This was posted 5 years 5 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Exetel 4G 250GB Home Wireless Broadband (12/1 B40 or 5/1) for $39.99/Mth Modem Inc. over 12 Months @ Exetel


Exetel are offering two 250GB Home Wireless Broadband plans on the Optus 4G Plus Network.

Great for people who are renting or sharing accomodation or you just can't get a reasonable ADSL service.


  • 250GB anytime data usage (uploads and downloads counted)
  • Plug and play. Just insert SIM Card and power on
  • Get online faster. Connect as soon as you power-up the modem
  • Choice of great value plans - including month-to-month and 12-month terms
  • Speeds up to 12/1 download/upload in areas where you connect to 2300MHz spectrum
  • Powerful Huawei 4G Router B525 - FREE on 12-month plan
  • Discounted modem on month-to-month plan
  • Modem supports 64 simultaneous connection. 4 x Gigabit Ethernet ports
  • Free modem shipping
  • Order by credit card for quick delivery

12-month contract:

  • $39.99 per month
  • 250GB Anytime Data
  • Speed up to 12/1
  • FREE Huawei B525 WiFi modem
  • Free shipping
  • Total minimum cost $479.88

No lock-in plan:

  • $39.99 per month
  • 250GB Anytime Data
  • Speed up to 12/1
  • $99 Huawei B525 WiFi modem
  • Free shipping
  • Total minimum cost $138.99

Additional Details:

  • Data cost per GB $0.16
  • Uploads and downloads counted in usage
  • Excess data charge is $10 per 10GB block
 (limit of 5 blocks for total 50GB)
  • Speed shaping to 256Kbs after 250GB usage
  • The Exetel Home Wireless Home Broadband service is available in selected homes in selected areas

Referral Links

Referral: random (668)

Referrer gets 10% off per referral (up to $10/month per referral) for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I'm going to finally dump iprimus ADSL2+, sick of waiting for the NBN. I'm only getting about 10Mbs on the ADSL2 line anyhow.

    • +2

      Perfect use case! Welcome aboard!!

  • IF it wasn't shaped, id jump all over this.

    • +2

      Speed, Allowance, Price, Coverage, Convenience.

      This offers as great combination of all of these important features.

  • Don’t they still have that vivid unlimited plan moved to Optus?

  • +1

    Technically yes. Though the service is designed as a fixed line replacement (ADSL/NBN 12/1) so the modem provides the features home users need - great Wi-Fi, Gigabit Ethernet ports etc.

    Why does it have to take so many questions for the OP to finally say "technically" the SIM can be used with other modems, though he still tried to lure people into buying a new modem?

    I did consider jumping on this deal but the rep didn't give me any confidence in their customer service.

  • +1

    Hi OP, I just wanted to say thank you for an amazing ISP.

    After a shocking SHOCKING experience with AussieBroadBand, who took money and ran, and even admitted they promised things in the voice recording; however 'Technically aren't required to honor them', we jumped ship (we were with them for a total of 9 days, they were genuine thieves!).

    Your old ADSL2+ plans were a savior when I first moved out.
    The ability to be an IT pro, and just phone up and ask for "X profile applied to line" without having to jump through hoops? Priceless.

    Then moving my parents to NBN (which is when that incident occurred), your company apologized for AussieBroadBand and offered us some free time with your ISP to "make up for the trouble we've been having". WOW

    You then did not just 1, but 4 follow up calls to my parents, making sure speeds were OK (and telling them how to check on their end), making sure the VOIP worked, asking about our stability (several blackouts must have triggered an alert your end, but we were fine).

    Just A+++

    Your connection was faster, your service was beyond anything, and being an IT nerd who was struggling with bad copper, you heard from me a LOT and never hesitated to 'just give my idea a try'.

    Don't lose what made you great.

    Your SriLanken team are well trained and super natural english speakers.
    Your billing platform isn't flawless, but your staff have the ability to fix it instantly (I got double billed, only once, in 10 years).
    Your Speed is BETTER than ABB was able to offer at evening speeds (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't oversell your CVC, stay good!)
    And your wait times are near 0.

    Thank you for a wonderful experience over more than 6 connections (between my family, and friends) over the last 10 years,

    • That's a very lengthy review.

      • +1

        In all honesty?
        I genuinely find it rare to find a company these days who don't treat you like a walking wallet.

