This was posted 4 years 2 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

WD 12TB Elements Desktop Hard Drive $281.24 | 12TB WD Black D10 $369.31 + Delivery ($0 Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

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Greetings everyone, haven't got a clue why but this just dropped another $30 from yesterday's deal!

Might be worth those who ordered at $310 to jump on live chat and try to retrieve a credit back for the difference or to cancel and re-order at this price.

WD 12TB Elements Desktop Hard Drive now expired.

12TB Wd_Black D10 Game Drive for Xbox One (7200 RPM) - WDBA5E0120HBK-NESN (w/ 3 Months Xbox Game Pass) is also now $369.31.

Don't forget cashback :)

As always, enjoy :)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Wtf? Not again!

  • Very good deal!

  • Ok was holding earlier.. placed order for 3 ( looks like 3 is MAX)

    3 items will be delivered to XXXXX from Amazon US.
    Estimated delivery: Aug 19, 2020 - Sep 4, 2020

    For the 4th "We're sorry. This item has a limited purchase quantity. We have changed your purchase quantity to the maximum allowable."

    • If you spend over the $1k threshold they will add a further 10% on top. Probably why.

      • They have added GST already,,
        Item Subtotal: $767.01
        Postage & Packing: $0.00
        Subtotal before GST: $767.01
        GST: $76.71
        Order Total Including GST: $843.72

        • +2

          Yeah buts its automated, if anything is over 1k, they add gst again, its a weird system, but there you go.

          The 12TB Elements was restricted to 3, under 1k, the 12TB Wd_Black D10 was restricted to 2, under 1k again.

          • @garetz: GST is only chargable by an O/S seller if the items are <1k. If over 1k, its the importer who is responsible for paying any duties. Amazon probably CBF'd setting it up to accomodate this. Newegg just charge the GST anyway.

            • @BargainKen:

              If over 1k, its the importer who is responsible for paying any duties. Amazon probably CBF'd setting it up to accomodate this.

              I'd much rather the seller handle the GST and IPC. Otherwise I'd have to wait till the package arrives in Australia, wait for the courier to contact me, make the payment manually, and wait for them to release the package after receiving my payment.

          • @garetz:

            Yeah buts its automated, if anything is over 1k, they add gst again, its a weird system, but there you go.

            Amazon isn't adding GST again, they're just charging you the $83 Import processing charge that the ABF charges. In Amazon's checkout, that's the "Import Fees Deposit: $83" figure you see. That's on top of GST.

            • @eug: thx for that, yeah you are right of course, i forgot what it was called.,

  • +1

    $21.79/TB after cashback. Not too bad at all…

    • Nice thanks for the calculation best price I have ever seen for old style mechanical spinning disk hard drives.

      I thought scoring some at $25/TB and at $30/TB years ago was a good deal.

      The Seagate 8TB external STEB1000 or STEB8000 I can't remember now for roughly $230 aud after including shipping from Amazon US.

      I remember buying two for a mate and putting one in my pc.

      Still going strong.

  • +1

    This item is no longer available from the seller you selected.


  • wow…. i cancelled the yesterday order and re-ordered it again. thanks op.

  • Showing $416.90 now

  • Back at $416.90 for me.

  • Dammit just missed it )-=

  • Missed it… $416.90 now for me too

  • -1

    Lucky Me! :D

  • Which cash back provides best for this

    • You got greedy.

  • I cancelled the 12TB GAME DRIVE again and bought 2 elements instead! Can't say $90 more well worth the bucks, and I only have $500 gift card, so lucky me!

  • +1

    I cancelled my 10tb $260 order for this, only to have just missed it :( Now I gotta wait for another steal

    • +1

      Order first, cancel later, lesson learned.

      • Yep. I wanted to make sure I can cancel the order first, since I actually ordered it around 2 weeks ago.
        Never again

      • I have to cancelled first to get my gift card balance back lol

        • In future, it is possible to apply gift card balance after ordering, but before they charge you. You have around half an hour to an hour in my experience.

          Place the order, cancel your other one, and then apply your Amazon balance to it before it charges your CC.

    • It’ll come round again.

