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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

      • +9

        It's free when before it wasn't.
        That is the literal definition of a bargain.
        Or you think it's not be because you can't control your own political biases?

        • For something to be a bargain it must provide some sort of value to me. Idk about you but for me, this is straight up negative value, you’d have to pay me to watch this hateful drivel.

          Sure I suppose that does make it political purely due to the nature of the content. I was also agreeing with OP that this sort of political content doesn’t really deserve a place on this site.

    • +1

      bye felicia

  • +28

    Boring culture war nonsense.

  • +29

    Gotta love when Ozbargain goes full boomer

    • +7

      Yes, because only boomers know what a woman is, seems any other generation needs a documentary to tell them - LOL

      • +5

        that really is a waste of a good acronym

    • +4

      gotta love when the alphabet mafia realise they are a minority despite what the media and corporations try to push

  • +5

    Smart move posting on OzB @Arkan

    Can't believe I never thought of that.

  • +4

    Suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the sort of comments left on this, it's is OzBargain after all, being poor does usually follow with being uneducated.

    • You're right. It's not like a good education should be a human right, and all schools and students in Australia have a level of equality.

      What idiots those uneducated people are? Stupid parents thinking public schools funded by taxpayer money would provide adequate education for their stupid children…

      • +1

        I don't undentify as being uneducated

      • +1

        That's a nice fantasy, but unfortunately taxpayer funded public schooling is not even close to the total sum of education a person will or won't receive growing up, people from lower economic groups are pretty consistently less open to new ideas and differing cultures, along with lacking a level of critical thinking that leaves such groups more vulnerable to misinformation and participating in far leaning political echo chambers, in what is essentially political tribalism.

        Public schools just don't really teach these sorts of things, and it's hard to grow in that way mentally if you're growing up dealing with absent mothers and/or fathers, a rough home life, clearly apparent financial struggles within the family, things like that will stunt you pretty hard mentally.

        • +5

          Look at the rich white liberal preaching down to us all ! Feels like the old twitter all over again :P

          • +1

            @7ekn00: I just don't think it's absurd to imply that poorer people are at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing and finding opportunities to learn, the starving child attending public schooling in a poor area and dreads returning home at 3pm is probably not capable of learning at the same level as the child living middle class in a stable household with no external stressors, that's just the reality of the situation.

        • +3

          Massive generalisation, there… Are you from a poor, uneducated family, too? 😅

          That's a systematic failure of society, and the older I get, the more a believe societal systems are designed to be in this fashion (keep the poor, poor).

          I was one of those kids, and was lucky enough to have nothing that I noted education as an opportunity and freedom to escape the situation my family and siblings were living in. In hindsight, I'm angry knowing peers from private schools had politics in the curriculum whilst I didn't even understand the basic fundamentals of the Australian political systems and formation of government when it was compulsory for me to vote when I turned 18.

          I've known plenty of smart people that would be seemingly classified by society as "dumb", and just as many dumb people that are perceived (with credentials, education and qualifications) as smart!

          Dirkheads exist at both end of the economic scale.

          • +2

            @goldiep: It's most definitely designed to be in this fashion, leaving the poor grinding in dead-end labour positions, endlessly addicted to alcohol, smokes, pokies, sport betting, etc, all while keeping them distracted on this culture war BS so that they can't focus on who is actually acting in their best interests, we didn't get to this point by accident, that's for certain.

            As for the morons with the right qualifications, well yeah, I'm not debating that to not be the case, there do exist people who absolutely excel at studying and progressing towards their desired career path while being absolutely braindead in any other context, I'm also saying that potentially very smart people that grow up in poor environments are put at a severe disadvantage, and there will be outliers that are able to overcome those disadvantages, but for a majority of these kids they'll unfortunately just become another product of their environment, wasted potential.

    • +3

      derp i'm so intellectual but anyone who disagrees with me on the bargain site I am also a member of must be uneducated.

    • +1

      nice classism….

      found the sites' prejudiced classist everybody!!!

