• expired

[VIC] $250 Power Saving Bonus (New Round, Previous Claimants Can Apply Again) @ Victorian Energy Compare


Another round for all eligible Victorians, from 24th of March, 2023.

"The $250 Power Saving Bonus will be re-opened to all eligible Victorian households from 24 March, including those that received payments under previous rounds, when they visit the Labor Government’s bill-busting Victorian Energy Compare website."

This is the government release

For those who have still yet to apply for the current round, visit the same website and apply before the 23/03/2023.

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Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning - Energy
Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning - Energy

closed Comments

  • +4

    Woohoo my taxes finally coming back!

    • -2

      Little joys of living in one of the most overtaxed countries in the world.

      • What ?

        Australia is #42 at the moment - https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/highest-taxed-countri… - almost all the western world has a higher tax burden than Australia.

        We have it pretty good.

        • -1

          17 in Income tax. And that is only if you treat each European Union country separately, which de-facto doesn't make much sense. Top 10 in reality.

          I'm just perplexed at the attitude of people here. A lot of Australians would have been very good Soviet Union citizens. A lot of people are in for a rude awakening when other peoples money finally runs out.

          • @DJohn: Income tax only covers about 47% of our tax take - discounting the remaining 53% of the taxation system makes the comparison to 17th place meaningless.

            The fact remains that Australia is not "one of the most overtaxed countries in the world" - cherry picking income tax and ignoring the rest doesn't illustrate anything.

  • +2

    Anyone else getting stuck right at the end “I am not a robot” checkbox? Tried it twice now it just keeps spinning.

    • +1

      Took me a minute or two, but have a + vote for that. Well played.

  • I'm in a building with an embedded network, though I had AGL replaced the meter so that I can use other energy retailers.

    The form is giving the error "Please enter a valid NMI". It worked in previous rounds of this grant, but now it is refusing it.

    Any ideas?

    • Did you try uploading your bill?

      • +1

        The bill upload failed, but when I used the online chat they told me to select the embedded energy provider (i.e. WINconnect). This bypasses the check for the NMI.

        That worked.

    • How did u get AGL to change your meter? My apartment building also has embedded network and I want yo get out of it.
      Also, did u have to pay for meter replacement? If yes, can I ask how much?

  • Me who've already prebought energy packages at PowerShop :"D - guess I'll change energy after August

    • Did you know that you can always contact them to get a refund of those powerpacks?

  • +2

    How about they introduce regulation to simplify the energy fee structure and get rid of all these ridiculous un/conditional discounts, hidden fees etc.

  • +1

    Politics aside, a free $250 to spend on OZB!

  • +1

    Thanks for the reminder.

  • +1

    Just applied. $250

  • My bills are all auto direct-debit with EnergyAustralia, but I still view them.
    Is it just me… or twice a year it advises I'm no-longer on the best deal & should swap. Do prices change with winter/summer?

    I'm assuming they've gamed the system, to make me do what works for them (creeping my rates up).

    Compare Results:
    Without conditional discounts $2,150
    Without discounts $2,150
    $ 2,090 / year

    Without conditional discounts $1,720
    $ 1,610 / year

    It's never been that huge a difference. And by memory, I'll pay slightly more to use Gas & Electricity through different providers??

  • anyone received it yet?

    • +2

      Received confirmation that it's on its way

        • when I commented

    • +1

      Received our approval / confirmation @ 1:04 pm today.

      Originally submitted around 10:24 on the 24th.

    • +1

      Applied 24/03 at 00:10, Approved 31/03 at 12:33.

  • -8

    The cash buy out for your vote has been "surprisingly" successful for Labor in the Aston by election. Think about the implications of informing a governing body the exact information required to vote on your behalf without any identification just prior to an election. You require no more than to provide your name and address, which are a prerequisite for this promotion, and can be easily used to place many votes fraudulently on your behalf at many voting centres.

    • +1


  • Happened last time, happening again, but this time instead of flat out rejection, they are at least manually reviewing it.

