Do You Ever Get Jealous of Those with Money?

I work 2 jobs 6 days a week around 47 hours a week. I was at my second job chatting to a member off staff when he told me he worked 3 days a week (maybe 24 hour a week) and basically worked for the sake of getting out of the house.

He was divorced and his two kid had recently moved out of home and was saying his family was loaded and his parents essentially paid for his house and his car and literally if he needed money he would call and ask and it was just a matter of how much $$$ he wanted.

It was at the moment I was like FML what do you mean you just ask and his response was ‘yeah If I want to go on holiday I just call dad and say dad I need a little bit of money like 20k and I jet set’

My first response was ‘20k! WTF that’s not a little money that’s massive’ his response was that’s nothing when I went to buy my son his 1st car his parents shelled out of a NEW BWM with extras and that was easily 80k’ and that ‘if he needed a million that wouldn’t be a problem’
He then told me basically his whole life paid for he has studied got his masters etc but had never struggle or worry about paying bills/rent/mortgage because he was 1 phone call away from cash

now lets get this straight he is a decent guy looked after his kids his wife left him for no good reason and left the kid behind and if he hadn’t told me his parents were multi-millionaires I wouldn’t of picked it. In no way was he gloating he was someone shocked I didn’t have such a safety net (my parents where not rich) and this only came up because I was saying how if I won the powerball this Thursday I’d pay off my house and probably change to 3 days a week like him

Now I like to think I’m not a vindictive man and generally I don’t care how rich someone is but that night left work a bit jealous because my whole life feels like a consent struggle to survive and achieve better and there was someone who basically been handed everything i wish i had…

Just wondering if i the only one?

For the record im not bitter or anything happy for my college just wish it was ME! sometimes


    • I feel like the fact that some adults still need this said to them is disappointing.

      • +1

        yep. quicker people accept it, the happier they can actually be

  • I can tell people that story all day, never gets old and people get wind up by it… people can say what they like to you but they telling you a fantasy or is it real? I guess multi millionaires with a million in cash waiting for the son to call it in basically floating everywhere in this country.

  • +1

    There's always someone with more than you and someone with less than you so I simply don't concern myself with others. I just maximise what I have. Makes life much simpler!

  • No….

    I learnt a long time ago that money and material things don't make me happy. PRetty content with a house, job and a reliable car.

    • +1

      Would be nice if we could all afford a house. Would take us years to get out of this apartment. Working on it though.

      • And maybe smuggler is older and had to work through those years to get their house too. Or maybe they bought in a much cheaper area and put up with longer commutes.

        I bet you can afford a house, just not a house that meets your preferences.

        • +1

          Nah, just took my grandmother's home when she died many years ago.

          My commute is long, but I live in a nice area.

      • GO live out in regional australia.

  • +3

    I had a similar story. A lady I knew at my work was working a temp contract and really wanted to get a full time position. She had taken this job to get back into the work force after having her first child, child was 6 months and she wanted to get back to work, her extended family really wanted to help out looking after the kid and they had a nanny. Anyway after getting to know her, I realized that both her and her husband's family are actually really loaded. Between her and husband they own multiple multi-million dollar houses (all fully paid off) in 3 different suburbs in Melb, two beach houses (one vic one nsw) and the husband family owns one of the big wineries in Australia so they go their all the time anyway. I just couldn't get why she wanted to work and why she really wanted to just get a fairly junior job the same as mine (she used to be very high up before having her child). She said it was more about just doing something with her time, I tried to point out that there is so many things you could be doing with your life that are more worthwhile than slaving in a corporate job, particularly when you are so financially secured, but she just brushed it off like she didn't really want to think about it. Some people just have this need to "work a job" so they can answer that question easily instead of saying "I'm rich and don't work". I'll never understand it.

    • I'll never understand it.

      This explains a lot.

    • That is a strange mentality. I can understanding being well off and still wanting to work (good to keep busy), but slaving away working for the man in a corporate job is my idea of hell! At least have a go at starting a business or even volunteering and helping others less fortunate.

