Game of Thrones S08E03 - Poll *SPOILERS*

So those of us who have watched the latest episode of GoT, what did you think?

Personally, while watching the episode I was fully invested and loved every minute of it.

Afterwards, with some times reflecting on the series as a whole, I found the whole thing a little anti-climatic.
The whole series has being building up to this event, to have it end 'just like that'

Seems like winter came and went in one night….

Lots of people are saying the show is about who will sit on the throne….Well yes I agree with that, but at the same time the whole show has been setting up the White King wanting to destroy "men", which you'd think is bigger than the throne.

I personally would've liked episode 2 to have gone into a bit of a back story of the white king and his little entourage who did nothing. Instead of an episode of the main characters having a deep and meaningful, who we already know all about and have made our opinions on them already.

Poll Options

  • 121
    Best. Episode. EVER!
  • 400
  • 62
  • 88


                                  • +2

                                    @Danstar: People in general. I didn't specifically say people on OzBargain. There is a difference.

    • +2

      I'm upset the Night king got snoked.

  • +15

    I'm with you..
    My pulse was racing throughout and then…. "Oh, you're kidding me right? That was far too easy!"
    And not enough key characters died!

    Glad I got the heads up to dial up the brightness a tad… Made a massive difference!

    • +1

      You miss seeing the massive Dothraki dies in the beginning? They are people too.

      • +3

        The Dothraki haven't had a key character since season 1

  • +4

    I think why it wasn't heavy hitting was the fact that not enough characters or characters of importance died - the same feeling we got from the red wedding. Imagine if Jamie died instead and the future chain reactions set off from that. Or kick us in the feels and kill Grey Worm/Missandei. Where are the curve balls?

    Other than that, we'd probably get all that in later episodes and some probably wanted it now rather than later.

    • +1

      Not enough curve-balls is my main gripe with the episode

      • +2

        Maybe the fact that we expected more deaths than what actually happened was the curveball!

    • +2

      Imagine if everyone in Winterfell died and then the ice king disappeared because all he wanted was to stop the Starks, and the rest of the season was just about the rest of the surviving houses and kingdoms.

    • When the trench wouldn't ignite, I expected Grey Worm to sacrifice himself to make sure it did.

      When literally everyone had their backs to the wall, fighting of hordes of wights, I expected half to die.

      When the crypts were overrun, I expected Tyrion to fight (he was all talk about fighting on the wall).

      Well, they subverted my expectations for sure.

  • +1

    I am hoping that because they/him just died suddenly that it is not actually the end of the white walkers and they will be back somehow fingers crossed otherwise that was a very quick demise to the dead army.

    • +3

      With only 3 episodes left I doubt that's the case. They wanted to move on to deal with the human conflict.

  • +2

    I think it was a little fast since we have all been having multi hour long sessions for many shows that we remember as memorable in cinema and tv for the last 20 years; most memorable movies have that 3 hour mark, think lotr, avengers(thanos), titanic etc.

    While there were amazing elements the baddies were just a little weak in character. Theres the night king and his drinking buddies, the undead dragon and the main zombie horde. The fact that the blue man group posse were there literally just to make the night king look cooler feels weak.

    I thought the dark atmosphere and the blurry scenes were meant to add atmosphere of a night battle, but was it just bad formatting all along?

    The stealth scene explains a bit about the arya part, but unless she had a zipline or used magic I have no idea how they could explain her stealthing past that many zombies after just a pep talk.

    • I'm assuming she used a face of an 'ice king' and was standing right next to them….

      Short ice king…. LOL (sounds like a brand of iceypoles)

      • +1

        O_O the baby that they turned! she could've been stolen the ice baby face!!

        Regardless the fact that she was disguised as a ice kings fart looked just as plausible from the way they showed it in the scene

        • Hahahah that made me chuckle out
          Loud whole at lunch with others

        • I think they were trying to elude to that in the scene where Arya had the conversation with the red witch. Talking about the people she had killed and the faces she took, "Brown eyes, green eyes, even blue eyes….."

