This was posted 8 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off Tech - (PC Byte, GraysOnline, KG Electronic, Wireless1, Dell, Betta, Sony, Futu, Ryda, Ted's Camera) @ eBay


Credit to marquisite for this info:

According to the terms and conditions for TEC20, the code is supposed to be active from "10.00 (AEST) on 18 July 2016" up until "23.59 (AEST) on 24 July 2016".

Maximum discount $1000, 3 transactions per person.

The following (10) stores are participating:

20% off code excludes postage. To search the sale only, click the 'go to deal link' and scroll down to the 'search the sale' searchbox.

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

      • True, but still 12 month warranty from Sony, so not too bad.

    • when they say it's a "reworked" item, would it mean they've replaced the shutter? ie. shutter count = 0?

  • OK nothing good found!

  • +1

    More price jacking. Are there any actual deals? Or is everyone mindlessly just voting because 20% sounds like a big number?

    • -1

      More price jacking. Are there any actual deals? Or is everyone mindlessly just voting because 20% sounds like a big number?

      Where is the proof of the price jacking? There are plenty of deals available if you look.

      • +2

        ive looked up 20 items i want to buy.. they are all jacked up 10-15%.. i walk away with a 5% discount if i'm lucky.. still a saving but not 20% at ALL!

        AMD RX480's Nvidia GTX1070's GTX1080's, 144Hz Gaming monitors, i76600k and i5 6700k All sort after items have been marked up 10-15%

        • ive looked up 20 items i want to buy.. they are all jacked up 10-15%.. i walk away with a 5% discount if i'm lucky.. still a saving but not 20% at ALL!

          So post the proof if you're so sure and make a complaint to the ACCC.

          All sort after items have been marked up 10-15%

          I look forward to you posting the proof.

        • -4


          do you work for the stores???.. are you one of the sellers? static ice listed prices have these items 20% cheaper from the get go! … comparable items from other ebay stores not listed in the sale are 15-20% cheaper… i dont understand why people stick up for these scumbag retails.. you do realise they are ripping you off pocketing your ebay discount yes?

        • @vid_ghost:

          do you work for the stores???.. are you one of the sellers? static ice listed prices have these items 20% cheaper from the get go! … comparable items from other stores not listed in the sale are 15-20% cheaper… i dont undstand why people stick up for these scumbag retails.. you do realise they are ripping you off pocketing your ebay discount yes?

          Post some proof of your claim. You keep calling people scumbags but you provide no proof to back up any of your claims.

          You keep comparing to static ice but this is not relevant to what is being discussed, I want to see proof that these retailers increased the prices by 20% and I want to see proof of other retailers on ebay selling for 20% less. Surely this isn't that hard for you to provide?

      • +3

        13" MacBook Air, latest model, 256GB SSD

        $1899 @ Futu…

        $1849 @ Apple

        Are you gonna say retailer not following RRP or it is deemed a price error?

        • -7

          Are you gonna say retailer not following RRP or it is deemed a price error?

          What part of RECOMMENDED are you unable to understand?

          If all retailers sold for the RRP you would be on here moaning and complaining but here you are because a retailer has something listed for a higher price then another retailer! FFS buy it at the cheapest place.

        • +3


          I knew it, ROFL, and your reply does mean "RRP needs not to be followed."

          If you ask for "proof of price jack up", you potentially stand,
          A. I'm unsure, there maybe/ maybe not price jack up, or
          B. There is no price jack up.

          I agree "just go for cheapest". Sure life goes on.

          However, core value of this ozbargain community however stands on "true bargain", or "greater bargain". Therefore, I disagree ignorance about "no price jack up".

          Everyone holds different value principle, but "no need to care so much about price jack up" versus "there is no price jack up" are two completely different statements.

          There is no need to say "FFS", it's too strong.

        • +3

          How does that prove that Futu have jacked up the price and not just selling at a higher price to cover their Ebay fees?

          As an example - HP M277dw MFD

          $479 at Futu's Ebay store

          $399 at Officeworks

          Futu put their price up a month ago and have sold 9 units at $479. Just because they're dearer doesn't mean they've increased the price specifically for this Ebay promo.