    • That's because relatively poorer people look down at rich people. Sometimes people hinge a lot of their self worth into the fact that they have a job.

  • +1

    I would like to give an honest answer here.

    First of all, been rich is great, I have a few relatives/friends who are relatively rich. One run a company themselves. Been rich means they can send their son to top school in The States and the mum can stay with the son full time there. One works as a software developer, been rich means he never worried lose a job therefore can pick the most interesting job and hold his ground during work - interestingly this actually makes him a better developer and earning more :)

    I'm myself a migrant move to Australia a few years ago. After a few years and a few job switch, I get an OK job with OK pay. However though my younger college get paid less then me now, when they get to my age, they will get much higher pay and have earned more then me for sure. I would be one of them if I was born in Australia.

    I've heard this kind of factor is called "Gene Bonus"-or something like that. And that's basically something you don't have control. Some one think it is not fair, I feel it is OK. If I work hard to get rich, why can't my son/daughter benefit from that. And more importantly for me, you can complain on that all day, but you will not get any thing out of it.

    So my two cents here is - been rich is great but if you don't have "Gene Bonus", don't just get jealous because it won't get you anywhere. Try to use that as a motivation.

    • +3


    • +1

      If I work hard to get rich, why can't my son/daughter benefit from that.

      Thank you for your amazingly positive mindset, and really probably the healthiest perspective on this issue in this thread.

    • +1

      this is how a lot of parents give their children the best they can and their children are able to get the best out of life and repay it when necessary to their parents later in life

      these are the kinds of people that SHOULD have children

      bitter angry bogans that constantly complain about 'rich snobs' whilst leaning on a shovel all day in their hi-viz after failing school and spending years in juvi for graffiti SHOULDN'T have children - their family line should end right there

    • Been rich means they can send their son to top school in The States and the mum can stay with the son full time there

      If being rich means working while your son and wife live in a different country, I'll take poor thanks.

  • You don't have to be wealthy to be rich.

    I wouldn't admire a middle aged dude asking parents for money to go travelling.

  • I think there are people who are envious of your life even if you have to work hard to make ends meet.

    Just the fact I have australian citzenship affords me great chances, that other people would work hard for.

    I think at the end of the day you need to ask yourself if you had a better car would it make you even more happier

  • Having money is fun. I don't know what it feels like to be broke, but out of all my mates I live my life as if I'm broke… obviously being an ozbargainer hahah
    Everything is perspective… invest in yourself if you want money… educate yourself and/or get to know the right people.

    But sadly, yes.. I look at nice cars all the time and are envious.. more envious of people with tens of millions of dollars and higher.
    I think I still would work my job though…. so at the very least.. get a job you enjoy!

  • Ask him for a million $$ for 1 night with your wife ;)
    Poor fellah might miss being happily married so much. He would probably give ip all the $$$ just to not have the family broken up as happened. Especially the kids seem to suffer alot also when families separate, (no kidnapping) but if you asked him what he most valued it would most likely be his kids and family, not the money. Money never buys happiness, but can make being miserable more comfortable. He probably goes on a few of those 20k holidays when he is feeling particularly down about family breakdown and his wife leaving him.

    • Ask him for a million $$ for 1 night with your wife ;)

      I forgot which movie is this…

      • Indecent proposal

  • +3

    “Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.”

    (Except if you're anywhere near Truganina of course.)

  • Life's not fair! Get used to it.

    I also use here a tool to make ends meet

  • Next time you see him, ask him what's going to happen when his parents die. What if there is no inheritance because he was getting it early all along?

    • Do you people ever actually get out in public? Would you ever say this to a colleague?

  • +2

    life is unfair.

    Why make your own life more miserable by being jealous. Just live your life, try to enjoy the small and simple comfort that you can get and at the very least do no harm unto others. That is my creed in life.

  • +1

    How long have your mobs been here? His mobs probably have been here 300 years.

