• expired

OVO Mobile Plan Specially Designed for Kids: $9.95 /30 Days 1GB Data, $200 Calls Unlimited SMS + Free Cyber Security Service


Hi All,

Wanted to let you know about our new plans that launched today.

We have designed plans specifically for young people getting their first SIM/phone. but of course anyone that wants a budget plan is welcome to grab these plans.


New Mobile SIM plans:

OVO Mini
1GB Data
$200 worth of calling in Oz
Unlimited text in OZ
Unlimited streaming of content on OVOPlay
30 days

OVO Medium
1.5GB Data
$500 worth of calling in Oz
Unlimited text in OZ
Unlimited streaming of content on OVOPlay
30 days

New Data SIM plans:

3GB data
Unlimited streaming of content on OVOPlay
30 days

OVO 365 plan
Unlimited streaming of content on OVOPlay
365 days

all live at https://ovo.com.au

Feedback very welcome
Matt @ OVO


Q: What network?
A: Optus 4G

Q: Cyber Security Service?
A: More information on Family Zone. Link 1, Link 2.

Q: Call rate?
A: 99c/minute + 40c connection charge

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OVO Mobile
OVO Mobile

closed Comments

  • +6

    Good value plans if one does not require any international calls.

    • +2

      Just have a free or low pay voip account for that. I run two on my phone. One with DID on Aus and Google voice.
      3 phones in one! :)

      • Which VoIP app do you use?

        • Csipsimple
          Any better out there?

        • @Risser:
          I liked Zoiper when I still had a Neosaver voip account with MyNetFone.

  • +3

    You should make plans for seniors with long expiry!

    • +79

      seniors with long expiry


      • +10

        Ovomoron? :)

      • +2

        Hahaha gold

    • Yes! please do

  • +3

    This may be perfect for my retired parents!
    What's the process for ordering SIM cards and activating (including porting)?

    • +4

      order online at ovo.com.au, we ship in 3 business days, at activation you can choose to bring a number over or just get a new number. Easy :)

      • +1

        This would be perfect for my retired parents :)

  • +11

    Thanks, was just complaining about there not being plans for low usage.

    • Carefully what you complaint for…

    • +13

      Get married. A lot complain about low usage then ;)

      • +7

        Reminds me of the old joke about what Conservatives and married men at urinals have in common. They both look down on the unemployed. Boom boom.

  • +2

    Like the plan, just wish paypal was accepted.

    • can i use AMEX?

    • Why?

      • Mainly because I never have my cc on my but know my pp details of by heart.

  • -2

    If its for kids there should be no possibility of bill shoc. No premium SMS. No going over the cap.

    • +25

      Correct - its prepaid - SMS is unlimited, no premium SMS or calling access, no excess usage. Oh and free cyber security for the device

      • -7


      • +2

        So what happens if they reach the 1GB? Does data just stop working, does it get shaped, what?

        Can't find the relevant info on the website, sorry.

        • From the critical information summary

          This is a data allowance that you can use for anything else such as email or browsing the internet and is a separate allowance to OVO Time. If you run out of your 1 GB data limit throughout the month you can Top up by buying a data top up. OVO offers data top ups for $5 for 500 MB or $10 for 1 GB.

          Sounds like it stops working for anything except OVO Time unless you buy a data top up

        • @Agret: One would hope.

        • @Selenium: Can REP/Associated confirm this specifically. The data access will stop so no excess usage charges?

  • What network do you use?

    • +5

      Optus 4g plus

      • Was looking positive until I read that. Metro Perth and Optus coverage is almost non-existent in our area. No signal indoors.

        • How did you check the coverage?

        • I had an optus sim. Also had others in the area report the same problem. Had tradies come to the house and have thes same issues. Contacted Optus who were aware of it and had no plans to add more towers. Switched to Telstra.

          These maps are useless and are not accurate.

        • +2

          try a utility like network cell lite (free) and it shows you the towers near you and signal strength and that you attach to….. helped me find the the right part of the train to sit in to get better coverage. also if problem is indoor see what bands the tower supports and that your phone supports, band 28 fixed some of my indoor problems so bought new handset.

          that maps from the telcos are a guide and don't take into account buildings around you or the bands your phone supports … i live in a flat and it can be like tricky.

    • Optus 4g

  • what is the cybersecurity service? does it block p0rn?

