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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

        • +1

          You lost me

          Okay, noted.
          That comment wasn’t meant for you anyways.
          I am still glad that you somehow made this all about yourself… Happy?

          • @Gervais fanboy: Yeah man. Figured you needed more of the spotlight so i answered the comment from the crowd! Amen!

            • +2


              Figured you needed more of the spotlight

              If I was about the spotlight, I’d be playing the pc game and virtual signalling like there was no tomorrow…
              Takes way more effort and courage to stand up against the dominant narrative.
              Anyways, you’d keep falsely accusing me of things that aren’t even true.
              So whatever my man.

  • +42

    A woman has two x chromosomes. Simples

    • +19

      Try getting the left to admit that

    • +6

      Apparently in 2023 anything’s possible.

    • +9

      Not quite

      In humans, the presence of the Y chromosome is responsible for triggering male development; in the absence of the Y chromosome, the fetus will undergo female development. There are various exceptions, such as individuals with Klinefelter syndrome (who have XXY chromosomes), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes), and XX male syndrome (men with XX chromosomes), however these exceptions are rare. In some instances, a seemingly normal female with a vagina, cervix, and ovaries has XY chromosomes, but the SRY gene has been shut down.[2] In most species with XY sex determination, an organism must have at least one X chromosome in order to survive.[3][4]>


      • +5

        Rare abnormalities raised to the level of normalities to normalise the abnormal.

        • +3

          It's acknowledging the reality that they exist and are human beings, mate. It's normal that these things happen. No one is saying they are the majority.

    • +2

      The Y chromosome is such a sorry (SRY) excuse for a chromosome…

    • +3

      what about XXY 🤔

    • +13

      Yes, it's such propaganda to know what a woman is these days!

      I would say it's far more propagandist to redefine already established words to mean something else (like Woman and Female) ;)

      Even Orwell 1984 tells us propaganda is redefining words …

      Lets ponder, which side has redefined these words, then we will know who the actual propagandists are!

    • +3

      Shhh communist chatbot.

    • Like Bud Light pushing their anti-reality propaganda.

      • +4

        nobody drinks bud light in australia, why are you importing that culture-war shit here?
        please stop being so terminally online, it's embarassing

    • +1

      watch it first then come back and comment

  • +26

    Love Matt Walsh. Hard to believe someone can make a living these days stating common sense, but here we are in 2023.

    • +3

      Who is he? (Serious question - never heard of him before)

      • +3

        I know him as a right wing youtuber who speaks out against the spread of the transgender movement and especially when it is targeted at children

      • +24

        He is a religious right wing grifter. Jumping on the fake outrage bandwagon. He also thinks being gay is a choice. He isn't very intelligent and dropped out of highs school.

        • +8

          So dropping out of high school is a reason that someone is unintelligent?

          • +12

            @jazinger23: no but maybe someone that failed biology isnt the best person to listen to about biology … right wingers really struggle with critical thinking….

            • +1

              @ubcool: If you look at the left vs right on youtube .. most of the time its the so called right that uses facts and history and the so called left seems to use feelings for their reasoning.

            • +1


              right wingers really struggle with critical thinking….

              Lefty nut-bags always make such claims yet never seem to be able to demonstrate any themselves.

              Allow me to demonstrate:

              no but maybe someone that failed biology isn't the best person to listen to about biology

              This is the argument from authority logical fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority
              Being aware of the most common logical fallacies is critical thinking 101 and you failed it spectacularly.

              Critical thinking would require you to analyse any claims being made on their merits along with any evidence and counter those with your own, also supported with evidence, yet you failed that as well. All you did was make an unsupported claim, then claimed to be right, which is about all the left ever do in these discussions.

              Whatever you think 'critical thinking' is, it doesn't match reality. Here's primer for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking

          • +3

            @jazinger23: Statistically, yes.

        • +10

          " anyone who has a different political opinion than me is a grifter "

          • +13

            @Whomastadon: no dude anyone who fakes outrage with attention seeking nonsense like this 'doco' for fame and money. aka. Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson and this guy

            • +2

              @ubcool: Talking about political and social issues = outrage ?

              I don't follow.

              Sounds like you dont want people talking about certain things.

              And you appear to be using insults to silence and dismiss them.

              Common theme among the woke.

            • @ubcool: That would also include most of the early BLM leaders who complained against white people yet have since used the money from their fame to buy houses in white neighborhoods.