  • I wish I was Brad Pitt

  • I never get jealous of people who work hard for their money. I’ve decided to not work that hard and for me and my family, it is the right decision. As for people who win money, or are given it by family, I guess maybe a part of me does, but I try hard to overwhelm that bit with more positive feelings of feeling happy for them.

  • The vast majority of people have to work and struggle. People exaggerate their wealth and happiness. Often even for the rich, most of that wealth is tied up. All that matters is you and the ones you care about. Tomorrow isn't promised, and you don't take it with you when you die.

  • no. i live in my own bubble and i don't care about anyone else.

  • +2

    And yet he's still there working 3 days a week because…. money isn't everything.

    It might help ease your pain when you see it from that perspective.

  • you wish to be divorced with a broken family? It's not all about money….

  • Jealous, no. hHatred, yes. The reason why a minority of the population is rich is because they have made money through fleecing the poor minority. The poor will never become rich because the wealth are parasitically draining them every day of the week. Capitalism is just state sanctioned theft.

    • +1

      The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

      • Winston Churchill
    • -1

      Hahahahahaha. Please tell me who's putting a gun to your head and taking your money, and I'll gladly call the police for you.

      Wait, what's that you say? You pay for things willingly because you enjoy all the trappings of modern society and first world living standards? Oh, I GUESS TOO F—-ING BAD THEN EH.

  • Here's hoping to marry the Queen, if the King died before her of course.
    I'll make sure there's no prenup and make sure she signs her inheritance with my name on 100%.

    • England (and the Commonwealth) doesn't have a King. We have a Queen, her husband is Prince Philip.

  • Be thankful that you own your own life.

  • consent struggle to survive

    Consent to the constant struggle !

  • Not really because I can people that have a lot of money but I cannot see if they have the inner happiness/peace with it.

  • My thought is: It's Okay to be jealous of someone doing better than you, financially or achieving their goal a lot faster than you.
    It's just might motivate you to find a way or copy what they're doing to catch up to them.
    Having saying that, it's not okay to be jealous of someone and do everything you can to bring them down. Karma will get you in the end.
    I've seen it…

  • +1

    Only when I am off to holidays and have to constantly look at ozbargain for cheap economy flight tickets and hotel deals.

  • +5

    I recently found out that new starters at work are earning 20-30k more than me, despite me fixing some of their mistakes and training them.

    I asked for a raise and was promptly told no, and the boss listed a number of grievances they had with me.

    Not jealous at all of them, but it has absolutely killed my motivation and desire to work.

    • +2

      That would suck Gharvey. Feel for you mate.

      • Thanks, dude 😊

    • +3

      Time to get a better job :)

      • I've applied for a few

    • -1

      the boss listed a number of grievances they had with me.

      Like what?

      • +1

        A person misunderstood the inner workings of a system and escalated an issue. Tried to explain the situation but my boss doesn't actually listen when you talk.

        I suppose the second one is my fault, someone wrote doco, then instead of updating doco with new settings, they emailed it to me. I should've updated the doco myself but was ridiculously busy, and it got overlooked. When it came time to enabling settings, I followed the out of date instructions which caused issues.

    • That probably means they are starting with higher expectations than someone who has been stuck in a role without a raise for a long time. I've been one of those new people, more qualified than the people at a new job but way less experience. And I made more from the start than they were getting after 10 years. Even similarly qualified guys who started after just had lower expectations, accepted less due to their own circumstances (eg starting while still studying, but not seeing the pay go up much after graduating)

      And yet, they mostly felt grateful for what they were getting. While I looked at other peers earning more and felt like I should get more, and asked for more, and got it. And still felt underpaid. But not as exploited as the other who simply accepted what they were offered and didn't question it

      Look for a new job dude. Chasing money might not make you happier, but you'll have more money

  • Key to life for me - be thankful for what you have & be humble. Always, think of people who don't have much… makes you pretty humble, pretty quickly. Hit reset once a year if you think you're becoming too uppity.

