• expired

UPDATED (Full 800 SKU Included See Update 2) Deal Extreme - 50% off Hundreds of Items!


Deal Extreme offering 50% off a huge selection of items!!

There's Quad Core Tablets (under $100)

Exynos 7" tab for $88

THL W8 Quad Core phone ($116)



According to this, they will be rotating the deals throughout the day (800 SKUs with total quantity of 40,000) to cover a bunch of other products too. Check back whenever you can to see if theres anything new!

Update 2:


They have pushed out another list of more items! It does verify the theory that the initial page was for DX AU deliveries whilst this is the International 50% off section. Please be aware that there will be longer delivery times for this since it needs to be shipped directly from China as opposed to the DX AU (which apparently has warehouse in Perth).

Update 3:
Offer is pretty much officially "Ozbargained" with the only remaining stock to be either very specialist products (Spare battery for product x), Seasonal products (Christmas), or stuff that not many people want. The only thing I am hoping for is that they can fulfill all orders so everyone is happy.

DX has subtly stated however, (Broken English) "If the customers who participate in this activity are more than expected which results in lack of product supply, we have to process refund for the oversold items, please kindly understand." which may account for some people's Paypals reported refunded against.

Update 4:

Have to apologise in advance to anyone who doesnt get the stock for this deal. Despite being the OP and putting the order through before others, I have now received a cancellation against my two orders (W8 and PD10). It is seemingly like a lottery to get stock. Very very disappointed. :(

Update 5:

After a disappointing weekend, DX has now come back to affected customers with a voucher that's worth 15% of the original total order. So, if your order was $200, then they will give you back $30 worth as a rebate in compensation to be used in DX. Apparently the stock is still available - but not it has changed to a different SKU but they are offering 15% off the original price. This is pretty beneficial if your original order was expensive (and hence you can get back a higher rebate value) - but typically most would only have done a $200 order with $30 rebated.

The new link is here: http://dx.com/l/au-direct/2013-02/special-items.aspx

As you can see, the deal is nowhere near as good as before. However, it is up to you as an individual to see if it is still good value enough to continue making the purchases.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    F U DX!

    • +3


  • +5

    Click here if you want to unsubscribe DX newsletters.


    I already did.

  • Anyone that purchased the W8 and used Paypal did you pay about $122? if it's cancelled will they refund that $122 or $116?

    • +1

      You'll get the exact amount in US dollars. No more or less.

      • +2

        Hopefully we'll all be a few cents richer since the $A dipped

        • On DX's website, my order page…..

          Payment success USD$233.50
          Payment dispute USD$227.60

          Looks like I lost USD$5.9. So once I get the money back, I will ask Paypal to chase them up again !

          They are really a scammer !!!

  • +2

    So annoyed here to see DX advertisement is still on Ozbargain!!!!!

  • +1

    Only reading this all now. Logged on to discover my order canceled as well. Hugely disappointed and never buying from them again. Now to hope for my refund.

  • +7

    Lighter side: Real world equivalent of this dilemma with bricks and mortar store.

    A large department store sticks a sign just before they open up saying "50% off selected range items". I notice it and start lining up since it had some good stuff in there. Started to call up my friends to tell them about this and we all queue up outside. Once the door opens, we march inside to buy something at 50% off.

    me: "I would like that new phone and tablet please for 50% off"
    Store: "OK.. that will be a total of $200"
    me: "Take my money!"
    Store: "OK.. Please wait whilst we get the items from the warehouse"

    A long wait later

    Store: "I'm sorry sir. The items have been sold out"
    me: "What do you mean, sold out?"
    Store: "Yes sir. The items you wanted have been sold out"
    me: "What the? I was first in line and waited outside patiently for your store to open. In fact, I trusted you so much that I shared the knowledge with me mates and they are all waiting to get their goods as well!"
    Store: "Sorry sir.. All of the 50% off items were sold out before you stepped into the store"
    me: "How the hell did that happen?"
    Store: "The Mice crawled in before you and purchased the stock before you got to the cash desk. We only had a grand total of 1 of each device"
    me: "You kidding right? You already accepted my money and was suppose to get it from the warehouse! Why did you even do a store-wide promotion to sell one goddamn item?"
    Store: "Sorry sir, it is all we can do.. It is now sold out. We can refund your money but thats been shipped off to the Bangalore Bank already. It will take another week before we can get you your money minus the other expenses you paid"
    me: "Bullsh!t. Let me talk to your manager"
    Store: "Sorry sir, the manager is not in until next month. He is on a long holidays at Bangalore with the interest racked up from your money".

