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Sight & Sound Theatres Offers 'Jesus' Production for Free Easter Weekend Viewing


Similar to this popular deal, from 3 years ago. Sight and Sound Theatre are offering a free three-day streaming of JESUS theatrical production

Full disclosure and a trigger warning for the antitheists among us, this a theatre production about Jesus if that's not your thing feel free to move along.

That being said for anyone else this is actually a pretty good watch, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality 3 years ago and have happily watched it again. The kids really enjoyed it as well, it's basically a live theatrical performance of the story of Jesus with a brief Christian message at the end.

Here is the trailer for anyone interested.

And now for some cut and paste.

“Sight and Sound’s ‘Jesus’ show premiered 2018 and ran for two years, and the way it was produced was so cinematic in nature with the 300-foot wrap-around stage that it adapted perfectly to the screen,” Enck told The Christian Post. “When we saw it on the screen as a finished product, we were blown away by it. We’re so passionate about it because this story needs to be out there, told in this fresh new way.”

Over a million people have watched the live performance of “Jesus” at Sight & Sound’s theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Katie Miller, corporate communications manager at Sight & Sound told CP that the production takes a "very personal approach to the Jesus story.”

“We meet so many characters and learn the story of who they were both before and after they encounter Jesus," she said. “After watching the show, so many people came to us and said, ‘That’s my story. That’s how Jesus rescued me.' Act One is about individual rescues from the Bible; Act Two is about our rescue.

"I think that's one of the most inspiring and unexpected things that came out of that show. People saw themselves in the characters and in the way that Jesus was meeting every single person, right where they were at, and bringing to them what they needed to be rescued.”

The event also dramatizes inspirational moments from Jesus’ life, from challenging the Pharisees to healing the sick and hurting. According to Enck, the writers wanted to highlight Jesus' humanity and ability to connect with those of every walk of life.

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closed Comments

    • +3

      you didn't think

  • +10

    Happy easter to our Christian brothers and sisters, from the Muslim folk.🙏

    Let the losers seathe✌️

    • +2

      Ramadan Mubarak! From this heathen seething loser.

      • Thanks :)

        • +1

          Funny many years ago at school I wished a Muslim parent Happy Easter..then realised, back-peddled and apologised and said you've obviously not celebrating Easter.

          The response was, don't you apologise, we use any excuse to get together with family and eat! We'll be celebrating too! Just like you're not Muslim, but it didn't stop you and your family chowing down to celebrate Eid with us. The bbq will unite us all! Her oldest said - The haters are gunna starve.

          • @M00Cow: This right here hahaha.

            Food and public holidays will solve all the worlds problems 🙏

    • +5

      Let the losers seathe

      and the winners spell seethe correctly?

      • +1

        Didn't know it was spelt that way, thanks! :)

    • +1

      Hopefully your kids don't become apostates so you never have to stone them.

      • 99% sure they will get stoned by themselves when they are teenagers

        • +1

          Took my troglodyte brain forever to get this one lmao

          I would hope not though!

        • +2

          For the Lord said

          Let he who is stoned, cast the first sin!

      • Don't plan on it, thanks for your concern though :)

  • +4

    Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your long weekend. God bless.

    • +7

      Happy Easter too! Enjoy your long weekend too. May the universe provide favourable randomness.

      • +1

        May the universe provide favourable randomness

        Entropy, the one true god that can unite us all…… and gradually drive us to disorder

  • +5

    Religion is a scam but I like the food

    • A bit of bread and wine? With questionable food handling practices and varying quality depending on where the church is located.

      • Haha no I don't go to church although my grandma dragged me there a couple of times those wafers are very bland
        I meant the hot cross buns, chocolate eggs, Christmas pudding etc

    • +1

      "Some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords, but the lyrics… are dodgy"

  • Is "Last Temptation of Christ" on any streaming services. I much prefer the story and the music (bloody amazing!) of that one.