        • +2

          I still think Arya said "fcuk it" and climbed the Weirwood tree like a little kid while everyone was fighting the dead.
          Then all she had to do was fart-pounce like a cat on the Night King.

    • +11

      it's pretty clear Clegane threw Arya from the other side of the godswood

      • Hahahahaha

        • +2

          I think this is a sport right, midget tossing?

          • @Kangal: Not if you're a midget, Peter Dinklage actually takes it very seriously if the golden globes were anything to go by, "Martin Henderson" google him.

  • +4

    I didn't understand why the Dothraki decided to just charge off into the front lines without orders on a suicide run, the trebuchets only got off a couple of rounds because of it also. Plus why after they retreated to the castle did they have to be ordered to the walls, wouldn't the walls be the place to go straight away? And why did the dragon decide to stick around and get stabbed by all the zombies, why not take off earlier? ANNNDDD where did Arya come from, the white king was surrounded by troops no way to get through them.

    • +1

      And why was there around 8 archers on the wall? Think you’d have a few more

    • +1

      Or why Theon had to charge.

      • True…Could've just thrown the spear from a distance…

        Or do the whole Marty McFly move. Point up and say "What's that?", than throw the spear

        • Marty McFlurry move would be perfect.

          Maybe you should have directed it

    • -1

      What about how bloody small the damned trench was? You'd think it would be meters across rather than something I could jump over. WTF guys

      Also, where the hell did Jorrah come from to save Danaerys? Just comes out of nowhere?

      This show feels so damned lazy now…

  • I know there's a lot of things about the episode that I should have trouble with, but I don't quite understand the Melisandre (the Red Woman) part at the end.

    • Wanted to go for a early morning stroller….

      Didn’t have her morning coffee to keep her up though

    • +1

      She had finished her contribution so there was no need to hang around any longer - she's a very old woman living on borrowed time.

      • +5

        Plus Aria and Onion man were poised to stab her anyway.

    • I'm not sure either, but two things rang to mind:
      She makes sacrifices to channel R'hllor's power; perhaps she paid with her life
      She reiterates that people have a purpose; once the Night King was destroyed she had fulfilled hers.

    • I guess like old mate that gets stabbed a lot, she had a purpose to serve, having fulfilled that, her time was up and she knew it.

  • I thought when the forlorn music came on towards the end that there would be a cliff hanger to be resolved next episode. They goodies were getting hammered so the only solution was to knock of the Night King.

    … Otherwise there would be a huge army of the dead marching to Kings Landing.

    • +5

      Otherwise there would be a huge army of the dead marching to Kings Landing.

      That's what I wanted to happen

  • +26

    [For those who haven't watched the episode yet.. Spoilers Ahead!!]

    This season has ruined the whole series for me. It started going downhill since the last season when they ran out of source material and started taking insane liberties with the story just to pander to the fans. Even ignoring the bad lighting, last night's episode was beyond stupid