    Decision point:

    1) Punch the Sales Assistant very hard and set the store alight?
    2) Go buy lots of Rat poison to use at the store?
    3) Walk home, take up knitting and wait for your money to come back from Bangalore?
    4) Make a huge racket within the store and demand for your money and goods?

    • Combination of 1 and 4.

      • 5) Wail loudly until some wealthy gentleman pays for my product due to the embarrassment i've caused him.

  • Complaint to the ACCC. As they have a warehouse in Australia they are carrying on a business in Australia and the Australian Consumer Law applies. Wont do much though..

    • +1

      They don't have a warehouse in Australia though.

        • +2

          That's an old link, they replaced AU Warehouse with AU DIRECT since last November.

          All AU DIRECT products shipped from their China warehouse via Toll Express.

        • Fair enough. Guess the old AU warehouse wasn't sending out enough parcels.

          In which case there's nothing we can do to regulate or do anything to them. Complaining to a govt agency wont have any affect as they're outside Australia's jurisdiction.

    • +4

      Since the petition is no longer addressing OzBargain (as DX.com has already been banned here), is it possible to set up your petition NOT TO send an email to me ([email protected]) whenever someone signs your petition?

    • +10

      I'm as annoyed as you, but don't be a complete idiot. Your petition will go straight to the circular filing cabinet. DX is not Australian.
      There is not, and never was, an Australian warehouse.
      And WTF does the FCC, American radio regulator, have to do with this?

      Google is scamming the taxpayer for billions, and you think they care about our minor problems? You are in a fantasy world. They best you can do is annoy them with a paypal dispute or credit card chargeback. Sorry, but we lose.

  • I won't be happy if the refund means I actually lose money because of the exchange rates via paypal.

    • The Aussie is down to 97c. You'll make a small gain there if it stays down.

  • +2

    DX.COM fkn bastards… Got cancelled 2 of my orders as well and was not given any notification…

  • my order shipped from HK but not my AU Direct order (tripod).

    • You're like a crazier, more motivated version of me.

  • -4

    You guys are sure making a big fuss about this whole debacle. Can't you just understand that DX had made a huge stuff up?

    They've said (as above) that they are finding a way to compensate people who have been affected by the cancellation of their items.

    Let's not be emotional about this for a second and just assume that DX didn't expect nor were prepared for a massive influx of customers for these items. We all know how OzBargainers can shut down websites themselves and destroy massive stocks of items in an instant.

    They've more than likely got thousands of orders to go through, 1-by-1 and cancel/refund due to their mistake. Those of you who are thinking 'They took my money to abuse exchange rates' are bloody paranoid and can't accept the fact a company made a boo-boo.

    I've ordered through DX dozens of times for miscellaneous items, my first one in 08 (which was a Nintendo DS Flashcart) and I'll continue to order through them again.

    I bought a tablet on the day and mine has yet to be cancelled. I expect it to later in the week and if it does, it's not the end of the world.

    Also, leave their customer support alone. They're just drones who don't speak English fluently, what do you expect?

    I'm not trying to be a 'troll' (i.e. someone with a different point of view) but acknowledge they <MOD Removed foul language> up and claim your refund, go buy your missus something nice or go out to dinner. You never needed this stuff anyway (as many have pointed out) :P

    • Perhaps I missed it but what exactly did they stuff up?

      Has there been an official explanation for what's happened?

      • -2

        Multiple times (read all the support chat in this thread) is that they never had enough stock and they didn't expect the influx of orders (the sale ended DAYS early, that's how unprepared they were).

        All they can say is that they're sorry (albeit through a language barrier)and go through all the orders and refund as soon as they can.