          While I'm sure it does happen, Maverick has a valid point that there are way too many people here whining about price increases just for the promos without understanding how vendors price their products on Ebay.

        • @icecream:
          All they are saying is that if the price was always high, then it has not been jacked up for the sale. To claim a price has been jacked, you need to compare the price that it was previously listed, not what everyone else (including their own non ebay store) is selling it for.

        • @OzBragain:

          Ah, it is your choice to believe. There can dozen or more reasons to jack up price.

          Here is another example about price jack up.

          Synology DS1515+ @ Futu (…)

          Sold 16 units from 1 Jun 2016 to 22 Jun 2016, all priced at $999.

          Listing is last updated on 12 Jul 2016 14:25:22 AEST, (on Buy It Now Price, and Postage Terms). Price is currently $1039.

          It doesn't worth to cry loud, I agreed. But, I bet someone will say, 12 Jul 2016 is too far from deal begins date 18 Jul 2016.

          Like other fellas mentioned, participants will be given sufficient time to get ready on this promotion. (stock allocation, price change, shipping terms, etc.)

        • Come on guys. Why waste your time here arguing while you could go look for some real bargain on sale.

        • @OzBragain:

          Thanks for sharing the better deal of HP M277DW (B3Q11A) in Officeworks.

          In this printer case, there is no sign of price lifting.

          Trade history of that Macbook Air isn't trackable, but it does sound weird for an Apple product pricing goes beyond RRP.

          See my other reply, given a better example (Synology product) of price jack prior to promotion.

          How many is too many, for people whinging about price lifting before promo? I don't have the answer.

          When the noise is loud. It typically means,
          A. People are sick about it and the impact is spreading wider, or
          B. People deliberately make noise with stories behind (competitors, ill speakers just to make their own fun, etc.)

          I get the point, too many negative posts can mask constructive ones, less fun to read.

          Stay neutral and read them all. Ignorance doesn't help, whether you stand support or against.

        • @icecream:

          Ah, it is your choice to believe.

          We're not discussing conspiracy theories of lizard people disguised as humans controlling all life on earth!

          Whenever these Ebay promos come up half the comments are from peopling whining about price increases without any evidence to back up the claims.

          If someone has a valid example of a seller increasing prices for the Ebay promo then provide some proof and I'm sure OzBargainers will stay away.

        • @nbn:

          NBN, good name. I like you being nice, too :)

          I am indeed browsing deals now.

        • @OzBragain:

          Of course we are not discussing conspiracy.

          "Lack of proof of price lift prior promotion" versus "There is no doggy price lift before promotion" seems to be our discussion.

          When hardcore ozbargainers saw so many examples that made them so experienced, and so sure there IS price lift right before promotion. (especially on items they want) That creates fury, then all the whinging. It's a sad thing.

          Ah well, consumer behavior is an interesting topic.

        • @icecream:
          Synology DS916+ 8GB also at Futu:
          Price was updated on 18-Jul-16 10:06:25 AEST. This would be at least some of the $149 jump from $750 to $899 no doubt, although since previous purchase was made there was also updates to the price on 14 Jul and 12 Jul so cannot be 100% certain about how much it rose each time, or whether one was also a drop at all post-previous-sale.

          I can say that it does come out at the cheapest price though compared to all the other stores, by at least $30.

    • Even with the price jacking, it's $200 for the router I need, vs $225 price (before jacking)
      So that is a saving, it's just 10% not 20%

  • +4

    Something is a bargain if you need it and it is cheaper than usual. Ignore the percentage off rubbish and trust the bargain hunters on here to weed out the genuine bargains from the bullshit.

  • Any good class 10 128gb micro sd cards?

    • +2
    • Found this Samsung one which might be of interest:…

      • I ended up going with a Lexar 633X, decided to get an MLC based card since it's going into a dash cam. The cheaper TLC cards tend to die after a few months use. Thanks for the heads up!

        • Hi greencomet

          Thanks for the reply, great idea, I completely forgot about MLC being better than TLC for constant writing… I've been looking around for a good and lower priced dashcam and your comments are a good reminder to look for MLC based memory once I've got a dashcam :-)

  • Time to spot marked-up-discount-price, fellas

  • -2

    Code not working in checkout on Dell XPS.

