he's the man for our Z5500!!!

    • +1

      bc should be able to at lesat drop something off the price for just they z5500 by itself
      z5500+z320 bundle is $50 cheaper than z5500 by itself…
      so some sort of price reduction MUST be possible…

    • +1


  • +1

    Hey all ,

    Thats so dissapointing to see a neg given for no reason . i hope the mods , take a look and decide .

    • +1

      Hey BC, I have a feasible idea that will blow all your other deals so far out of the water. PM me.

  • -2

    one deal at a time …. seems to be another catchoftheday

    • +1

      A fair bit different has good products instead of catch's usual rubbish and we as a community are choosing what we want to be discounted

  • +1

    we want more deals!
    one more good deal and u have all 5 top bargains LOL

    a keyboard and mouse deal to blow all these away!

  • G27 - $250.00 would be fantasic, I have my wallet ready. Feel asleep 2min before last nights $315 deal haha but it was still a tad to much for me :( I waited up all night tooo :)

    • No go for $250 I'm sure. BC has mentioned that profit margins are usually 3% for any deals offered.

      • It was worth a shot mate :) He offers great deals anyhow :)

  • Bought the master + addon for both outdoor and indoor!!

    Can't wait to try it on my new place :D

    Keep up the good work and keep the specials coming!!!

  • Still wondering if I should get a indoor system or not. Just concerned about leaving computer on all the time @ home and wasting power :(

  • What about a mega deal?

    G500 Mouse
    G15 Keyboard
    Z520 Speakers
    Pure-fi Anytime
    Harmony 1 Remote
    Ps3 Adapter
    G330 headset
    G27 Steering wheel

    For $850 delivered?

  • +2

    how about $850, you can pick any 8 items from logitech? :)

    • The bulk of the cost is the G27. I factored it in at around $300

      Theres no way a choice of 8 would work.

      You could buy everything I listed for just over $900 in the sales anyway, i think.

    • now were talking!

  • Have you been getting my emails BC?

  • +1

    or maybe a webcam deal :P nothing on the webcam thus far xD

  • +1

    definetly wouldnt say no to an awesome price on the z5500…
    and who on earth neg voted this? how can ANYTHING from bargaincrypt and logitechshop be worthy of a negative vote…?

  • BC any deals if I buy 2 G27's shipped to the same address. I wanna get one for myself and my dad who is keen on racing games too

  • Cheap Boom - please

  • comeone bargaincrypt
    we need a new deal
    dont u want 5 top deals on the first page!

    this warrents a negative for not having a good enw deal today LOL

    • 4 more votes to beat TPG. Is it gonna happen?

  • realised the dimensions were listed in the specs…

  • Do these units use much upload bandwidth??

  • +10

    Ok people, I have been asked by BC to tell you all that he is in the process of negotiating a deal on the Z5500. How soon or whether it will happen, I don't know.

    He'll also be back sometime this evening.

  • +1

    BC, pleeeeeaaaaase give us a deal on some headphones with mic. I really want some for my phone that I can run with….pleeeaaaasssseee. vite u to my party.

    • +3

      No vote…no deal for you :)

      • voted every other one :) sure its a good deal but..surveillance cams? no thanks haha.

        • Aww, help me push this past TPG. Much appreciated. If you notice, +ve votes make BC happy. A happy BC would be more inclined to provide you with the discount of your choice.

  • Yooo BC can you please sell the logitech spy camera as well for completeness sake!!

    • they dont stock it unfortunately :(

    • Who you gonna spy on?

  • +4

    bring on Z5500!!!! woohoo

  • +3

    Come on BC Z5500 bring it on, i wonder what trick he is going to pull out of his hat today!!!! Hopefully a bloody cheap one. Awesome work BC but i must say i spent over 1k on security camera's yesterday, ohhh well they will make good pressies for paranoid relatives. I might have to mortgage my house if you keep deals coming in though :). Cheers keep those deals coming.

