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7-Eleven Coffee Skin Scrub $1 (Limit 1 Per Customer, $20 Minimum Order) Delivered @ Adore Beauty


"Is this for you?
You won't start your day without your 7-Eleven Coffee - now you don't have to start your bodycare routine without your 7-Eleven Coffee Body Scrub, either!
Australian Made
Cruelty Free

7-Eleven claim their coffee is so good, the grinds can be used as a beauty product. Limited edition! Exfoliator?

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Minimum spend is $20, Limited 1 per customer

    • +1

      Good pick up, thanks

    • +6

      Sneaky way of getting people to buy front their site to get this exclusive to them item

      • +6

        Considering it's a $1 item, it'd be a (somewhat) logistical and practical nightmare packing and sending a single jar.

        At least with $20, it'll make a bit more sense packing two small tubs instead of one.

    • +21

      THIS PRODUCT IS TESTED ON ANIMALS. My dogs are up all night pacing the floor and barking "where's my bloody cigarettes".

      • -1

        You do know Tobacco isn't the same as coffee?

  • +3

    This looks premium. Made in Australia too.

  • +56

    I have suspicions this is made from the left over coffee grinds they use daily in their servo's

    • +81

      Personally wouldn't have a problem with that, it's repurposing landfill into a new product that can be enjoyed.

      • +31

        So now it's not going back into the dirt, it's going to the dolphins..

        • +38

          Now they can migrate twice as fast and jump twice as high, awesome!

        • +7

          I give mine to the worms

        • +3

          It's a ground seed ultimately, so a plant form.
          I use mine in the garden and the plants love it - a very common use for it.

          • +4

            @SimAus007: A friend overseas swears by it as a fertiliser.

            • +2

              @xoom: It’s a great source of nitrogen once it’s already been brewed and dried out. Just make sure not to use too much as it’s still acidic. Also great to put on your compost as the nitrogen helps breakdown the food scraps.

              • -3

                @Anthropomorphised: Acidity is still a myth, nearly all of it is removed in the extraction process.

                Have been using coffee grounds (1 full bucket daily from a cafe) + dried leaves/sugar cane mulch for ages for compost + kitchen scraps for over a year now

          • -2

            @SimAus007: is that cannibalism?

      • +6

        Good reuse of resources, can’t agree more.
        As long as grounds are not moldy before they reach the cosmetic factory…
        Coffee grounds in my espresso machine can become moldy in just two to three days in humid weather.

      • Yeah, I thoroughly enjoy scrubbing coffee into my arsecrack.

        • +5

          Cutting out the middle man i see.

    • It's definately not… this is just a marketing ploy, they're not making any money on this.

    • +5

      Is this sarcasm?

      Where else would it come from?

      • +1

        Where else would it come from?

        A coffee roaster and then ground just to be added to the cream

    • +7

      the coffee is shit so the left overs must have the good stuff!

    • You honestly think they’ll send a van around to collect leftovers from stores around the city? Would cost more in car expenses and labour than just getting a ton load of cheap coffee beans sent to the factory.

      • +4

        Why would a separate van be needed? The original van which supplies the coffee and other stuff can take back the leftovers

        • Because I am pretty sure a store will have their coffee delivered less often than every few days. Regardless, it is still a logistic nightmare having leftover collected from stores the handed to the factory (or shipped in small quantities if distance is too far) compared to having coffee beans delivered straight to the factory in big quantities.
          The original comment was probably a joke anyway.

    • I was thinking this too. I'm guessing the grind from the machines are collected. Cleaned up and then packed. Wonder what they put in it to stop the grind molding though. The grind would biodegrade pretty fast so normally it wouldn't be a landfill problem. We use it in our garden. Good for the plants and it's a snail repellant. However the container this recycled grind is put in and the label would become landfill. Coffee pods are great in the fridge and freezer as an odor absorber and you can partially peel off the foil top and put in letter box to stop the snails too

  • +4

    I was just reading an article about this when you posted this deal haha.

    Not a fan of coffee scrubs but +1 to 7-Eleven for only selling it for $1. You also get a Tim Tam with every Adore Beauty order.

    Edit: OK, ended up buying one

    • +1

      Can you do a review once you use it?

    • What did you buy for $20?

  • +14

    For those interested, can add a $20 Gift Card to cart alongside the Skin Scrub and it adds to take it over the min spend and also gives free shipping for the whole order.

    Then use the gift card for another order later :)

    • +1

      Or just give the $20 gift card as a gift. I couldn't possibly imagine buying anything from this store myself.

    • +1

      Can I then buy more coffee scrub with the voucher?

      • +1

        Yes but then you have to buy another voucher with the second coffee scrub.. and so on.