    • Dothraki Screamers: Why use them for a suicidal charge when the enemies couldn't even be seen, away from any safety that could be provided by supporting troops. Who gave the order for the charge?
    • Deus Ex Melisandre: Ok so she teleported back to Winterfell looking to redeem herself after realizing her true purpose. I guess we didn't really need to know what she ate to suddenly be able to use large scale fire magiks. Why wasn't she able to do any of that back when she thought Stannis was the prince who was promised? She seemed to know exactly how the night was gonna end, with her fading to dust after giving Arya a hot tip on how to end the battle. Kill blue-eyed Night king! Doh! SO if She already knew all of that, why add fire damage bonus to the Dothraki weapons when she knows it will be useless?
    • Peeping Tom Bran: This Stark boy is supposed to have great power but so far, his only worth has been to confirm Daft Snow's lineage. In the midst of battle, he uses his powers to… warg into crows and have a better view (Hope he could see things better than I did). He could have at the very least warged into Ghost/Whitewalker/Undead Giant/Weeping Sam/OrJustaDamnWight and been more helpful. And don't tell me that his main purpose was to pass on the dagger that killed the Night King. A makeshift Dragonglass dagger would do the same.
    • Lost Dragons: The main attack force was flying blind in the snowstorm instead of simply staying close to the gates and lazily spewing fire.
    • The Tactical Trench: So they built this incendiary trench to slow the charge of the undead and to guide the lost souls (Dragons) back to the battle. Why not have a deeper trench? Dragons were meant to be the original firestarters but they had a backup plan of fire arrows which fizzled out, torchbearers that got taken down. So, the last resort was to let Deus Ex Melisandre use fire magiks. So she is escorted by the Unsullied to place her hand and say the incantation. Couldn't the Unsullied just as easily escort ANYBODY with a torch to the trench and light the fire?
    • One Girl Army Arya: Clad in thick AF Plot Armour, she lays a bunch of wights to waste and plays hide and seek within the walls of Winterfell. She does noisy things like drip blood on the floor which attracts the attention of Wights. She is trapped and scared in a room with a bunch of survivors till Deus Ex Melisandre whispers prophetic words of power which allows her to teleport to the NightKing's location.
    • Prop Whitewalkers: So except for a short between a Whitewalker and dmmb ol' Jono in "Hardhome", the only purpose served by the big bad Whitewalkers were to stand around and act as the Night King's possy and wait till they eventually shatter. They even missed noisy-blood Arya leaping towards the Night King while screaming. Geez even wights had better auditory senses.
    • Durable Stark Wights: Many people thought that the show was hinting at Re-animated wight Starks from the crypts but most dismissed the thought saying that long dead bodies were never shown as being re-animated. Also, those bodies in the crypts ought to be dust by now. Also, the wights are supposed to be brittle bag of bones. In the last season, there was the one wight which was transported from the North to Kings landing to show Cersie and that one couldnt escape a wooden box! But these Stark wights could break out of Stone crypts!
    • Convenient Dramatic pre-kill pauses: The undead and the Night King ought to have no emotion or qualms while killing people. Yet, the giant for some reason, picked up Lady Mormont and brought her close enough to his face (to size her up?) to allow for an insta-kill. The Night King cooly and quickly cut down a charging Theon and didnt spare him a second look but held up dumb screaming Arya and gave her innough time to execute an Insta-Kill.
    • Happy Ending: No main character dies (Except for the Night King of course). Jaime was on the frontline and survived. Weeping Sam survived. Dany & John fell off a dragon surrounded by Wights survived. I thought the Dragon Rhaegal was dead and Drogon was too injured to actually survive but apparently they are both ok because they show up in the preview of the next episode. Oh even Ghost who charged along with the Dothraki apparently took some time off to rest somewhere because he shows up in the preview too!
    • Anticlimatic & Middle finger salute to Prophecy and the great storyline of the books: Self-explanatory
    • +2

      Valid points.

      We'll still watch the last 3 episodes though…..

    • +3

      Agree with everything you wrote. Watching the episode was a fantastic "cinematic" experience, and despite some logic/plot flaws that you mentioned, it had some truly breathtaking as well as horrific moments. The anti-climatic sentiment comes from the way the NK was defeated without delving into much backstory, his intentions or paying off any of the mystery that has surrounded him since the beginning. But with only 3 episodes left, Cersei has been confirmed as the main villain and they need adequate time to wrap up the actual game of thrones.

    • +2

      Couldn't agree more with your comments.

      • +4

        Lol.. Probably the weakest justification i have read yet. Stick to watching Keeping up with the Kardashians if you want brainless dumb shit. And FYI, I watched the episode in FullHD on a plasma TV which is comparable to an OLED display on the same resolution. But I guess the whole world saw a dark episode and you somehow watched the actual 800 terabyte+ footage with the directors eh?

