This was posted 4 years 11 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[eBay Plus, PS4, XB1] Call of Duty Modern Warfare Pre-Order $49 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay


Seems a great price for this pre-order. 100 units every hour until 6pm. Apply code PLUSPLAY at checkout. Enjoy :)

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The Gamesmen
The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • Item is now out of stock for ps4

    • +1

      looks like u may need to wait for the next hour, which is 10min?

      • +1

        You're correct, just grabbed a copy. Thanks a lot.

  • ordered for xbox, thanks OP.

    • Same. Cheers OP. Great price.

  • +3

    I wasn't originally going to purchase this but at this price I couldn't resist. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Hopefully get a decent couple of months out of this one before the LOOT boxes make their way into the game. Can’t really complain at under $50!

  • Thanks. Ordered. Let’s hope it comes on day 1.

  • +1

    I'm out of the loop on this release - is it an entirely new campaign, or a remake?

    Seems like a great price if you must have it day one but how quick does pricing on COD usually fall? I've got such a tall pile of shame that I reckon it will be sub-$49 by the time I get around to it. Still tempting though…

    • +1

      Reboot/Reimagining of the Modern Warfare franchise.

      Open beta was very, very well received and I enjoyed it too myself. Couple of days afterwards, Activision announced that Xbox One and PC would be getting Spec Ops and Survival mode 1 YEAR after release. AKA, up until the next yearly release of CoD.

      That, along with Activision/IW's silence when one user encountered a glitch showing supply drops (Microtransactions, loot boxes, etc) in the beta, has led many to boycott the game.

      • Spec Ops and Survival mode

        No 'and', it's just spec ops survival mode

        • I had no clue it was just survival. My bad.

          Makes it more enticing, but I was still really looking forward to that mode because I enjoyed it alot in MW3.

          Thanks for the correction though!

      • Correction - It's Spec Ops survival mode that is exclusive, not spec ops and survival. Survival is like a horde mode. A bad move but not as bad as holding back all of Spec Ops.

        • Ah right my bad. I actually didn't know that.

          I know what Survival mode is though, I loved it in MW3, I just thought it was both Survival AND Spec Ops that were exclusive for a year. I'm still probably not going to get it. Like I said, I really liked that mode in MW3. Also, there's still the possible p2w lootboxes which may be in the game post-launch after all the good reviews come in, like what they did with BO4.

          Regardless, thanks for the correction.

    • +2

      From experience it doesn’t really drop too much. JB and amazon have it for $68 and $69 and you may see some drop to ~$63 but then it usually sits back around $70 for a few months.

      • +1

        You should see how bad it is on Steam lol. Black ops 2 is still 90 AUD, Ghosts is still 90 AUD… Anything older than those two are slightly cheaper at around 30-55 AUD depending on the game.

    • COD games tend to hold their price for an extended period of time, and it's extremely annoying. Notable exceptions to this rule are WWII and IW, which both had poor reception upon release.

  • Anyone know if I'd have it on/before release day in WA if I ordered through The Gamesman? Cheers.

    • Just ordered and expected delivery is from the 28th so it doesn’t look like it will be

    • I pre-ordered the Switch Lite from them and it arrived on the day of its release.

      I’m in NSW.

  • Cheers TA :)

  • Ordered Xbox , great to see soap again and younger too

  • -1

    Anyone else's eBay account purchase history say $99.95 paid when it was only $49?

    • Shows Order Total as AU $108.95 but when viewing Order Details shows $49 after deducting Voucher amount.

      • Yep thanks, the mobile eBay website is showing the wrong totals but the desktop store is correct

        • Desktop site shows $108.95 for me as well, but when I click through to Order Details it shows the discounted price. Checked my credit card statement to be sure and it's only charged $49 so all good.

  • 11am purchased :)

    • Seems to be selling like hotcakes at this price

  • I started a 30 day trial of Plus to purchase on Xbox, I assume cancelling 'renewal' won't affect the order?

    • +1

      No, it won't.

    • +3

      Since you got a plus trial you should also check out the $49 of $99 spend at coles ebay since thats still going, if something is already half price you'll get it for like 75% off.