  • +6

    OzB = Based

    • Ah yes, "based', another hip-hop AAVE term co-opted by the right. Lil-B is the OG Based God.

      • +5

        term co-opted by the right.

        Literal 6 years olds use it and the occasional grown up^^
        But sure, let’s just throw false labels around until something finally sticks.

        And what was his fault anyways?
        To say that Ozbargain is freaking awesome and even that’s bothering you lot now?

        • +1

          Literal 6 years olds use it and the occasional grown up^^
          But sure, let’s just throw false labels around until something finally sticks.

          What false labels?

          And what was his fault anyways?
          To say that Ozbargain is freaking awesome and even that’s bothering you lot now?

          Whose fault? What's bothering me?

          I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just stating facts, you should do your own research homie. Facts don't care about your feelings.

  • +11

    Oxford Dictionary definition of a woman?
    a. An adult female human being.
    Saved you all 2 hours.

  • +17

    how is this a deal?

    • Some people think it is and that's how this site works. I don't consider spending 10 minutes reading and signing up to get a $2 gift, but hundreds do.

      • +1

        The problem is some people will up or downvote based on whether they agree with the message rather than the deal.

    • +2

      A big fcuking deal

  • +24

    Abosulte trash post.

    Shit like this and last of us 2 deals always bring out the dregs of this website.

    • +5

      always bring out the dregs of this website.

      Leaves a comment whilst complaining about others leaving a comment

      Hmm, that’s some big brain play from you there 🥴🥴

      • +9

        Hey mate, why do you seem so hateful in these comments?

        • +3

          The person above me resorts to name calling, you +1 him and you talk to me about hate?

          Okay, despite your obvious hypocrisy (not surprised)
          Let’s have a chat
          When and towards who have I been hateful here.

          • +12

            @Gervais fanboy: The way "dregs" was used is fairly apt as per my understanding.

            Refering to the worst parts of society. I define the worst parts of society as the rage-filled, combative parts that seem to divide people on subjects that don't matter.

            In that sense, the people that you've seemed to align yourself with, as per your upvotes and comments, fit that bill.

            Love and compassion are greater than hate and rage. If you're coming from a place on the latter about something as silly as defending gender norms I feel there might be something a bit deeper going on to make you feel that way.

            • +2


              The way "dregs" was used is fairly apt as per my understanding.

              All that back peddling. Be careful or you might catch a sprain.

              I define the worst parts of society as the rage-filled, combative parts that seem to divide people on subjects that don't matter.

              That literally defines the fella that you +1 above
              He/she added nothing to this post. Left a false neg (go ahead read through the neg guidelines) and then gets inflammatory by resorting to name calling.
              And you +1 him and would still now rather double down.
              The irony of you feeling empowered to judge me here… priceless.

              In that sense, the people that you've seemed to align yourself with, as per your upvotes and comments, fit that bill.

              Hahahah, Pot - Kettle??
              Are you F with me right now?

              Anyways, you called me hateful and literally couldn't cite anything I have said that’s hateful? Aren’t you yourself stoking more hate by slandering me like that!?

              Love and compassion are greater than hate and rage.

              Trust me, I have tried that soo many times here and still do so with new users.
              Every time I have maliciously been called a racist, transphobe, H phobe and all that nonsense. All i did was merely question someone/something whilst agreeing with as much as I could with the person I was trying to debate. For some reason, people just like you unfairly throw labels
              I have given you chance and you didn’t cite anything, didn’t apologise for very rudely calling me ‘hateful’
              So I just don’t care anymore, when it comes to such discussions I am not malicious but I am not as polite anymore either.

              Have some integrity and re-read these past few comments.

              • +9

                @Gervais fanboy: As someone who isn't regularly called a racist, homophobe, transphobe, etc, I find it hard to believe you've been merely inquisitive with your questions.

                For someone who doesn't care, you seem to care a lot about justifying yourself and tearing others down. Quoting parts of my comment just to ridicule them doesn't make you come across as very empathetic.