        WHY would they feel the need to offer me free things for mistakes ANOTHER COMPANY made?
        It's just very rare, and anyone who still does it.
        IMO, this deserves the 4 minutes it takes to type a review.

        • good on u for caring if its genuine. aussie broadband has very good reviews and most people uplike their deals. last deal has 185+ upvotes and no neg. i am not associated with any of these companies.

          • @lobzter: Thank you heaps!
            I appreciate the kind words :)

            Not associated with either?
            Curiously, which ISP do you support?

            I'm afraid that OzB is a flawed system for that sort of comparison though, sorry.
            There were actually a few negs on that deal that were removed because of "too many downvotes" on a comment.
            Happens every time; (do you run your own SQUID proxy or similar caching proxy? I can probably give you timestamps to check)

            It's the facebook-effect.
            When the vocal section of a community are convinced of something, they'll swarm to protect that view, at fear of being labeled non-conformist and not getting enough 'likes'; often without education or experience.

            Besides, a 'good deal' doesn't mean a 'good company'; I can find you the same amount of upvotes and no downvotes from china import sites that never delivered product.

            Ho-hum, life goes on.

            EDIT: who neg votes someones personal experience\review of a company? People these days!

        • +2

          Interestingly back in the day I had the exact opposite experience with Exetel and ABB…
          Exetel managed to bugger up both our initial connection and the disconnection… In both cases I was left without internet for 2 or more weeks and in both cases Exetel were 100% at fault.
          At connection they gave Telstra the wrong address despite having details faxed to them for proof of ownership.
          At disconnection (to switch to FttN NBN), they cancelled my connection 4 weeks earlier than requested (and confirmed by email) and then were unable to reconnect me.
          No assistance or compensation was offered in either case, the best I got was an apology for the mistake.

          • @ESEMCE: Just goes to show that everyone's experience is different.
            I'm not ignorant enough to think that ABB is always bad, they have many happy users.

            I just felt like I had a bigger slice of the pie to compare with, with Exetel.
            As said, I've done at LEAST 6 connections (likely more), and been with them at several managed offices and home locations for more than 10 years now.

            I wouldn't judge ABB so harshly if the bad experience I had, hadn't come directly from the CEO himself.
            I'd normally just say "OK, 1 bad experience isn't the end" and let it slide; every salesman is different.
            But, as the old crass saying goes; "Shit runs down stream".
            I managed to get treated the genuine worst I've ever been treated by ANY company (including Telstra!) by the very top of the company.

            If that's their leadership, I'm worried it will eventually show down stream, no matter how well meaning the other departments are.
            And judging by how nice and helpful the connection team were, it seems the other departments are VERY good at what they do.

  • great services from Exetel

  • That cool, thanks OP…

  • Is this fast enough to stream youtube or netflix?

    • +1

      Depends on your coverage, i would say not really on 5/1 due to it being wireless, could be ok for SD streaming but my old adsl of 4/1 wasn't able to do Netflix and YouTube only on lower quality, but should be ok on 12/1 if you have solid connection.

    • +1

      5 down on STABLE wireless is enough.
      If you play a youtube video, then bring up the 'stats for nerds' panel, you can see the Mbps being used by your stream.

      Youtube is HELLA compressed.
      Also, my old ADSL2+ @4Mbps could do standard def Netflix A-OK.

      If you're in a 12\1 area, no issues.

      Anyone coming from ADSL will notice the 1 up.

  • On checking with OzTowers I see the following Optus info:
    (3G 900MHz)
    (4G 700MHz)
    (4G 1800MHz)
    (4G 2100MHz)
    (4G 2600MHz)
    I am currently using Optus mobile broadband and I am very happy with it…BUT!!! if I can get a good service from Exetel for a better price I would go there…
    Please tell me, as I don't understand all the technical details, would I be worse off with this Exetel deal as far as internet access and speed etc goes???

    • +1

      No Band 40 (2300MHz) on that tower so you won't get full 12Mbps, it will be restricted to 5Mbps.

      • +1

        thanks for your reply adr8 :)

  • +3

    $80 for 500Gb uncapped speed may better option if can afford it…

    • It's a shame they don't throw Optus Sports in! If they did I would be all over it!

    • Wow… if you're in an area that isn't saturated with mobile users (so avoid the CBD at peak hours), that could rival and truly beat fixed NBN.