  • Only 1 per customer ?

    • +1

      Yes. With all good deals

    • +1

      You could sign up for the $1 ebay plus deal on a different account.

    • Yes, Broden.

      • I want 2 to actually use 2, not to make a profit :D

  • Thanks. Bought for PS4 but hoping for a PC deal at some point.

  • +1

    This multiplayer features crossover right?
    So I'd be able to play with my mates on different consoles?

    • +1

      Yes and on PC! It can also be filtered.

      • ok thats epic

    • +1

      Console players have to opt in to crossplay

      • nope was on my default for most console players i know this might sound wrong to you because some people had a bug that they didnt have it on by infinity ward has confirmed it was on by default. and myself included+ the cod reddit :. if you need proof ill be more then happy to lead you into the right direction

  • PC is the one to get if you have a RTX card to get that amazing ray tracing effects

  • Will amazon price match? This makes their deal feel expensive

    • Apparently they don't price match deals that require a voucher/coupon code to get the discounted price, so I wouldn't hold out for them to match this one.

  • +1

    Who’s the idiot who reported it as sold out. It’s 100 every hour until 6pm!

  • I just bought the xbone version at 23 minutes past the hour. I didn’t realise xbox was so unpopular 😂

    • +1

      PS4 was the same to start with. I got one at 9:35am without issue lol.

  • We have FPS today all thanks to the father of FPS


  • No political comments here!? I'm shocked

    • +1

      I mean, before you showed up…

  • Will JB HIFI price match this?

    • They probably won't match Ebay codes.

  • -2

    Short shelf life MTX riddled trash game.

  • -4

    Unbelievable how you all buy from Activision blizzard. Their recent censoring indicent didnt even blow over and people are just selling their soul. I thought OZB was meant for bargains…I dont see how selling your soul to an Evil company who censors free speech is a deal.

    • +1

      Sorry to say but most AAA publishers/ developers have skeletons in their closet if you look into them… Even CDPR. You better boycot all AAA games and not just join the blizzard bandwagon if you actually care about ethics in gaming.

      • Not just games, but all corporations and even countries! (I'm in no way condoning or justifying their actions!)

        Let me know when you get your own Island!

      • Genuinely curious because I don't know — But what exactly have CDPR done that is even remotely on the level of Actvision/Blizzard? Just list some examples, please.

        I'm not some biased fan of them, I don't even like The Witcher all that much, if i'm being honest. It's just kinda unheard of within gaming that CDPR have ever done something that bad to it's consumers.

        • CDPR have horrible working conditions for their employees. Mind you I didnt say on the same level as Avtivision, I just said they all have problems they dont want you to know about. Sadly the majority of AAA developers force their employees to work 80-100+ hour weeks. People arent up and arms about it because it doesnt effect consumers.

          • @Vinodra: Forgive my ignorance. Didn't know much about the poor working conditions and crunch periods in the game dev industry.

            Mind you I didnt say on the same level as Activision


            People arent up and arms about it because it doesnt effect consumers.

            True. When consumers bat an eye to these issues, it's cause the company produces these great, and amazing video games like The Witcher, Red Dead, or GTA. Not saying it's a good or bad thing, i'm just saying that it does usually go noticed when companies put out crap games. I remember one of the biggest cases in recent times was EA's Anthem.

            If all AAA games coming out these days resulted in 'Anthem's, I can imagine quite a big change would happen in the industry.

            In hindsight, you do raise a really good point when you say "You better boycot all AAA games and not just join the blizzard bandwagon if you actually care about ethics in gaming." … But that being said, this is an issue which is a lot easier for the average joe to get behind, and I don't think it's quite on the same spectrum as working conditions in game development; though both are gaming related.

            Like I said, you do raise a good point, and it has actually made me stop and think. I'm not the best debater and i'm not quite sure how to put it into words, cause now i'm thinking of a bunch of 'what if' type scenarios where i'm not quite well informed enough.

            The blame is in large part due to the publisher though (as with all things :P), considering how as time goes on, the budgets for games increase more and more, therefore developers have to spend more time focusing on visuals, polish, and quality, compared to previous gen and the one before that where a lot of these issues were far less common.