  • +1

    "now lets get this straight he is a decent guy looked after his kids his wife left him for no good reason and left the kid behind"

    that my good sir, is what we like to call a "gold digger"

    the "no good reason" was actually a "fat divorce settlement" for her from a wealthy family :)

    • Bahaha i did ask him and he said he had a pre-nup but she still got a decent payout considering she had 'f*** all' also a lot of his money is tied in a 'family trust' (what ever that means)

  • +2

    At the end of the day, how is his life different to yours?

    He still wakes up, goes to work, relaxes after work etc - he just does it in a nicer house, with a nicer car and goes to more expensive destinations. It sounds silly, but really when you think about it, if you had those nicer things you'd adapt to them and they'd be old after 6 months - his day to day life probably isn't that much better.

    As a side, his wife may have left him because he doesn't posses attractive traits like confidence, drive, ambition and so on because he's never needed to develop them.

    • I'd be pretty happy to only need to work 3 days a week f*** me i'd even take 4 days :D

  • +4

    I get jealous of people with lots of dogs. If someone doesn't have a house that when you open the front door you're mobbed by at least 10 dogs, I don't consider them to be rich.

  • Nothing wrong with jealousy, its how you handle it that's important.

    As you said, you're not bitter, that's the most important part.

    I think the whole notion about not being jealous/envy is silly, since its a natural part of us, it also drives us to some extent

  • Everyone is rich compared to someone else. Yeah, OP's friend is very lucky, but there are people with private jets, just as there are people who are food insecure and live paycheck to paycheck. Its the lottery of birth.

  • I do find that a lot of the wealth seemed to be concentrated in the hands of those who are least worthy and need of it.

    So …. you get the money spent on an expensive outfit for pets, toilet made of gold, three Lear jets for one person, and all that crap.

    It’s not jealousy.

    It’s just outrage.

  • Why would you waste your time being jealous of this person? It's not going to get you anywhere and will only make you depressed.
    Sounds like they might be having you on anyway.

    • i think depression is fuelled by jealousy

      but jealousy also fuels rage

      that and entitled assholes with a little bit of wealth thinking they should have priority over others in all aspects of life.

  • +1

    When I was junior, I worked in the payroll department so I got to see everyone pays. It was depressing to see how much more they got paid compared to me :(

  • Jealousy and wanting more than what we have is a party of human nature. It's why we evolved and accomplished so much.

    You either work to gain what you want or find ways to be happy with your current situation.

  • +1

    Dude perhaps he just said that to make you feel bad…

  • his wife left him for no good reason

    With the guys attitude, the only people whose panties are dropping are gold diggers $$u$$

  • +4

    Damn..that's me!

    I didn't tell you all about my money so that you can post on Oz bargain.

    Dude,only good thing is you did is not writing my name.

    Lets discuss this at work on Wednesday. I am not working on Monday and Tuesday.

  • +3

    Eh, be thankful you won the birth lottery and ended up in Australia. You could have been born as some North Korean family stuck in their concentration camps…

    • +1


      or literally the majority of the population and countries in asia, africa, south america, central america etc.

      no matter how hard life gets you down, there's always someone on the other side of the world that hasn't eaten in a week

      funnily enough the people in these countries are far friendlier to strangers than we are here in bogan-straya

      the majority of the population here really don't know how good we have it.

      yet we argue over trivial things, like road rage, how other people travel, what kind of car they drive, how many seconds they were held up going to work etc.

      • or a large proportion of the population in developed countries such as the US and even Australia who are obese and have poor health.

        • except that is a lifestyle choice and inexcusable given the quality of healthcare we have here

          food is usually healthier in poorer countries because they don't have the money for shit food (they dont even know the taste). they eat the staples more than the luxuries, have smaller meals and are far more active than the lazy soccer moms that drive the measly 2km to go to the gym once a month for yoga and a few squats.

          a prime example is singapore vs rural thailand or vietnam. if you want to see fat asians - go to singapore. you'd be hard pressed for find a fat Vietnamese kid.