    • +1

      This. Not sure why this is so popular given the alternatives directly from optus.

      • +1

        Many people want to facebook and email.

        For people with these needs; this is less than half the price, and MORE than fast enough (even at 5\1) and involves less hassle of cables and phonelines if you're renting.

  • Is this sort of a replacement option in case they pull or put up the 12mbps NBN plans?

    I wonder if Exetel would some how allow you to run their VoIP via this device?

    • +1

      If you're skilled enough to know how to setup a litle $10 voip gateway, they'd never know.

      Also, I've long thought that Optus should really up their plans (and resold plans) to 15down\2up.
      That way they're actually offering more than what basic nbn can offer.

      truly competitive.

      Time will tell.

      • $10 for a VoIP Gateway? Do you have a link for where I can buy one?

    • You can do what you like!

      In fact, why not use our unlimited $10 VoIP plan?

      • I was with Vivid Wireless for 12 months while waiting for NBN to arrive. I'm now using an excellent Exetel FTTN service and have no complaints at all.

        The VOIP port of the Vivid wireless modem was locked down/disabled and I couldn't use it. I had to use a Cisco SPA122 but the line quality always suffered due to the slow up speed.

        Are Exetel thinking of enabling the VOIP RJ11 port and offering their VOIP plans ? It may be an option for my elderly inlaws.

        • +1 if VoIP was enabled on the modem that would be awesome. Same use case but with grandfather who is hard to teach.

  • +5

    So in 1989 the Government held an enquiry that turned out to be a complete waste of money because they ignored their own advice.

    What did the enquiry find? That Australia needed a fibre broadband network. No, that's not a typo, this was in 1989.

    So then in 1993 the Government sold Telstra and the private sector proceeded to do it's usual appalling, wasteful job ripping everybody off.

    And here we are $100 billion later and people are still connecting via wireless and ADSL while overseas people pay half the cost for services we cannot even recieve like 100/100 or Gigabit unmetered over fibre.

    • +2

      It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

    • +4

      Well Australians shouldn't complain when they continue voting for the liberals.

      • +1

        See, I'm going to try not to rant. (EDIT: I failed :P)
        I'm not a 1 party supporter, at all.

        The Australian Voters need to realise how our political system works.
        We have a Govenor General.
        No one party is going to truly 'screw up' Australia as a country; We have a guy who can stop that.
        However the wrong party CAN screw up a single important issue.
        A great example was the 'How do we approach NBN' vote, where Labor lost, and well, here we are…

        Voting is a chess game. Wake up.
        Sometimes you sacrifice a pawn to save the Queen.
        Voting in a party that you don't agree with overall, because 'the 1 important policy' is correct, is actually a smart move.

        The crazy ideas will never get enough YES votes (then again…. encryption laws…. ho hum…)

        "Ban the blacks" will never get in, OneNation.
        "Close down power plants" will never get in Greens.
        "Do insane things with Taxes and arm everyone" will never pass, Katter.

        The people will revolt, and the parliament won't get enough yes votes anyway.
        On the flip side;

        "Sensible speed of immigration" might pass, One Nation.
        "Move to cleaner fuel where possible" Might pass Greens.
        "…." nah Katter is just crazy :P

        Please just look at what each party is 'offering' that will last a lifetime forget your "I vote for X party only!"
        Vote for Australia, not for yourself.

        On a personal note;
        Unless things change, I think the last few elections 'Greens' have had some very useful ideas.
        Better internet, sensible police powers, and transparent government spending? Yeah sounds pretty good.
        To me, that makes sense;
        and a future vote to "Hide Government Spending" once again? Would have the people in an uproar.

        Chess game…..
        The two party system is only trying to 1-up each other, they're not trying to raise Australia anymore.

        That said; I'd still vote for them, if they had an important plan also.
        I voted Labor during the big NBN issue. I didn't even LOOK at their other policies, NBN was the "one thing" that was going to matter my whole life.
        Australia, you broke it.
        0 commitment to a party.
        Vote with your brain not your heart.

        • -3

          Do you guys in your wildest dreams imagine that Australia would now be an Internet paradise with a different government?

          If FTTP was being rolled out, the job would be struggling to be 50% complete now. Households like ours due to connect to FTTC in a month or so would continue to rely on not adsl but Mobile broadband from phone towers as the only cabled internet possible to our street is dial up.