    • +1

      Now you need to spend another 5k on Z5500 :)

  • BC - deal for 2 x G27 shipped to same address???

  • +3

    two new posts on logitechshop twitter:

    "Be back at work at 6 pm big deals for my ozbargainers."

    "Keyboard mouse deals. Coming up. Z5500 update coming up."

    More deals on the way people. Time to spend more money i think…

    • +3

      Woohoo… Z5500 :)
      My credit card bill gonna hate me :(

    • Cool. so thats 5pm QLD time, ie now :-)

      SB Boom deals coming up i hope.

  • can't wait till he slashes the price on something I actually need :)

  • I can't believe this page actually has more clicks count than the UE220 earphone deal.. More people not feeling safe so that they need surveillance cameras?

    • Sadly but it's true. People rob during day light, they even rob you while you stop at traffic light. :(

  • waiting… nothing on twitter…

    • +1

      hehe, wonder how the site will go tonight after the flogging it copped last night, tonight will probably only be worse as more opportunity for the word to spread?

      Here's hoping there are some good Non-gaming specials tonight.

      btw, have the prices been set for the Wii drums/ Guitars yet? I can't believe they haven't as the prices for every other deal over the last few nights seem to have been decided within minutes of BC going and talking to His Bosses, surely someone has worked it out by now? Have to wonder why the uncertainty about the wii peripherals when everything else is already sorted out?

      • Apparently the royalties are higher. Refer to this post http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/22004 . Drums are also gonna be a new product for the shop so I wouldn't expect as great a deal as the other console versions.

        • Damn Nintendo and their royalties :( based on that info it may end up being still over $100 which is still cheaper than anywhere else but nowhere near as attractive as the PS3/ Xbox versions.

    • hahaha he's stuck in traffic on the way to work…

      "Traffic. Euhhhh. On be at work shortly. Lots to do. Deals and deals coming."

      • +1

        Dude's twittering and driving :P

        • A BIG NO NO ;)

          • +2

            @POWERevolution: naughty naughty bc…
            hopefully he's not too far away… im hanging for a great price on z5500

  • I can't wait to find out what it's gonna be

    • meeee too!!

  • +3

    im here 15 minutes ill be back, coffee time

    • +1

      Man, you're killing us.

      • We all need coffee while we wait in anticipation for bargaincrypt to post. :)

  • awwww plz plz purefi anytime n keybboardddd G15 or G110 :o

  • btw why is my metrofi 220 earphone order still marked as NEW?

    my order number is 13507 :o

    been 4 days already :(

    • Me too. I'm sure it's on the way. Some have received theirs.

    • Mate, mine has only just changed its status and i'm 13103 :)

      • Mine hasn't :P I'm 13601 & 13875.

        • Haha, poor you. =p
          Considering they have quite a lot of orders..might take some time.

  • Any indication on how long the Logitech Harmony One Universal Remote Control - FREE Postage ($149.00) is going to last?

  • Hey all , firstly , shipping is going well , we have gone through a big number of the orders .
    the only thing you all made me a promise , no changing orders . well well , you were all nice in your emails asking i have to admit , and we still did it . but i have been told that no more order changing once you see a better deal so you have to help me here . so i can help all .

    ok am i bringing deals tonite yes !
    yes i am
    also regarding z5500 , the matter is simple . 3000 untis are now on order , let me say $199 its not going to happen the US cost is even so much higher , around $329 to $339 umm yes doable .
    yes i will include free shipping and you all know they are damm heavy , and yes i will add a few bundles with them to make them even better .
    The bad news is . Order placed ! Manufacture time . Leadtime , and shipping by boat , let work on six weeks or so . and by the way knowing your luck ill bring them in cheaper . this is my guarantee , we will not only beat all market prices , but we will make sure we sell out in 24 hours .