  • im not jealous of rich people, i am jealous of people who do effortless #2's. even more so of the ones who barely need to wipe. just one clean, swift efficient motion. gone in 60 seconds. literally.

    • maybe take those hidden cameras out of the toilet at work and you won't find yourself jealous of this anymore

      worry about your own bowel movements

      and drink metamucil

      stay regular

      (not affiliated)

      • +1

        Disagree re metamucil, it's like cement unless you drink a crapton of water. Lots of vegetables, water, sleep (really), and magnesium can make a big difference.

    • Dude you should get that looked into. It's achievable.

      • -1

        think he was kidding.

        just like i'm jealous of those that actually need a poo knife. that'd be so cool to make one solid long log that required cutting to flush properly.

        like, mega food baby proud.

        it's a boy!

  • +1

    i can honestly say that i don't get jealous of anyone anymore, it's immature and amateur in terms of human emotion.

    if i see someone has worked hard for what they have and they're not an (profanity) = they deserve it

    if i see someone has fallen onto money or have been raised in a rich family and they're not an (profanity) = that's fine, live it up

    if i see someone that has a lot in life, big house, fancy high yield investment and are complete asswipes (no matter how they get it) = they deserve misfortune and a brick through their window

    if i see someone that deliberately shoots people down and prevents them from reaching success = they deserve to die

    wealth (in any form) really doesn't represent ones character

    as long as you do the same unto others as you would expect done to you (getting all religulous here now)

    that said, the world is huge and full of people (mostly chinese lol). worry about yourself and be happy with what you've got. there's plenty of people that will also try to take advantage of you - get rid of them.

    if you look at the real reasons most people suicide - they are just trivial.

    and remember, everything is a 'first world problem'

    brb gonna go apply for jobs on a suicide hotline. i think i nailed it.

  • +5

    I'm convinced I'd still be on ozbargain everyday no matter how rich i was.

    • That commitment

    • Same. I got myself in good financial position by being frugal, and don't intend changing

    • doubt this very much. once you get into the tens and hundreds of millions, worrying about saving a few measly dollars on eneloops is a complete waste of your time.

    • that's just good ole common sense!

  • +2

    I heard people being asked "would you like to be a royal" and everyone was saying no. I thought "but such resources at your disposal", but same, not for me thanks.

    I'm not envious of anybody. Wouldn't say no to more money, but can't think of anyone I'd change circumstances with.

  • I get jealous of those with better jobs than me. I hate my job, I make enough money to be happy, I would like more, and I could make more but that would mean major sacrifices (FIFO) that as father of 2 under 2 I am not prepared to make.

  • Refreshing to hear such honesty OP. Perfectly natural reaction to wish that you were in another person's shoes. One man complained about the worn shoes on his feet until he met a man with no feet.

  • Just because he's not boastful or arrogant about it doesn't mean he's not lying. Pathological liars can be very blase' about their lies.

    Even if it is true, I think a bit of jealous or disbelief that others can have it so easy is normal. The grass is always greener… but as long as you do the best for your own situation that's all that matters.

  • +2

    Op, is he single? Asking for a friend.

  • theres enough money in the world for everyones need but not enough for everyones greed.
    How good would it be to know you're basically set for life and dont have to work to pay bills.

    but in short,

  • That is not the ideal way to look at this.

    Having money is one thing, gaining the skills and mindset that you learn from making the money is another.

    Have fun along the way of making money, if your way of life isn't improving then 1. Change the difficulty or 2. Change the person.

    You do things wrong in two ways, 1. your way of thinking and 2. your way of thinking.

    Sometimes if you don't strive or struggle in life (like the rich guy op describes above) you won't learn the lessons to get anywhere.

  • +1

    Run you own race… .

  • +1

    The key to happiness is to be content with what you have, anything more is a bonus.