  • +20

    Easter was originally a pagan festival. It was to celebrate the fecundity of nature. Hence all the bunnies and eggs.The Christians put the religious celebration over the top of the Pagan one to try to suppress the original purpose. However, the bunnies and eggs have endured.

    Honestly if this is your thing then go for it. My issue is the influence that religions have over people who don’t believe their doctrines. The fact that many religions hid their abusive priests to protect the “brand”. My honest opinion is as long as your don’t hurt others you are free to believe what you want. Unfortunately religion has been used as a vehicle of oppression by too much of the “management”. The tomes have been cherry picked to justify the prejudices they want to push. The Bible has been used to justify burning heretics. Now it is used to oppress the LBGTQ+ community and women. The book is the same so it can only come down to what society allows the “management” to get away with. I do wonder what Jesus would say about some of the things done by some “Christians” in his name. They seem to have lost the fundamental lessons on acceptance, tolerance and sharing. If he was around today then some of them would accuse him of being a layabout socialist.

    I have no trouble with belief, I just think we would all be better off talking directly to your Deity and cutting out the self appointed middle men. Ask why an all powerful Deity would care about consensual adult sex whilst his representatives were abusing children and their managers were hiding it? Corrupting society around them and leaving the child disbelieved and punished for their wickedness. How much lower can any member of society go let alone people who are meant to be our “moral” guides. Also why can only men present their message? I’m now wondering about anatomy and radars. Belief shouldn’t be blindly followed. As we have seen the more fundamentalist the society the more oppressed minorities are and the more people are hurt. This applies to any belief system, not just religious ones. Draw comfort from your religion but don’t use it as a cudgel against others.

    It isn’t the concept of a God that is the issue it is what is being done in their name that is the problem.

      • I’m sure this is what you think and you have the right to think about how it applies to yourself.

      • +1

        So if I write a book and start it with "everything written in this book is correct", does it make everything in my book correct?

    • +2

      Username checks out.

      • +1

        Abortion is a nono in Christianity and in Christian run countries like America

        • +1

          The trouble is so is contraceptives and women’s rights.

          • -1

            @try2bhelpful: The word woman can cause some confusion. Some communities prefer that you say, pregnant person in a certain context.

            Please be respectful and mindful. Show them some respect by using the correct terms. That they approve.

            • +1

              @gto21: Frankly your comments are tiresome and incorrect.

              • @try2bhelpful: I can't post link. But you can find a debate between Bronte Remsik and Michael Knowles.

                She said we need to use inclusive language. Mothers and women are not inclusive language.

                She argues a better term is pregnant people.

                She is third-year medical school student. 😅

                I'm just saying don't take it wrong. Just in case.

                Do you agree to use pregnant people instead of mothers/women?

                • @gto21: You're off-topic and just after gotchas. Take a peek at your WWJD bracelet before you click "Post Comment."

                  You shouldn't need your religion to tell you that your actions are wrong.

                • @gto21: Why do you care what people who are pregnant call themselves? I try not to be divisive.

                  • @try2bhelpful: I don't know what your talking about. Maybe I was not clear. But the video will help. If you listen I think you will get the point. Although at times it can be confusing.

        • +2

          See in my opinion this is a BS rule and i don't take it with a grain of salt.
          I think an abortion is very relevant in todays society, particularly with how advanced medicine is in detecting pre-birth diagnoses. Why make a child come out and suffer in the name of religion. Again i think these stupid Man-made rules tarnish the belief. Also the poor women who have been victims, should not hve to live with the torture of being subjected to something against their will and live with the reminder.
          As does the ridiculous rules outlined by @try2bhelpful just below..
          I tell you the worst thing to come into religion is people thinking they know whats best for the religion. if they were truly practicing the path of Jesus if thats what they are claiming to be, they would not have such ridiculous rules.
          I know you think i sound like an athiest.., But i have always considered myself a practical catholic, i try to embrace the positives but dismiss the negatives. I just use the faith to have some guiding principles in life, hoping that if for some reason there is an afterlife, that i try to have good enough values to end up in the right place..