    • +9

      Fluidtek past Z5500 price:

      Other stores:
      HT $199
      David Jones $300
      Harvey Norman $350
      Officeworks $330

      C'mon BC - HN negotiate and have potential for deferred payments and interest free

      • +1

        WOW~~~ I'll buy 2 if it is $200

    • +1

      Please don't do the z5500. And don't throw in freebies. My bf is going to kill me when he sees the bill.

  • +2

    now re the negative , why is it still there , does it meet the voting guidlines ! im sure the mods are very busy and the neg will be revoked . fingers crossed . if found to be based on no grounds

  • +1

    So lets Make this simple tonite . No Changing orders . as they will refuse changes . Not in my hand . Exceptional circumstances of course is a different story .

    If Mods also approve the release of the guitar post . i will release the sale , and all the prices including ordering system will be fully activated and updated for guitars .
    Please note : Guitar and drum shipping starts Wednesday next week . Orders can start tonite . if Mods allow a new post . I mean a new deal a new post .

    Also yes i will release a few things on this post . thankyou Livert some great ideas there
    i like the pack idea as well .
    A nice cheap one for example . headset : webcam : mouse : keyboard : speakers . (we will call it Pimp your Pc with Logitech :) )
    And Maybe a Cooperate one : you know same but high end
    and yes of course : the gamer version

    • New post ready when you are.

  • So lets Make this simple tonite . No Changing orders . as they will refuse changes . Not in my hand . Exceptional circumstances of course is a different story .

    If Mods also approve the release of the guitar post . i will release the sale , and all the prices including ordering system will be fully activated and updated for guitars .
    Please note : Guitar and drum shipping starts Wednesday next week . Orders can start tonite . if Mods allow a new post . I mean a new deal a new post .

    Also yes i will release a few things on this post . thankyou Livert some great ideas there
    i like the pack idea as well .
    A nice cheap one for example . headset : webcam : mouse : keyboard : speakers . (we will call it Pimp your Pc with Logitech :) )
    And Maybe a Cooperate one : you know same but high end
    and yes of course : the gamer version

  • So lets Make this simple tonite . No Changing orders . as they will refuse changes . Not in my hand . Exceptional circumstances of course is a different story .

    If Mods also approve the release of the guitar post . i will release the sale , and all the prices including ordering system will be fully activated and updated for guitars .
    Please note : Guitar and drum shipping starts Wednesday next week . Orders can start tonite . if Mods allow a new post . I mean a new deal a new post .

    Also yes i will release a few things on this post . thankyou Livert some great ideas there
    i like the pack idea as well .
    A nice cheap one for example . headset : webcam : mouse : keyboard : speakers . (we will call it Pimp your Pc with Logitech :) )
    And Maybe a Cooperate one : you know same but high end
    and yes of course : the gamer version

    • You're spazzing

      • lol hes getting sick from all the deals…
        and probally lack of sleep lately im guessing…

    • im sure ur allowed to post new deals as you please :P afaik no need for mod approvals for deals?

      • I'm pretty sure he meant to say his bosses.

        • quote "If Mods also approve the release of the guitar post" unquote..

          maybe it was meant to say bosses :P

  • will that neg ever go away . it bothers me . grrrrr

    • +1

      Don't worry about it. Can't win em all. Lets get the next deal up.

    • you realise you are just gonna attract some dimwit to whack a negative on the new deal just BECAUSE it worries you :)

  • haha . i have faith in the mods . and we should all have it as well ., camon mods. any online now

    btw power revolution : you asked if we can do anything about the pro9000 .
    Well here you go . Mr liverT : add this limited time : $90 delivered

    • I just deleted the post. Will wait till we get some extra details.

    • Cmon BC, throw up a good Boom only or Boom Plus Harmony deal, pretty please :)

    • .

  • So are the guitars and drums goin on sale soon? BC give us an update. Also Wii combo deal for guitar hero, 1 guitar and drum set for $229? or 2 guitars and a drum set for $229? can you please clarify? cheers

  • BC any deal on 2 x G27 shipped to same address?

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