  • Looks like 7/11 have found a way to recycle the grind rubbish from their coffee machines

  • +4

    This is hilarious

  • -1

    You could get a better deal by buying KOi coffee scrubs from Coles which has a deal on that ends today. KOi is 100g/mL and priced at $5.60

    Plus Tim Tams are $2 a pack somewhere.

  • -8

    7/11 don't even use real milk in their coffee.

    • +6

      That's false because the machine won't work if it's out of milk and the employees there take ages to refill it if theyre slammed with customers

      • Yup I've waited patiently for them to refill the tank with 2L bottles. Coles use milk banks instead and that's faster. Unfortunately they have to roll up the bag to squeeze more out.

      • I've watched them tip powdered milk into a jug at my local store

  • -6

    what the F$%k is this sh$t?

    • +7

      It's not Sh$t. It's 7/11 Coffee skin scrubs.

      • -2

        yeah I don't like 7/11 coffee enough to want to rub it on my body lol

      • +2

        I dont want no scrubs!

  • +1

    will this help me get out of jury duty

    • +2

      If you consume the whole thing. Then yes.

      • +1

        Including the packaging.

  • +2

    Christmas sorted ta

  • +2

    I sometimes empty the grinds drawer into the bin beneath when its overfilled as the cashier is busy.

    What's the difference between me just emptying it into a plastic bag and rubbing this on? :)

    • +2

      Guessing little difference. A friend overseas collects coffee grounds and uses it as plant fertiliser
      She swears by it.

      • Can confirm that coffee is a great fertilizer, and it keeps the nasty bugs away too :)

        • +1

          Coffee grounds will change the pH of your soil, so not necessarily a good fertiliser. Use only if you know what you're doing or are willing to experiment. They do keep bugs away though.

  • let me guess.. leftover coffee grinds from those $1 7/11 coffees?

    • They gotta go somewhere. Why not onto somebodies skin amirite.jpg?!?!

    • +1

      It's likely to be stale beans, I can't see them getting their franchisees to return the leftover grinds…

      Or it could be their fresh beans? They probably pay close to the commodity price for coffee so it's cheap for them anyway…

  • +2

    I'm a bit fancy so I get a $2 7-11 coffee… my secret recipe is to start out with a short black and then a large cap… nice strong coffee to get me through till my 11am lunch time.

    • how does it cost $2?

      • The large cup costs $2 it’s bigger than the regular $1 cup…

          • @gimli: I use to get 2x$1 coffees for this very reason…

            • @Sidog: yeah i it is bit of a hassle to get 2 and its probably too much.
              I'm guessing you get double shot coffee with large anyways.

              • +1

                @gimli: That’s why I add the short black to get an extra shot as well.

                • @Sidog: I guess u r a true ozbargainer! :D

                  • @gimli: I’m thinking of going back to 2x$1 cups… like a real degenerate ozbargainer

  • +1

    hope no one is spitting into the coffee grounds

    • would it still be vegan if someone did?


  • Get a old plastic container of used ground coffee beans and add some body wash and mix. I've been using this from time to time and works well

  • +1

    Thought it was aprils fools

    • +2

      A tad bit early for that.

  • Def the crap they discard from coffee packed into a jar

  • +1

    any expiry date on this? considering buying for kris kringle

  • +7

    Cruelty Free

    For whom

  • $1 (Limit 1 Per Customer, $20 Minimum Order)

    Wait, wot?

    • +1

      Order something else from Adore Beauty.

  • So that's where the "Empty Bin" when the 7-11 coffee machine says the waste basket full….

    makes sense now..

    Ordered 1.

  • Smart move by 7/11. You wear this and smell the coffee and are constantly reminded of them

  • +1

    Good marketing on their end.

  • -1

    Are we sure this isn't an early April Fools??

  • Great product from a great retailer!

  • Nice work 7-Eleven! Will drink your coffee more for the environment!

  • I guess they gotta use all the coffee grinds they generate somehow.

  • +1

    How would the blend go with my Cleopatra style milk bath?

    • Only if you are selling the bath liquid afterwards.

    • You'd be dipping into a latte, or iced coffee, depending on temp.

  • Is it really cruelty free?
    How many underpaid intenternational students were locked in a small shop to make this?

    • +1

      Have you seen the education they are paying for? How about that cruelty?

  • Here’s a company that goes around perth and collects grinds.


    They charge businesses and then make coffee scrub from the grinds.

  • +1

    Coffee scrub isn’t good for your skin. It is jagged and sharp and causes micro-tears. I know some people swear by some pretty odd products so maybe some will enjoy the scratchy sensation but I wouldn’t recommend for sensitive skin. There are better exfoliants.

    • +2

      It's no different to the people thinking charcoal toothpaste is good when really it's abrasive and wears your teeth enamel down. It can also damage crowns, bridges and veneers.

    • +3


      Cry properly, or not at all

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