        • +2

          See this is where people are wrong. Christian means "Christ-like". Jesus never said abortion is wrong. Jesus did say, "let he who.is without sin cast the first stone".

          People grab stuff from the Old Testament and claim it's a Christian ideal, but it's not, he wasn't born. The Old Testament is fear and hatred. The Gospels of the Mew Testament (the stuff attributed to Jesus) is all about peace love and mungbeans. He championed the outcasts, told the poor to just be good people and you'll be fine. He told the wealthy you're stuffed.

          The enduring message iis "Love one another, as I have loved you". Pretty bloody simple. Yet so many so-called Christians seem to forget this one simple instruction. Haters can't be Christians.

          I don't believe in god, but Jesus was a pretty insightful guy.

          • @M00Cow:

            The Gospels of the Mew Testament

            Pokemon, the true religion

            • @SBOB: In Egypt they worshipped cats.. Cats remember this time.

          • @M00Cow: Wow didn't know Christians don't believe in the bible as the word of their god. Today i learned

    • Exactly this thank you. I think you're fleshed out response was what I was trying to indicate earlier.

  • Antitheists. I've learnt a new word today
    Seems I'm still atheist.

  • Watched the trailer. Very impressive production.

  • +1

    Christmas, the 'birth' of Jesus is the same day every year…25th December, but apparently Easter Sunday, the day of their death/resurrection, is based on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

    Makes total sense. You'd think those gospel writers would have noted down the date they died a bit better.

    • +3

      Or at least settled on a date.

      Easter and Christmas was designed to overlay the Pagan festivals already held at those times of year. It is why you get bunnies and eggs at Easter and things like Yule logs with Christmas.

    • +1

      Note: Christians (who have an idea what they are talking about) don't believe Jusus was born in December.

      The name easter comes from the pagan fertility godess Ēostre. Was pretty funny to hear some pearl clutching Christians complaining in the shops. Apparently the shop was being anti christian because their easter eggs didnt have "easter" written on them.

      OMG my pagan fertility festival eggs dont have the pagan godess name written on them! How unchristian of them!

  • Ohhh I am so offended snowflakes! If you offend and yet you are so afraid to be offended get a frucking life! Debate but don’t resist to victimisation.

  • -8

    Former Christian here. This isn't a "deal", nor is this the place for any form of opinion (religious or otherwise) to be spruiked.

    • +6

      Nice try SATAN! REPENT!

      Ye shall bargain and accept thy holy prices!

      Jokes aside, as a non-god fearing individual i think the post is fine. It's the comments (from both sides) that i agree has no place in the deals section.

      • -2

        By your argument, you'd accept deals to be flooded here from all religions and views that may only accommodate a small subset of ozbargainers?

        Realistically, what this post is trying to do is not target the 5% (made up) of Christian ozbargainers, but try and wash their opinion and hopefully convert a subset of the 95% of the rest of ozbargain. Aka: advertising for free.

        P.s. the start of your post did make me chuckle.

        • "By your argument, you'd accept deals to be flooded here from all religions"

          Do you want to invest in a side hustle? GodBargains… It is a portal for this kind of stuff…not sure the monetisation is there….but it would be like super for the after life (pending confirmation). : P

        • +2

          In 2021 the most common religions in Australia were:

          Christianity (43.9%)
          No religion (38.9%)
          Islam (3.2%)
          Hinduism (2.7%)
          Buddhism (2.4%)

          • +1

            @gto21: Except that 43.9% of christians have no money left after tithing to spend frugally on OzBargain… Or at least that's what their scripture says.

            • @Canberran: They can get free eBooks or something else.I know a non-religious person who will soon be homeless. And non-religious people complaining about with price of fuel etc. Do we need to banned them on ozbargain?