                • -2

                  @Ninternet: Look at all this weasely ducking and diving
                  You would keep manipulating and digressing endlessly but not once in pile quote me for when I was hateful towards you or some other user here???

                  Why lie in the first place, do you have no integrity?

                  And you’d rather have a go at me for merely replying to what you wrote to me? Like seriously?

    • +2

      Ive also seen them come out when the rare vegan deals get posted. I just take it as society progressing without them and they see the writing on the wall and are getting desperate

    • +1

      the dregs are the foundation of this site! … lol!

  • +22

    Mental illness does not change your chromosomes.

    • +1

      Noone dares to use those words to describe issues anymore, for fear of being cancelled.

  • +3

    Going strictly off the title and nothing more, so correct me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure this has been free for a while: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgp9MPLEAqA

  • +31

    This shouldn’t be on the site. It’s hyper-political, culture war rubbish that brings politics into what needn’t be political.

    • +4

      Did you watch it? Or did you just think what you were told to think because people on twitter said so.

    • +5

      You mean like the latest The Little Mermaid?
      I guarantee that will get a bargain listing when it appears on Disney+

  • +4

    Why would mod allow negative vote on this deal? Do we have equal rules for all or not?

  • +17

    Sorry, there are 100s free videos out there, no bargain

  • +25

    I normally browse Ozbargain without logging in, but I logged in just to downvote this bigoted, culture war trash.

    • +2

      so brave & stunning!

  • +2

    Liberals and Conservatives: Tearing each other limb from limb
    Leftists: (Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh)

    • Leftists: smugly pretending like they're above this shit

  • +12

    Hateful propaganda is not a bargain.

    • +20

      Yes, it is soooooo hateful to know what a woman is!

      Propaganda is redefining words, who has redefined "woman" and "female" here?!?

    • +7

      What's your definition of what constitutes "hate" and "propaganda"?

    • +8

      TIL science is hateful!

    • +5

      Did you watch the documentary?

    • +8

      How is it hateful?

      Asking a genuine question

      • +18

        If you, for example, identified as transgender and a segment of the world insisted on telling you you were "wrong" or "damaged" for feelings you couldn't control, despite causing no harm, would you not feel hate towards you?

        It's easy to get caught up in the logistics and "facts", but this is a question of empathy. Nobody, if they cause no harm, deserve the amount of hate that this community is currently receiving by right-leaning people and communities

        • +3

          I would feel that people don't understand me, but I wouldn't say they hate me.

          It's like if I enjoyed eating chicken feet, and everyone tells me it's disgusting. I wouldn't say they're expressing hate towards me, I would just think they don't understand the appeal of chicken feet, and I would also understand everyone is different. I can't expect others to understand me and what I enjoy/don't enjoy

          • +15

            @dimes: Transgender and non gender conforming people experience hate, harassment and sometimes get killed for it. Large segments of US society are doing what they can to eliminate them. Yet you're comparing the situation to difference in food preferences?

          • +2

            @dimes: lmao food analogy

            food analogies are like weetbix- terrible

        • +4

          Hey - they are free to 'feel' however they wish.
          They are just not free to warp reality and insist that everyone else plays along.

        • +2

          cause no harm
          community is currently receiving

          Stop lying and misguiding prople. No community is being hated on here.
          Tannys trying to shove themselves into female spaces, sports and even children spaces is the real issue here and they have been doing it by playing around with this definition.

          No its NOT about playing innocent dress up anymore.

          • +3

            @dBagDealer: Spoken like someone who has formed their opinion on the internet and never met a trans person.

            Act less out of fear.

    • +2

      thankyou for your virtue signalling

  • +5

    dont try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other — Al Bundy

    • +1

      That's a good one!

      My favourite poorly aged quote is:
      "Heroin: the non-addictive sedative for coughs"

  • +6

    ehhh - this vid seems like a political Trojan Horse.

    Really not a deal tbh.

    Are free vegan movies like Dominion a deal? Probably not.

  • +24

    Right wing grifting isn’t a bargain

  • +2


    • +8

      Bwahaha good one

      • +8

        Shall we start posting free youtube/bitchute conspiracy videos here too? They're all free too.