          When we moved here in 2009 I rang Telstra for adsl, they said sorry mate but with the Rudd government announcing they're setting up their own NBN company to rival us, which will eventually replace us, we're now pulling back from making expensive adsl roll outs to streets like yours, which are five or so K's from the exchange. It'd cost us thousands to create a hub and what for? The NBN to come up your street in a year or two when you abandon us?

          It was Rudd's ALP which denied us adsl, by creating the anachronistic publicly owned NBN and it would have been ALP governance which kept us off cabled broadband for a few more years at least and we're in Tony Windsor country - fat lot of good he did us with his grand pronouncements in 2010.

          On reflection it's actually best to keep political bias/comment off of ozbargain,It's not what ozbargain is intended for. We all have our particular view of the world.

          • +2


            Do you guys in your wildest dreams imagine that Australia would now be an Internet paradise with a different government?

            No, just not a mishmash of strange and varied technology, and not with such a low 'Maximum'.

            We still wouldn't be great, but we'd be servicable.

          • +3

            @philart: I read your comment as:

            • Political point
            • another political point
            • One last political point

            Then signing off, "Actually, let's not talk about politics on this website."

  • +1

    Speeds are beyond woeful - not a bargain, a total rip off when comparing the value and quality against other services.

    • +1

      Hi Joey,

      serious question, can you let me know of another plan with 250gb a month for $40 with better speeds?

    • +1

      I'd like to know one also; I'm looking for a failover connection for home.

    • It's way better than my ADSL service (5.8 km from exchange…)

  • is the speed good enough to online streaming ?

    • Absolutely not.

    • At 12mbps sure
      It's not going to do 4k, but HD will be OK.

      • Yeah possibly after midnight but during peak times might be a different story

        • Nah, it's 12mbps throttled, I hit 30mbps unthrottled during peak, I'd expect the 12mbps speeds to be pretty flat throughout the day.

          • @ESEMCE: Except of course in places like here where we struggle to get 3-4Mbps speeds by 9-10pm on Optus. Before the Kids finish school on weekdays we get 25Kbps easy.

    • +1

      I was with Vivid Wireless for 12 months while waiting for NBN to arrive. The connection sat around 9-10 Mbs and I was amazed how well it performed. Two parents with adult children still at home. Lots of Netflix, youtube and browsing and you would never think it was slow.

      Netflix streamed perfectly on a large 65" TV and the resolution didn't appear reduced.

  • +1

    I wonder if this plan was introduced as a path to migrate NBN12 customers. The value is certainly better but the connection stability won't be as good.…

    • +1 as I wrote above, possible option for those that only have the ESB budget.

    • Not directly but it is a convenient coincidence!

  • +2

    I personally have had a very poor experience with Exetel, whatever lines they use with Optus appear congested maximum speed I ever got was 5 MBS on an ADSL2+ connection. They are definitely attractive on a cost basis but the service staff is rude and quality is pathetic…I am paying more with TPG but satisfied now

    • what speed you getting with TPG on the same adsl2+ ?

      i'd have thought adsl2+ tech has no shaping / congestion, just pure line quality & distance to exchange

      • +1

        Correct. We don't shape/degrade any service.

        If you phone line is poor quality or full of water etc. you'll get a bad service - no matter who the supplier is.

        That being said, this Home Wireless product can be a great solution of you suffer "Coppercrapitis"!

  • I currently use the Optus 200GB wireless, and the connection is terrible, still the best option for my circumstances.
    Checking the antenna we have pretty close to our place I've found:
    Optus 3G 2100MHz
    Optus 4G 1800MHz

    Is the 4G 1800Mhz really that bad?

  • Uploads. and downloads counted.

    So you are not getting the full 250 gig, a portion of that will be used by your uploads.

    Most plans do not count uploads, just something to keep in mind.

    • +1

      Which plans don't include uploads?

      • +1

        fair comment, I have been out of the game for a few years it used to be that most of them did not count uploads…

        Now it seems some do and some don't, more do! Things have changed.

        • NBN has changed the game on counting uploads… It's now just accepted as standard.

          • +1

            @ESEMCE: The counting of uploads and downloads is applied due to our wholesaler plan construct. We just pass that aspect through to the retail plan.