        • +1

          My picture was pretty decent considering I steamed it off Foxtels stream website

          Also I said I liked the whole episode. I was hooked from start to finish. Just on reflection there were some Holes in my

          • +2

            @Danstar: I would also agree that my picture was "decent" but could have definitely been better. And at least you agree there are glaring plot holes unlike some who would be happy even if the Night King tripped and fell on some Dragonglass and expired.

            • @0FoxGiven: Hahahahaha 😂

              Also made a spelling mistake saying I steamed it
              Off Foxtel

        • -7

          maybe you should create and direct your own fantasy TV series seeing as how you're such an expert in storytelling and cinematics.

          oh the humanity.

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: The classic reply of someone who has no point.

            "Could you do better? Well then screw you, you can't say running a marathon in 8 hours isn't very impressive. I don't care if that's the kind of time well beyond the cut off of a marathon - the person pointing out the cut off time of the marathon can't run one so they can't possible comment on it!"

    • +1

      Perfect summary. I also found the episode a little dark and it was hard to pick up hwo was doing what because of the lack of light. I don't even know what happened to the two dragons (one flew away with a thousand zombies clinging to it). Bit of a meh episode.

    • Melisandre’s magic doesn’t always work, it only works when the lord of light decides to, this was shown when she resurrected jon snow, even she was surprised herself and she clearly didn’t expect it to work.

      • Exactly my point. With her flaky magic, escorting somebody with a torch to light the trench would have been more sensible. But I guess they wanted to make it look dramatic

    • I bet with all the stupidy you find, you will still watch the remaining episodes.

    • Maybe they are building a false sense of security… then next week BANG all dead.

    • 0foxgiven - hey mate, so agree with your points, I am actually copying and pasting it into another debate i am having, i have said its not my words. hope you dont mind. I just said a mate's post :)

    • +1

      I agree with some of your points but have something to say for others
      Dothraki Screamers: Ill agree here - they were the only thing in front of the Trebuchets - and their charge blindly into the dark (albeit with flaming swords) was pretty far away from their troops. But (just my thoughts here) they were savage brutes that didnt really know anything else in warfare except charge head on. Sure they could have used them as a second line to backup whatever was in the front (like traditional cavalry is used), but maybe this kind of order was too complex for their way of fighting?

      Deus Ex Melisandre: again just my opinion here but back with stannis she didnt really do much magical except for birthing the shadow baby (kings blood stuff). When stannis died she was battling with multiple failures and lack of confidence in her skills/faith which was seen before she brought jon back. But after bringing him back she was reinvigorated again. Also she was wrong about who was the prince that was promised, as she doesnt have powers herself, its her god that uses magic through her (or something like that). So her god let stannis die and helped jon's cause here.

      Peeping Tom Bran: Agree here we didnt really see him do much but maybe he actually was warging people to fight. Who knows. Also about the dagger just my opionion - but we dont know that dragonglass could kill the night king as he is not the same as the other white walkers (who he created) This isnt really discussed or shown, but dragon fire didnt work (which is used to create the dragon glass) - and that can take down white walkers no worries.

      Lost Dragons: flying blind - yup but that was the night kings intention. I think that they tried to show that danny was trying to find her way back and could only see winterfell once the trench was lit. Also if they just sat on the gates they would be prime targets for another of the night kings javlins that killed viserion (the now undead dragon) and perhaps this was what he was trying to get them to do all along.

      The Tactical Trench Deeper trench - digging takes time - which they didn't really have much of. As for lighting the trench i believe that as they showed that the flaming arrow was just extinguished by the frost wind (night king magic?), that a flaming torch to light it would have the same effect - so melisandre needed to use magic (through her god) to combat the night king magic

      One Girl Army Arya I will agree here. valid point

      Prop Whitewalkers: I did think this a bit weird too but i would guess that as bran was a major objective for the night king that he wanted to take the kill himself - but arya getting through needed explanation for me too.