    • +2

      Is it 10am yet?

      • Does it kick off at 10? Comment I read in this thread was 9am.

        I'm no longer getting the 'code not valid' prompt when I enter it. I'm just not seeing any price change.

  • +11

    Seems we have a few ebay shills on here today, whining that no one on ebay EVER jacks up their prices for these sales. Cute.

    Anyway, not finding anything notable worth buying as usual. About what I expected though.

  • +6

    If people don't like the practice of jacking up the price before the sale then we should simply each lodge a complaint with the ACCC. If they get enough complaints and investigate then even if they dont lay charges they will most likely contact ebay who won't like the bad publisitty they could get and may put a stop to it in future sales. Also a complaint direct to ebay could work if enough people did it.

    Im going to lodge a complaint just for the hell of it.

  • +4
    • Thanks, Bought 5

    • $379 for the xfx (all cards are referance model 8Gbs) on pc case gear

      • Obviously taking the pi55 :) Maybe I should have said bought 25?

  • +1

    any galaxy S7 deals? I need a new phone as mine died last week.

    • Yes please!

      • +1

        Wireless 1 has the S6 more expensive than the S7. How ridiculous

        • Yeah, that is hilarious and I wonder if they sell.

          I need a new phone, too.

  • Any 200GB Micro SD cards?

  • Is there a way to search for the previous price of an item? I'm after a GoPro Hero 4 Black. Wireless1 is the only retailer on the list that sells it, but they are currently selling it for $733, which is more that $100 more than Good Guys or Kogan. I assume it's been marked up, but is there a way to check what it's been selling for previously?

    • Doesn't price hipster do that?

    • If they've left the same listing up you can click on the "X sold" next to the quantity and number left near the top of the listing, which will show the previous sales of the item and the price it was sold for.
      This can be circumvented if the seller is wily; they can put up a new listing and deactivate the old one during the sale or make it private so previous sales aren't shown at all.

      • If they've left the same listing up you can click on the "X sold" next to the quantity and number left near the top of the listing, which will show the previous sales of the item and the price it was sold for.

        Just keep in mind that if the price was high, no one might buy it which means there will be no price history.

    • Is there a way to search for the previous price of an item?

      Not directly, but you can check the Item revision history……

      Which shows that the last price change was:

      25-May-16 11:33:26 AEST **
      Postage Terms
      *Buy It Now Price

      There's other ways, but that is the most reliable method to see if it was jacked recently

    • Have you considered YI 4k camera?
      Can't make this decision myself…

  • Got roped into buying the Archer D7 last time because everyone was saying it would support the NBN down the line. Ofcourse it doesn't support the type I got (FTTN) so I'm looking for a simple VDSL modem to plug into it, and then share wirelessly through my current D7 router. Anyone know if the Netgear DM200 would be good enough?

    • Doesn't your ISP or NBN(tm) supply the modem?

      • ISP supplied routers and modems are usually garbage.

        • Well they certify it for their network, worst case scenario is to bridge it

        • +1

          Router yes, modem is just a modem and unless you have a particularly bad line almost any will do.

      • Yeah I figured they were just rubbish that you get for free when you sign up for a 2 year contract. FTR I don't do contracts anymore (except maybe mobile phone) so with a month-to-month contract you pay around $100 for theirs anyway. Though maybe it's worth it to not have to worry about whether it's suitable or not. But as I have a pretty WiFi router now that I just bought a few months ago I really only need the modem part.

        I notice the ethernet port on the Netgear DM200 is only a 10/100Mbps port but as the max speeds I'll be getting from the NBN (in a perfect situation) would be 25Mbps I don't think it matters.

    • I have a TP-Link W9970 VDSL2 modem bridged to an Asus RT-AC68U. I have FTTB which is essentially the same as FTTN. Cost around $70.
      Also see this link for complete list of verified VDSL2 modems

    • Yeah, usually when people say it's future NBN compatible that means it's got a WAN port so you can just plug in your existing modem and go.