  • +1

    Once 250GB is finished, do you have the option to manually add 10GB for $10, so I get to choose if I want to spend the extra money?

    • The extra 10GB blocks are added automatically.

      However, with Exetel we have a "Spend Control" function that you can set at the following values:


      So you could set it to $0.00 if you like and the service will be suspended when you use the 250GB allowance.

      • +2

        So you could set it to $0.00 if you like and the service will be suspended when you use the 250GB allowance.

        That is at odds with what you have under Additional Details:
        * Speed shaping to 256Kbs after 250GB usage

        So is it shaped or suspended?

        • Use the spend control to avoid the excess usage charges.

          In this case, we suspend the service so we avoid the excess wholesale charge.

          • @Glenn Ward: This is a deal-breaker ~
            Why not just throttle the speed and anyone want normal speed after the allowance should simply pay.

            • +1

              @isdnman: The speed is throttled past 250GB usage and charged at $10 per 10GB block up to 300GB then suspended.

              You can't pay extra to un-throttle past 250GB or un-suspend past 300GB - that's the way the service is built by Optus Wholesale - no changing that!!

      • Is this Spend Control mechanism found under Services & Usage tab after login?

        • yes, then click on Manage button and you'll see a tab called 'Spend management'

        • be mindful that function doesn't FULLY work as EXETEL deplayed the statistics

          This is reply from exetel when I had similar situation

          Our records confirm that you have set your spend management limit to $0.00 for service. However it is not a guarantee that your service will get suspended as soon as you reach your limit.

          As re-sellers Exetel will not be able to send the usage notifications or suspend services until a certain session is over, Once a session is over only the usage records will be updated and only then will your service be suspended. There is also a delay of 48 hours to obtain the usage records from our suppliers.

          This is clearly stated in our terms conditions listed on the website under the excess spend management agreement, and of course you will be responsible for the excess usage charges which was incurred during that session.

          • @hongd: So setting it to $0.00 won't work at all since the usage records are delayed by 48 hours.
            Just going over the allowance by 1MB will cost you $10.
            If you are likely to use 250GB per month then expect to pay $50 per month.

            • @jackofspade: Can't comment on the b525 modem, but my Huawei E5186 modem has a data counting and limiting feature.
              The data counting seems reasonably accurate.
              It shows less than 5Gb difference between it and the official Optus record each month (presumably due to session counting and rounding by Optus).
              I have my data limit set at 200Gb of my 210Gb monthly limit.
              I also watch my Official data count pretty closely.

            • @jackofspade: Theoretically, it is possible.
              In this direction, spintel may be better

              Their TC———
              Data Usage
              Data will be counted in kilobytes and includes both uploads and downloads. The cost of 1MB of data within your Included Data
              Allowance is $0.00023/MB. Once you’ve used your included data your service will be capped and you will need to login to My
              Account to purchase a data-block. Additional 10GB data-blocks are available for $10 each, but the service will be shaped to 256K
              for the remainder of that billing month.

      • i just set up a new threshold limit on my new service.

        please be aware that change of spend threshold limit request will be effective from the next billing cycle.

        i.e.: You could potentially pay more in the first month.

  • +1

    OP you may want to update your post to reflect Q&A from comments.
    Modem is B525 and not locked to Optus.

    • +1

      Correct, its not locked to anyone.

  • +2

    Was with Exetel some years ago. They terminated my service without word, then after the fact they told me it was because I was an unprofitable customer.
    There were issues connecting my service, and their contract actually states if you call them for support too much or problems take too long for them to resolve you will be deemed unprofitable and they will disconnect you.

    • +2

      an unprofitable customer

      That is ridiculous. I understand that as a private operator Exetel can decide who they keep as a customer or not, and all telcos have this right, but to terminate you because you are "an unprofitable customer" is disgraceful.

      • +2

        Those were the 'bad old days'.

        Does not happen any more.

        • +1

          Yep we'll take your word for it.

          • @[Deactivated]: Since the ACCC stepped in, across ALL service providers and their 'BS claims', I'd say that's very wise of you :)

            If they say unlimited, you'll be right.

        • Feel free to correct my explanation below; if I got something wrong.
          I was working with an ISP during those days, but not Exetel (I was a customer though).

      • +3

        It's really not. It's a polite way to say "We think you're stealing, and even if you're not, you're an (profanity) to everyone else's speeds".