            • +1

              @ubcool: Tucker seems like a pretty nice guy tbh

              Seen this? https://youtu.be/ylmkVh-vCRw

        • +6

          "dRoPpEd OuT oF HiGhS sChOoL"

          go enjoy alphabet mafia month. if you dont like the bargain, just scroll on by snowflake xoxo

          • +2

            @kamelataturd: " dropped out of highschool "

            Yeah he doesn't even have a PHD in Gender Studies.

            • @Whomastadon: another high value degree drummed up by universities and colleges.

          • +1

            @kamelataturd: Calling others snowflake right after being triggered by someone else and unironically saying "alphabet mafia". It truly doesn't get better than this lol.

            • +1

              @JandersC: @JandersC Ah the classic suffixing my own comment with a lol as though it is the ultimate exclamation mark and case closed. Please continue telling us about the little things that superceed your mundane life.

      • +8

        Some rando commentator that is pushing back against the woke nonsense when the silent majority refuses too ;)

        All he does is says out loud what the silent 95% of the population thinks!

        • dude twitter account got hacked he is doing this for money and thats it.

          • +1

            @ubcool: They are giving this movie away FOR FREE!
            If he's doing it for money, he's doing it wrong.

      • +23

        He doesn't get the whole ozone layer thing, perhaps don't rely on him and his ideas on the "radical trans agenda left" - https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1549713211188027394

        • -6

          Tweet was 100% accurate, what happened to all the Ozone scaremongers? Oh, they moved on to CO2 scaremongering …

          • +28

            @7ekn00: If I recall correctly: some of the major chemicals involved in causing the hole in the ozone layer were banned, time passed, and the hole started to slowly repair.

          • +24

            @7ekn00: 24 nations signed the Montreal Protocol limiting the use of CFCs in 1987. Scientists estimate that if the Montreal Protocol had never been implemented, the hole would have grown by 40 percent by 2013. Instead, the hole is expected to completely heal by 2050.


            Attached from the above article:
            It makes sense that as CFCs phase out of the atmosphere—a process that can take 50 to 100 years—concerns about their environmental impacts do, too. But there’s a downside to the hole’s lower profile: The success story could make the public more complacent about other atmospheric emergencies, like climate change.

          • +21

            @7ekn00: My dude, we took action due to the hole in the ozone layer…

          • +16

            @7ekn00: 'Ozone scaremongers' Geez I think you should really avoid using that extremely poorly thought-out argument (if indeed you did any 'thinking' to come up with that) in future debates… For your own good.

            It makes it clear to others here that you have an extremely limited idea of what went on regarding that whole issue from both a historical and scientific perspective

  • +2

    At this point this has to be aired everywhere to stop the woke p@rverted ideology!

    • +12

      Can you define woke?

      • +6

        Woke culture or a woke person thinks they are awake to social issues, when the reality of it is, they have been indoctrinated into thinking things that aren’t true. Essentially, they aren’t awake to anything at all. They just fall for propaganda thrown at them without question.

        • +6

          You have to back this up with an example for me please. Because I am going to post how DeSantis defined "woke" in court when he was force to do so by a judge and we will try to find a common ground, if there is any.

        • +7

          lol no, "stay woke" is ingrained in Black (and hip-hop) culture, and is an AAVE term. White people generally didn't use "stay woke" because it's not grammatically correct in "proper English", it should be "woken". "Woke" is a term co-opted by the right, they redefined it, and here we are.

          Do your own research homie.

      • +5

        anyone who cant define a woman in under 4 words

      • +8

        Woke is the term used by right wing authoritarians to dump on others who are empathetic and respectful towards other people.

        It allows them to dismiss their own lack of empathy.

    • +1

      I don't think it's a bad as it seems - radicals on both sides. I'm happy for them to cancel each other out.

  • +2

    Let me advertise my Bitchute "documentary"

  • +8

    How much does it normally cost?

    • +12

      It's already been paid for by wealthy think tank I imagine

    • +7

      It was produced under the subscription of DailyWire+, but now they are releasing it partially as a promotion but also because it highlights some very important topics. I watched it, its pretty well made and he is genuine in how he is questioning people.

    • +1

      paywalled by a dailywire sub

  • +2

    He’s a hack but some of these interviews he does in the film really expose the mental gymnastics being applied here. As usual , the truth is in the middle

    • Just reading this dumpster fire of a comment section for funsies and your take seems to be the most level headed here.

  • +26

    Culture War shite

  • +24

    Mind rot

    • +16

      I agree. I only consoom CNN, CH9 news and whatever else the WHO and my Wife's Boyfriend let me.