    • [edit] Looks like TPG give you the modem free even for a month-to-month plan. And they're cheaper. And the have unlimited data .. well, so long iinet!

  • Maybe time to get a new SD card, now that Eye-Fi has decided to make the X2 basically defunct.. 8GB was getting a bit small anyway.

  • +1

    intel NUC and monitor deals please

  • +3

    All these people asking for prices / deals on certain items, is it really that hard to do a search on those stores in ebay?

  • +11…

    Link to include all participate stores in one search.

  • Well here's a markup on the wireless1 shop for something im mildly interested in..

    $799 - 20% = 640…

    regular price - $628…

    Though to be fair in the deal you do get a pair of earphones you can regift to a relative you dont really like at xmas time (in-laws etc). So maybe not too bad. I did hear however that Sennheiser did drop the price of this particular item from $499USD to $399USD recently so that might play into it.

    Surprised Kogan's not made an appearance here, maybe Ruslan's still paying the fines from his last incursions? Or just late to the party?

    • +3

      Well here's a markup on the wireless1 shop for something im mildly interested in..

      How is that a markup? That's just a different product bundle at a different price.

      I can add the $628 one to my cart now. It drops to $502.40 at checkout.

      • Ah wasnt working when i tried, must have jumped in too early :) Tempted to pull the trigger now, that puts them in the same range as the QC35s price-wise

  • -3

    Prices could be better, even with 20% off you're not saving much

  • Damn only just bought a sony tv… Could have got the model up for $150 more.

    Need a asus dsl-ac68u so that works out OK

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    Picked up an ASUS STRIX 1080 GTX for $1259 less 20%

  • Anyone seen any good deals on any high end bluetooth speakers

  • +1

    And all of Futu's Asus GTX 1080 OC's are sold out… that was fast o.o

    • +1

      one of those went to me >_>

      • Yeah, I snagged one too… #3. Was curious to how many people were looking to snipe, looks like there was a few. Couldn't find a Gigabyte z170mx involved in the sale (cheaper than More Stock Yesterday's $248) so got an Asus Maximus VIII Gene for $304. $56 more for an Intel LAN rather than Qualcomm. A deal in my crazy ozbargain logic mind.
        Hmm, just noticed a banner to win $50k on the confirmation page, looks dodgy. Oh well, I'm a sucker.

        • +2

          The non-OC version is still for sale @ $1259

          It has the same base cooler but not the extra power input. Pretty sure you could manually OC to the same speed as the OC version

        • @GreatWhiteHunter: Not necessarily. Given the dearth of GP104's coming out of TSMC's foundries, the non-OC version is likely to be lower binning. Given that Asus only has 2 different Strix versions though, there's likely to be less of a difference compared to say MSI who have 3 or EVGA who have a lot. $56 dollar difference at the end of the day between the two though.

        • @serrin: plus 1.25% back via cashrewards? :P

  • +1
      • +1

        Thanks lyl I did see that, the specs sure are good for what it is I'm just a bit worried about the keyboard, I will be doing a lot of tying on it

  • Don't see any cheap SSD's…

    • Samsung EVO 850 250GB is $116 Delivered at Futu. Cheapest on StaticIce is almost $119 pickup.

  • Trying to get a washing machine off Betta,
    Keep on getting this error.

    Unfortunately, these items aren't available. They may have been purchased already or the item listing has expired.
    Error code: 70084 70203 70205

    When its still listed.

    Any ideas?

    • +1

      They will relist these when they adjust them to a "proper" price.

  • -3

    Prices jacked up in Betta as well. Looking for a Dyson V6 Animal, currently cheaper in GG without any coupons. Any ideas?

  • can we have a search all link?

  • Futu was updating the pricing when I was checking out just now. Got a notification half way during the check out process.

  • Wish kogan was there

  • +2

    Not happy at all to be honest I just spilled coffee while texting and driving with my knees

    • Maybe you need to recharge your eneloops

  • Looking at MacBook Air from Futu. Their price before discount is $50 higher than Apple's RRP but after the 20% discount it's quite attractive.

    Anyone managed to get Officeworks to price-match eBay sale prices?

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