        (Even if we ignore the fact that part of the contact was the right to terminate a plan at any time; because the 'unlimited' clause was subject to fair use - which is still worth pointing out, as the user agreed to it, but we'll leave that said and done here).

        I was in the ISP game at that time. (I have never worked for, or with Exetel) however I know what was up.

        I'll try and TLDR it;

        • Exetel were the cheapest ADSL2+ provider for a long time.
        • Exetel were small at that time.
        • Exetel were one of the first to offer no specified data limit
        • They screwed up by calling it 'Unlimited'
        • They Covered their ass, with fair use clauses and such, but people didn't read them (Exetels fault for being a 'fine print terms' company, users fault for not reading anyway)
        • The time period in question was when Torrenting had just become big.

        If you've ever seen any sort of IP\ARP table hit by a decent torrent, its one HELL of a workload for even the top end gear to handle.

        The tldr of all of this?
        A few users would queue up torrents, go to work, come home, and rinse and repeat… forever.

        To survive, a lot of small ISP's (Exetel happened to just be big enough, to hit the internet news is all; they were FAR from alone) had to kick users who were clearly torrenting excessive amounts. It's an incredibly easy thing to see, not just from throughput, but from p2p connections.

        I'm sure many ISP's accidentally hit the occasional "never pirated anything in my life!" users;
        but the logs are pretty easy to read; the collateral would be very small.

        "Non profitable" was just being polite.

        Exetel did screw up by advertising UNLIMITED, hell yes they did.
        However USERS screwed up by not reading the terms of their contract.

        No one is clean in this;
        but I find it hard to be too mad; probably because I could see it from the other side.
        While the original commenter could be squeaky clean, odds are, it was used for illegal activity of some sort.

    • +1

      Haha, yep. I was with them years ago, in around 2010. I emailed and complained about constant drop-out and shit service. A few days later I received an email from the owner / CEO of Exetel at the time (I think he's passed away since), basically saying 'if you don't like it (profanity) off'. I was fairly taken back so I went on to Whirlpool to share this response I'd gotten, and I found out he'd sent it to every Exetel customer! Lol!

      • +4

        New world these days!

        Unlimited = Unlimited

        The ACCC are very clear on this point.

  • i'm still looking for 50gb cheap-ass plan to replace my fixed line.

    $40 is still not worth switching as i'm paying $60 for 100Mbps unlimited FTTB.

  • Hi OP, does the modem have VOIP functionality, that is can I plug in a regular phone and make calls using VOIP. My old Netcomm NB16WV has this feature.

    • The modem does not have a VoIP ATA built in but it does have an RJ-11 phone socket on the back.

      If you put in a normal mobile SIM, like one of these:

      You can plug in a normal analogue phone handset and use it to make voice calls over the mobile network.

      It's quite a nice solution for a home that does not have a landline and needs a "fixed/traditional" phone service plus some internet via a good Wi-Fi modem.

      • Thanks, but I am still a bit confused. Why wouldn't it work with the data SIM that is already included in this plan as VOIP is only a form of data?

        • +1

          I gather because 1) it "does not have a VoIP ATA" and 2) can "use it to make voice calls over the mobile network".

          Can't make calls over mobile network with a data sim.

          • @artxo: To clarify, with my old Netcomm NB16WV router I could set up a SIP account for VOIP in the router settings, then I could just plug in my regular home phone and makes VOIP calls using data only, I had no landline or 3G/4G connection. I want to know if I can do the same with this Huawei B525 router.

            • @billy_bob: No, because OP advises that the router does not have built in VOIP.

              "with my old Netcomm NB16WV router I could set up a SIP account for VOIP in the router settings" - so that router does have built in VOIP.

        • +2

          because that RJ11 port is making mobile calls, not Data calls.
          think…. a phone call, vs a skype call.

          If you connect a cheap VOIP gateway though, it'll work just fine.

          OR, you can do my solution.

          Buy an unlocked android phone.
          Put no sim in it.
          Connect it to WiFi
          Turn on VOIP in settings, and enter your VOIP provider details.


      • Does the modem has dual SIM slot? Or if not, is the SIM card hot-swappable? If it's dual SIM or hot-swappable, it is quite a nice solution.

        • Single SIM slot.

          Power off if you want to change the SIM.

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