        I'm all for it, don't get me wrong - but this is not the space.

        • +4

          What does someone posting a link to a video and giving no opinion on the videos content have to do with being a bigot ? You may as well call OP a racist conspiracy theorists too. These seem to be the names people shout when they read too much msm.

          • +12

            @[Deactivated]: Bigot comment was directed at Matt Walsh, the video producer. Ozbargain rarely directs the criticism towards the OP rather than the actual bargain. This is NOT a bargain. I could fill up this page with fake moon landings - 9/11 hoax and it'd be deleted immediately. Why is this video OK? Because it was free today but not tomorrow?

            No deal. Neg.

            • +1

              @Wickadz: Rubbish lie, but you tell yourself it wasn't directed at op. Either way you're brainwashed . Get off the internet

            • @Wickadz:

              This is NOT a bargain.

              Yes, it is.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: can i just ask… you don't want to wear the ribbon?

            • +1

              @kamelataturd: Hahah best comment on this post.

    • what is a bigot?

  • +14

    Possibly the stupidest deal I've ever seen on my time here on OzBargain.

  • +20

    The sheer amount of unresolved childhood trauma on display in these comment sections saddens me.

    I sincerely hope you can all come to accept the things that have happened in your lives, raise a more loved future generation by learning from the mistakes of your parents (turns out physical violence as conditioning is abuse, who knew?), stop arguing on the internet and start coming together on things that are actually productive.

    Healthy people don't tear each other down, "other" different social groups or fear social change to the extent you all seem to.

    • +13

      I bet you'll find most of the people commenting here voted 'Yes' in the SSM referendum.
      They don't have an issue with alternative lifestyles - they have a problem with society lying to them, pretending that men are women, and pretending that the sane people are actually the crazy ones.
      They have an issue with men competing against women and stealing their trophies.
      They have an issue with men occupying women's bathrooms.
      They have an issue with men play-acting at being women and taking their opportunities.
      They have an issue with society increasingly trying to sexualise children and force crazy ideas onto them at increasingly younger ages.
      They see that transgenderism impacted on a tiny fraction of a percentage ten years ago, and now impacts huge numbers of young people and are concerned at what children are being taught and exposed to.
      There is PLENTY for people to legitimately get upset about when they look at what is happening to society.

      • +2

        As a gay, I agree to a point about trans people in elite sport. Those athletes can still play their sport at a local club level and NOT compete for trophies at an elite level etc.

        Sexualising children has been happening in the straight world forever, kings & queens, prince & princess in Disney movies - that's sexualising genders, male & female together. Yes it's the majority and that's fine, but why not allow a small amount of media for those who identify as LGBT? I love the rainbow pride shit - I'm gay as hell. I don't like drag queens & I think society is (profanity).

        There is plenty to be upset about - BUT THIS FORUM IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THIS DISCUSSION.

        • +2

          Why not?
          Why can't we have this discussion here? People seem pretty keen on it?
          In any event, 'sexualising' children by modelling heterosexual relationships is what families do. It should not be surprising to see that modelling reflected in popular culture.
          Modelling deviant behaviours is an entirely different thing.
          Society has an interest in promoting behaviours that are good for society, and discouraging behaviours that are bad for society.

          • +5

            @Almost Banned: This can exist in the forums, why a deal?

            I'm not opposed to modelling 'normal' straight relationships - I agree, its the majority. I said give a little to the LGBT.

            Deviant? You're talking to a gay here - deviant to me is 'straight'. Deviant is just something we don't understand. I don't understand straight sexuality and vice versa. Next.

            You're saying being gay is considered bad for society? Ooft.

            • +3

              @Wickadz: It is a deal because it was only available on subscription - and now it is free.
              You cannot find it cheaper elsewhere. It is a deal - and certainly as much of one as any of the [movie] is now available to watch on [streaming service].
              By any metric homosexuality is deviant behavior. It is engaged in by a small percentage of the population, therefore it departs from common behaviour. You admitted this yourself.