  • she goneee

  • $416.90 for me

  • both gone

  • Edit: disregard pls

    • +1

      its gone

  • +1

    12TB Elements was canceled :/

  • The wd black is still working

    • Gone

      • still showing up for me though

        • +1

          you can't add to cart

  • Seems they're cancelling the orders. I spoke with Amazon support and they gave me some waffled about "The prices on our website will be changing constantly.Sometimes, it will be increasing or it will be decreasing." so they were unwilling to adjust my price.

    • You ordered at $281 and they cancelled?

      • A friends was cancelled, and SirNoble seems to have commented the same. I didn't manage to place an order, but I was trying to get my price adjusted. They don't seem to be interested.

        • If your friend already placed an order at that price and they cancelled that sucks. I was going to order and cancel the one I got at $310 but just missed out.

          Wouldn't be happy if I ordered the one at $281, cancelled the one at $310 and then to have Amazon cancel the one at $281.

          • @currentfad: Yeah, in speaking to Amazon they said 'in future just cancel your old order and buy the new one'

            But… if I cancelled my old one, and this one sold out immediately, I'd just be without any drives at all… that's not cool…

          • @currentfad: i managed to cancel 2 @ $310 and re purchased 2 @$281. No cancellation so far. Will report back if that happens.

            • @spiinl: Would you be able to share the price picture or your receipt.

    • Because they've changed the price already when or whilst you contacted them, I was thinking about contact them to get the price differece, but then I wanted to secure it by myself instead, can't see there are any reason to cancel my $281 order, I got cancelled last year for the $80 10tb drive (somebody actually got it), but that was obviously below cost, finger crossed this time!

      • You got one of these? Damn, good luck.

        • I cancelled the game drive and got 2 of the elements

  • +1

    Bought two yesterday…..

    Now I feel like I lost one million…

  • +1

    For those trying to get their priced adjusted, I've just been plainly told by Amazon support:

    "I am sorry, we do not have the option to honour the price match."

    Amazon does not price adjust.

  • 5TB WD Black for $269 AUD via Amazon AU

    • +2

      That just makes this hurt more ):

      • Found it cheaper via PLE which should be arriving in stock next month.

        • Not trying to be rude, but I meant that 5tb is absolutely terrible value (easily half considering premiums) respective to this deal, so it hurts more to have missed this one.

  • I think amazon might have meant $281 USD instead of AUD
    $281 USD is around $400 AUD

    • +4

      I don't think so as the price before gst is about $256 which works out to be $179 USD. Amazon was selling it at ~$176 USD. It's more like Amazon is price gouging us Aussies with a $30 markup.

      • You have a point, i saw yesterday most retailers in usa selling for 175 usd

      • I don't think so as the price before gst is about $256 which works out to be $179 USD. Amazon was selling it at ~$176 USD. It's more like Amazon is price gouging us Aussies with a $30 markup.

        Are they price-gouging or is it the GST they have to pay to the government?

        • $256 was pre-gst, $281 was after the gst. They were selling it at $310 for a whole day. It could be to cover their shipping cost, I’m only speculating here.

    • You will find this happens fairly often with amazon, and it usually shows on a camelcamelcamel history check.

      Often there will be a special for several hours to a day or so, and then they will lower it again for an extremely short time (15mins to 1h).

      My guess is they get pallets full of drives, and they want to ensure they sell the full pallet of the final pallet. So they will drop it one more time from the special price, to an even better price, to ensure it sells fully.

  • Possible Price error? Be interested to see if they honor this

    • I'd be really annoyed if they did as I cancelled the $310 one!

      • No cancellation as yet..

        • My order just shipped via DPD.

  • Is $70 good value for a elements portable 3tb? It might be 500gb, think I read it wrong as it says up to 3tb but I don't see options for hd size

    All I can find is 4tb for $150-170, Seagate 2tb $99

    I need a HD for my PS4, or I can swap my ultra 2tb with something else if it's faster

    • +1

      As a gamer you want Western Digital Black HDD. what you mentioned are not good for peak performance wise.