      • +6

        most importantly - what does waleed aly think

    • +3

      How so?

  • +40

    A lot of gross old people in these comments huh

    • +2

      With age come wisdom, with wisdom comes the ability to know what a woman really is ;)

      It's a shame the younger generation needs a documentary to tell them!

      • +22

        Wisdom? Murdoch Press and believing everything they read on Facebook. Boomers discovering the internet has been terrible for the world. They're far and wide gullible sitting ducks for think tanks.

        • +3

          Be more specific please, instead of spouting off silly insults. It makes you sound unintelligent.

          What exactly are you challenging?

        • +1

          If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say Murdoch Press…. Name all the media he owns in Australia and it's hardly any compared to the left leaning media here.

      • +6

        You're right, you're a picture of intelligence Mr. "What ever happened to the Ozone layer"?


        • -1


          It wasn't about the ozone, but what become of the people that warned of mass extinctions because of it ;)

          They didn't appologize, didn't say they were wrong, just "oh it's fixed, lets move to the next clamity"!

          Nothing like a lack of reading comprehension from self proclaimed intelligent clowns :/

      • +1

        With age come wisdom, with wisdom comes the ability to know what a woman really is ;)

        ive found they usually dont have penises…but that was back in the good old days!

  • +14

    Not a bargain. If it's a bargain then so is any YouTube video.

    • Only if you're using a VPN to pay for your cheaper overseas subscription while based in Australia!

      • This is the way….

    • +10

      Yeah, I fail to see this too. Can I post any YouTube video I want now? What's the differential factor here?

      It's not like a popular blockbuster movie coming to a streaming service where many people may have purchased if they didn't know, so it's not like those deals. There's no element of saving money here. Are we about to have an influx of YouTube promo spam?

      • +1
        • -1

          I posted a professional documentary, which has an IMDB page, which is available on a paid subscription, and made available free on YouTube in an official capacity from the streaming service. It was immediately moved to the forums, and to boot I received an account warning for posting it.

          I personally do not see the difference at all beyond that this one is making a political point/intended to create arguments in comments - feels like very inconsistent moderation.

          • @snoopydoop: Having an IMDB page means nothing, many YouTube videos have them. For example, PewDiePie https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3755578/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk or Killer Bean https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1340108/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk https://youtu.be/qyYHWkVWQ4o

            • -1

              @s1Lence: Maybe, but it is just as or more legitimate than this deal. A paid for documentary that later became free on social media.

              The free multimedia guidelines they cited for this deal also applies to mine under the same logic, but mine was removed and I got a strike on my account.

              Only difference I see is this one is intentionally creating a toxic comment section.

              • @snoopydoop: I concur, just wanted to point out that IMDB pages don't add to the case. This is coming from someone who loves that site (my IMDb watchlist is over 700 films/shows strong…)

                • -1

                  @s1Lence: Yeah makes sense! Not sure where they're intending to draw the line with these sorts of posts anyway.

                  Haha my watchlist is looking similar. Same with my pile of free epic games that never get played

  • +7

    Looking forward to seeing this.

  • +40

    If a bloke wants to dress and pretend to be a woman, that's his business. If he thinks he has the right to share a change room or toilet facility with my wife, daughter, sister or mother that becomes my business and it's not going to end well. The physical and emotional safety of our wives, daughters, sisters and mothers (you know, actual women) trumps your hurt feelings everyday.

    • +2

      Yeh but that woman dude can probably kick your ass same as any other man dude lol… I get u tho 😅

      • -1

        We do sex changes for free, no need for him/her to get upset

      • Probably has a bigger 'Morton' too

    • -3

      I know you might be used to looking at other people and getting intimate in public bathrooms but I assure you, most people are just there to go to the bathroom, not to be used as a public cum dump.

    • Are gay people danger to the society as well? Wouldnt they also physically and emotionally endanger kids in change rooms and toilet facilities?

  • +10

    I for one will NOT watch this

    I already know what a woman is … Adult human female

  • +7

    Pretty sure a woman was, is, and always will be an adult human female.

  • +36

    I don't think this is In the spirit of the site, being political. Not why I joined OzB.

    It is in the spirit of causing fights in the comments.

    • +21

      Exactly, not in the spirit of the site

    • +1

      You can't post any deal where the item is plastic on ths site anymore without being abused. I'm so over it all

      • +4

        Of all the things that have happened, that certainly isn't one of them.

    • +5

      Same. How the heck is this a bargain.

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