      Durable Stark Wights: Valid point

      Convenient Dramatic pre-kill pauses: Valid point on the giant, but i think that was just to make lady mormont go out in style for the camera - as its hard otherwise to have her being a baddass fighter since she is still just a kid with no special training like arya has

      Happy Ending: i was definitely expecting more deaths here too.

      Anticlimatic & Middle finger salute to Prophecy and the great storyline of the books: There was a definite step away from the books here. The night king death was pretty sudden and GRRM would have set it up much better.

      I will add that the dark scenes were annoying as hell. I get that they were trying to convey that it was dark like that for everyone there but definitely made it hard to see what was actually happening

  • +1

    I think the weakest part was:

    When battle plans were drawn up, the strategy was to get the Night King out in the open to kill him, but there was no specific detail on who or what group would do it and how.

    And surely having just Theon and his small crew protecting Bran vs the rest of the army around Winterfell doesn't make sense - were they expecting Theon or one of his team to kill the Night KIng?

    And then having to depend on Arya to save the day. If this had been the plan, surely they would have tried to save her energy (and possibly life) for the crucial mission.

    On reflection, any other alternative would have been too complex to make it plausible. For example, a duel between Jon and the Night King wouldn't have been satisfying. The complexity lies in getting Jon and his team (to deal with the generals) to Bran and then squaring off.

    • +1

      If you recall, they did talk about it in the last episode. Jon and dany was supposed to jump him with their dragons when he showed himself.

      Still a stupid plan, dragons are more useful in an open field burning the wights. Dunnoe if they'd be much help in a forest full of trees with Bran being under one of them.

      That's why Jon checked up on Bran at some point during the ep, but flew off when he saw the ice dragon. Also why he freaked out when he saw the night king and tried to rush to Bran when he crashed his dragon.

      Which reminds me, the scene where dany and drogon got jumped by wights was so stupid. Seemed like it was just a setup to get jorah killed

    • +1

      This is what I don't get…

      Why not have archers with dragonglass arrows surrounding bran and shoot massive volleys at the night king as he came in? Wouldn't that have been the easiest way to kill him?

      Wtf was this garbage writing in this episode? It was astonishingly stupid at times.

    • The I think about it, the more I wonder why any armies were at Winterfell at all?
      They knew the Night King wanted Bran. Why not just send the army south to defend the reach or somewhere more defendable, and leave Bran and Jon in Winterfell to meet the Night King and take him out there as was the plan?
      Essentially hundreds of thousands of people have just been killed for no reason. Dany and her army didn't even need to come.

      • Between Jon/Bran and Night King would be the army of the dead which would crush Jon first.

        • +1

          The army of the dead were surrounding Bran when Arya ninja'd from the trees and killed the Nights King.

  • +2

    It was a good battle, but nowhere near as good as the battle of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers.

    • +1

      Agreed, but neither are as good as the Battle of Rourke's Drift in 'Zulu!'.

      • +10

        no where near as good as the battle of the boxing day sales 1986

  • +5

    My biggest issue is that it changes nothing. You could remove that episode and nothing about how the next 3 episodes play out will change. Everyone in the North with political power is still alive and still feels exactly the same about Cersei. It was well shot and they played with our emotions but ultimately the writers played it super safe by not killing a single important character.

    • +1

      it does change this.
      Danny no longer has Dothraki and Unsullied army.
      The only things left are her two injured dragons and probably few hundreds people.

      • I think there's only one dragon left.

        • It’s been reported that 2 are still alive

        • I heard that in the preview the two dragons are still alive.

      • In theory they can wait years to rebuild their army. No way is Cersei is marching North and will expend dough feeding and locking up Golden Company.

        • Don't think Cersei will wait and miss this golden opportunity to crush Dany

          • @Bargain80: I dont think she would March North.