    • A justifiable thought, I haven't given up YET (still processing)…

      I've bought a few things from them before and they've all arrived, so I won't evade them if they do have dirt cheaper deals, but I'll DEFINITELY be more careful and check stock levels, prior to hitting "Pay"…

        • +4

          Still 4 sale, at full price of course- yet all our orders were cancelled ;) http://dx.com/p/freelander-pd80-hd-9-7-capacitive-screen-and…

        • -1

          Yes and DX more than likely had a preset amount of Tablets, Phones etc set aside for that promotion but forgot to put an order/stock limit on sales. Happens all the time.

        • checking stock in the sense either calling them or via chat…

        • What- 10 units?? not 1 person got what they ordered- I purchased within 3mins of the sale starting. I repeat- I'll be satisfied if just ONE person receives what they ordered from DX. We were baited and fell 4 it hook, line and sinker. —->http://transition.accc.gov.au/content/item.phtml?itemId=836386&nodeId=a6957583b3194639c3e38177d3d0b20f&fn=ACCC%20Infolink%E2%80%94May%202006.pdf

          "Bait advertising occurs when a business advertises or offers goods for sale, knowing that it cannot supply them in reasonable quantities for a reasonable period of time"

          Would you classify 3 minutes as "a reasonable period of time"?

        • … and how has that worked out for the CatchOfTheDay sales? You don't know whether or not a single person has received their order. There are still people logging onto OzB and saying 'Damn it's cancelled!'

          Could be plenty of non-vocal people who have gotten their orders, again - jumping to conclusions.

        • here's the problem with that argument kugz…

          no one got anything

          thats right… no one here go any 50% off deal

          even people who put in orders before the ozbargain post

          if you put a 50% sale on and dont honour any of the sales what is that exactly?

      • I'm sure the head departments of DX have been scolded about this because of angry customers that have put in PayPal disputes. That costs them money and customers, don't think it hasn't affected them.

        I'm just reading through all these comments and claiming DX to be 'dishonest' or 'scammers', automatically throwing out the idea that perhaps a company has hosted a sale and the response has blown them out of the water with the orders received.

        This could happen to any store online, brick and mortar, online or overseas. Shit happens.

        People shouldn't go throwing around conspiracy theories and accusations about a company because they made a honest mistake.

        • The header on your petition says 'SCAM' :P

          Go ahead with the petition, it's good to raise awareness and get them to understand how it's affected everyone.

          Just wish people would stop going out of their way to destroy a company's image due to a fault on a massive sale.

    • I'll be happy 2 see just ONE person on here that got their W8 or PD80- JUST ONE. OP was on this deal instantly as was I. Im 90% sure we will not be hearing ANY success stories from this deal. F**k DX

    • You misunderstand completely. They HAVE stock. Just not 50% off stock. They're trying to take the cake they offered us back, out of pure and simple greed.

      • Or PERHAPS they bought another batch of stock at a subsidized price from their supplier and used that for the sale. They were two different SKU's which could indicate two different batches of stock.

      • +1

        I totally understand DX have stock and are not parting with it for half price. We were lied to simple and plain.

    • +1

      What stuff up? The ploy to take people's money and say they stuffed it up? How hard is it for a business specially online to have limited quantity mentioned and active on their system, and once sold out the item can no longer be bought?

      The fact that every single item from the promotion minus the 50$ discount is still available on their international site suggests something fraudulent and not a stuff up.

    • -2

      I'll refrain from commenting on such a sensitive issue from now. I fear of being 'negged' and accused for working for them ;)

      If I do, I'll be sure to jump on the comment bandwagon!

      Thanks OzB community!

      • Good idea, because your comment doesn't make any sense in the light of the situation. I have been a customer of DX for a long time and have had my fare share of issues but never got upset and felt cheated, but this time I have. Surely, when they organize a promotion they have set number of items and time limits.

        • -5

          That's perfectly fine for how YOU feel :)

  • Hadn't checked on mine, then read a few of these comments.

    So yep, checked and also cancelled. PD80-HD ordered in the morning and a D50W a couple of hours after.

    They are not really competitive anymore, and there are plenty of alternatives out there so don't see myself sending any business their way in future, although have had plenty of orders in the past since 2007.

    Let's just see how long this refund takes, hopefully within the 3 days stated on the cancelled order, unless they really want to leave a sour taste in my mouth

    • plenty of alternatives out there

      I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the other stores were also run by them, only under different facias…

      Anyway, the majority of online/B&M stores source & import their stock to resell or dropship using Alibaba/Aliexpress. We might as well just buy from there directly also.