    • +7

      bit more on the cyber security service here - https://www.ovo.com.au/ovo-lp-dv10-mini-plan-launch

      Be cyber safe with Family Zone

      With a Family Zone account you can filter adult and inappropriate content, restrict access to social networks plus limit app downloads and in app purchases. And, you can manage or limit screen time to an amount of time daily or restrict screen time to certain times of the day. Thanks to our partnership with Family Zone, OVO customers can register for a free cyber safety account that protects 1 mobile device - saving $59.40 / year. Being cyber safe means your kids and tweens can be safely independent while you're in control.

      • -3
        • Teens
      • If I have multiple sims does the 2nd one get charged for the cyber security service or is it free for all of them?

        • good question - in principle each service with OVO = a free service with familyzone. However if you want to have multiple services on 1 account with FZ this might not be able to take advantage of this deal - i recommend you enquire with them directly. Rgds

        • @MattCEOatOVO:

          Thanks, i'll follow up with them. I ordered my two sims on the same account through you rather than doing two separate OVO accounts.

  • What is cyber security? Like an internet filter? Or a virus software/app or something?

    Why can't I find any info on this on your website?

    • +2

      Be cyber safe with Family Zone http://familyzone.com/

      With a Family Zone account you can filter adult and inappropriate content, restrict access to social networks plus limit app downloads and in app purchases. And, you can manage or limit screen time to an amount of time daily or restrict screen time to certain times of the day. Thanks to our partnership with Family Zone, OVO customers can register for a free cyber safety account that protects 1 mobile device - saving $59.40 / year. Being cyber safe means your kids and tweens can be safely independent while you're in control.

      Note once you sign up you'll get a special link to get the service free

  • +6

    Uses the Optus Network. Very attractive plans as long as you have decent Optus coverage. Hope it succeeds!

  • Thanks OP.
    What's are the call rates?

    Also from https://www.ovo.com.au/ovo-products

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    • $200 standard calling - call charges: 40c connection fee and 99c per minute

      Edit: whoops just realised it was answered below lol

  • Perfect for my mum who has to leave her Pay as you go 2G plan with Vodafone.

    Time to sign up :)

  • +3

    Ovo Mini- Pricing

    "National mobile networks: 99c /minute + 40c connection charge

    National fixed line: 99c /minute + 40c connection charge

    Voicemail retrieval: 99c /minute + 40c connection charge

    Calls to OVO (686 or 135 686 from your OVO Mobile): Free in Australia

    13 numbers: 99c /minute + 40c connection charge

    1800 numbers: 99c /minute + 40c connection charge"

    Not much point saying $200 worth of calls if you charge $200 a minute.


    • +4

      but it isnt $200 a minute, it's $1 a minute

    • +3

      Thanks shaybisc,

      Yeah, 99c/minutes + 40c connection charge, no good if you make some decent calls. Luckily kiddies hate speaking on the phone, they love texting.
      It's one 6-minute call a day then you've reached your cap.

      There's no free lunch in this world.

      • +4

        The free MMS is a good deal. I've never seen it before on on low cost plan. Not that I've been looking.

      • +2

        The kiddies may also talk to each other via WhatsApp or other messenger app voice calling facility.

      • +7

        There are plenty of unlimited calling plans with poor data inclusions.
        I'm not really sure how you can criticise a $10 plan aimed at kids because it doesn't fit your adult usage patterns.
        With my kids it could have $1 in calls and they would rarely hit the cap.

        • yeah , my son calls me and asks me to call him back as i'm an all you can eat phone plan ……works fine and his friends they messsage each other.

      • +4

        It's one 6-minute call a day then you've reached your cap.

        There's no free lunch in this world.

        A 6 minute call a day is probably all i'd need, I don't even use my phone for calls most days. This ain't a business plan so i'd say that feature of 6 minute call is fantastic for kids.

    • +11

      There are 2 annoying absences from nearly all mobile plan deals that are posted on Ozbargain, critical to making a decision- should be front and centre- what is the network and what are the call rates? Now we know.

  • +3

    Great price on the 365 plan - effectively $8.33 per month!
    Is the 15gb rationed out per month (ie 1.25gb per month) or does it have the risk of it all being used up quickly in the year?

    And also any plans to bring back the 50GB @ $59 data plan?

    • +5

      you can use the 15GB as fast or as slow as you want / no rationing

      Stay tuned on the 50GB. Cant say anything yet

      • Yep, stuck on 25GB, can't wait

    • +3

      Kids are going to use it up in one go if they have chance. The OP plan is better.

      • +14

        Yeah - I just put the in-laws on Kogan's 365 plan last week as it does ration out the data. And low and behold, they' already hit the limit as they didn't know 'watching TV' on the phone would use anything - with the reasoning that it is free when you watch normal TV…. arghhh, to be the family tech support…!