  • +1

    I really wanted Aria to be Bran. The way the WhiteKing(TM) got killed by her like that was really lame. It would have been better if she switched with Bran when Theon distracted them. Then the WhiteKing(TM) would approach "Bran" all yep imma kill the 3 eye and then BAM its actually Aria bringing the pain.

    Compared to the lame way they did it, they should hire me as a writer.

    Also I thought they didn't explain the whole dragon fight thing well at all. The whole time during the battle it was hard to tell what the dragons were even doing. THey could have had Dani and JohnSnow yell at each other so that we knew what they were actually doing.

    • That’s actually
      Not a bad idea

    • It's never explained, but it's implied that they sorta have to cut the persons face off (at least with the faceless men) to change into them. So for her to switch with Bran, he'd have to be dead.

      They probably also wanted to write in the vision the red woman had. So when they were in that room with the hound, she inspired and motivated her to do what needed to be done.

      • Bran dead? And….? 😂

        • ???

          • @Butt Scratcher: Didn't mean to sound rude, my bad.

            Just meant that it would've been cool if Arya somehow was Bran to kill off the Night King

    • +1

      You would be a terrible writer cos she would have to kill bran to steal his face

      • Maybe he Bran could've warged to Arya when she was with Clegane and the red lady and told her to cut off his face in his warg moment?

        If that makes sense ?

        PS. It's 5am, I haven't had a coffee yet

    • +1

      Great idea but this wouldn’t work, NK has gps tracker on bran.

    • +3

      No you fools. She didn't need to take brans face, just push him out of his chair and take his place, with her back to the whiteKing(TM). So many ways this could be done, like have bran ask theon to turn him towards the tree before he rushes off with his spear.

      Bran couod be there with his hands on the tree as theon rushes, then in the background you see a glimpse of Aria sneak out from behind the tree next to bran. Then theons death scene. Then nk approaces "bran" and raises his sword and BAM its actually stabby Aria. NK is properly taken by surprise and explodes, then we see Bran lying in the snow beside the tree whith his gormless expression. Thats a wrap!

      • legit better end scene!

    • +1

      Bran was marked by the NK, he can sense where he is at all times which was said multiple times. It wouldn't work if they just swapped.

      • +1

        Chop off his arm too

  • +1

    The reactions online are so interesting. Lots of groups loving it and lots hating hard. I loved it because it wasn't what I was expecting at ALL. Expected so many more main characters to die (although it was so dark I'm still not entirely sure who IS dead and I'm pretty sure I saw some people die at least twice), didn't expect all the dead to rise again, the rising in the crypt ended me. Was not expecting the Night King to go out like that, so loved it all for those reasons.

    Main complaints are - why was it so dark and what was Bran doing when he wasn't there exactly?! Also, not enough dragons torching zombies and alive dragons didn't even attempt to burn zombie dragon.

    For me where it really fell down was just trying to cover so many characters in one episode, it was really choppy and the battle was hard to follow. Not sure what Daenarys and Jon were really doing other than clutching on to crazed dragons - was that supposed to be metaphor for the loss of control of their kingdoms? Who knows. Great watch though, lots of fun.

  • Pretty much everything was terrible except for the choice to have Arya kill the Night King and The Hound having a break down and then rally upon seeing Arya in trouble.

    Possibly the dragon fights were good, my TV is an Aldi/Bauhn one and doesn't cope well with the dark scenes so I'm not too firm on that.

    Everything else was dumb. Including the Arya = destiny bit. If you wanted that build it in before this episode. Arya killing the Night King makes sense. Arya "Agent Of The Many Faced God of Death" Stark having her destiny we just heard about 5 minutes ago fulfilled by the High Priestess of the Lord of Light, The God of Fire and Shadow giving her a minor pep talk is terrible.

    A pile of characters survived due to plot armor. Which isn't a fun surprise, it's terrible story telling.