            Again, I can't really think of much else to say, yet… Like I said, i'm not the best debator and you've certainly put that to the test with that one point you made.

      • +1

        nice strawman argument

        yes CDPR and other company bad too

        so that make ActivsionBlizzard and EA being bad ok, since everyone does it.

        Whatever helps you sleep at night

        • Yes because thats tooooootaly what I said. My point was people like you only join bandwagons and dont care that your favourite AAA studios are also doing really shady stuff.

          • +1

            @Vinodra: where did i say i had a favourite AAA studios

            im not disillusioned to not realised they are all corporate entities that are profit driven. all have done shady shit. not all is forgiven

            that is literally my point

            vote with your wallets. plenty of other games to play

        • I never even mentioned EA, are you that caught up in your circle jerk? You blaming EA for the blitzchung incident?

          • +1

            @Vinodra: no you are arguing semantics over an example that was used

            stop cherrypicking responses and using strawman arguments, what is your endgame anyway? trying to defend these companies?

            • -1

              @furythree: Im just going to block you, all you're doing is completly ignoring what I wrote, then replying with something that barley has anything to do with what I said.

              If you really cant understand what I was trying to say, im under no obligation to explain it to you again and again.

              Go to r/gaming if you want an echo chamber of EA & activision hate. You'll fit in nicely there.

              • +1

                @Vinodra: he says whilst ignoring everything i wrote

                enjoy your call of doodies

    • -1


    • Not sure why you're even being downvoted. I'm surprised more people aren't up in arms about this on this thread.

      It's not just the fact that MW on PS4 will have an exclusive gamemode for a whole year despite costing the same amount, or lootboxes. The whole issue with their greed goes much deeper.

      American company Activision/Blizzard straight up bent themselves over to the Chinese government to surpress freedom of speech. They also lied afterwards about not being influenced by the Chinese because they treated American students who did the same thing with no punishment.

      What pisses me off the most about this whole thing is that the casters got suspended despite having no part in what Blitzchung did, regardless of whether you think he did the right or wrong thing. They've pretty much lost their careers with the 6 months suspension they received.

  • Is it oos for ps4 version? Couldn't get one when pay by paypal

    • Just got it with paypal, failed 1st try added to cart again then it worked

  • Damn. Was ready to buy but didn't realise you need ebay plus. And i never get targeted for those plus deals

    • +1

      Sign up to ebay with another account. Free Plus trial. Buy. Then cancel trial

  • hopefully amazon and other catch up to this, can't be bothered waiting a week or more after launch for delivery

    • +2

      I had understood that sometimes they ship earlier, thinking at worst I'll get mine a few days post release. I'd rather $ in my bank than level up with other diehards when it's released

  • Cheers bought for XB1.

  • -1

    Can someone please buy it for me -.-

    • Got PayID? I have a 2nd eBay Plus account I could buy it on and get delivered to you. Might be cutting it fine if the deal ends at 6pm though

  • still available i hope they extend for the this weekend

    • 6pm was the last hour when 100 would be available so it will end in 43 mins unless sold out sooner.

      • +1

        its 7:20 pm. they mean 6pm sydney time homie

        • My bad. Damn you daylight savings.

  • +1

    jump on this deal while you can guys

  • Xbox now gone…

  • Got one…Thanks OP

  • Yep still available.

  • just confirmed with thegamesmen social team release date delivery is most likely as its express delivery like the website. the website also explains how you are most likely going to get it on release…. ebay etas are off

  • +1… if anyone wants the game its only $66.93 aud back in stock at the gamesmen

  • Code has expired for me

    • +1

      The deal ended last night at around 10:20pm ;p

  • +1

    I can confirm my order has been packed and will be sent out today so will get it for release day, if not tomorrow.

  • +1

    Just got a notification from The Gamesmen that my orders been packed and awaiting Aus Post pickup!!

  • +2

    Here, a day early. I’m impressed!

    • Nice one!! Mine says it’ll be delivered Thursday next week. Haha.

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