    We have identified that your application requires further review before we can confirm your eligibility.

    Due to the high volume of applications we have received, please allow up to 20 business days for this review to be completed.

    The next communication you receive from us will be one of the following:

    An email confirming your application has been successful;
    An email from our support team seeking further information; or
    An email advising you that your application was unsuccessful.

    • +1

      Why do you think they are rejecting you?

      • +1

        Last time I did get it in the end, but had to call them a bunch of times so they could reassess. Took months to sort.

        They never told me what the real issue was, I believe a few years ago the suburb name changed, however my NMI and home address on bill match. Jemena maybe have old suburb name on file and there is some behind the scenes cross checking with another database.

        That's the likely reason.

        • +1

          Dang that sucks, but hopefully its a lot quicker this time around.

          Reminds me of my first apartment, where the Lot Numbers were mis numbered by one (Apt 203 was Lot 202) which caused absolute confusion with any utility companies, and anyone moving in and setting up their accounts. Some owners accidentally turned off the the power to their neighbours…

  • +1

    I received an email of confirmation just earlier today, saying that my claim has been approved
    Just FYI

  • Recvd my $250 on 10pm 5/4/23. Claim submitted on 24th.

  • Now the energy companies are using dodgy tactics to mess with the comparison site. When I did the comparison the top result was Amber electric. The daily rate was extremely cheap, but there is a monthly membership charge of $15 that is not accounted for in the ranking. This adds 50c to the daily supply charge which should have pushed them to the bottom. Yet they are on the top.

    • 1st energy has a 32% discount that isn't accounted as well the list is starting to become impossible quickly parse.

  • Ive submitted 3 claims on 3 properties all says approved but still haven't received any payments yet.

    • Are 3 electricity accounts all under your name? Have you received the payments now?

      • Only one :( The other 2 are pending more info required lol. Yes, all accounts are in my name.

        • Thats what I'm worried. Ive got multiple accounts under same name.. 1st one approved and paid. Guess I'll try 2nd one first since its been a month. Then try 3rd one later.

  • Is it one per household or one per person?
    I’ve had my name on bills in two households

  • When does this round expire?

    • +1

      31 Aug 2023

      • -1

        any idea why this round is so short?

  • +1

    Got my $250 last week, also good to compare my current plan with other options.
    I’ve stayed as is but glad to get the $250

    There’s absolutely no reason not to apply for this
    Is anyone not applying for it for any reason?

  • Think I forgot to click on “View Offers” after submission, will we still get the bonus? Thanks in advance.

    • +1

      Did you get to the part where you had to enter your personal details? (Banking information etc)

      If yes, you’d be fine.

      • +1

        Yes we chose bank cheque though.

        • +1

          You got to the last page, entered your details.. You’ll get it.
          No one really cared about checking out the options they had.

  • how can we tell if already claimed this period ?

    • +1

      Check your past emails maybe?

      Or otherwise fill out the form (again?) anyways,

  • +2

    I see the bargain police got their way with declaring a duplicate. Another deal that most people will miss because it was posted so long ago people will have forgotten about it. Is there a way for these long term deals, with a deadline, to pop up back up on the front page just before they expire?

    • +1

      They already do. If you scroll down after the section "deals" comes the section "deals expiring soon". Also, people can set reminders or bookmark deals

  • +2

    Is there any talk of a new round coming up? Couldn't find any news articles

    • -1

      and why has this round ended so early…? i thought it was going to run longer than 4 months?

  • bloody NSW needs to pull a finger out and do something like this. Only certain people/families can get any sort of rebate or reduction through them

    • Meh. They'll only claw back 10 times more in some tax under another name like "levy" to make up for what they handed out.

  • Another round [of socialism] for all eligible Victorians, from 24th of March, 2023 [to partially mitigate the coming astronomical rise in gas prices thanks to it becoming a failing industry/scarce resource].

    Thanks so much Daddy Dan… govern us harder and skip the vasso!

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