        • 😊

    • +6

      The 365 plan is data only, no calls or sms.
      In which case, you'd get more value out of the current Optus data only offers.

      $50 for 14GB - 1 Year
      $130 for 44GB - 2 Years

      I'd also hazard a guess that the $50 for $59.95 won't return since they only just bumped the price up $20 a month or so ago. They've been saying to 'stay tuned' for larger data plans for quite a while now.

  • Can this be set up as a recurring monthly payment type thing ? I'm interested in switching from TPG where it's $20 a month for 1.5gig and i dont know how many calls and texts to this one, this sounds more appropriate for both my wife and i

    • +1

      Yes the plans auto recharge every 30 days - although you can turn that off in your ovo dashboard if you like

  • +3

    We used to make cricket bats out of wooden fence posts when we were young go steal golf balls from the local golf course and sell them for 50c, we never had time to be on the phone

    • +3

      You probably wouldn't have been ruining property and stealing if you were on the phone!

      • Would have needed a phone in juvenile detention.

    • +8

      Cool story bro?

    • That's why the $200 worth of calls is plenty for a kid, they are busy boosting stuff and vandalising to yack all day on the phone.

    • There were no eneloop before the invention of mobile phones

    • So were you selling the home made bats for 50c or were you selling the golf balls for 50c?
      We never stole golf balls but used to humor ourselves by hiding on the side of the fairway with a driver each and once a group had all teed off we would run out and hit the balls back to them.

      • Golf Balls

  • -2

    Specially Designed for Kids

    So exactly the same as any other plan except the parents will be lulled into a false sense of security by software that doesn't work.

    • +6

      Not many $10 plans with unlimited SMS, 1Gb of data and some calls. Or am I mistaken?
      Cyber security products are silly, but the people demand them for some reason…
      And they do work sometimes. My daughter once did a google image search for "girls" figuring it would show her things of interest to girls her then age of 5, but the unfiltered results were of more interest to teenage boys.
      In our house that is a funny story, but there are some parents who are very determined to shield their kids from bare skin etc.

  • Great deal. I will probably take it up for myself (lol). I've previously been on Amaysim PAYG with the 1GB for $10.

    What's the port time like for an Amaysim - Ovo port? Trying to remember if it can take a while because it's the same network (Optus)

    • +1

      There can sometimes be a delay - recommend activating (which starts the porting process) on a weekday morning.

    • I am currently on this deal as well

  • Is this really 9.95 per month? I am currently with Lycamobile on a $19.90 plan which expires every 28 days, it is kind of waste of money for me because I really dont use my phone, so this plan if it is really 9.95 per month, I will be happy to transfer! :)

    • +6

      yes sir it is!

      • is this plan going to stay a while or just for this month?

        • +1

          This is not a promo so yes

    • +3

      I have been with Amaysim Pay as You Go for number of years. It does not require you to recharge at all and no monthly fees. I dont use that number to make calls anymore and it just diverts any incoming. Costs me like $2-$3 a month in call diverts. Some months its too low to charge me, so it rolls over to the next month

    • +3

      Buy an Aldi sim in store or online for $5.00 and it will last 1 year with $5.00 of included calls/sms.

  • So these plans are postpaid?

    • prepaid

      • +1

        would be cool if you had some post paid plans

        something around $19/20 with more than 1.5gb data (so at least 2gb)

        would put vaya/kogan/telechoice out of business!

        also some PAYG plans like tpg offers would be awesome

  • This or Kogan one year plan?

    Kogan is on Telstra network and has unlimited calling as well…

    Any thought?

    • +2

      Kogan is Vodafone

      • +3


        • Sorry - Got myself confused…

    • Hmm OVO appears to have roaming. Which kogan does not.
      Can't seem to find the roaming rates though….

      • +1

        Did a bit of reserach. You need to buy an addon for roaming/international calling

    • +2

      This is definitely the better deal if you don't make many calls - optus coverage is better than vodafone and you don't have to prepay a year.

      I'm kicking myself because I just basically signed up my entire family to the kogan deal :(

      • Thanks. This now makes more sense.

      • well you just saved me from doing exactly the same thing, thanks :)

        edit: just saw vaya also has a promotional $10 plan if you pay one year up front: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Carriers/Vaya/Per…

        use promo code "XMAS"

        unfortunately Vaya also does not have international roaming so it's similar to the kogan paln

        • It is lock-in contract!
          better to go with Ovo for sake of monthly basis

  • Nothing around 2gb, less than $20 mark.

    • Why not get the $10 plan and pay for an extra 500mb or 1gb top up the months you need the extra?

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