      • How many games you can play at the same time? Just put the files in backup drive and when you want to play it, move the files to the PCIE SSD, you get much better performance, that's what i am doing with my 1tb pcie ssd. For my PS4 I just get a 512 GB SSD for USB3, also I think only PS4 PRO supports USB3 (or sata III can't remember)? For slim seems like only supporting the slower interface.

        • I have a PS4 Pro

      • Western Digital Black HDD.
        4tb $170? Is that a good price?

        • link?

        • I have one of this, R/W speed is quite mediore, you dont want 2.5 inch HDD for gaming, just get a proper SSD and put it in a $10 enclosure you should be fine. Speaking of this, since I already bought 2x12TB from this deal, I am thinking I might be selling the 4TB WD lol…

          • @rainbowyen: Reviews say it's a good PS4 HHD.

            How much does your option cost, and can I do it myself?

            • @[Deactivated]: Buy a sata III SSD, put in into a 2.5 inch encloure, connect it to the USB of your PS4, you are good to go, you will spend less than $100 if you only want 512GB

              • @rainbowyen: I need it because of PS Plus haha
                These games are all huge these days
                It's alot of downloading fml

                • @[Deactivated]: You don't need to download all the free games, I have 50-ish free plus games never played, just added them to my library.

    • Unlike XB1, PS4 can take internal SSDs, no?

      • Yes but you have to download and reinstall the system, and backup all your saves only to get like 3 sec faster reboot time, works the same in game if you only plug in USB3, not worth the hassle.

        • It's a once off hassle, vs ongoing benefit… for someone who plays often, I'd imagine it is worth it. /envy
          Wish XBoneX could do that. I'd do it in a jiffy.

          • @jkim: You got 3 sec faster every time you turn on the machine, in-game or booting time of the games just stay the same cos you got 5Gbit/s from USB3 interface. Even if you play everyday you won't turn on more than once per day, like it would save you 5 mins per year tops. It's not like you keep running apps on a PS4, built-in HDD is more than capable of doing that.

          • @jkim: You could do it with Xbox one. The drive in an Xbox one uses normal ntfs in a certain partition layout. I shucked a 2tb USB HDD and put it inside my Xbox one. You need to connect it up to your PC and run a bat file to setup the partitions first and then you can throw it in the Xbox. Works well.

  • +7

    Does anyone have a screenshot of the cheaper price that they'd be willing to share please?

    • Yes please! I'd like to claim as well.

      • Me too!

        • I have a pic of the listing when it was showing 281.xx, If that what you’re looking. do you want me to upload to some where or email?..

          • @chutibuti: an upload would be great!

              • +1

                @chutibuti: @chutibuti lifesaver. That's perfect to claim price protection. Cheers.

                • @teacherer: can you claim it if you purchased yesterday, card is yet to be charged?

                  You can also claim more than once, correct?

                  • +1

                    @yacman: Yes and yes

                    • @CptTerry: Awesome thanks!, I'll wait for the charge and save that screenshot then, thanks @chutibuti

                • @teacherer: Apologies for the silly question, but how does that work? I thought price protection was really only a thing on US Credit Cards - it's possible to get cards here that offer claims like that?

                  • @runean: I have the price protection on both of my credit cards

                    28 degrees Mastercard
                    Coles Mastercard

                    Both of them have no monthly or yearly fees, I use the 28degree one for online transactions as there's no currency conversion fee or international purchase fee

                    I use Coles Mastercard for buying stuff in the world so I get flybuys & price protection.

                  • @runean: I have coles mastercard, 2 year price protection and 6 months insurance on every purchase. It's no longer available.

                • @teacherer: Do you mind if I ask which bank card you have? I just checked NAB site and they don't do price protection for items from the internet and there is also a min $75 difference.

                  Maybe I need to switch cards. My drive also shipped out early this afternoon anyway so would have been too late to cancel and change to this deal. :/

                  • +1

                    @Gamb1t: I have coles mastercard, 2 year price protection and 6 months insurance on every purchase. It's no longer available.

                    • @teacherer: Bummer. Thanks for the info though. I will have to keep an eye out for another card that offers better features than the nab platinum.

  • Thanks grabbed one earlier

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