      • Yeah, quite possible.

        For the small items I usually find eBay sellers cheaper these days, even so for those that have there own online store and sell on both.

        Aliexpress is good for tablets and stuff, but small items are usually quite pricy for one offs.

        • Agree ^^. on eBay if you're lucky enough you might get the same gadgets ranging 1c-$1; much cheaper.

  • They claim to have shipped one of my non-Toll orders. Yay, batteries and a light bulb :(
    If the half-price IP-cam , air mouse and other gadgets ever show up I'll feel a little better, but not holding my breath.

  • +3

    Screw Dx never again, bitten twice now, first the $20 android stick and now the phone and tab. I used to recommend so many people not I will only warn them off.

    • That's what they all say, then as soon as they see a deal too good, they'll bite again. Then get all up in arms again. Which is why I LOL at all the 'never buying from DX again' comments. they said that the first time

      • Yes except they have now lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. If a DX deal looks like even half a bargain, then it'd be too good to be true. I wasted 2 of my lunchtime hours scouring through deals and researching all to no avail. Soooo cut at my stupidity of giving DX any credence. Never will I do anything stupid like this again.

  • +3

    Lodged my paypal dispute.

    • +2

      likewise . They won't start caring until it costs them .

    • What's the basis of my pp dispute and what do I say?

      • They took your money for items they don't have in stock , nor will they have in stock .

  • +2

    The more I look into the case, this is what I hypothesize:

    Some observations that have been verified:
    1) Cancellations were mainly from the AU Order and less from the later International orders. I put through 3 orders that day - 2 cancelled from the AU Deal with the remaining Internationally still ok. From the comments, a number of people have had confirmation of shipment of the International orders.
    2) the International Orders that did get cancelled were ones that was put in too late and they did a cut off point to stop further sales from going through
    3) The AU Sale went all the way through the morning until they put a block on it in late afternoon - possibly more than 12 hours. They did not stop the code from working even though they were way oversold.

    Hypothesized sequence of events:
    1) AU Direct did a sale on the items which were going to be 50% off anyway Internationally. They put this up hours in advance (past 1am) so that they dont conflict as much (even though they did overlap).
    2) The International Sale went on at 2am UTC (we are 10 hours ahead - which makes it midday in AUS East Coast time). By this time, the stock were fully sold to the AU Direct customers - but they must not have realised this as yet.
    3) The computer system and/or their business processes has taken the International orders as preference to the AU Direct orders. The stock allocation then went to the International orders instead of the AU Direct orders due to this fault (as explained by most International orders being intact). The Chaos factor would have also added to this with most of the staff putting through the appropriate administration behind the fulfillment process of such a large quantity of orders.
    4) By End of the day of the 15th, the staff would have gotten through to the AU Orders after the International orders (This was backed up from comments made by the DX Staff on the forum). This is where the "Oh shite" moment kicked in as they realised theres another 10,000 orders that was already previously captured by the AU Direct sale but had no stock on.
    5) DX Merchandisers spends the next two days on trying to obtain more stock from the manufacturers for the special prices they previously got it in for the sale (hence why they still kept the orders in the system and that their live staff chats kept saying "Everything is still ok"). They werent successful in securing more stock and on the 17th, started to discard the excess orders without contacting customers on this.
    6) Uproar from the OZB community as orders one by one dropped off the system.

    I am pretty confident that the events followed through as per the above with probably some minor changes to some details.

    • Don't you think they would have limited the number of items at 50% off for the promotion? Once those items were sold it should have either reverted back to normal price or out of stock? It's very simple if there is nothing else at play. Despite this, all the items are still available on their international site.

    • Its DX, they have never had any idea on what stock is available, they dont hold much stock apart from some of the shitty little throw away items.
      They tried for ages to get stock system up and running 3 years ago and it never made it.
      They even claimed it was working but it wasn't.

      Tiffnay@DX {2010.10.05} … With the new system, all the stock information has been corrected and we are able to purchase what exactly customers needed from the suppliers. In other words, we will be able to view the accurate stock information in nearly future.