    • Not only that, but if you aren't happy with your life get off your arse and do something about it. I know people who moan about how bad or sucky their life is, but they do nothing to improve it.

  • The idea of not having to worry about money is the thing I envy. I don't care about stuff, brands, bling, things like that. I don't feel the need to be saluted by peers for having stuff or a certain type of car etc. BUT, the idea of never having to be concerned about money and to have the freedom to travel when I please etc would be wonderful.

    Those that have it without having had to work for it live in a different world to the rest of us. That said, I've had a taste of many of the kind of things rich people like to do in terms of food, drink, destinations, hospitality etc through jobs I've had where we have entertained wealthy clients. My overwhelming view on these things is that they are all vastly overrated and not that interesting or enjoyable. Its only the exclusivity the cost brings that makes them 'special'. People wetting themselves over fancy cheeses or wines for example. I've had all these type of things, they really aren't that good.

    Being debt free and having enough to do the things I like without concern is all I would ever want. I don't need all the other crap and I don't want it either.

  • Envy is always good, for me, it makes me work harder and challenge myself to improve my lifestyle. I am always looking at new ways to make a passive income stream, or earning more money to life a better lifestyle. It is within us that we naturally compare without thinking to much of it. When we compare it can in many ways make you feel like someone else is in a more comfortable place than you are.

    In the end, everyone is different, and I am started to appreciate myself more for the things that I have accomplished in this life.

    I work 80 hours per week, have a modest car, investment property and run a small business as well. Even though I work long hours, I have the fund to fund a better lifestyle and enjoy yearly holidays.

    For many, working 80 hours per week with a yearly income of about 90k isn't worth while. For me it is, as at lease I can travel end of the year. I am always looking at how to improve my income and how to establish something to earn more and have better working conditions.

  • +1

    ahhhh my friend,.. of course we all do, but ill tell you a few things which should help you sleep better at night…

    there is a saying shirt sleeve to shirt sleeve in 3 generations..

    people are poor, — the work hard and make a lot of money…. this is the 1st generation, — they made the money because they are smart and hard working and came from nothing.

    second generation, get spoiled, dont have to work and are terrible with money —- they end up losing all the money that the first generation made — (your friend)

    so their children are now poor, again, in shirt selves the 3rd generation…

    ill give you some prime examples… Murdoch and packer.. rich, ruthless bastards, money hungry… then you have James packer and locky,.. how much did the pair of numb skulls lose in ? a billion or so? generally that bankrupts a family, but they were super mega rich their dadies bailed them out.

    i have a mate, very smart we did a PHD together.. so smart but very poor… however, his grand or great grand-father basically was one of the riches men in Australia in the early 1900s,.. i mean mega rich, parks named after him, donated money to build major icons when the government was in trouble, so super mega rich.. in between that his children took over and bankrupted the family, hence the grand son has to start off all over again, generally due to circumstance and genetics intelligence skips a generation… see my friend, is smart but aslo worked hard, if he had the family money behind him i doubt he would have, and i doubt he would have got a phd!

    You are mega rich? you will marry a pretty hot chick, trust me you will,.. no one will turn down heaven, but those genes are good for one thing, looks, not intelligence, you will have pretty kids, but they will be dumb as bt sht. and they wont even need to get smart or try because its all given to them on a silver platter until they get it into their idea they are so smart enough to risk the whole family fortune!

    happens, with aisna families alot, so dont worry about it, let it slide work hard and you will be fine, but also your children.

  • -1

    I have a cousin just like this, but he married into it. I turned out to be his best man and I asked him in the gym one day why are you marrying her after there were a lot of things his soon to be bride was doing wrong but he was sticking by her (including not inviting his dad), because it seemed love wasn't really there. He told me her parents have money. They owned this chicken farm and sold birds to some big company.

    Needless to say we don't talk anymore. I'd rather be broke and happy than in a miserable marriage.

    As for your co-worker OP, well let's just say every dog has its day.

    • So @petey you are not friends with someone because they made a personal decision that did not affect you in anyway?

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