            • +1

              @Wickadz: Save yourself the time and don't argue with this loser, don't make my mistake.

              • +1

                @chepsk8: No - your mistake was thinking that men who pretend to be women are only changing their 'gender' and not their 'sex'.
                Try telling them that they are not actually women.

      • +5

        protip, none of those things are actually happening, you've bitten the propaganda hook line and sinker

      • There is PLENTY for people to legitimately get upset about when they look at what is happening to society.

        Out of all the issues happening in the world today those are nothing compared to:

        • Unsustainable and silly levels of immigration to boost our economy
        • The housing crisis and growing levels of homelessness in our cities
        • Climate change (yeah that's right, I said it) resulting in mass flooding, fires and drought across different parts of the world
        • The growing inequality amongst society and the disappearance of the middle class
        • The fact that politicians will do anything to keep house prices going up even if it's detrimental to society and the future of this country

        Out of all possible things you think are issues, you choose checks notes men competing in women's sports? Seriously?

        • +2

          The growing sexualisation of children has a far more profound and immediate impact on most Ozbargainer's lives that any of those things.

  • +30

    I don't know who Matt Walsh is so looked him up, here are some choice snippets .i.e. nothing relating to trans issues:

    • He labels himself a "theocratic fascist" in his Twitter biography, which he has said was in response to an opponent using the label as an insult.
    • He has argued for banning pornography and supports restricting abortion.
    • Walsh has argued that ozone depletion and acid rain were never serious problems
    • Regarding the casting of Halle Bailey in the live-action version of The Little Mermaid (2023), Walsh said on The Daily Wire, "from a scientific perspective, it doesn't make a lot of sense to have someone with darker skin who lives deep in the ocean," and suggested that the mermaid should be translucent instead.
    • He called anime "satanic" in an answer to viewers' questions in one of his videos, adding "I have no argument for why it's satanic. It just seems that way to me
    • He has called multiculturalism a "failed experiment"
    • In 2022, left-leaning media watchdog group Media Matters for America uncovered audio recordings from the 2010s that contained Walsh discussing teenage pregnancy on the radio show The Matt and Crank Program, saying that "the problem is not, per se, teenage pregnancy—it's unwed pregnancy", that "Girls between the ages of like 17 and 24 is when they're technically most fertile", and that society had only recently deemed being a teenager "too young to start a family".
    • He further argued that pregnancy out of wedlock is the core issue since it leaves the child "without a stable family structure in place to care for [them]."
    • In June 2015, Walsh condemned the U.S. Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, which ruled that the U.S. Constitution guaranteed the right to marriage for same-sex couples, arguing that "a union between two homosexuals is not, never has been, and never will be a legitimate marriage", while insinuating that the ruling will set marriage to become "an institution populated by all forms of depravity and corruption".
    • Shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, Walsh accused President Joe Biden of feminizing the U.S. military and recruiting lesbians who he said "can't do three pushups", and said that it was "not a coincidence that [Russia's invasion] happened after Biden spent his first year in office focusing primarily on wokeness".
    • After South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem permitted businesses to require a COVID-19 vaccine for their employees, Walsh criticized her by writing that she was only considered a frontrunner for the 2024 United States presidential election because of her physical attractiveness.[2] After Noem called his comment misogynistic, Walsh said he had no regrets but would "accept apologies from all of the performative idiots pretending to be offended by it".

    Sounds like an edgy "no, it's called ephebophilia, it's different!" anti-vaxxer manchild. The transluscent mermaid thing is funny though, I would watch a movie with Ariel's skeleton and organs visible but it has to be in 3D and I eat some shrooms.

    Edit: I'm gonna neg because this shit is stupid, and Walsh is an idiot.

    • +8

      That's a pretty good resume

      • +7

        Yep - can't find a single thing on the list to disagree with.

        • +3

          So he is not a sexual deviant = not good according to the woke doctrine

    • +4

      You dont know him. Watch more of his stuff and you will find me is smart and kind individual

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