      Because they have nfi whats available, unless maybe you contact them prior to placing the order, there was always going to a lot of people who missed out. They would have been fully aware of that and probably didnt careless, they can just cancel the order.
      The fact they asked some people to provide extra personal info and still cancelled their order is testament to the fact they had nfi on stock levels.

      I argued with them a long time ago about stock availability.
      I'd purchased items that said in stock and available in 4-7days (ie. they dont hold it but the supplier does).
      I waited 150 days to finally be told sorry, out of stock….no shit sherlock.
      The items were still listed on the site as available 4-7days. And they'd even introduced new items from that seller during that time. Even after contacting DX they said no stock but still listed it as available.

      None of this is new to DX, I shop with them (rarely now) knowing that there is every chance the item never had stock.
      I can contact them before making a purchase for a little bit of piece of mind but it still may not ever arrive.
      Most of the time I get my goods in about 3 weeks.

      There are plenty of other stores that are more likely to have what you want in stock, not definitely, but more likely.
      Just check the wiki http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/list_of_buying_sites

      • You are right about the stock in this as they usually keep very little to no stock and dependent upon an order with the products distributor or manufacturer (hence why one of the steps is waiting for collection of goods - from the upsrream manufacturer). In fact, all Dropship companies do this including Lightake, Meritline, Aliexpress etc.

        Basically they trade in paper numbers of stock - so when the number diminishes down to nothing, they are reliant on the system to do its job of stopping orders and alerting. Sometimes they can plea with the products originators to get more stock than what was ordered to substantiate oversold situations, but they may not get it since the manufacturer has at least a dozen of other outlets to also worry about and not to mention its own ecommerce retailing (where they get combined margins of end-to-end supply chain).

  • +6


  • +1

    Three PayPal disputes lodged!

    • Done

  • +1

    I wonder if DX realise that Australia has some VERY active forums around tech stuff e.g. ozbargain, ocau, whirlpool and others? Plus consumer or current affairs programs itching for a cheap story.

    I suspect many people who buy from them are quite aware of the opposition e.g. banggood etc and any adverse comments etc.

    Personally I've used DX for a few years but more recently have started just using eBay stores as well since prices are often cheaper and delivery typically is within 2 weeks.

    This kind of sour taste is remembered. I used to work in CRM and basically there was a 7:1 ratio between -ve and + ve memories, i.e. 7 x as many people remember a bad experience and will comment on it to others and so on.

    I would speculate that unless they do something quickly their sales across Aus will drop markedly and way MORE than the cost of honouring these orders. Even Kogan have honoured some mis-pricing in the past e.g. I got a HD STB for $9 delivered a couple of years back from them.

    DX have everything to lose across this market unless they come up with a good solution. Over time this may well spread further e.g. my UK parents have used them in the past, as have friends in the USA. NOT anymore, or at least they might think twice…

    My orders are still in their system but should they muck me around it will 3 x MasterCard Disputes and I doubt they want that to happen, perhaps even less so than with PayPal.

  • +1

    Mine is still in payment confirmed and FYI I ordered at 10:45am that morning. In an earlier comment someone was told that DX is bringing in stock from china as they oversold and this will take them time to deliver. If DX was telling the truth then why cancel many others and this the worry for now.

    Can I suggest the 4 line below are repeated with your data to help others be informed.

    time of order: 10:45am
    product(s): PD80-HD
    payment : paypal - no credit card photocopy required
    status: payment confirmed

    • Same here. Payment confirmed. Ditter V12. If orders are being cancelled, missing on deals can not be all that bad :)
      5/14/2013 10:42:58 PM PaymentConfirmed Payment verified. Order is being processed.
      5/14/2013 10:43:40 PM PendingPayment Order has been created, awaiting payment.

    • +1

      Yeah same here mate I just want my money back asap the payment confirm still there since the 14th

    • my order time "Order Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 23:16"

      when is it in our time?