    -edit- bonus good thing was Bran telling Reek he was a fine, upstanding dickless man of good worth.

    -edit2- However killing Reek felt very much like "well shit, we have to kill SOMEONE that matters, we gave everyone else plot armor so (profanity) it, let's drop Reek I guess".

  • It was quite anti climatic. All this build up to the white walkers and we still don't know much story behind them.

    But i guess it was the journey up until this point that really matters, and it was fantastic!

    Overall pretty epic episode with all the action that was happening. Music was incredible

    I couldnt help it but laugh everytime the show cuts to sam. He was crying and wheeping throughout the entire fight!

    I didn't mind the dark scenes, watched it at night on my monitor. It was fine for me, but i can see why some people take issue with it.It probably looks great when they edited it, but in reality, with the amount of compression that goes on with these streaming services (and partly quality of most people's tv) it ends up causing a lot of artifacts during the dark scenes. Probably would look great if it we watched it on blu ray

    • My
      4K Kogan tv played it well

      • The more I think about it, the more it occurs to me that Dan&Dan want to showcase as little as possible for Season 8/Finale.
        That way there's more stuff to showcase when the next season of Game of Thrones comes (the prequel series).

        I just don't think they're much talented, simply based on their (unsupervised) work, and they won't be able to pull off something quite like the MCU that ties multiple movies together. So I have little optimism for the next series, I will still watch it though.

  • +1

    I've never watched such anti-climatic pr0n.

  • +4

    It was a cinematic masterpiece and a story/lore dumpster fire.

    It's been going downhill ever since they decided to make story decisions based on what the audience wants to see.

    • couldn't agree more

    • Mid-late S4? Post Red Wedding, post Jaime becoming a gimp. Around that time is when suddenly every single major character people gave a shit about developed plot armor.

      I loved this show because it had so many options and it rarely took the TV Trope option. Since roundabout late S4 early S5 it's protected it's actors (and characters but mostly actors) fiercely in the way a regular TV show would.

    • +1

      Cinematic masterpieces over rely on close up shots during fighting scenes where you can't tell what the hell is happening half the time and it cuts to a different, but equally close up shot every 3 seconds?

      I've seen Marvel films from 10 years ago that were more 'cinematic masterpieces' than this.

      I've worked in post production for quite some time. Had we ever a show that came through for grading/delivery that was that dark it would have been flagged by all automatic QC passes on different hardware and also would have been flagged by assistants for being way too dark and likely to cause audiences to think there was something wrong with their TV.

      It wasn't cinematic to make it that dark for TV. It was a mistake as evident by all the talk about it. A very rookie mistake. It's like breaking the 180* rule, just don't do it unless you want the audience to feel pissed off or feel something wrong with what they are seeing.

  • I enjoyed the episode. But it was far from the best battle in the series and the stakes didnt feel that high. They wimped out on main character deaths.

    I think it was hyped up too much. If you're not willing to kill off characters like Sam, Brienne, Jamie, Sansa,John etc. After basically giving them all a goodbye last week then there's really no emotional attachment to any deaths.

    I thought the Arya scene with the Night King was awesome though. But it also robbed us of ever seeing John and the Night King fight. Happy for Arya to get the kill. But that was a battle that seemed destined to happen and obviously can't now.

  • +5

    NK was created by dragon glass at the heart tree, and is uncreated there too. I feel the moment that Bran and NK shared is very poetic, it's like Bran saying "everything you did brought you to where you are now, home" to Theon, what if the same applies for the NK, that both of them knew he would meet his demise there and he can finally rest from his long tormented life as NK. Perhaps it's my wishful thinking, but I want to believe there is more to the story, that there is more to be shared with us the audience about what they have spent the last 7 seasons building up towards. With only 4 hours left in the show, I really hope there is some big plot twists and how the anti climatic feel most of us feel about this episode is exactly what the directors want us to feel to give us a even bigger revelation in the episodes to come. Let's remain hopeful.

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