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FREE 30 Gram Whey Protein Sample Posted (Requires Facebook Like/Share to Unlock) @ True Protein


True Protein is offering a FREE 30 Grams protein sample shipped for free if you like and share their facebook page.

The Like and share Unlocks the FREE sample on True Proteins Website

Screen Shot Proof

Choose between

  • Rich Chocolate
  • Iced Chai
  • Strawberry and Cream
  • Apple and Cinnamon
  • Banana and Honey
  • Wild Berry


Referral Links

Referral: random (10)

$20 for referrer and referee.

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True Protein
True Protein

closed Comments

  • +2

    Don't believe the reviews on the site when making a purchase decision, they don't publish any critical reviews. Get a free sample but I wouldn't recommend buying from them.

    • Hey there,

      Believe it or not, when people leave a review for a 100% free sample, receive it quickly and it tastes better than most on the market while being naturally sweetened and flavoured - they have good things to say.

      So no, we don't purposely push positive reviews only. It just so happens, that when people get a free sample of a good product quickly, they are typically pretty happy.

      Thanks for your perspective!

      • +2

        I wrote a review which wasn't published so I emailed your company direct. My concerns were responded to with marketing spin but my review still wasn't published. Maybe an administrative oversight on your companies part…

        • If that was the case, I would like to know a bit more to see why it wasn't published. I see no reason why any reasonable critical review wouldn't be published.

          Please PM me your email address and I'll look into this straight away.

        • @Hoselink:


          Here's the review, maybe I just could never find it but it's not in your WPI reviews that I can see. Happy to be shown otherwise and say that I'm wrong.

        • @bxpressiv:

          Unfortunately, from the whirlpool post text you provided, it's impossible for me to track down your review on our site.

          Please PM me your email address and I will look into this.

        • I tried to leave a great review. But for whatever technical reason I couldn't. I wrote to True Protein, but got no reply. (Yes, I white-listed them and checked my spam folder.) They even have my phone number.

          I figure if they can't be bothered to reply to a customer who is a bit of a fan and who wants to help them, what are they going to be like when things aren't so great. Sadly I've been reluctant to reordered from them since :(

          My review is here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/174035#comment-2448659

        • @surethang:

          Thanks for the feedback and the positive review.

          Not sure why you weren't able to leave a review on the website. Out of curiosity, was it the mobile version or full version of the site you were on when you tried to leave the review?

          If it isn't too much to ask, could you please PM me your email address and I'll look into this further?

  • +1

    Funny… I offer the same service to most people!

  • -7

    How is this a bargain?

  • +1

    Its charging me $2 for the sample :/

    • I'm getting the same thing, free shipping but $2 for the sample. I think it's a bug. I did the whole Facebook thing..

        • I don't doubt it works. I know you wouldn't have posted it before checking EC :-)

          The issue "could be" related to the fact that I have already received a sample from them in the past? Or it was just buggy.

          Eventually, I got it working by going through the process again on a different device using different credentials. Thx

        • @nismo: the experience I had. I clicked submit prior to selecting payment type of "free sample". It prompted me I missed a step and that's when the sample changed back to $2. So I did it again from scratch and selected payment type prior to submitting and it stayed at $0 the whole time. This may be the reason some are showing as $2.

      • +2

        Just worked fine for me.

    • Hey Rep.
      I did everything as asked, then at final stage of checkout, $0.00 became $2.00. I completed checkout by choosing direct deposit as my payment method, and you have sent me an invoice for the $2. Really, I'd just like my free sample please.

  • +2

    I submitted an order, so it works fine.

  • +1

    Their system is buggy or weird as heck. I've managed to get an email invoice/confirmation of the delivery/tracking for the free sample, yet.. it says that I owe $2. shrug It still went through though. Said order submitted.

  • +1

    Thanks and good freebie, but I think I'll stick to my old faithful Bulk Nutrients who don't require a Facebook like for free samples (yes, plural)

    • Not sure how long ago since you last requested a sample from BN, you might want to recheck as Facebook is required.

      And although I like BN, they are very slow with getting samples out. Took me more than a month of constantly hounding them via emails, it was ridiculous.

      TP, in my experience were much much quicker.

      • Thanks for the positive feedback!

        Yes, we are limiting this to one sample per user, but if people are getting bugs stating they still owe $2, despite having the sample show up in the cart and checkout as $0 - I will look into this straight away and sort this out.


        • I was only ordering one last night. I had previously ordered a sample last year.

          I got it working eventually. Thanks.

        • @nismo:

          Technically, you shouldn't be allowed to order another free sample, so if it gets cancelled in the system, that will be why.

          If that happens, though, you can PM me and I'll look into it.

  • -2

    Must be nice to be an Admin so you can get reports cancelled.

  • Seems to have a little trouble in getting through - - Mary Mary has eaten all stock?

  • I used to be a fan of True Protein. Then tried their Milk Protein blend (for night time). Bad idea. Gave me acne and stomach problems (bloating, gas, discomfort). Sent them an email about it but they completely ignored me. Got a full bag of the stuff sitting in the pantry. Won't be ordering from True Protein again because of that experience. Thought they would have had good customer service. Guess I was wrong. Just posting my experience.

    • +1

      I'm very sorry to hear you had a bad experience with the product. We have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee, so once I find your order in the system, I would be happy to process a refund.

      As far as being ignored, I am curious to know what happened here. Please PM me your email address and I'll sort this out straight away.

      Thanks for letting us know!

    • Hey there, I think I found your order from your username on OzB. I brought this up with the manager for True Protein and he forwarded me the email reply he sent to you on 29th January, but didn't hear back from you.
      Did you want to check your email inbox again and let me know if you find anything?

      • Hi Hoselink,

        Thanks for your prompt reply. I just checked my email and couldn't see it. Could you please forward the message to me again. Thanks. Could be an email issue.

        • +1

          Thanks for the quick reply. I have asked the Manager of True Protein to forward it to you again and it should show up in your mailbox soon.


        • @Hoselink:

          Thanks got it

  • Just got one, worked for me. Looking fwd to trying it, thanks OP (and hoselink for being so responsive)

  • Thanks for posting. Just ordered 1

  • What I dont like is the fact you need to actually promote a product from a company to your friends and family that you have never tried before.
    Seems a bit backward to me, even though I like free stuff just as much as the next OzB dude.

  • OP, do you manufacture your product in house or resupply Fonterra products?

  • Ordered first time got a sample. Last time no sample at all..

    • I would be happy to look into this if you'd like.
      Please PM me your email address and I'll see what happened.

  • LOL Buggered if I can make this work. Been trying for a few days now. Click "Already Like", Click Share (my facebook friends must be getting sick of it already), click "French Vanilla", then nothing.

    Using Chrome on Windows 8.1 if that matters

    • Hey There,

      Really sorry about that!

      I just noticed there's an issue with the dropdown when you choose french vanilla first, the "Add to Cart" button doesn't show up. Choosing any other flavour and it shows up fine. If you choose french vanilla after choosing another flavour it works fine as well.

      The issue doesn't happen in Firefox only Chrome.

      I'll look into this.

      Anyway, please PM me your email address and full mailing address and I'll send you your sample straight away.

  • +1

    I've ordered the free samples before and never received my sample…

    • Please PM me your email address and I'll find out what happened.

  • Will this 30 gram sample increase the size of my already bulging guns?

    • Undoubtedly.

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