      • Time of order: 6:40AM
        Product(s): PD80-HD Tablet (retina display)
        Payment : Paypal(credit card) - No credit card photocopy required
        Status: Payment confirmed

  • +10

    We were scammed, they might honour a few odd orders but 99% will just get refunded. They have us on their database and that's all these promotions are about. I would never buy from them again, most of the crap they sell is available elsewhere at roughly the same price. The best way to teach them a lesson is to stop using them and tell everyone to stop using them. They don't care about consumer laws, if they have to they will re-invent themselves under another name. After this I really think we should never see another post about anything they offer even if it's a 99% off sale. Lesson learned.

  • +2

    Ironically, the more controversial dx are, the more sites link to them, which helps their search engine rankings. About ten different node pages on ozb alone reference dx: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/dx.com?page=9 .

  • +1

    DX.com WTF…
    Payment confirmed (paypal),
    Order cancelled,
    then I send email I want my order not refund…
    Now payment awaiting …

    These guys are ripping me off. These guys do not even bother to send me email correspondence and I have to check my order status each time to see what is going on

    • What did you order and what at what time ? May be we can get an indication or a cut off time of which orders will be cancelled/refunded.


        Date Status Notes

        5/18/2013 6:46:39 AM PendingPayment Order has been created, awaiting payment.

        5/17/2013 5:13:43 AM Canceled The order has been cancelled.

        5/14/2013 9:37:17 PM PaymentConfirmed Payment verified. Order is being processed.

        5/14/2013 9:35:28 PM PendingPayment Order has been created, awaiting payment.

        • You're wasting your time, they won't shipped us anything!

          One of my order with PD80-HD and W8 phone have been cancelled 3 days ago.

          Live chat told me they unable to restore my order.

        • hmmmm strange. mine says the same. i lodged a paypal dispute- maybe it's part of the refund process?

        • -1


  • still Order Status: Payment Confirmed with a PD80…

  • +1

    People, the story has changed again now they are saying:

    DEar customers,

    We didnt cancel all orders and please be patient and the compensate plan will be issue next week. Today is sunday.

    It is our internal communication and system accident.

    Thanks for patience and understanding.

    Best regards,

    • -1

      And how can you convince me?
      Did they tell you via chat or they posted an official notice.

    • +1

      Thats just pathetic . What does it even mean ?

    • Fool me twice..

    • +5

      Change of heart may be because the DX beancounter figured the Paypal/CC chargebacks would cost them more than to actually get the items and ship them out. Even if that means organising more stock from China.

  • Means they are expecting you to wait longer for non-existent stock

  • Its not only the tablets, dad ordered a ditter for me plus a couple of other things, order got canned.

    • Did you delete your own post or the Mod took over your account?

      • I believe the mod "edited" his post and eventually closed the thread. They edited one of my posts, but I named online competitors who would stand to benefit from this unpleasant click-scam experience.

        The deleted text …Buyincoins, Meritline, BangGood etc…

  • Does anybody know on what price search engine they appear. I would love to express my opinion there too. Might hurt their sales. Not happy because even if refunded I have the foreign transaction fee on my CC and the miserable exchange rate both ways. Loss: 20$ or 10%.
    They do this to sell off their other rubbish. THen they cancel all the orders with the good stuff. Easy, isn't it?

    • +1

      Call your credit card company. They should refund the foreign transaction fee if you explain it to them.

  • To a moderator: Is it possible to BAN DX from OZBArgain, or do we have to downvote every time ?

    • DX is banned and has been for a while. This deal was excepted due to a request by the OP.

      Moderators don't check every comment. Please use the report link or TWAM in future.

        • Please use the report link or TWAM in future.

        • Short history:

          DX was first banned for rep posts due to unpopular deals.

          The company then decided to SPAM DX posts using ghost accounts. We had no choice but to ban them. This was solely to stop the company from posting. Regular users posted deals such as this one were popular.

          The OP requested that this deal be waived from the ban (albeit the incorrect way by bypassing our system). Due to the popularity of this deal, the deal was kept. This is a community site. The goal was to not stop the community from deals they want, but to stop the SPAM from DX. Thus the post was kept.

          The issues from this deal appear somewhere from page 7 and were not initially known upon posting.

          REMINDER: You can revoke your positive vote by hitting the votes tab at the top of this page, then revoke vote.

        • +1

          The deal being published wasnt a problem. OZB did the right thing posting the deal.

          Post any similar deals in the future? I guess so but the dramas from these deal should also be posted with the deal as a reminder.

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