              • @gto21: Or just try and force their opinions on others?
                I'm not trying to convince you to drop your stupid religion… Can you just TRY for once to keep it to yourself though? Ughhh

                • +1

                  @Canberran: Please stop forcing your option on me. It causing me stress. Your ideology is very negative. Please keep it for yourself.

                  Should somone believe in the stupidity that everything is created by nothing?

        • +2

          Realistically, what this post is trying to do is not target the 5% (made up) of Christian ozbargainers, but try and wash their opinion and hopefully convert a subset of the 95% of the rest of ozbargain. Aka: advertising for free

          No, it's letting people know about a theatrical performance that normally costs to view, but if free for this weekend for anyone who is interested in viewing.

      • It's funny because the people posting all the nasty comments wouldn't dare say anything nasty about another certain religion that throws gays off buildings. The sjw leftie nutters sure as shit don't have any standards or logical consistency it's hilarious.

        • +1

          They don't have logic because like Melbourne weather it changes 4 times a day 🤷‍♂️

    • -1

      That's your opinion! Please keep it to yourself.

      • +4

        That's your opinion, you can keep it to yourself too

        • No, it was a statement of fact. Asking you to keep it to yourself was simply to request that you adhere to the statement you made about this not being the place to spruik any form of opinion.

    • +6

      And yet here you are spruiking your opinion!

      • +4

        You started it lol jesus

        • +4

          But I am not the hypocritical one here.

          • +1


            But I am not the hypocritical one here.

            We're all hypocritical, just depends what the frame of reference is :)

            If we weren't, religion wouldn't need Hail Mary's/penance/absolution

          • +1

            @tryagain: Yet you keep stamping your feet like a 3 year old pushing your opinion onto others and defending the right to do so?

            You're definitely not sharing any love unless it's for your own kind.
            Check yourself before jesus does.

            • +2

              @Canberran: Please stop pushing your opinion on others, And don't defend your right to do so. Thank you.

              • +1

                @gto21: Lol, look who's talking. You keep insisting on commenting on my posts.

                It's hurtful :'(

            • +1

              @Canberran: Tbh, not sure what this was responding too. But if you think I am getting upset about anything being said, you would be wrong.

    • +2

      Wait what? You mean you don't believe people should be able to share or have an opinion on a post that can be voted on? I think you're in the wrong place, not the 'deal'.

      • And you can go to the website ReligionBargain

        • +3

          Is this atheistBargain?

          • -2

            @gto21: It should be, deals know no god but the god of consumerism.

            • @Canberran: Please follow your own advise and go to atheistBargain.

    • +2

      From my understanding of previous religious posts, the owner of ozbargan is devout and indeed the first ever post on ozbargan was one of a religious nature!

      So I don't think there will be in a change to the posting guidelines to exclude such deals.

      • Didn't know that. I have no issue with people holding a religion. Just keep it to themselves I say. A "bargain" website is not a place I peruse for people to vehemently defend what they consider to be "deals" but are realistically just pathetic conversion tactics.

        • +1

          Ok apply the same principle to you. keep it for yourself. Thank you.

          • -1

            @gto21: Didn't ask your opinion mate. Keep it for yourself. Thank you.

            • +1

              @Canberran: You wrote on a public comment section. If you to want someone to reply. Keep it for yourself. Thanks mate.

              • @gto21: I ain't your mate, pal.

                • +1

                  @Canberran: So don't use mate when you tag me, friend.

                  • @gto21: I don't think you got tos south park reference… But then again I doubt your mum let's you watch that unholy show …

                    • +1

                      @Canberran: Sorry that was very anti south park.

  • I wonder if the easter bunny will make an appearance in the show?

    • +5

      Yes, Santa and all the Super Best Friends also have cameos.

  • +11

    Holy upvotes - didn't realise how christian heavy OzB was….

    • +2

      If there is one thing that everyone can agree on - "Fk RRP!"

      Now that's a religion I'd join.

    • Does it matter? The founder scotty is also a devote Christian.

  • +5

    a trigger warning for the antitheists

    Sounds like somebody's triggered, and it's not us

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